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The De-Coding of Jo

Page 23

by Lali A. Love

  Roma used the distraction and jumped at the opportunity to grab her sword, bouncing back on her feet. She raised the Blade of Truth into the oncoming beam of Celestial light, absorbing its cosmic powers into the blue, crystal-laden handle.

  Within seconds, Roma transformed in front of my eyes into her majestic Lemurian form. Her spell-binding beauty was breathtaking, but it was her confidence that exuded all the brilliance of a fully embodied, robust, enigmatic Goddess.

  She was determined to defend Gaia and humanity from the Wizard’s diabolical influence. Her intensity and resolve to battle Ciakar’s Dark Forces on Earth were irrefutable. Roma would not allow innocent Souls within the physical or astral realms to be devoured again by this sinister entity.

  Roma’s celestial presence finally revealed the secret of the StarSeed Quest with her transformation on the physical plane, as required for the battle. The radiant life force energy liberated Gaia’s hidden world, buried beneath her vast oceans, emerging as the blatant truth.

  The Draco forces utilized the secret of time, the most deceitful and elusive knowledge of humanity’s history. This was suppressed by the Lizzies, agents of darkness, disclosing Ciakar’s authority and self-serving agenda to infect the underworld and Gaia’s alkaline water source, using contaminated microbes released by pilfered thought tremors.

  I noticed the exuberant look of triumph on Roma’s face as she grinned at Ciakar in a threatening manner. As the protector of Mother Earth, she was fully empowered with her galactic superpowers to transform into elements of air, and the ability to resist burns in fire.

  Roma swept down on my oppressor like a giant bird of prey. Her wings fully unmasked, the Custodian of the Galaxy snapped the guard’s neck before he had a chance to shapeshift.

  “Oh, are you hungry, great and powerful Wizard?” she said as I escaped into a corner. Roma cut out the Lizzie’s heart and heaved it at Ciakar.

  “Here, snack on this!” she yelled, her azure eyes flaming with lightning bolts.

  I was overwhelmed by Roma’s newfound strength and resilience, witnessing her for the first time in all her glory. Her confidence infused me with optimism.

  “You will not escape me this time, Ciakar.” Roma pitched, getting back into her fighting stance.

  I observed how the hypnotic cinders around me blossomed into angry orange flames. There were several beam ships, hovering in the air, above the emblazoned compound. Celestial light beams projected in every direction. Joy coursed through me as I absorbed the cosmic energy with every fiber of my Light Body.

  Roma’s Blade of Truth was illuminated with boisterous radiance, the blue crystals shining brighter than ever. For a split second, she turned her attention to me, and we locked eyes. She fully acknowledged my visceral form with pride. Her intense sapphire spheres pierced through my Soul as we connected energetically.

  Her powerful transcendent impact catalyzed a transformation through my being, showering me with a surge of love and bliss. It was the symbol of her greatest eternal gift. I felt complete and unharmed, like no piece was missing from my spirit.

  I focused on the warmth of her affection as I kindled a flash back memory of our sacred union, in another timeline. An unusual sense of déjà vu fluttered over me as if this familiar moment in time had already taken place, in another world.

  Roma’s healing energy infused my physical form, unblocking every spinning wheel in my energetic vortex, returning to me my strength and physical power. I concentrated on my center and balanced my erratic emotions. My wings flapped with my movements as I levitated in the air with the rhythmic reflections of my illuminated surroundings.

  Ciakar attacked Roma with vengeance, gleaming with the black crystals perched on his crown. “Hand over the sword, Custodian,” he threatened, penetrating her auric field with his toxicity.

  Roma thwarted his assault and glared back in defiance; her light shield fully erected in preparation for the biggest battle of her existence.

  “You should reconsider, Ciakar. The Pleiadeans have arrived on the physical Earth plane. You are not strong enough to fight the Galactic Light Force in this realm, and there’s nowhere for you to escape this time,” Roma asserted, raising her Blade above her in a warrior stance.

  I cupped my hands in front of me, attempting to form electric light globes to distract Ciakar. I hoped to divert his attention with the shocks, providing Roma the advantage.

  “Jo, stay out of this. This is my mission, and the Wizard is my responsibility,” Roma instructed. Her eyes remained glued to every movement Ciakar made.

  “Really noble of you, Custodian. Do you think you can stop me from incinerating your pitiful ascending angel over there?” Ciakar smirked, drawing more power from the Black Crystals.

  “This is between you and me, Ciakar, and no one else. Let’s finish this battle once and for all. A fight between my Blade of Truth and your stolen Black Crystals.” Roma advanced toward his gruesome presence.

  “Stolen crystals? I consider them rightfully mine, earned with every battle and triumph. Who are you to declare war on my crown, you pompous bundle of bones?” Ciakar warned.

  “Your precious Light doesn’t govern the dark energy of the Universe. You and your treasured planet are nothing but a drop in this cosmic pool.” Ciakar glared at Roma with fury.

  “Your days are numbered, Ciakar,” said Roma. “The Celestial Light has debugged your unreliable, disruptive, and dysfunctional operating system within the matrix. The Galactic Light Force has defeated the Draco entities. You are on your own, without any backup, and I will not allow you to poison Gaia’s resources any longer!” Roma yelled, lunging toward the Wizard in the air.

  Ciakar blasted his electric stings, barely missing his target. Roma countered the attack with her sword, firing beams from her own Blade’s crystals.

  As I observed this great battle, I tried to communicate with Alicia telepathically. The temperature inside the melting compound was rising to a dangerous level.

  “Alicia? Can you hear me?” Concentrating on my psychic powers, I focused on helping Roma by hurtling moving objects within the great room with my mind.

  I watched helplessly as Roma bent on her knee, slashing at Ciakar’s immense Lizzie form with her sword. He dodged the attack with his tail. The Wizard used the long silver candle holders on the mantle as weapons. He twisted them with his mind and successfully catapulted the sharp objects at Roma’s head.

  Urgency raided through me as I activated my telekinesis energy force. I focused my mind on the bookshelf, propelling the large structure toward Ciakar. It temporarily halted him from gaining an advantage over Roma.

  Nervousness surged through my veins at the prospect of Roma’s demise. I harnessed its energy and formed powerful electricity between my hands. I took a deep breath and channeled the Arcturus force, using my Light Body as a conduit.

  “Jo? It looks like the compound is on fire! What’s happening in there?” Alicia’s voice filtered through my head.

  “Alicia, are you able to connect and channel the Beam Ships?” I asked, sharpening my plan. “We need your StarSeed power source to help Roma defeat Ciakar.”

  The Wizard’s extra-terrestrial mass and strength outmatched Roma’s stature. However, she persisted with retribution.

  “You are not strong enough, Custodian. Surrender now, and I may consider you for breeding my future generations. You can serve me for the rest of your days, just like Ava.” Ciakar laughed, unleashing his sinister thought-forms to incite guilt within Roma.

  “Never! I will never back down, even if I have to destroy myself in the process. You are a menace and have wreaked evil havoc throughout the Universe for your self-serving gains. It stops now!” Roma bellowed.

  This moment in time was bigger than any of us. I knew Roma would never give up the battle, even if it meant sacrificing her life. She was an incredible force, a fierce guardian and protector of the Light.

  “Hang in there, Jo. You are strong. You can get through this
.” Alicia boosted my confidence from a distance.

  As I prepared to receive the Galactic energy source that was going to generate enough power to vanquish the Black Stones into the Black Hole, I positioned myself within the apex of Roma’s Blade.

  Alicia communicated her location, ensuring a perfect Stargate triangle emanating from our auric fields. I expanded my energy toward Roma, infusing all sources of Light filtering through the air, and I felt the Arcturus frequencies within my orbit.

  I opened my pineal gland to receive the upgrades and transmissions. The information of Galactic data trickled through my energy centers. There was a new presence of another Light Being, forging through the telepathic channel.

  “Jo, it’s me, Conrad!” His vibrational imprint shocked me to my core. Stunned, I focused on maintaining the connection.

  “Conrad? How are you talking to me right now? Oh, my God! I am so sorry I was not able to save you!” Grief tried to creep back into my heart, but I maintained my neutral emotions.

  “I am an Arcturus Light Being, Jo. I volunteered for the StarSeed Quest, specifically to protect you on this mission on Earth,” Conrad stated calmly.

  “We are generating enough power Source to equip you and the Custodian with plasma energy. Alicia and I are in position, based on your location within the compound,” he explained.

  I was beyond elated at this revelation. I observed the figure of a celestial being descending from the Beam Ship toward Alicia’s physical location.

  Conrad’s ethereal form was exuberantly beautiful. His wings glowed with iridescent light, and my heart opened up with joy and gratitude.

  All of this was occurring simultaneously as the great battle continued with the clash of the opposing forces. Roma dove toward Ciakar with immense cosmic power. The ripple effect coupled with my telekinesis ability forced the Black Stone Crown off the Wizard’s gargantuan scaly head.

  Within a flash, Roma crushed the Black Stones into a dozen pieces. The plasma light from the Blade of Truth unleashed high-energy radiation, disturbing the gravitational vortex around the compound.

  Alicia, Conrad, and I released our Light Force Energy in that precise moment with immense strength, forming a perfect trinity with Roma’s Blade. The supernova explosion inverted the iron atoms that had been infused into the density of the compound.

  We opened a black hole within the Universal vortex that magnetized and pulled the Black Stones into interstellar space. The powerful gamma plasma rays burst the mass, devouring the dense evil smoke, propelling it into another dimension, far away from the sacred Light.

  I continued to anchor the high-vibrational frequencies from the crown circuitry matrix into the heart-centered field. As my ethereal form integrated the golden light codes within my physical body, enhanced blue rays activated the next wave of pure Source energy.

  Thus began the transmutation process of the density surrounding the Island, dismantling the artificial fear-based programs of oppression.

  “Roma! The veil has been lifted. Gaia is finally able to transcend the astral realm into the fifth dimension!” I found my voice as I relayed our victory with confidence. My entire being tingled with joy while we assisted our beloved Mother Earth and humanity into the new paradigm.

  Roma smiled at me, acknowledging our collective triumph for a fleeting moment. Our hearts united, triggering an explosive force field. Without warning, Ciakar swooped down on Roma. She raised her Blade in one final lunge, striking into his abdomen.

  The Wizard collapsed back in shock, and just as Roma was about to puncture his heart, Ciakar initiated a new portal with a remaining tiny piece of the Black Crystal, into a different dimension and timeline. Within seconds, he leaped through the gateway. Using his momentum and massive Lizzie tail, he forcefully pulled Roma into the portal with him, both disappearing in front of my eyes within milliseconds.

  I watched in dismay and disbelief as the events unfolded in slow motion. Deafening silence streamed through me for a brief moment before I unleashed a piercing scream of high octaves, disintegrating all the windows and mirrors within the estate.

  “Roma!” I floated toward the disappearing portal as it vanished into thin air. I collapsed onto my knees with devastation. The ground beneath me began to quiver with tremors as the planet integrated the dynamic events and shifted timelines.

  The celestial plasma light within me invoked the White Light redemption, transmitting its power into the Earth core.

  Alicia managed to drag me out of the blaze before the entire estate collapsed into molten ash. The compound erupted in smoldering flames, disintegrating all evidence of the illusive estate in the Canary Islands, where darkness reigned on innocent Souls.

  I was shocked at the outcome. The curtains had fallen; the Universe and the Council had spoken. The density of the veil remained intact within Gaia. I had never imagined this ending unfolding—leaving the island without Roma.

  I inhaled deeply, taking a pulse of my internal state, and questioning all of my actions. Did I make the right choices to solidify the best reality within the Higher realms? Is this the physical potential of my future existence? I reimagined all of my movements, searching for alternate timeline possibilities.

  Roma. Roma. My heart dropped. Her essence was completely gone from my field. The silence and emptiness felt daunting, cutting my energy cord from her magnetic Soul. I took deep breaths, encoding the quantum messages of the Arcturus and the Council.

  I slowly realized the duplicitous impediment that had been fogging up my lens of perception. I was developing a reliance on her vitality.

  The trepidation I felt letting go of Roma were due to the last piece of attachment and co-dependency that had remained in my physical form. It was a delusion that was connected to another potential positive future outcome.

  In the moment, I declared my complete surrender to Universal intelligence. I no longer desired to be the blockage in the process of my manifestation.

  I did my best. I found courage and bravery along the way as I released my uncertainties and trusted the process. I believed in my inherent power to co-create my existence within a harmonious and blissful timeline.

  The lesson was abundantly clear. When I observed my past through the channel of time, I enlightened newly formed aspects of myself, connected to my awareness. All of these versions created light ripples within the future reality.

  As I finally came to my senses in my human vessel, fully submerged in my heartbreak, I noticed the catastrophic events that had begun to take place. Somewhere nearby, volcanoes erupted in multiple locations, between the layers of dimensions and timelines.

  Roma’s Blade of Truth had finally disrupted the oppression of Lizzies’ purgatory, releasing its stronghold over Gaia. The remaining underground tunnels of anguish were destroyed, damaging the fourth-dimensional pathways and existence of the astral realm.

  Balance was temporarily restored on planet Earth as the Sacred Light prevailed throughout the Galaxy, consuming the shades of gloom. Humanity’s future evolution was temporarily halted, as Gaia immersed herself into the embryonic cosmic cleanse within the cerulean healing waters.

  “Deep in my heart the answer it was in me. And I made up my mind to define my own destiny.” —The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill by Lauryn Hill


  Golden Reflections

  “Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”

  —Ramana Maharshi


  I gazed up at the heavens and admired the vast night sky, illustrated with brilliant stars within the grand design. The beauty and magic humbled my perspective of the intelligent reality, framed by the specters of the moon.

  My heart yearned for a better world that awaited all of humanity, filled with hope and compassion. I dreamed of a possibility where a new utopian existence would emerge, aligned emotionally and in harmony. A New Earth where telepathy, levitation, astral travel, and telekinesis were as prevalent as breathing.

  I inhaled deeply and acknowledged the moment that would be transcribed into a memory, etched into the archives of space, between the cosmos and parallel timelines.

  Crickets performed in the background, coordinating the nocturnal beings that heralded the night. I embraced each minute with an open and loving heart as tranquility tantalized each of my senses.

  I recognized that my physical body was operating from an upgraded, newer version of me, straddling dimensions. Everything I witnessed through this lens of hyperreality blended the worlds of human existence and celestial realms. I existed in an intertwined dimension, with no clear discrepancy between where one ends and the other begins.

  “So, what’s the verdict, Jo? Are you getting new and improved Angel wings, or what?” Nisha teased, sipping on her hot chocolate.

  We were all huddled around the wood-burning fireplace in my backyard, reflecting on our experiences on the island. We had catapulted into higher frequencies by jumping multiple timelines. It was primarily due to our collective shift in our human evolution through our unified experience.

  My brows rose in uncertainty. It was a new beginning, a clean slate for humanity. The perceptional awareness of this reality within my mind’s eye was subtle, but my sentiments had changed. I would never take my safety and security for granted again.

  “I won’t know until I see the Council, Nish. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they ask for a celestial re-do,” I replied, half-joking. “After all, I didn’t exactly succeed in recovering Roma.” I felt the pangs of regret set into my chest as I surrendered to it fully.

  The emotion consumed me, as I blamed myself for my perceived desired outcome. I inhaled deeply and processed the feelings of loss, disappointment, and released them with every exhale, cutting their weighted cords from my energetic vortex.

  “You did everything humanly possible, Jo. Roma chose to time-hop through that portal. It was evident how badly she wanted to destroy the underground tunnels,” Alicia said, holding Nisha’s hand. “She’s one bad-ass warrior, I tell you!” They were inseparable since spring break.


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