The De-Coding of Jo

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The De-Coding of Jo Page 22

by Lali A. Love

  I understood that sixty-eight percent of the Cosmos was comprised of dark energy, which was responsible for the accelerated expansion of our Universe. Within this force, twenty-seven percent was dark matter, which only interacted with gravity. That only left five percent, a tiny fraction of the Universe, for Earth, Light, and other planetary star systems.

  I had learned that these high concentrations of gravitational field had the attributes to bend light. Perhaps the Lizzies controlled mysterious particles that only existed within dark matter, granting them the power of time travel through portals and black holes?

  Regardless of their lineage, they propagated the actions adopted from their environment, originating from the constellation Draco galaxy, containing self-serving malevolent behaviors.

  The Lizzies’ primary goal for existence was to raid realities and seek conquests through different portals of space and passages of time. They did not follow the Galactic guidelines of Light, allowing civilizations to develop their timelines.

  As I sat waiting patiently for my human demise, I felt a twinge of empathy for these entities. They were simply a product of their environment, using whatever level of power was necessary to achieve their purpose of world domination. As such, they operated from a state of negative divergence, consuming all formations of consciousness in their path, much like a metastasizing disease.

  Wow, did I just compare them to cancer?

  The Draco consciousness existed on various realms of density, of astral planes, and was quite neutral within the Universal Separative Principle. So, if the Lizzies could choose between Light and Darkness depending on their desire, perhaps they were not as inherently evil as we projected them to be.

  Are we able to save Gaia and humanity by showing them compassion and forgiveness for all their atrocities?

  This ideology still eluded me, even with my Celestial training and activations. It was the greatest colossal quandary, stemming from the beginning of time. Perhaps, it was not my place to question the Galactic Wars. I needed to observe, learn, and elevate my perception with my path of truth and knowing.

  “Jo, I’m right behind you, in the other room,” Roma interjected telepathically, jolting me back to the present moment. “I’m glad you decided to join me, sleeping beauty,” she teased, putting a smile on my face amid the trepidation and foreboding madness.

  “Roma, Ciakar is here, isn’t he?” I asked.

  “Yes, he’s keeping you hostage to bait me out of hiding,” she quickly replied.

  “Are you all right? I know what happened with Ms. Rolland,” I said tentatively. Roma never confided in me about her sister, but I could read her thoughts.

  “I’m fine, Jo. I tried to find the slightest bit of light inside of her, but she was consumed by brutality, greed, and power. Her Lemurian Soul was completely compromised. My sister Ava perished a long time ago, in another world,” Roma stated without emotion.

  “I don’t know how you manage to keep your purity and wholeness, Roma. I have lost two of my best friends since starting my ascension journey. I’m not sure I can follow your path and be a Light Warrior through many lifetimes.” I exhaled deeply as I marveled over Roma’s strength, courage, and incredible resiliency.

  “Your destiny is unique, Jo. You don’t follow anyone’s path but your own. The secret is to be present in every living moment, immersed in the human experience, but not be defined by it,” she further explained. Even when we were stuck on a battlefield, she found a teaching opportunity.

  “You must clear out the shadows buried underneath the collective patriarchal structures. We have to learn to exist in this world, not ignore it. Don’t get completely lost in the drama of being human. Balance is key, conscious awareness of every thought, emotion, and action. I know it’s difficult to come to terms with Conrad’s transformation from physical reality, but that was his destiny, his agreement with the Universe. When tumultuous circumstances like this happen outside of our control, we need to realign ourselves,” Roma reiterated.

  “I have integrated my density and shadows, Roma. There is nothing left to trigger my emotional responses to grief. I am fully operating from a sacred neutral space with an open heart, compassion, integrity, and truth,” I replied.

  “Good, because we are evolving humanity’s consciousness toward unification. The timelines between the duality-reality and heart-centered unity are becoming more apparent with the great shift of Mother Earth,” she responded.

  “Will this evolution of the collective consciousness save Gaia from extinction?” I asked, hoping our mission would be successful.

  “I believe so, but the balance can shift in an instant. It’s a choice the human race has to make collectively. For those who refuse to awaken to their truth, their Souls will eventually extinguish from the Akashic Records, much like Ava’s,” she responded.

  “So, the world will split into two parallels? We will continue to co-exist in the third-dimensional physical matrix as well as an evolved Earth?” I asked, perplexed about the state of our future.

  “Yes, dualistic constructs are perceptual ways of being. Each Soul is free to choose the timeline and reality they wish to follow. Suffering is a man-made construct that is no longer necessary. This doesn’t mean we won’t experience pain in our human vessels, but we will be able to make better choices of not prolonging the cycle of that experience,” Roma clarified.

  “I understand, Roma. No matter what happens, I can heal, process and work through the most difficult experiences with levity. I get that perception is key. But being human means that I’m flawed and will fall back into old habits,” I confessed with humility.

  “It’s okay to have those emotions, Jo. Honor them, feel them fully. It takes time to integrate your Higher Self with your emotional body. And don’t forget, you will continue to be tested on your ascension journey,” she cautioned. This experience was not over.

  “People who carry the frequency of freedom are highly targeted by those who are still zombified. When you broadcast a catalytic signal of your Higher Self, it reflects a charge in others like a walking magnifier web of distorted unconsciousness. Freedom of thought and expression gives rise to others’ limitations within the collective, attacking your vibratory field. And this is okay because you are helping their evolution journey by radiating your truth and light, Jo,” she said.

  “If we want to manifest heaven on Earth, just like my beloved Lemuria, we must break the shackles of oppression. The 144,000 StarSeeds incarnated in this timeline have overcome major obstacles that kept them trapped in the material physical plane. Never forget, Jo, that Light will always consume shadows in the expansion of all that is.” Roma concluded her wise and valuable lesson.

  I understood that humans were in avoidance of their repressed traumas, denying their light. Their shadow aspect was left unattended, unhealed, and not integrated with their spirit.

  These existing regressive energies of childhood sufferings and unresolved fear comprised the human, as they vacated their emotional Body since they didn’t feel safe in their vessel. And when people were dislocated from their wholeness, they acted from a space of separation and divisiveness.

  Our planet continued to be engulfed in higher golden light frequencies and activated light codes. Love consciousness would never encroach on another being’s free will. Everyone had the right to live their truth with integrity and respect.

  I recognized that humanity was on the verge of a massive breakdown before being propelled into the higher realms. The omnipresence of Source Light had permeated every living thing on planet Earth, releasing the hidden shadows. It was part of an organic purification and ascension process for Gaia before the cosmic revolution.

  “And by the way, while you were floating in your fluffy cloud, I was able to communicate with Alicia using our dedicated channel,” Roma interrupted my thoughts again.

  “So, you heard my entire inner monologue?” I asked sheepishly, casually waiting for the gigantic Lizzie to devour my hu
man vessel.

  “Yup, our circuitry is tethered for life in this timeline, whether you like it or not. It can only be severed by a cosmic disruption. Now, silence please. I need to use this secure channel.” Roma changed her tone, reinforcing the seriousness of the next moments.

  “Alicia, are you there?” Roma established a telepathic connection.

  “Roma! I made it to the coastline. What should I do next?” Alicia asked as I simultaneously observed my surroundings with my heightened senses.

  “Point the sacred indigo gem toward the water, above your pineal gland. Align it with the Merkabah emblem on your forehead and focus your clairvoyance on my frequency. Together, we can activate a light beam emanating from the Lemurian stone.” Roma advised Alicia to balance herself during the process.

  “Give me a few seconds. I will let you know once the connection is established.” I could hear Alicia take a deep breath as she activated the cosmic ray.

  “Okay, Roma, I’m ready.” Alicia maintained the connection both ways and continued to channel her energy.

  As Roma emitted the signal to the Galactic Council, I heard movement within the murky haze of the compound. Faced with the prospect of physical death, I lifted my tear-stained face in defiance. The hair on the back of my neck had erected in full anticipation.

  “Roma, it’s time.”

  “Your movement’s similar to a serpent, tried to play straight, how your whole style bent? Consequence is no coincidence; hypocrites always want to play innocent.”—Lost Ones by Lauryn Hill


  The Great Escape

  “Compassion is the wish for another being to be free from suffering; love is wanting them to have happiness.”

  —Dalai Lama


  The beacon transmitted a surge of light up into space. Alicia shielded her eyes from the brightness emitted by the sacred stone. Within moments, the clouds took shape, resembling invisible spheres of Pleiadean Beam ships. Alicia was aware that the Council often permitted vessels in specific landing places for urgent Galactic missions.

  She watched as the Starships cloaked by clouds hovered above her with a buzz that only enlightened beings could recognize. These spacecrafts could shield themselves optically and acoustically by activating a thin layer of the protective screen with specific gravitational fields. They were undetectable by any tracking device and human radar technology.

  The crafts that operated in secrecy around Earth belonged to a specific category of small reconnaissance ships with intergalactic capabilities. Others were capable of interplanetary and interdimensional travel.

  Alicia noticed the size of the incredible discs, ranging from five to twenty-two meters in diameter. Maintained by Androids, these vessels were equipped with thrust technique, enabling slower travel at velocities below the speed of light in physical realms. She marveled at the prospect of these ships used as a device for hyperdimensional transitions, transporting their crew in a blink of an eye.

  As she witnessed the arrival of the magnificent Beam Ships, she received a clairvoyant transmission from a unique frequency source that she didn’t recognize.

  “Do not be alarmed, dear one. We have been sent by the Council of Creation. Where is the Custodian of the Galaxy?”

  Alicia relayed the situation of how Roma and Jo were trapped inside the compound with Ciakar, the Wizard of Bondage. She explained that Roma couldn’t access her Galactic powers inside the dense purgatory.

  In a matter of minutes, the Beam Ships surrounded the Wizard’s complex, preparing blazing lasers to infiltrate the lockdown. Alicia transmitted a telepathic message to Roma and Jo, hopeful for the emancipation of her beloved world.


  Ciakar emerged into the great room, revealing his powerful predatory presence.

  “Finally, my prophecy will be realized. I’ve been waiting for this meal a long time. Show yourself, Custodian of the Galaxy!” he hissed, the force of his gigantic Lizzie tail striking every obstacle in his path.

  “Who shall I eat first?” His alligator teeth exposed the sharpness of a carnivore.

  We were surrounded by the Wizard’s remaining Lizzie guards, who had shapeshifted from their human form. There were three of them, waiting for Ciakar’s command. I took deep breaths, focusing on neutralizing my heart rate, as my human form baited the darkness out of hiding.

  The lockdown was still in place, and we were stuck inside the compound, unable to escape from the foreboding doom. I pretended to be unconscious, showing a lack of vigilance as the Wizard approached my body.

  I won’t allow Ciakar to enslave my mind.

  His energy launched an attack into my being. I focused internally, bringing my emotions into balance. I maintained the equilibrium of the masculine and feminine energies of my ethereal form. My light wings took form, metamorphosing as translucent electricity. It burned the matter that bonded my hands behind my back.

  I slowly rose from my captivity, empowered in my wholeness. Using my pineal gland, I activated the energetic magnitude of the island’s surroundings. This ignited the plasma waves emitted from the blue oceans, flowing from Gaia. I surrendered to the womb portal of the higher heart, flowing with intuitive wisdom, and exiting the linear timeline.

  Clearing the Lemurian and Atlantean dimensional realms within the quantum field, I anchored the vibrational frequencies. The memories were liberated from the fourth-dimensional astral plane matrix, releasing the spirits enslaved in between the worlds.

  The integration of my Higher Self manifested my Celestial powers into my human form. I connected to Gaia’s crystalline grid architecture, tapping into the Lemurian templates.

  I navigated the light codes with my internal guidance system through the density and shadows. I held space for the clearing of outdated imprints stuck within the Atlantean collective web.

  Gaia recalibrated from the ancestral purging of the old paradigm, awakening the collective consciousness from generational insomnia, and directed its trajectory into the new cosmic reality.

  The electromagnetic shifts expanded the dimensional bandwidth of the planet. New grid structures were anchored to support the activation of plasma light flowing through Gaia’s heart center. These holographic upgrades shifted Earth’s reality into higher-dimensional resonance, reflecting new octaves of consciousness.

  I opened my arms, as I confronted Ciakar, offering myself in totality, illuminating completely with Gaia’s power source. My actions had stunned the Wizard. He didn’t anticipate the shards of light, projecting from my third eye. They momentarily blinded him, as Roma emerged out of hiding and lunged at his Lizzie form with her mighty Galactic force.

  I watched in awe as Roma battled the Wizard with her Blade of Truth. She dodged Ciakar’s black tendrils, masterfully maneuvering with her sword, her lithe body in full Warrior mode.

  “Oh, you wish to play, stardust. Have you not learned from our last encounter? You will never defeat me!” Ciakar roared, unleashing his Lizzies onto Roma.

  “Get behind me, Jo!” Roma yelled as I moved out of her way.

  Roma fought with the Lizzies, one at a time, fueled by superhuman speed. The clanging of metal on metal caused a high-pitched sound, reverberating throughout the compound. She managed to trap her sword between two of the Lizzie black daggers. With expanded velocity, she backflipped out of the entanglement and rolled across the marble floor in a distorted combat dance of lethal moves.

  The Lizzies were slow to recover from the blinding speed. Roma plunged her blade into the first guard’s heart. She quickly withdrew her galactic sword and somersaulted above the second guard, severing the Lizzie’s head.

  Ciakar was undaunted by Roma’s warrior abilities. He thrust his enormous tail, pummeling Roma in the chest. The force catapulted her to the other side of the great room as she tried to maintain control of her blade.

  The unease within increased as my mind kept visualizing the worst-case scenario, but I flicked it out of my awareness before it
rooted its ugly claws. I observed helplessly as Roma dodged Ciakar’s consistent electric attacks, one after another.

  Unfortunately, Roma missed a step from her combat ballet and fell to the floor, releasing her grasp of the Blade of Truth. A tremor coursed from my sacral up to my spine. I fixated my celestial energy toward Roma’s blade.

  Ciakar sneered at her tumble, firing black jolting flares toward Roma. I screamed in warning, but my voice didn’t cooperate with me. Horror rumbled through me as I watched Roma get engulfed by the Lizzie’s menacing smoke.

  The Wizard grinned at me with malice as he paused to momentarily feast on his own guard’s carcass, fueling his power. The dark blood stained the entire white marble floor as the battleground became a gruesome combat zone.

  A shadow appeared within the periphery of my physical vision. The last remaining Lizzie guard shapeshifted into his human form and snuck up behind me, blasting me into the cold, sticky floor, and pinned me down with his body weight.

  “Did you think we have forgotten about you, Ascending Angel?” he whispered in my ear with his foul breath. “I’m about to eat your wings for a snack, you pathetic little cosmic waste.”

  The ravaged mutter drew my gaze upward. Blood oozed from his gums as he flashed his incisors, aiming to feast on my flesh.

  “Roma, Jo, take cover! Galactic help has arrived, and they are coming for you.” I received Alicia’s telepathic warning as I tried to ward off my assailant.

  A precipitous siren blared through the compound, stopping everyone in their tracks. I stared in silence underneath the guard’s oppressive force.

  Ciakar glared, confused, as the walls around the complex began to melt. Sunshine filtered in, flooding everything with light, followed by the eruption of the Galactic Plasma beams.

  The sudden surge of illumination pierced through my eyelids as I shut them tight to protect myself from the brightness. Every corner and shadow of the great room was fully exposed, revealing the carnage.


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