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The De-Coding of Jo

Page 27

by Lali A. Love

  It includes the pituitary, master gland,

  cascading down with a swirl of a magical wand.

  The coherence of this spiral to our Root,

  provides us the greatest experiences that will suit.

  Our highest level of consciousness originates,

  in balance, harmony, and flow where divinity relates.

  When we become activated, we feel worthy to receive,

  insights, epiphanies, from the unified field we believe.

  We access the data, memories through a

  quantum leap,

  evolving and ascending our mastery, no longer asleep.


  Ascension: this process includes three stages, initiation, integration, and embodiment. It is the spiraling upward motion within the human auric energetic vortex fields. It raises the pulsation/vibrations of light and frequency rhythms within the human body, to align with the Higher Self aspect of Source.

  Aura: there are seven layers of energetic spheres surrounding the human body vortex, also known as chakras. The first field is the etheric layer which is closest to the physical body and is connected to physical health, pain, and pleasure. The second field is the emotional or astral aura plane, which extends up to three inches away from the body. The third field is the mental layer, which sits three to eight inches away and is related to ego, values, and beliefs. The fourth field is the astral body, encompassing the love layer. It’s correlated with the heart chakra, connecting the three lower auric planes to the three higher ones. The fifth field is the manifestation layer, the spiritual aura plane. It reflects spiritual health and connects to the wider universe. The sixth field is the celestial layer, which corresponds to intuition and is linked with the third eye. Finally, the seventh field is called the ketheric template or the “I Am” layer, which is the potential, fully integrated and embodied connection with the unified quantum field Source and divinity.

  Awareness: it is the state of being in every now moment, self-informed. The old paradigm explained that consciousness was rooted in mind. Science and esoteric philosophy suggest that consciousness is pure awareness, before perception, before thought, before mental activity, and is the basis of nature, existence. Perception is the result of many mental activities, but awareness results from one mindful activity.

  Consciousness: it is the energetic divine expression, an aspect of the “One I AM Source,” “the Prime Creator” and “free will” that characterizes our Souls. It transcends time and space and is multi-dimensional. It is a combination of perceptual experiences (such as colors, sounds, smells, tastes, etc.), sensations and feelings (such as hunger, thirst, happiness, sadness, fear, pain, pleasure) and cognitive processes grounded in emotions through life events (such as attention, thinking, memory formation and recall, etc.).

  Divinity: it is the state of all existence that is believed to come from a higher power, the unified quantum field, such as God, Supreme Being, Prime Creator, or spirit. Our Souls are an expression of the Divine, an eternal aspect of Source experiencing life based in truth, while material things are regarded as transient and founded in illusion.

  Ego: it is the imaginary identity, mask, of an “overstimulated nervous system” or shadow of self that operates in survival mode—the root cause of pain and suffering due to childhood trauma. The primary function of the nervous system is to help maintain a sense of linear order through the multi-dimensional nature of life. It is a conditioned tendency to get lost in an inflamed personality or inflamed emotional state due to an inflamed nervous system. When your consciousness is limited through patterns of overstimulation, the nervous system deletes from your perception anything that contradicts your strongest beliefs.

  Empath: an overly sensitive individual, highly attuned to the emotions and energy of others within the collective. They can easily take on the emotions of others as their own, including the collective auras of the planet, through porous boundaries, and may end up absorbing the pain and stress that is not their own. Empaths are sharply intuitive and are adept at reading people and situations beyond just surface-level impressions. Intuition is the filter through which they experience the world. Due to their giving nature along with their keen insight into the human psyche, they tend to be natural healers.

  Energy: it is the study of forces like love and gravity, motion, vibration, and frequency, which can take many forms. Moving objects have kinetic energy while resting objects have potential energy (the objects will move if resistance is removed). Einstein’s famous equation, E=mc2 shows the equivalence between mass and energy. Nikola Tesla states that energy, frequency, and vibration hold the secrets of the universe and that we are all part of one quantum energy field.

  Enlightenment: it is the unification and “full comprehension of existence” or the actual experience of our own shifts in consciousness. It is the remembrance of our Divinity, as we expand our states of consciousness and elevate our higher self through the energetic electromagnetic fields around our physical bodies. One such definition for spiritual enlightenment is the complete dissolution of one’s identity as a separate self with no trace of the ego-mind remaining.

  Essence: it is our personal style that transcends all of our stories and narratives. In some respects, essence and soul are almost the same thing. The terms are often used interchangeably; however, the essence does not animate the body; it is the quality of how you express the stories you live through. The core essence is your Soul’s distinctive fingerprint, what makes you uniquely “you.” It is what separates each person in their individuality. It drives our soul and is the engine which our spirit revolves around. Essence follows us no matter which forms we may take. To see and accept the essence of another is to have power in how you work and flow with another. To embrace your style is to never work against yourself. Understanding your essence will help you flow with more grace in life.

  Existence: it is the factual state of being or having objective reality, referring to the ability of an entity to interact with reality directly or indirectly. Science states the only things that exist are matter and energy, that all things are composed of material, that all actions require energy, and that all phenomena (including consciousness) are the result of material interactions. In every moment of existence, you have free will to choose, to identify with sensations and the knowing of experiences and are free to express yourself with pure awareness.

  Flower of Life: it is a sacred symbol that shows up in temples, churches, and revered texts, from early Egypt to the Kabbalah and Christianity. It consists of overlapping circles that create symbolic connections to the Seed of Life. Made up of nineteen complete spheres and thirty-six arcs in a large enclosing circle, the Flower of Life is considered “the perfect form.”

  Light Warrior/Worker: the flame carriers; they hold the light energy of this planet in balance to help shift it into a higher level of consciousness to illuminate and enlighten the world. Some lightworkers, such as spiritual teachers and psychics, take on the role of energy healers to raise the collective state of consciousness around the world. They can manifest, create, or control things with their thoughts, attention, and intentions. They also have an innate ability to transmute low vibrational energy into light, to heal and make those around them feel safe and comfortable, exuding vibrational frequencies of their inner light, warmth, love, and joy.

  Metatron’s Cube: it contains all known geometric shapes that exist in physical matter, from snowflakes to the human eye. Thirteen equal circles extend with lines to twelve outer rings. It represents our body within three-dimensional space and time. This symbol is a reminder that your creative energy will find its way into the world.

  Pineal Gland: also known as the third eye, it is a small, typically cone-shaped structure at the center of the brain, located between the eyebrows. It arises from the roof of the third ventricle, enclosed by the pia mater and functions primarily as an endocrine gland secreting melatonin. Most people sense they are not living from their highest pote
ntial, operating instead from the subconscious mind. The third eye gives us an intuitive perception of the Universe and the world beyond the five senses, providing self-awareness and celestial intelligence. It represents the point at which the body receives energy (transmission of frequency) from the universe that keeps our lives sustained. We use our perception, our consciousness, and our senses to gain awareness of energy transmissions via information and data.

  Physical Universe: it is all of space and time and their contents, comprising all quantum energy in its various forms, including gravity, electromagnetism, radiation, and matter, and therefore planets, moons, stars, galaxies, and the contents of intergalactic space. It is an existing matter and space considered as a whole, the cosmos. The Universe is believed to be at least ten billion light years in diameter and contains a vast number of galaxies: it’s been expanding since its creation in the Big Bang about thirteen billion years ago.

  Sacred Geometry: they are symbols that carry sacred energy, and reflect the organic shapes found in the Universe, nature, in cellular structures, and in fractals. They are the icons for the universal truth, creation and all existence.

  Solfeggio Scale: consists of vibrational sounds of music, in rhythmic patterns that use the power of frequencies of the 432-hertz and 528-hertz scales and are directly associated with DNA repair. Music based on these tones can be used for healing by activating our pineal gland in our mind and positively affecting our emotions.

  Soul: it is the energy that transcends a person’s being. It incorporates the person’s thoughts, will, desires, emotions, and their ability to reason. The Soul is the heart of the body; it does not die since energy cannot be destroyed. It is an immortal part of a person that transcends death and goes on to a higher existence or reincarnates back into the third dimensional reality.

  Spirit: it is the spark of light, the living radiant life force in the body. It is the reason why we are living and moving around. It is the source of power and control for both our body and soul. When we die, the spirit—the living force—leaves the body. Hence the body dies. The spirit stops existing, while the soul moves on. The spirit is often considered to be the spark that animates a person’s spiritual story before it returns to the light.

  Spiritual Awakening: it is the conscious awareness of remembrance and reconnection with the Divine through self-realization, which is ultimately one and the same. It also dissolves the illusion that we were ever separate from that oneness. It is the process when our consciousness expands and opens into a new expression, recognizing our true nature. It moves us into alignment with the divine and shifts us toward our most authentic way of expressing our higher self and fully living.

  Spiritual Bliss: comes from being totally aligned and integrated with your higher self, your soul, your divine truth, your mind, and your body, and in harmony with the universe. The dictionary defines it as supreme happiness, utter joy, and contentment, dwelling in paradise or attaining nirvana. It is a state of being, not an actual place, free from pain, worry, and suffering.

  Universal Law of Energy: states that everything is energy. This includes humans, our cars, and our houses and all that’s in them. We are all made of atoms. Energy is neither created nor destroyed; it is the cause and effect of itself. Energy is always evenly present in all places. It is in constant motion and never rests. Energy is forever moving from one form to another, and change is its only attribute. There is a frequency or vibration of energy that fills the Universe. This energy is not only beneficial but also essential to all living cells, whether human, plant, or animal. Human beings utilize this energy with their mind. Every thought is transmitted by this energy. Every aspect of life in the physical realm depends on this basic energy.

  Universal Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: it is a constant state of motion and transmutation. The law explains that the non-physical level of life is always moving in the physical form. The physical level of life is the manifestation of the non-physical. If we understand that energy is forever moving into form, and we know that our thoughts, ideas, and feelings are energy, it is easy to follow how the images we hold in our mind most often materialize in our daily lives. If we wish to exist in harmony with this law, we must always be aware of our thoughts and feelings. If we choose to react in a negative pattern from past behaviors, we can acknowledge them, honor them, and choose to process them, resulting in a positive state of being.

  Universal Law of Vibration: it is also known as the Law of Attraction, as it explains that everything vibrates; nothing rests. Our thoughts are waves of energy that penetrate all time and space. Our feelings are our conscious awareness of vibration. The specific relation of the law of attraction here is that energy that is on the same frequency will resonate and attract. The energy that is not on the same frequency will repel. Our physical reality is but a manifestation of our own, unseen, internal reality. To live in harmony with this law we need to remember that our feelings are our conscious awareness of our vibration. Our objective is, when we are not feeling well to become aware of what we are thinking. To change the vibration, we can improve it by thinking of something pleasant.

  Universal Law of Attraction: it is a constructive or positive use of energy that raises the level of consciousness of humans and in turn, raises our vibration rate or frequency. Every individual has a different rate of vibration. All of humanity’s global problems are created by our thought projections. What we emit from our collective mind in the form of thoughts, we magnetize and receive back into our energetic fields. Spiritual growth requires the transmutation of all negative thinking, which dissipates “the life force” or vital energy.

  Universal Law of Rhythm: it explains that everything goes through cycles, yet everything has a rhythm, a pattern. What may sometimes appear to be random is very orderly. The tide goes in and out, the seasons come and go, night follows the day, and so, you too have your moods swing back and forth. We know that by law, the swing will change, and things will get better. We can be on a natural downswing and still feel good.

  Universal Law of Polarity: it states that our three-dimensional physical existence has an equal and opposite divergence, and one does not exist without the other. We don’t have an inside without an outside, no dark without light, no up without down, etc. It proves there is no bad without good. Therefore, in every situation that might be considered relatively bad, we always know there is also good, even if we do not quite see it. Knowing this can be really reassuring in any given experience.

  Universal Law of Relativity: it explains that all things are relative. Nothing is good or bad, big, or small until we relate it to something else. Everything in life just is. There is no high or low, fast, or slow, except by comparison. We can use this law to heighten our self-esteem. We will then become aware of how special we are considering the truth.

  Universal Law of Cause and Effect: it means that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Energy returns to its source of origin. Whatever we send into the Universe comes back. Therefore, when we say kind things to everyone and treat everyone with compassion and respect, it will all come back to us in abundance.

  Vibrations: they are the rates of frequency or wavelength that oscillate through dimensional levels when we expand or contract our consciousness. High vibrations are generally associated with positive qualities and feelings such as love, forgiveness, kindness, compassion, and peace. On the other hand, low vibrations are associated with darker conditions such as hatred, fear, greed, judgment, comparison, and depression. The higher our vibration is, the more in touch we are with our higher self, inner “god/goddess,” divinity, Soul consciousness, wholeness, universal harmony that describe our true nature. This also means the lower our vibration is, the more out of sync we are with our higher truth and being, and therefore, the more suffering and conflict we experience in life.

  Works Cited

  Online Research Sources:

  Bartzis, Andrew, The Galactic Historian, Contract Revocations,

  Dispenza, Joe. You Are the Placebo: Making our Mind Matter. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 2015.

  Talbot, Michael, and Lynne McTaggart. The Holographic Universe: The Revolutionary Theory of Reality. New York, NY: Harper Perennial, 2011.

  Tolle, Eckhart. A New Earth. Penguin Books, 2015.


  “Dear Fear, I acknowledge that you intend to conjure sinister thoughts and emotions during this global pandemic. This non-empirical delusion causes anxiety about a future outcome that doesn’t yet exist. I refuse to perpetuate this form of irrationality. I reclaim my power and sovereignty from your potent influence.”

  —Lali A. Love

  Thank you, God, and the Universe, for all my blessings and for all the abundance that is yet to come. I embrace every moment with an open and loving heart, including all my experiences and lessons for the evolution of my higher self.

  I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to all my esteemed colleagues and writer friends who have generously embraced my stories and encouraged my writing journey. Specifically, I am incredibly thankful to the members of the Queer Indie Alliance for their loving support and inspiration. They are beautiful souls who embody love-centered unity by creating a “diverse, inclusive, and supportive community of radical acceptance”.

  I am grateful to be blessed with the unconditional love of my family, friends, and colleagues. A special acknowledgment to Halo, Mario, Ash, Steve, Anya, and Rashmi for reading my advanced reader’s copy. I feel truly blessed and honored to have received your endorsement.

  To my heart and soul, you both inspire me daily to be the best human in this existence. Keep forging your creative and authentic paths, as you illuminate the world with your brilliance. You can manifest whatever reality your heart desires. Thank you for your generosity, uncompromising love, and motivation. I honor your journey.


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