The De-Coding of Jo

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The De-Coding of Jo Page 15

by Lali A. Love

  “I couldn’t find Ms. Rolland and her kids when I did the headcount. You think they’re okay Jo?” Flynn asked.

  “I’m sorry to break this to you, but unfortunately, Ms. Rolland, Pierre, and Lavender are Lizzie shapeshifters. They slithered back into their original form while we escaped the shipwreck,” I replied. I couldn’t shield them any longer from what was about to occur on this island. Roma had made that abundantly clear.

  “What the heck are you talking about, Jo? Did you knock your head on a rock or something?” Theo burst out laughing. He was not aware of my ethereal ascension mission or the Angel Academy.

  I sensed his repressed anger brewing below the surface. I turned to face him, holding out my hand in a welcoming gesture.

  Conrad immediately jumped to my defense. “Okay, calm down, Theo. Jo’s just trying to help, there’s no reason to lash out at her.”

  Even after our breakup, he still demonstrated his loving heart and devotion. I truly hoped he knew how special he was to me. He personified this new paradigm of love consciousness, always operating from his heart center with kindness and compassion.

  Conrad himself was shifting and rising in front of my eyes, on the same level as the Ascending Masters and Angels. His actions and intentions were pure and wholesome. I finally recognized that Conrad’s love was the very embodiment of a selfless, limitless, timeless, unconditional existence of the higher realms. He didn’t ask or expect anything in return, ever.

  I reached out and acknowledged his loving protective outburst as I continued to address Theo’s concerns.

  “Look, Theo, we don’t know each other well but I would like to ask for your trust,” I began. “We are in danger here. There are powerful, Dark Forces all around us with a sinister agenda dating back to the beginning of time. There is a galactic battle for world domination going on in front of us, while we all live in a reflective reality within our blind spots. We have been deceived and manipulated by Ms. Rolland since she started working at our school,” I explained, breathing deeply, and emitting from the heart.

  “Sounds like airy-fairy science fiction to me. What does any of this have to do with my sister, Jo?” Theo questioned.

  “Well, as I understand it, Alicia has been activated by the StarSeed Quest to help save an important person that has been captured by this evil Wizard. Her name is Roma. We have been communicating telepathically throughout this whole journey,” I explained, simultaneously conveying the urgency.

  “We don’t have too much time to get into the whole story, but it’s super important to find the galactic sword that she lost during her capture. It’s hidden in these shrubs somewhere,” I said while radiating healing pulsations toward his heart center.

  If I could soothe the inflammation of his central nervous system, perhaps he would consent to receive the healing energy upgrade.

  “Listen, dude, we have all seen what these entities are capable of doing. Just use your instincts and know that we are on the right path. We are seeking the truth, it’s up to us to decide and find our own voices. I trust Jo with all my heart. I hope you can too,” Zax said.

  Theo looked bewildered as he tilted onto his right leg. The pain was written all over his face. “Do you mind if I adjust my leg? It’s killing me from the dampness of the saltwater,” he muttered.

  “Of course, mate! Zax and I will keep watch for slimy intruders.” Flynn tapped Theo on the shoulder in support.

  “You can lean on me, Theo, if you need balance.” Conrad offered his shoulder.

  As Theo removed his prosthetic leg, Nisha handed him a small towel she had brought from the resort.

  “Does it hurt?” Daphne asked.

  “It’s not so bad anymore. I only feel the pinch in dampness. The years of rehabilitation have helped me adjust to some degree of normalcy,” Theo replied in a hushed voice.

  “Honestly, I had no idea. I think you’re super brave, Theo.” Nisha gave him a supportive wink.

  “I don’t feel brave, Nisha. I can’t believe I didn’t protect my sister on this damn trip! After all that we have been through, Alicia has been my rock. She’s been by my side, through the dark days of isolation, misery and self-pity,” he responded in angst and genuine concern.

  “Listen, I’m the last person to say this, Theo, but that little insidious and incredibly destructive voice in your head only exists to disempower and isolate you,” Nisha replied. “I have learned the hard way that negative thought forms keep us from realizing our full potential and inner peace.”

  Nisha was speaking from experience. Her powerful words expelled healing energy that she wasn’t even aware of.

  “I totally agree, Nish. The darkness creeps into our minds dozens of times within every hour. The more we focus on the negativity, the more we energize them, giving them access to our being,” I continued.

  “Ya, it’s like opening the door to our intelligence and inviting it for a latte and donuts,” Daphne chimed in, mimicking the darkness in a sinister voice.

  “Come on in, please, shit all over my internal landscape and mess up my vibratory field. Would you like whipped cream with your mochaccino?” Nisha chuckled at Daphne’s portrayal.

  “All kidding aside, I want you to know that we hear you, Theo. And I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. It’s difficult to see past the narrative and old patterns, but only you have the power and the free will to change your mindset,” I explained.

  “Yes, we can continue to propagate and dwell on the damaging thoughts, or we can try to do our best to overcome our obstacles.” I didn’t mince my words. “Do you want to wallow in shame, guilt, and victimhood all your life, or do you want to change the outcome of your perceived reality?”

  I asked him point-blank. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the luxury of time for a long discussion, and I hoped the potency of the words would infiltrate the density within his auric field.

  “We have all witnessed what negativity and self-hatred can do to a person. It was too late for our friend Rey, but if you listen to Jo, she can help you shift your debilitating patterns and behaviors,” Daphne commented.

  “We really don’t have time for this right now, guys. Can’t you expedite his energy upgrade or something, Jo?” Nisha asked, frustrated.

  “I’m already sending you healing energy, Theo, but it’s your choice. We all have the free will to decide the path we take in life. If you continuously enable the negative self-chatter in your mind, you become enslaved to them. Once you focus your attention on certain ideas and you boost those impulses through your emotions, you magnetically attract that frequency into your reality,” I said, providing a quick summary of the Law of Attraction.

  “When you dial into that low-vibrational radio station, you are compromised. You then tap into the collective negative patterns lingering in the ethers. With every emotional reaction of anger, fear, or blame for an extended period, you fuel this dense energy of unworthiness and separation. This is exactly what the Lizzie’s want so they can continue to feast on people’s misery,” I continued, fully aware of our endangerment.

  “Well, try being a disabled, transgender person. If you’d spent most of your life as an outsider, bullied, and treated like a freak, you would not be so quick to judge. Being trans belongs to me. This stupid artificial leg does not! And it’s my right to express myself anyway I wish,” Theo retorted.

  “I don’t judge you, Theo. None of us do. And I can’t pretend to know how you feel. It’s just that I have learned so much over the past year. I have expanded and recognized that every experience is an opportunity for growth. The goal is to become the alchemists of our own lives, refusing to be victims of circumstance. Hopefully one day, we can share our stories,” I replied with compassion.

  “And, if I may be honest, I think you may be assessing yourself negatively, Theo. You are your worst critic. And judgment is one of the lowest vibrational frequencies to emit into the universal quantum field. Let that go, forgive yourself and the past. It’s over
, done. Accept your life as it is right now. You are here, breathing, alive. What’s important is this moment and what actions we decide to take for a better tomorrow,” I reiterated, sensing the decrease in his inflammation as I interpreted his aura.

  “This is especially important while we’re on this island, vulnerable to the Lizzies and the Dark Forces. As I understand it, the spirits of the Atlantis civilization are stuck in this purgatory underworld. Our mission is to help liberate their Souls, so they can be escorted back into the redemption of the sacred Light.”

  I realized that Theo would not resonate with this information, but it was important for him to understand the potency of his trauma-based emotional responses. We didn’t want to provide any more power to the Lizzie mind control agenda, as they would use Theo’s compromised vessel as their host.

  “Alicia told me what you both went through when you were young, Theo. I admire and respect you. I think you’re both incredibly resilient and much more interesting people, to be honest.” Nisha smiled, placing her hand on his shoulder.

  “Thanks, Nisha. I appreciate that. I’m not sure I can control my feelings, Jo, but I’m willing to try. Sometimes, these emotions explode out of my teeth, and lashing out relieves the pain. At least now I can be more aware when it’s happening. I will do anything to save my sister and help you guys as much as I can. You have all been nothing but kind. Thanks for that,” Theo admitted.

  “You are so strong, Theo, more than you know. Thank you for helping us on this mission to liberate Roma,” I said.

  As we continued searching for the sword, the stench of the swamp enveloped my senses. It’s the Lizzies, they’re getting close! I was alerted to the threat ahead.

  “Hurry, we are running out of time!” I yelled at Zax and Flynn to follow my lead.

  “What does it look like, Jo? Is it like a Ninja sword?” Nisha asked.

  “Just look for any shiny object, Nish. It’s adorned with powerful plasma blue crystals on the handle. I’m sure it’s ethereal in stature,” I replied.

  Although the dark clouds emitted an ominous and eerie atmosphere, hope propelled us forward in this celestial time capsule provided by the Arcturus. I was so grateful for their guidance and protection.

  My sixth sense sharpened to attract the signal emitted from the crystals embedded within the sword. I guided my friends in its general direction, surrounded by Canary palm trees and juniper shrubs.

  There was a large overwhelming Dracaena Tree in the distance, past the Lily plants. It oozed dark red sap, like dragon’s blood. Roma had alluded to its medicinal and magical properties. My entire being oscillated while I envisioned the mysterious estate hidden under the remote Draco plantation.

  As we moved away from the young plants and trees located on the hot and humid shoreline, we encountered a nook that surrounded a graceful umbrella-shaped tree with numerous forked branches. Each branch represented a cluster of long sword-shaped leaves on the end.

  Could this be the location of the Custodian’s sword? That would be so clever of Gaia, to hide Roma’s blade in such plain and obvious sight! My heart palpitated in excitement as we all ran into the opening of the mysterious, sacred tree.

  We heard a clinking sound, metal on metal. I turned toward Zax and Flynn for an explanation. They shrugged in wonder at my gaze as Theo reacted in bewilderment. He cleared the long grassy plantation and moved his prosthetic leg from the area. Bright light reflected, illuminating the moss-laden forest surrounding.

  “Jo, I think I found it!” Theo exclaimed eagerly.

  I immediately followed the reflection emanating from the plush earth and grabbed the large handle of Roma’s blade. It was extremely heavy; however, as soon as my energy fused with the crystals, I emerged with the strength and power of a hundred thoroughbreds.

  As I unearthed the Blade of Truth from Gaia’s hold, all the knowledge of the Akashic Records downloaded into my being in slow motion. Time stood still. The light codes, translucent and glowing with information, hovered all around me. My friends stood frozen with expressions of astonishment and disbelief.

  It was incredible how humans had been conditioned and schooled with belief systems that went against our biochemistry. We grew up with a limited understanding that we only possessed five senses. However, our highest intuitive sense went beyond attachment to the physicality of our existence. It was a clear remembrance and knowing that other energies were aspects of the Source vitality, experiencing life through a unique lens and with distinctive perspectives.

  This entire reality was engineered with precision that always came back into perfect balance. The light and dark were dependent upon our collective awareness of truth. The higher-dimensional viewpoint resided within an infinite quantum field of intelligence. I had come to realize that this matrix was much like a super database, with codes that brought everything back into the equilibrium of infinite probabilities.

  My pineal gland crystallized like a magnet, attracting all the light codes of information. I witnessed the beginning of time, the Angels of Lemuria, and the darkness of Atlantis.

  These dark entities existed in human form, contorting our choices. From the beginning of time, all human behavior that deliberately harmed or violated another being’s free will without consent nourished the malevolent darkness.

  We have evolved into a race with fragmented Souls reincarnating into this false reality, resulting in today’s divisive, traumatized community. Without realizing it, we continued to perpetuate this separation, fear-based unconsciousness of the old limiting paradigm. It had to stop. It was time to break the cycle of fear, shame, deceit, rivalry, manipulation, and disempowerment.

  I recognized that this shift would require a purification through a cleansing of the mass’s collective initiation. We needed to take accountability for our actions, to integrate our thoughts and emotions with our spirits. By doing so, we would relinquish all external control and claim back our inherent sovereignty and power.

  As I became invigorated with this powerful code activation, my ethereal wings illuminated the physical realm. I soared above the ground and enclosed my beloved friends with celestial protection. Without much difficulty, I lifted the Blade of Truth and formed a circle of white light around my Soul tribe.

  I activated the Akashic imprints, raising the capacity of compassion on the planet. The old energy had been transformed, converted with new intention and purpose, born out of the purity of love.

  While honoring the Goddess of Gaia, I noticed the green slithery tails of the gigantic Lizzie assassins within my expanded vision.

  I gasped at their gargantuan, formidable presence. Instinctively, I pointed the blade toward the Dracaena Tree, creating a spiral between two saplings struck by lightning. The energy of the blade combined with the circular motion opened an etheric gateway between the worlds.

  Just as we entered the portal within our protective bubble to escape the assassins, I quickly tapped into Ms. Rolland’s thoughts.

  Her motives were soberingly clear.

  Devour everyone. Secure the blade and capture the Ascending Angel as an offering for Ciakar.

  “I know that you don’t wanna hear my opinion, but there come many paths and you must choose one. And if you don’t change then the rain soon come. You might win some, but you just lost one.”—Lost Ones by Lauryn Hill


  Roma’s Shadows

  “In a conflict between the heart and the brain, follow your heart.”

  —Swami Vivekananda


  Roma was unable to feel her arms. They dangled her in chains as she suspended from the arched ceiling of the mid-century estate to be taunted and belittled. The architectural design that featured exposed beams and floor-to-ceiling glass within the atrium created a pleasant atmosphere for the elite guests.

  She was certain the host would never allow the wealthy visitors to view the torture chamber hidden behind the glass walls of the great room, doubling as mirrors. After weeks o
f questioning and torment, Roma dug into her energetic reserves. Her human vessel would diminish rapidly without water and food.

  She had fought many battles in the parallel universes of Earth’s timelines on her beloved Lemuria. Roma’s people were manipulated and exploited with endless wars, deprivation, ignorance, and deception. After the onslaught of attacks by the Lizzie forces, the Lemurians lost their interstellar awareness, their magical abilities, and their self-confidence.

  The society diminished as it was no longer regarded as the guiding light and wisdom of peaceful divinity they once proliferated. Lemuria became unrecognizable. Everything was replaced by ruthlessness and vulgarity. The civilization was oppressed, censored, and operated from inadequacy-based beliefs.

  As a Lemurian descendant, Roma retained all the memories of her past lives and reincarnations stored within the Akashic Records. This was her gift, her quandary when she became an Ascended Master and joined the Galactic Guardianship.

  Normally, when a Soul reincarnated on Earth, an energetic cloak of forgetfulness, a partition, was erected within the being’s auric spheres. It ensured that all prior memories and experiences of past lives elapsed, separating the operative portion of existence from the Soul’s entirety.

  Although the essence of Lemuria was ejected from Gaia’s template within the current timeline, the spirit of life had been etched into Roma’s blueprint. Lemuria’s heartbeat still operated the planet’s core, manifesting in all the beauty and magic of Mother Earth.

  Roma recalled the pureness of the Divine Feminine energy existence when Light Beings lived as humans in peace, harmony, creativity, and affluence. This took her back nearly twenty-six thousand galactic years, to reflect on the golden age of the Empirical Sun.

  The Lemurians were the first interplanetary Galactic Beings that dwelled on the physical realms of the magnificent blue planet, governed by Goddess Gaia. They were thought projections that embodied pure love and infinite light of the Divine Source energy, operating as the ascended masters of the Universe in human form.


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