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The De-Coding of Jo

Page 25

by Lali A. Love

  As I continued to receive the downloads from the Galactic Council in energetic holographic zip files of psychic impressions, I translated that rate of sound-wave pulsations in a relatable and concise manner with my friends.

  “So, how do we think the Celestial in training is doing, folks?” Zax broke the silence, diffusing the seriousness of the group.

  “She’s acing it, of course! Jo doesn’t need us to validate her credits to advance to the next stage. I can tell how much she has matured with the amount of well-being, wisdom, and confidence she’s exuding,” Daphne stated jubilantly.

  “Aw, thanks, Daph, I’m just so grateful to experience this with you, my Soul tribe. I think I finally have let go of my tribulations and old narratives. I realize there is no need to hold on to it anymore like a security blanket,” I admitted.

  “By appreciating each moment, I allow life’s greatest miracles to unfold. I think it’s important for us to love and value ourselves through all aspects of our lives. This embodiment will be my final stage of ascension.” As I announced the next phase of ascent, another thought percolated in my mind’s eye.

  The seed of knowledge that was planted by the Council had finally bloomed, revealing bits of information about the global events that were about to arise for our world. No matter the obstacles that had faced humanity’s darkness, I reaffirmed my intention and attention.

  Whatever showed up for me in my trajectory, I would permit the energies to flow through my body, not allowing them to reside within me or identify with their vibrational texture.

  I am not my emotions. I am not my feelings.

  I blinked excessively as I finally grasped this concept that the perceived desolation was simply energy moving through my vessel for a software upgrade.

  The energetic exchange of our connection with Source signaled the Universal quantum field that I was ready to embody my infinite potentiality. And as my path revealed itself, I understood my final stage of ascension at the Ascending Angel Academy. I anticipated my next mission from the Council with exuberance as my mind’s eye projected the golden beams with violet hues at the end of the rainbow.

  “Well, I’m not sure if I’m ready for another one of your galactic adventures, Jo. Not yet anyway. I’m still dealing with our recent escapades!” Flynn laughed nervously, bringing me back to the conversations.

  “Don’t worry, Flynn, you take whatever time you need. The road to recovery has lots of twists and turns, so don’t rush your healing journey. Clear out your storage unit to create more light for your vessel to embody. You will receive everything your heart desires at the moment it’s meant to arrive, through Divine will.” I smiled through my response, my heart exploding with love.

  “Besides, the ascension we are experiencing as a planet is a transmutation process of expansion. In scientific terms for us geeks, it’s the direct consequence of the change in form when heat and pressure are applied.” I could tell that Nisha appreciated my nerdy humor.

  “Don’t get me wrong, the change will be uncomfortable and perhaps painful due to the amount of intensity required to transform,” I warned about the next phase in humanity’s evolution. There was going to be a global pandemonium in our future timeline, but I kept this information to myself.

  The world was about to be turned upside down from perceived notions of normalcy as Gaia purged and cleansed her wounds and transgressions perpetuated by humans. She was going to release the toxicity stored within her grids to progress into higher realms.

  But for now, I wanted to celebrate our blessings.

  “Never forget, my sweet friends, we are the anchors of Light, fighting conflict and exposing the shadows for the greatest planetary advancement known to mankind. Cheers to our sovereignty and to our next great adventure!” I raised my glass to toast my Soul tribe and our incredible experiences.

  “Cheers to us, the Light Warriors of Earth! We are the divergent leaders of the shadow world, forging new pathways by tapping into our internal compass. We refuse to follow the zombified herd and abdicate our freedoms, to conform in conventionality and predictability!” Alicia asserted proudly.

  “The Kick-Ass Light Ascending Warriors, you mean, refusing to be induced by the hypnotism of fearful thoughts!” Nisha smiled proudly, holding Alicia’s hand.

  “Ooh, yes, let’s hear it for KALAW and our future escapades together!” Daphne giggled as she attempted to name our group, causing an uproar from Flynn and Theo.

  “Geez, Daph, that’s a lame name for our new superhero status. How about we work on that this weekend?” Zax grinned, fully engaged, and supportive of the idea. It was beautiful to observe his peaceful energy exchange with his best friends. His admiration and devotion to Flynn imbued his every human interaction.

  “No matter what comes our way, I wouldn’t want to experience this metamorphosis into the New Earth without you guys. I totally appreciate, adore, and love you all.” I bonded with them emotionally.

  We cultivated our reconnection with the mysterious Source of all creation by giving and receiving adoration frequencies. The transcendent revolution infused each of us with unlimited radiant life force energy of Love. It extended our heightened perceptions of beauty and magic, lifting us into our Higher Self-awareness. Our auric fields melded and swelled within our spheric bubble of grace.

  I gave each one of my friends a warm embrace before they left, feeling nourished and enriched by the goodness of humanity.

  The truth was that their love and joy was the greatest spark of nourishment that liberated my spirit for my daily existence in this realm. They reflected and mirrored my virtues, my morals, my integrity, and my lessons. I felt empowered with the resonance and could never imagine my life experiences without their Soulful energy exchange.

  I was excited about the prospect of birthing more superhuman potential through physical human form. Once we initiated ourselves into the realm of service for others, we automatically drifted through the fourth-dimensional Earth plane, bypassing its timeline into the fifth dimension of creativity and celestial possibilities.

  To continue this course, we needed to evolve to a place where mankind was completely untethered to the physical realm of trauma-based survival. This was the place where each person learned to master the gift of embracing timeless existence, preserving, and cultivating our collective creative energy.

  Levitating, I giggled to myself as I witnessed this virtual holographic reality game from a higher perspective, by objectively observing the energies around me.

  Once we all graduated from the ego layer of the three-dimension console of limited narratives and characters, we would be presented with an opportunity to co-create a higher realm that was outside of linear time.

  Every obstacle and trigger presented events as a steppingstone. We just had to recognize the opportunity for advancement by allowing the catalyst to propel the upward surge of frequency within the energetic vortex of our auric fields.

  Upon much reflection, my mission was not to fall for fake stories and deceptions of the external world. This new version of my Light Body had evolved from the old paradigms of fear-based conditioning that only functioned with the intent to paralyze my spirit.

  I had to integrate my lessons and the missing dissonant frequency within my human vessel that was a conduit for the light. It was done by relinquishing control of future outcomes and acknowledging whatever resulted in my existence, accepting every situation and emotion with full accountability.

  It was a great responsibility for my human form. If this required me to sever ties to anything or anyone that did not enrich my daily life, then I needed to prioritize my wellness above all else. As divine beings, we were responsible for our existence by honoring our truth. Each person on the planet was worthy of joy, inner peace, freedom of expression, and fulfillment. It was our Soul’s inherent right.

  By doing this, we were empowered to alchemize the lower frequency we held in our bodies into higher pulsations, sliding up the vibratory scale wit
hin our reality.


  I couldn’t help but wonder where she was in this vast, magnetic Universe. Perhaps she had time-traveled back into the Lemurian timeline? Roma truly embodied the superhuman qualities that we all aspired to achieve on our journeys.

  I recognized and respected that every person had a different vibratory signature that projected through their energetic field. It was unique, magnificent, and equally extraordinary. By celebrating our individuality, our planet and all living things with honor and integrity, we took back our inherent power from the Dark Forces.

  When humanity fully opened our collective hearts through the willingness of giving without reciprocation or expectation, we operated from a place of wholeness. It signaled to the Universe that we were consciously choosing to expand our heart-center into the quantum field and were willing to create our reality by magnetizing the pureness of Source life force energy.

  As my friends and I continued to connect on a soulful level into the wee hours of the night, I breathed in love and exhaled my gratitude for each waking minute. I found the beauty, magic, and pleasure in everything that was offered in the now moment.

  This prepared me for the consequent blitz of celestial power headed my way as I prepared for my final mission. My physical body was ready to absorb the incoming golden rays from the Arcturus light force that was sent to enhance the best of humanity.

  The cosmic time travel was becoming second nature for me now. The feelings of security, freedom, and peace were welcoming to my splintered Soul. I had learned so much on this ascension journey, with experiences that were beyond my wildest imaginations.

  These celestial insights evoked other dimensions within my consciousness that could only be reached by mastering my thought consistency and integrating it with honorable, limitless, elevated heart-centered reactions.

  “Welcome home, Beloved.” The warm, familiar sensation emanated from the Council of Creation and embraced my being with gentle exuberance.

  “You have done well in your second phase of ascension. We are quite proud of your choices and actions,” they said, evaluating my mission. Watching myself and our experiences on the island played back on the holographic screen was a little unnerving.

  “Thank you; however, I was unsuccessful in my mission to capture Ciakar and rescue Roma, our Custodian of the Galaxy,” I replied with remorse.

  “From the higher perspective, you have conducted yourself with great wisdom and bravery, Beloved. It’s time for you to release all the restricted narratives encoded in your human DNA. This is your integration induction into an embodiment of the third stage of the Ascending Angel Academy,” the Council responded in unison.

  “I have passed the second stage?” I asked in bewilderment.

  “You have graduated the Hall of Learning and Truth with grace and integrity,” they replied. “While you were on the Earth plane recovering Roma and rescuing the captured StarSeeds from Ciakar, the Galactic Light System neutralized a security breach by nefarious forces. Due to Gaia’s critical evolution into the fifth-dimension, planetary Light forces deployed a major offensive in the sublunar space against the Dark Forces that have been holding planet Earth hostage. We have emerged victorious because of your successful mission. Your cosmic reboot cleared the hold of the Draco entities within the current timelines.” They continued to brief me of the unknown battle that was waged above Earth.

  “With all due respect, we are still in danger on Earth. The Wizard of Bondage has escaped through another portal. What’s preventing him from fulfilling the Draco agenda on humans?” I continued to question, perplexed by this discovery.

  “If Ciakar decides to quantum leap into your timeline again, he will do so without the assistance and galactic power of the Draco Beings. The Custodian has also chosen to follow Ciakar’s timeline hurdles to prevent another purgatory scenario,” they reported. I was totally surprised to hear about Roma’s next galactic mission.

  “The cosmic clearing will take some time as the light code activations filter down into Earth’s surface. Your civilization will begin to experience glorious energies of freedom as Gaia’s crystalline grid elevates into gamma timelines. It will be a major event for humanity, as the grand ascension into the fifth-dimension is imminent. The Pleiadean Prophecy will be manifested as planet Earth elevates from the long period of cosmic darkness into the sacred Light.” The Council radiated with luminosity and heart-centered love.

  “A major energetic ascension portal will open in the Lemurian timeline as celestial alignment marks the Golden Age of Love. There will be a massive eruption of the grand solar flash, supplying magnetic white plasma light activations from the Galactic Core. The energy released from this compression will trigger another wave of the collective ascent of the planetary consciousness.”

  “Has humanity crossed over the rainbow bridge? Is everyone safe?” I asked, still concerned about the people operating in duality and fear-based systems.

  “There will be many light code activations for those who awaken. Be prepared as the shadows of humanity are exposed into the Light. There will be a mass outcry for justice and false fearmongering as Gaia rids itself of the menacing fleas. Stay grounded in nature and continue your meditative practices to hold the space for this activation.” They confirmed what I had come to understand.

  A catastrophic event was about to ensue on planet Earth as a form of purging of lingering negative energies.

  Although this information could be perceived as apocalyptic, I got the sense that it was the complete opposite. Humanity would be faced with another opportunity to take responsibility for their daily lives, without avoidance and inconvenient attitudes.

  Each person was asked to level up, to expand their awareness of the higher realms and propel our civilization into a quantum leap. It was a precious gift for everyone to evolve in our engagement with one another, our societal structures, our planet, and to co-create new loving systems that thrived with equality and justice for all beings.

  “You and the StarSeeds will help integrate and embody the higher frequencies into humanity’s blueprint. You will continue to lead and expand the collective consciousness with the breath of life, ensuring that each human being takes responsibility for their actions. With our escape clause, everyone will have a chance to change how they operate and contribute to the world’s challenges.”

  The Council referred to the admonitions of the Pleiadean Prophecy of the twenty-first century. There was a drastic imbalance of the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies within the quantum field of existence carried by each Soul.

  Since everything in the Universe was interconnected through networks or grids of energy, these dynamic strings all intertwined at a single point within our solar system. Planet Earth projected a variety of holographic realities within the cosmic structure, and Gaia was the brain and heart of the Universe. Her wellbeing affected the future probabilities and realities of the entire cosmic realm.

  The Pleiadeans discovered this essential wisdom about Gaia from a future timeline and named her the Crown of the Galaxy. The original prophecy was based on an apocalyptic parallel reality of our world if we failed in our mission to defeat Ciakar.

  I suspected that Roma had this inside knowledge before she leaped into the black hole, supervising Ciakar and his evil plans. I didn’t blame her for not sharing this information. The obligation for the entire Universe was too much to endure, even for the Custodian of the Galaxy.

  It was why our planet was guided by the intelligent Light Beings from every ethereal realm. Within each possible timeline, whatever impacted Gaia and humanity, reflected on the galaxy, and eventually flowed into the cosmos. I was astounded to discover that the Council was trying to prevent a universal catastrophe.

  As I processed the information, they continued to transmit their celestial wisdom. “Your species have been initiated, reconnected, and aligned to the frequency settings with our light codes that will evolve Gaia. Each person’s DNA and heart
cells will be resurrected into another multidimensional framework, to prepare for the massive collective upgrades.”

  My entire ethereal being radiated with explosive light arising from my heart center as they concluded their final session before my celestial commencement.

  “This shift will assist Gaia and her inhabitants into the fifth-dimensional sphere of blissful existence. Only those who choose to live in harmony, peace, creativity, service, and co-creation will form an enhanced conscious community. Once again, humanity will have to choose how to evolve between the Atlantis and Lemurian timelines. Stand by for your final phase of ascension, Beloved. The golden embodiment of the Divine’s expression is upon you. Many blessings of Light and joy.”

  The Council had announced my next mission, and I was filled with massive energetic enhancements, powering me with a surge of hope and transcendence. Their blessings illuminated my celestial light wings into full force, providing me with the magical powers of movement in the air, even on Earth.

  As I returned to my teenage bedroom simulation in my human vessel, I immediately felt my heart overflow with love and gratitude for all my experiences and the present moment.

  Even though Ciakar had escaped, I was resolute in my belief that justice would always prevail. Through the eyes of mindful empathy for our collective ego structure, I felt compassion as external forces continued their battle to slow down the awakening consciousness on a massive scale.

  I graciously observed this trauma response of our society to a conditioned, divisive, outdated reality that campaigned to avoid the discomfort of its integration.

  I comprehended that this sinister adversary was the ally of avoidance because the dualistic personalities of humanity rebelled against the intelligent and loving Universe. The survival-based ego was too fearful of losing control of future deceptive outcomes.

  However, I had come to understand that the Universe was a rescuer as it continuously expanded its infinity and endurance. The love energy carried profound transformation that helped us unshackle ourselves from the illusive matrix, no matter how much despair was displayed within the virtual hologram of planet Earth.


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