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The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.
Aadha Gaon (novel) 52, 174
Abbas, K. A.
Naya Sansar 86
A Report to Gandhiji 282–3, 285
Abir (rifleman) 229
Abse, Wilfred 256–7
Adamjees 308
Admin Box, Battle of the 246
aeroplanes 170–71, 172, 307–8
see also Royal Air Force; Royal Indian Air Force
Afghanistan 20, 21
Agordat 62, 63
Ahmed, Kazimuddin 247
Ahmedabad 88, 174, 185
Fort 179–80, 196, 281–2
prisoner-of-war camp 78
airfields 162–4
Air India 172, 308
air raid casualties, Indian 140
air raid precautions (ARP) 88, 94–5, 108–11, 113–16
Akbar, Ali 23
alcohol 5–6, 89
Ali, Aftab 46, 48
Ali, Aruna Asaf Ali 59, 60, 320
activism 180, 182, 183–4, 198–9, 206–7, 273, 303–4
and Asaf Ali’s arrest 178, 179
imprisonment 60
relationship with husband 178, 196–8, 281–2, 306–7
tried in absentia 199
warrant for arrest cancelled 303, 305–6
Ali, Asaf 59–60, 178, 179–80, 183, 196–8, 199, 281–2, 304–5, 306–7
Ali, Mubarak 50
Ali, Rashid 76
Ali, Sardar 28
Ali, Syed Babar 168
Ali, Zulfiqar 130
Aligarh Muslim University 136
All India Radio 40, 71, 184, 222
Allahabad: Kitabistan (bookshop) 42
Ambedkar, Dr Bhimrao 56, 186
American troops 151, 155, 174, 307
arrival in India (1942) 142, 143–4, 146
and brothels/prostitutes 144, 239, 240, 243
and famine victims 214–15
food suppliers 201–2
hiring of ‘native bearers’ 147–9
propaganda advertisements for democracy 151–2
racialism and segregation 152, 267–70
requisitioning 166
training of Chinese soldiers 271
violence to Indian civilians 275–8
work on Ledo Road 260, 261–2, 263, 269, 270
American Women’s Auxiliary Corps 272
Amery, Leo 45, 78, 110, 111, 119, 135, 140, 173, 185, 194, 195, 242, 271
Amrita Bazaar Patrika (newspaper) 210
Amrith, Sunil 117
Amritsar massacre (1919) 44
Anakapalli 110
Anand, Mulk Raj 19; Across the Black Waters 19
Andaman Islands 80–81, 93, 125–31, 217, 218
Andes, SS 35
Ansari (newspaper) 242
Ansari, Captain Mateen 294
Appadurai, Benjamin 289
Arakan campaign (1944) 246, 255
Arbolaiz, Faptain Felix 276
private 285–6
see British Army; Indian Army; Indian National Army
ARP see air-raid precautions
Asad, Muhammad (Leopold Weiss) 13–14
Asansol General Hospital 103–4
Asmara 62, 63, 67, 75
Assam 38, 95, 104, 249, 260
conflict between soldiers and civilians 275, 278
famine 201, 202
refugees 105–6
tea plantations 159, 259
‘Assam Bomber’ 172
Assam Civil Porter Corps 262
Attlee, Clement 317, 319
Auchinleck, Field Marshal Claude 319
Austrians, internment of 13, 14–15
Azad, Abdul Kalam 8, 133, 178, 303
India Wins Freedom 8–9, 98
Azad Hind Fauj 216, see Indian National Army
Bahadur, Abdul 235
Bairagah prisoner-of-war camp 78
Baksh, Naik Maula 66
Balachadi children’s camp 124
Ballia 185
Bangalore xv, 138, 139, 170
hospital 252
Baroda 138
Barrackpore hospital 193–4
Basu, Satyen: A Doctor in the Army 76–7, 208, 231–2, 236
BBC 40–41, 44
Beaton, Cecil 171
Begum, Nazir 236–7
Behn, Mira 96
Belgaum Central Jail 129
Benegal, Ramesh: Burma to Japan with Azad Hind 100, 102, 106, 310
Bengal 94, 185
conflict between soldiers and civilians 275, 278
construction of airfields 162–3
and ‘denial’/’scorched earth’ policies 95–7, 164
deserters 291
famine (1943) xv, 167, 200–16, 249, 299–300, 314
Legislative Assembly 45
prostitutes 241–2
refugees 106
Tagore’s funeral (1941) 92
venereal disease 193, 241
see also Calcutta
Bengal Famine Inquiry Commission and Report 94, 96, 164, 299–300
Bennett, Edward 255
Berar Province 111, 192
Berko, Ferenc 222
Bevan, Aneurin 47
Bevin, Ernest 226
Bhagat, Mohini 36, 37, 42, 71
Bhagat, Premindra Singh 36,
42–3, 69, 70, 71, 311
Bhajan Singh 127–9
Bhandari, Colonel 71
bhang (cannabis) 279
Bharat Bank 85
Bharatadevi of Madras 134
Bhickoo, Abbas 50
Bhopal 137, 187
Bhopal, Nawab of 7, 172–3
Bhore, Sir Joseph 57, 165
Bhore Committee Report 201, 253, 254
Bhuta Singh 128
Bhutto, Nabi Baksh 54
bicycles 156
aerodromes 163, 239
brothels and prostitutes 239, 278
Chinese camp 271
‘demolition’/’denial’ policy 95
famine 200, 202
labourers on Ledo Road 260, 261
rebellion and punishment 185, 191, 192, 193, 194
recruitment 228
Bikaner 26
Bikaner, Prince of 7
Bird, Major Alfred George 125–6, 127, 130
Bird & Co. colliery 271
Birla, Ghanshyam Das 11, 84, 85, 106, 133, 166, 167, 184
Birmingham 175, 319
Birmingham Mail 242
Blue Funnel Line 278
boats see ships/shipping
Bohras 308
Bolton, Angela: The Maturing Sun … 103–4, 235, 245, 258, 279
Bombay 6, 86, 88, 143–6, 221, 320
arrest of Congress leaders 178–9, 180
art house screenings 222
Breach Candy beach 3
brothels 144, 239
docks 34, 167
Docks explosion (1944) 286–9, 295
factory workers 3, 174
fire service 111
hotels 145, 272
jails 129
naval mutiny (1946) 314
prohibition of alcohol 5–6
rebellion 185, 186
requisitioning 163, 164
textile mills 87
Bombay Gymkhana 3
Bombay Hospitality Committee: Welcome to Bombay 143
Bombay Sentinel 288
Bombay Talkies 13
Bose, Jyoti 207
Bose, Rash Behari 218
Bose, Subhas Chandra (‘Netaji’) xi, 10, 60, 177
death 172
as leader of Indian National Army ix, 118, 119, 216–17, 218, 248, 304
radio broadcasts 113, 218–19
Boss, Joan: Love and War in India 273
Branson, Clive: British Soldier in India… 42, 74, 144, 173, 189–90, 202, 213, 241
Brayne, Frank Lugard 73, 224–6, 313–14
Britain 2, 6, 45–6, 51
Cabinet Mission Plan (1946) 132