The De-Coding of Jo

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The De-Coding of Jo Page 21

by Lali A. Love

  “Jo, you are a sentient Light Being. Hold on to your truth and don’t fall for the illusion. Choose wisely!” With a final attempt, Roma’s words infringed through Ciakar’s dark web as a physical blow to my head rendered me unconscious.


  “We meet again, Roma.” Ms. Rolland shapeshifted back into her human form, spewing venom.

  “Ava, I know it’s you. You don’t have to do this, sister.” Roma calmly appealed to the goodness of her human form. “I can help you transform back into the Light. Don’t you want to get back home to our beloved Lemuria?” Roma faced her lost sister, reflecting on memories from another world.

  “You speak of a time that no longer exists, Roma. You romanticize that timeline, forgetting the wreckage and obliteration,” Ms. Rolland responded, positioned in a fighting stance.

  “This time it’s different, Ava. Modern humans are enlightened, interdimensional beings. They have worked hard to transform the generational darkness of Atlantis and have infused Gaia’s grids with a multitude of healing light codes. The human DNA is undergoing a massive upgrade with waves of plasma light that have permeated the planet in this timeline. Can you feel the pulsating galactic energy of the central sun? It’s aiding humanity to shift into higher consciousness. There are hundreds and thousands of StarSeeds that have been activated to navigate the rainbow bridge gateway to the fifth dimension. Just choose the Light, and come home with me, sister.” Roma appealed to a memory of her cherished sibling.

  “You think I care about the despicable humans or your perception of home?” Ms. Rolland yelled. “True power remains with the Dark Forces of Draco. I have emerged from the original lineage of the Ciakar race, and I am destined for greatness. I will continue to devour your humans and demolish your precious Light. Just like with Lemuria, you don’t stand a chance saving Gaia.” She continued to relay her venom of hatred.

  “I’m so sorry about Lemuria, Ava. I regret leaving you behind,” Roma said, trying to tap into some semblance of light within her sister as she inched closer to her human form.

  “You left me to perish in the pits of hell for your ludicrous cause. The pain and suffering I endured follow me into every timeline. But don’t worry, sister. You will know my grief quite well.” Surprisingly, Ms. Rolland lunged toward Roma before shapeshifting back into her Lizzie form.

  With a swift and precise movement, Roma plunged her Blade of Truth into Ms. Rolland’s human heart, twisting the sacred sword through the flesh until the blue crystals on the handle infused her organs. Instantaneously, it evaporated the beating Lizzie heart into ash and brimstone.

  With deep breaths, Roma recounted the Akashic invocations of past life bloodline contracts and agreements.

  “I cut the emotional cords that bind our blood through the timelines. Your programmed Lizzie actions don’t have any karmic power over me. I forgive you, sister. Lemurian Light and Goddess Gaia forgive you. I set your Soul free from darkness and cinders of evil,” Roma whispered as human tears of heartbreak trickled down her face.

  Joyful childhood memories of their shared experience on Lemuria flashed in front of her eyes as she released the guilt within her human system.

  “Please, flourish in peace and harmony. Let your Soul unfold into purity and wholeness for I AM liberated from guilt and sorrow! By the power of Ka-ha-lee, I set you free from bondage.” For the first time in centuries, Roma was able to immerse herself in real emotions through her warrior heart expansion.

  Embracing her feelings fully as she cleared the energetic discord through the broken fragments of her heart, Roma felt grateful to be alive, fueling her resilience to fight for the Galactic Light Force.


  My mind was transfixed, unable to think straight. The sensations of grief heightened within my heart center, shattering into a million crystalline pieces. I was still trying to process Conrad’s death, but my thoughts were hijacked and controlled by the Wizard.

  The momentary imbalance in my emotional vortex weakened my defenses, opening a path for Ciakar’s repulsive bondage to infiltrate my essence.

  However, the light codes already embedded in my Light Body shielded the Wizard’s dark energy from consuming my Soul. They propelled me into another realm of non-existence for safety and protection.

  I was floating, lost between the worlds. The familiar pull of dread took hold of me once again. Looming archetypal shadows lingered on the edge of my mind, crushing me beneath the sorrow.

  I couldn’t help feeling the weariness that emerged over me like thick smog. I could barely see the glow of light—the weight of heavy stones compressed my chest, depleting me of my breath. I clawed my way back, one inch at a time, grasping at straws made of smoke and ash.

  I was falling deep into the abyss of darkness as the sinister hooks continued to drag me further into their pit of misery. This dreamscape was different, unlike anything I had encountered in the past.

  I saw my mom’s face in a cloudy mist, calling to me, ushering me into a black backdrop teeming with cosmic stars. She kept trying to convey an important message, but I couldn’t hear her.

  I focused my awareness on her frequency. The warmth of her love embraced me with a mesh of light and halted my plummeting further into the gorge.

  Feelings of security, freedom, and unrestricted devotion infused my Soul as she cradled me in her arms, our hearts beating in harmony. This was my heaven, my peace, and tranquility. I never wanted to leave this serenity.

  “Jo, don’t be afraid. Everything will be okay.” I heard Roma’s gentle voice pierce through my safety net with thought transference.

  “What you are experiencing right now, the feelings of bliss, are the exact sensation of euphoria that we are trying to manifest on Earth. We are ascending our collective consciousness into our physical bodies, so you never have to leave this reality,” she continued, while I retreated within the safety net of my cosmic womb.

  “Remember, this Matrix that we are living in is a holographic reality composed of props. It’s a simulation projected by an extraordinary powerful processor that has controlled our consciousness for eons through electric pulses. The only thing that’s real is the presence of self.” Roma invaded my bubble as I floated in silent defiance.

  “It’s important for you to understand the multiple layers of denser frequencies that are simultaneously clearing from the grids above Earth as new light code activations are anchoring the template,” she continued relentlessly.

  “Please, Roma, just let me drift into eternity in peace,” I finally responded.

  “You are shedding constructs of the old paradigm, identities and characters of the past that have assimilated into denser reality frameworks. This is triggering old wounds and fears within you that no longer require space within the new gateway of the quantum field for all humanity. Don’t forget, disassociation and detachment from your authentic self is just a protective mechanism from many timelines. Don’t allow the old programs of unconsciousness to dim your inner glow by falling for comfortable patterns and old habits,” Roma pleaded.

  “I tried, Roma. I practiced self-love to anchor my Soul in alignment with Gaia. The pain I feel is too intense for me to process and to embody the Light,” I responded honestly.

  “These template upgrades to your Light Body are the final activation of code sequences that have been dormant within your system from past lifetimes. Surrender to the higher heart expansion gold waves that are permeating your core with cosmic activation keys. These are needed layers of linear cognitive processing patterns required for clearing all your automatic traumatic reactions. As you override your thought patterns from your heart center, you will rebalance your system through hyper-stimulus waves, allowing these fractal light ripples to stream into the electromagnetic data fields. Your throat, heart and solar plexus gateways will recalibrate to a faster bandwidth, causing a huge planetary upgrade.” Roma revealed the ascension lesson.

  “You can’t resist your inner Light, Jo. Creative intellig
ence is permeating your entire system through these triggers. This is how the light enters the cracks of your human heart. It’s the sacred fire of redemption. It’s up to you to alchemize it or continue denying it,” she persisted relentlessly.

  “Ultimately, it’s your choice to make if you wish to hide and retreat from your destiny, Jo. I don’t blame you or judge you, as I’ve been in a similar situation before. No matter what you choose, my beauty, Gaia and the world will evolve with or without you, into the light, or remain within the trajectory of the darkness timeline.” Roma’s words pierced through my heart with resonance.

  Everyone I loved was counting on me. Everyone but Conrad. He was now with Rey, hovering blissfully in the cosmos. I genuinely wanted to be there with them. Perhaps one day, we would all unite, chuckling at our shared experience.

  I was at the precipice of a cosmic shift, a reboot, triggered by emotional turmoil and wounds that were resurfacing to be released. It was the splitting of two worlds—the physical fear-based reality and the multi-dimensional spiritual world that was unfathomable to the un-awakened human mind.

  The physical reality that we dwelled in was completely restrictive and incredibly limiting. It held us back, trapped, and stagnant in our experiences, repeating the same cycles. It prevented us from integrating our spirits to truly embody our Higher Selves. I was battling the visceral restraints of my human vessel.

  With Conrad’s passing, I was experiencing another Dark Night of the Soul but on a cosmic level. I was replaying the same heightened narrative response to the trauma experienced by Rey’s accidental overdose. It was like someone hit the restart button, a pause, an opportunity to clear the wounding that I was avoiding and bypassing, stemming from loss.

  I underestimated Conrad’s adoration. Without hesitation or reluctance, he had sacrificed his life for me. For me.

  How could I allow the purity of his actions and devotion to be wasted with my self-pity and victimhood patterns? It was the most honorable and selfless act that anyone had demonstrated in my human reality.

  His unbounded behavior surpassed the third-dimensional matrix. It stemmed from a higher realm where there was no reliance upon any form of reciprocation. The true meaning of purity, an unadulterated, wholesome love that I had only experienced from my family.

  This was not a myth or a fantasy. Somehow, I got lost in our delusional society, totally forgetting what my mother had preached all her life. The Universal powerful force of love was more potent than gravity itself.

  Our society had been taught to respond with attachment in its place. True love was replaced with conditions, dependencies on behaviors, expectations, guilt, and self-gratification.

  Conrad’s actions were genuine, driven by purpose and intention to spare my life, to fulfill my celestial objectives in contentment and peace.

  With this realization, my heart burst with feelings of gratitude and appreciation for his beautiful essence, his magnetic Soul that radiated his self-love and knowing. His actions tore down the impediments surrounding my heart center and infiltrated my core with beams of invigoration and hope.

  They healed my lingering scars burdened by others before me. In the flush of his light, I found my strength and bravery to accept his sacrifice with an open, thankful, and humble heart.

  Through his mastery, Conrad reminded me that only pure love had the power to liberate us from bondage, to integrate our physical blueprint with our intuitive divinity. The lesson here was to let go of the ancestral encoded states of karma perpetuating drama that was no longer part of my narrative.

  I was unconsciously holding on to my karma’s vibrational discord, diverting me from my sovereign power and purpose to achieve my celestial trajectory.

  Although I understood this subjectively, I needed to acknowledge that my reaction was an automatic response, a crutch, holding on-to familiarity. This attachment was part of my energetic entanglement, unhealed shadow aspects, and limiting beliefs that no longer served or provided value for my inner peace and evolution.

  It was an utter spiritual disconnection and emptiness separating me from my Higher Self and Source energy. I had been in this state before, consumed by intense human emotional storms of hopelessness, and melancholy.

  This spiritual depression was an opportunity for me to purge my human vessel of all fear-based programs and pre-conceived judgment. It was the ultimate purification of my Soul, replenishing my essence back into divine totality.

  I needed to stop giving my power away to external forces and events. It was time for my Soul, Spirit, and my human temple to integrate and co-create my existence through a unified lens.

  With this galactic shift, there was a great deal of plasma Light entering the Earth plane, exposing the collective to face our inner demons.

  This golden Light illuminated every dark corner of my mind that was resisting to transmute itself. It mirrored parallel worlds experiencing this great purge, echoing our civilization’s reality. The frequency was modified within every human on Earth, sending out colossal planetary change throughout all creation.

  It was incredible to think that this massive cosmic reboot was affecting every Soul reincarnated on this planet in the shape of a physical form while it still existed in those higher realms.

  I needed to be more objective as I exceeded my human ego-based emotions and trusted the unfolding of the higher intelligence, the divine plan. I respectfully maintained my connection to this dimension while I returned to my human Light Body.

  I acknowledged my courage to be completely vulnerable, raw, and open to all aspects of myself, even as I spoke the truth on polarized occasions. With these experiences, my voice, although shaky and tainted with frustration, lit a spark for someone else’s darkness.

  I had a purpose and a mission to fulfill. The highest honor and service to humanity was to master my evolution. This was the secret to transforming our beloved planet. Each of us held the key, the power to become the change that we all hoped to realize.

  I decided to reunite and integrate my Higher Self aspect with my physical vessel and lessons. I imagined myself back in my mother’s safety net, where everything was still, quiet, and serene. I felt completely at ease, replenished, and at peace. The silence emitted a powerful, potent transmitter of higher energetic light.

  I became a portal into the celestial realms and the Galactic Council. With these loving seeds of light and remembrance, I developed an awareness of my subconscious expansion. Through this integration and deep healing, I had finally found vitality, self-acceptance, and freedom.

  I was fluctuating between different vibrational sectors, uprooting energies stuck within the grid templates of the planet. Bringing resolution to these energies, I disembarked from the emotional rollercoaster to liberate myself as well as humanity.

  With the conscious observance of all the mortal imprints of the past, I released the belief, transcending the pain points lodged in the collective body of past life traumas.

  This transformation enabled me to convert my despair and anger into strength, finding truth, integrity, and compassion for myself. I assumed more responsibility within my being, ready to serve humanity with grace and humility.

  This was my vibrational assignment through this mission, becoming a timeline jumper. Facing, integrating, and healing the repressed parts of myself was truly restorative for my Soul.

  I now understood the saying “pain is inevitable in this reality; however, suffering is optional.” It was up to us to choose to let go of agony with self-love, honoring our own sacred, unique journeys.

  This stage of the Ascending Angel Academy had taught me valuable lessons. I released the collective shame and blame game. I was worthy and deserving of acceptance of my inherent wholeness. When I didn’t acknowledge my shadows within, I declared a personality of non-existence.

  I chose to love all parts of myself, every aspect and experience, morphing into my mastery. I affirmed my sovereignty and aligned my vibratory fields with the quantum I AM

  My heart is an infinite surge of unconditional love. I open the gateway to deeper layers of Divine Love energy and release all narratives that inhibit the flow of this powerful force.

  As I opened my eyes to the dark chaos that still existed all around my physical vessel, I realized that I was bound. My head pounded, my wrists were tied behind my back, and I could feel the ache on the side of my head forming into a nice goose egg.

  The putrid stench permeated my senses, inducing stinging tears to my eyes. Ciakar was here, in this present moment timeline. I couldn’t see clearly through the blackness, but I could sense his dense energy, engulfing my ears and nose, as it sucked every bit of oxygen from the perimeter.

  I blinked once, twice, adjusting to the darkness. Tiny goosebumps appeared on the back of my neck, announcing Ciakar’s evil presence. My heart pounded against my chest in anticipation. My fingers tingled with numbness. I didn’t dare move a muscle in my detainment.

  “I am not afraid of you, Wizard of Bondage. Show yourself if you dare.” I found my voice and asserted my celestial arrival with composure and defiance.

  Although his menacing authority was intimidating to my human form, my ethereal being was filled with morbid curiosity. I imagined the incredible experiences and insights he possessed. It was almost like watching a horror movie, wanting to look away when everything inside of you screamed. But the plot successfully hooked you with the suspense and intrigue.

  Was it hypocritical to judge the Lizzies for their horrific acts of violence and terror? After all, they were operating from their state of awareness, regardless of source.

  From my understanding of the great experiment perpetrated on the star system of Lyra, the Draco beings didn’t possess a spirit. They were considered Forces of Darkness, stemming from separative, polarized, duality consciousness.

  Was it possible that they embodied the properties of the enigmatic dark matter within the ever-expanding Universe? My mind wandered to this unexplained thought.


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