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Primitive Love and Love-Stories

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by Henry Theophilus Finck

  Abel, C. Ueber den Begriff der Liebe in einigen alten und neuen Sprachen. Hamburg.

  Abercromby, J. Folk-Lore. London, 1890.

  Abrahams, Israel: Jewish Life in the Middle Ages.

  Achilles Tatius.

  Acosta, Jos. d': Natural and Moral History of the Indies.

  Adair, J.: History of the American Indians. London, 1775.


  Agassiz, L. and Mrs.: A Journey in Brazil. Boston, 1868.

  Alberti, J.C.: Die Kaffern.

  Albertis, L.M.D.: New Guinea.

  American Anthropologist.


  Anderson, J.W.: Travel in Fiji and New Caledonia. London, 1880.

  Andersson, C.J.: The Okavango River. London, 1861. Lake Ngami. London, 1856.

  Angas, G.F.: Savage Life and Scenes in Australia and New Zealand. London, 1850.

  Anthon, C.: Classical Dictionary.

  Anthropological Institute of Great Britain, Journal of

  Anthropologische Gesellschaft. Ber. Wien, 1887.

  Anthropological Society, Journal, London.


  Antoninus Liberalis.

  Apollonius Rhodius.




  Armstrong-Hopkins: Within the Purdah. N.Y., 1899.

  Ashe, Thomas: Travels in America in 1806.

  Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae.

  Azara, F. de: Voyage dans l'Amerique meridional.


  Bain, A.: The Emotions and the Will.

  Baker, S.W.: The Albert N'yanza: Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia.

  Balfour, E.: Cyclopaedia of India.

  Ball, G.: Things Chinese.

  Bancroft, H.H.: Native Races of the Pacific States of North America. N.Y., 1875.

  Bandelier, A.F.A.: Peabody Museum Reports, Vol. II.

  Barrington, G.: History of New South Wales.

  Barrow, J.: Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa.

  Bastian, A.: Culturlaender des alten Amerika. San Salvador. Der Menschin der Geschichte. Afrikanische Reisen.

  Bates, H.W.: The Naturalist on the River Amazons.

  Baumann, O.: Berichte d. Anthrop. Ges. Wien, 1887.

  Beaumont and Fletcher

  Becker, W.A. and Goell, Charikles, 1877

  Beecham, J.: Ashantee and the Gold Coast.

  Belden, G.P.: Twelve Years Among the Indians of the Plains.

  Benecke, Antimachus of Colophon

  Berdoe, E. Browning: Cyclopaedia.

  Bernau: Missionary Labors in British Guinea.

  Bhavabhuti, Malati and Madhava

  Bille, Steen A.: Reise der Corvette Galathea um die Welt.

  Bird-Bishop, Isabella: Six Months in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Journey in Persia.

  Bleck, W.H.J.: Reinecke Fuchs in Afrika.

  Boas, F.: Internat. Archiv fuer Ethnographie 1896. Jour. Amer. Folk-Lore Soc., 1888. Zeitschrift fuer Ethnol. 1891-92. Smithsonian Report.

  Bock, C.: Temples and Elephants. Head-hunters of Borneo.

  Boehtlingk, O.: Sakuntala.

  Bonwick, C.: Daily Life and Origin of the Tasmanians.

  Bosnian, W.: Coast of Guinea.

  Bougainville, L.A.: de Voyage, autour du Monde, 1771.

  Bourke, J.D.: Snake Dance of the Moquis of Arizona.

  Bourne, B.F.: The Captive in Patagonia.

  Bove, G.: Patagonia.

  Brandes, G.: Hauptstroemungen in der Litteratur des 19 Jahrhunderts.

  Brett, W.H.: Indian Tribes of Guiana.

  Brinton, D.G.: Myths of the New World. Races and Peoples. The American Race. The Religious Sentiment. Essays of an Americanist.

  Brooke, C.: Ten Years in Sarawak.

  Brooke, Stopford

  Brown, Wm.: New Zealand and Its Aborigines.

  Browning, Robert

  Bruce, James: Travels to Discover the Sources of the Nile.

  Buchanan, J.: History, Manners, and Customs of North American Indians.

  Buchner: Reise durch den Stillen Ocean.

  Buckley, Wm.: (See John Morgan.)

  Bulmer, in Brough Smyth

  Burchell, W.J.: Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa.

  Burckhardt, J.L.: Bedouins and Wahabys. Reise in Nubien.

  Bureau Ethnology Reports, Washington.

  Burton, R.F.: Two Trips to Gorilla Land. Abeokuta. City of the Saints. First Footsteps in Africa. Highlands of Brazil. Lake Regions of Central Africa. Wit and Wisdom from West Africa.

  Burton, Robert: Anatomy of Melancholy.


  Caillie, R.: Travels Through Central Africa.

  Callaway: Nursery Tales of the Zulus.


  Cameron, V.L.: Across Africa.

  Campbell, J.: Wild Tribes of Khondistan.

  Carver, J.: Travels Through the Interior Parts of North America.

  Catlin, G.: Manners, Customs and Condition of North American Indians.


  Chamberlain, B.H.: Things Japanese.

  Chapman, J.: Travels in the Interior of South Africa.

  Charlevoix, P.: A Voyage to North America. London, 1761.

  Chavanne, J.: Die Sahara.

  Cheever, H.T.: Life in the Sandwich Islands.

  Christ, W.: Griechische Literaturgeschichte.

  Churchill, Randolph: Men, Mines and Minerals in South Africa.

  Cieza, P. de: Coronica del Peru.

  Codrington, R.H.: The Melanesians.

  Colenso, Miss: Humanitarian.

  Columbus, C.: Hakluyt Soc. Publ., 1847.

  Combes et Tamisier: Voyage en Abyssinie.

  Compiegne: L'Afrique equatoriale Gabonais.

  Cook, James: Voyages, London.


  Couat: La poesie Alexandrine.

  Cozzens, S.W.: The Marvellous Country.

  Cranz, D.: History of Greenland.

  Crawley: Journ. Anthr. Inst. XXIV.

  Cremorny, J.: Life Among the Apaches.

  Cudraka, Vasantasena

  Cunow: Verwandschaftsorganisationen der Australneger.

  Curr, E.M.: The Australian Race.

  Custer, G.A.: My Life on the Plains. N.Y., 1874.

  Dall, W.H.: Alaska and its Resources.

  Dalton, E.T.: Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal.

  Dalton, G.: History of British Guiana.

  Danks, B.: Journ. Anthrop. Institute.

  Darwin, C.: Descent of Man. Expression of the Emotions. Voyage of the Beagle.

  Dawson, J.: Australian Aborigines.

  Dibble: History of the Sandwich Islands.


  Dobrizhoffer, M.: An Account of the Abipones.

  Dodge, R.I.: Our Wild Indians.

  Dorsey, A.O.: Omaha Sociology, Rep. Bureau Ethnol. Washington, 1881-82.

  Douglas, R.K.: Society in China.

  Dowdcn, E.: Shakespere: a Critical Study of his Mind and Art.

  Dowson, J.: Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology.

  Drake, S.G.: Indians of North America.

  Drummond, H.: Ascent of Man.


  Dubois, J.A.: Character, Manners, and Customs of the People of India, 1862.

  Du Chaillu, P.B.: Equatorial Africa. Journey to Ashango Land.

  Dunlop: History of Fiction.

  Dupont, E.: Lettres sur le Congo.

  Earl, G.W.: The Papuans.

  Eastman, Mrs. Mary H.: Dacotah; or Life and Legends of the Sioux. N.Y., 1849.

  Ebers, G.: Eine Aegyptische Koenigstochter. Aegypten in Bild und Wort.

  Eckermann, J.P.: Gespraeche mit Goethe.

  Eckstein, E.: Magazin fuer die Literatur des In- und Auslandes, 1888.

  Ehrenreich, P.: Zeitschrift fuer Ethnologie, 1887.

  Ellis, A.B.: Yoruba-Speaking Peoples. Ewe-Speaking Peoples of the Slave
Coast of West Africa.

  Ellis, G.E.: The Red Man and the White Man. Boston, 1882.

  Ellis, Havelock: Man and Woman.

  Ellis, W.: Polynesian Researches. A Tour through Hawaii. History of Madagascar.


  Erman, A.: Egypt.

  Erskine, J.E.: A Cruise among the Islands of the Western Pacific.

  Ethnological Society of London, Journal of


  Eyre, E.J.: Expeditions of Discovery into Central Australia.

  Falkner, T.: Description of Patagonia. Hereford, 1774.

  Fancourt, C. St. J.: History of Yucatan.

  Feldner, W.: Reisen durch Brasilien.

  Finck, H.T.: Romantic Love and Personal Beauty. New York, 1887. Lotos-Time in Japan.

  Finsch, O.: Reise in die Suedsee; Zeitschr. fuer Ethnol., Vol. XII., 1880.

  Fischer, F.C.: Ueber die Probenaechte der deutschen Bauern-maedchen. Leipzig, 1780.

  Fiske, A.K.: Myths of Israel.

  Fiske, John: Old Virginia and Her Neighbors Discovery of America.

  Fison and Howitt, Kamilaroi and Kurnai.

  Fitzroy, R.: Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of.... Beagle.

  Fleming, F.: Southern Africa.

  Fletcher, Miss Alice: Journal American Folk-Lore Soc., 1889. Memoirs Internat. Congress of Anthropologists, 1894. A Study of Omaha Indian Music, 1893.

  Flinders, M.: Voyage to Terra Australis, London, 1814.

  Folk-Lore, London

  Forbes, F.E.: Dahomey and the Dahomans.

  Forsyth, J.: Highlands of Central India.

  Franklin, J.: Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea.

  Franklin, William: Magazin von Reisebeschreibungen.

  Frazer, J.G.: Totemism.

  Freeman, E.A.: Norman Conquest of England.

  Fritsch, G.: Die Eingeborenen Sued-Afrikas.

  Galton, F.: Tropical South Africa.

  Garcia: Origin de los Indios.

  Garcilasso de la Vega: Royal Commentaries of the Incas.

  Gardiner, A.F.: A Journey to the Zoolu Country.

  Gason, S.: (in Woods's Native Tribes of South Australia).

  Gatschet, A.S.: U.S. Geol. and Geogr. Survey Rocky Mt. Region, Vol. II. Pt. L, on Klamath Indians.

  Gautier, Th.: Mlle. de Maupin.

  Gercke, A.: Griechische Literatur-Geschichte.

  Gerland: (See Waitz-Gerland).

  Gerstaecker, F.: Reisen um Die Welt, IV.

  Gibbs, G.: U.S. Geograp. and Geol. Survey of Rocky Mt. Region, Vol. I.

  Gill, W.W.: Life in the Southern Isles. Savage Life in Polynesia.

  Giraud-Teulon, A.: Les Origines de la Famille.

  Gladstone, W.E.: Studies in Homer. Homer (in Macmillan's Literature Primers).




  Goncourts, Journal des.

  Gordon, Arthur: Trans. Ninth Intern. Congr. of Orientalists, Vol. II. London, 1894: on Fijian Poetry.

  Grant, C.T.C.: A Town Amongst the Dyaks of Sarawak.

  Graves, E.A.: Indian Commiss. Report, 1854.

  Grey, G.: Two Expeditions of Discovery in N. Western and Western Australia.

  Grey, Sir George: Polynesian Mythology.

  Griffis, W.E.: The Mikado's Empire. The Lily Among Thorns.

  Grinnell, G.B.: Blackfoot Lodge Tales.

  Grosse, E.: The Beginnings of Art. Die Formen der Familie.

  Grout, L.: Zululand.

  Haddon, A.C.: Journal Anthropol., lust., 1889.


  Hahn, Theophilus: Globus.

  Hakluyt's Collections of Early Voyages. London, 1810.

  Hala, Septacatakam.

  Hale, Horatio: Journ. Anthrop. Instit.

  Hall, C.F.: Arctic Researches and Life among the Esquimaux.

  Hartmann, R.: Die Nigritier.

  Hawkesworth, J.: Voyages in the Southern Hemisphere.

  Hayes, I.L.: The Open Polar Sea.

  Hearn, Lafcadio: Gleanings in Buddha-Fields.

  Hearne, S.: A Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort to the Northern Ocean.

  Heckewelder, J.: Transactions of American Philosoph. Soc., Philadelphia, 1819.

  Hegel, G.W.F.: Vorlesungen ueber die Aesthetik.

  Heine, H.

  Helbig, W.: Campanische Wandmalerei.


  Hellwald, F.V.: Die Menschliche Familie.

  Heriot, G.: Travels Through the Canadas. London, 1807.


  Herrera, Antonio de: Historia General.

  Hirschig, G.A.: Scriptores Erotici Graeci.

  Hoessli, H.: The Unreliability of External Signs as Indications of Sex in Body and Mind.

  Hoffmann, W.J.: U.S. Geol. and Geogr. Survey of Colorado, 1876.

  Holden, W.C.: Past and Future of the Kaffir Races.

  Holub, E.: Seven Years in South Africa.


  Hommel, F.: Geschichte Babyloniens und Assyriens.

  Hopkins, S.H.: Life Among the Piutes.

  Horwicz, A.: Naturgeschichte der Gefuehle.

  Hotten, J.C.: Abyssinia.

  Howells, W.D.

  Howitt, A.W.: (see also Fison and Howitt). Journ. Anthrop. Inst., Vol. XX.

  Hue, E.R.: Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China.

  Humboldt, A.V.: Cosmos. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent. Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain.

  Hunter, J.D.: Manners and Customs of Some Indian Tribes.

  Hutchinson, T.J.: Ten Years' Wanderings Among the Ethiopians.

  Hyades, P.: Mission Scientifique du Cap Horn.

  Im Thurn, E.F.: Among the Indians of Guiana.

  Irving, J.T.: Indian Sketches.

  Irving, Washington: Astoria.

  Jackman, Wm.: The Australian Captive. Auburn, 1853.

  Jackson, Helen Hunt

  Jacobowski: Globus, Vol. 70.

  Jacolliot, L.: La Femme dans l'Inde.

  James, Wm.: The Nation, N.Y., September 22, 1887.

  Japan, Asiatic Society of Transactions.

  Jesuit Relations.

  Johnston, C.: Southern Abyssinia.

  Johnston, H.H.: The Kilimanjaro Expedition. The River Congo. British Central Africa.

  Johnston, J.: Missionary Landscapes in the Dark Continent.

  Jones, C.C.: Antiquities of the Southern Indians.

  Jones, Rev. Peter: History of the Ojebway Indians.

  Jowett, B.: The Dialogues of Plato.

  Jung, K.E.: Der Welttheil Australien.

  Kalakaua, King: Legends and Myths of Hawaii.

  Kalidasa, Sakuntala, Urvasi, Malavika and Agnimitra.

  Kama Soutra, or Kamasutram.

  Kane, E.K.: Arctic Explorations.

  Kay, S.: Caffraria.

  Keane, A.H.: Journ. Anthr. Inst., 1883.

  Keating, W.H.: Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River.

  Kenrick, J.: Ancient Egypt Under the Pharaohs.

  King, Captain J.S.: Folk Lore Journal, 1888.

  King, W. Ross: Aboriginal Tribes of the Nilgiri Hills.

  King and Fitzroy: Voyages of the Adventure and Beagle.

  Koelle, S.W.: African Native Literature.

  Kolben, Peter: Description du Cap de Bonne Esperance, Paris, 1743.

  Kotzebue, O.: New Voyage Round the World.

  Krabbes, Theodor: Die Frau im altfranzoesischen Karls-epos.

  Krafft-Ebing, R.V.: Psychopathia Sexualis. Psychopathologie.

  Krause, A.: Die Tlinkit Indianer.

  Kremer, A.V.: Culturgeschichte des Orients.

  Kronlein: Wortschatz der Namaqua Hottentotten.

  Kubary, J.S.: Globus XLVII.

  Kuechler: Trans. Asiatic Soc. of Japan.

  Lafitau, J.F.: Moeurs des Savages Ameriquains.

  Lamairesse, E.: Kama Soutra.

  Landa, D.: Relacion de las cosas de Yucatan. />
  Lander, C. and J.: Expedition to Explore the Niger.

  Landor, A.H. Savage: Alone Among the Hairy Ainu.

  Lane, E.W.: Arabic Society in the Middle Ages. Manners and Customs of Modern Egyptians.

  Lang, Andrew: Custom and Myth. Translations of Homer and Theocritus.

  Lathrop, G.P.

  Lavaysse, M.: Venezuela, Trinidad, etc..

  Lecky, W.E.H.: History of European Morals.

  Leigh, W.H.: South Australia.

  Le Jeune.

  Leland, C.A.: The Algonquin Legends of New England.

  Leslie, D.: Among the Zulus and Amatongas.

  Letourneau, Ch.: L'Evolution du Mariage.

  Lewin, T.H.: Wild Races of South-Eastern India.

  Lewis and Clarke: Travels to the Source of the Missouri River and Across the Continent to the Pacific Ocean. Library of Aboriginal American Literature, edited by D.G. Brinton.

  Lichtenberg, G.C.: Schriften.

  Lichtenstein, H.: Travels in South Africa.

  Limburg-Brouwer: Hist. de la Civilisation des Grecs.

  Livingstone, D.: Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa. Expedition to the Zambesi. Last Travels.

  Loebel, D.T.: Hochzeitsgebraeuche der Tuerken.


  Loskiel, G.H.: Geschichte der Mission der evangelischen Brueder, 1789.

  Love-Affairs of Some Famous Men.

  Low, Brooke: Catalogue of the Brooke Low Collection in Borneo.

  Lowel, J.R.

  Lowrie, J.C.: Two Years in Upper India.

  Lubbock, Sir J.: The Origin of Civilization and the Primitive Condition of Man.


  Luebke, W.: History of Art.

  Lumholtz, C.: Among Cannibals.


  Lynd, J.W.: Religion of the Dakotas, in Coll. Minnesota Hist. Soc. II.

  Lytton, Bulwer: Essay on Love.

  Macaulay, T.B.: Essay on Petrarch.

  MacDonald, Duff: Africana.

  MacDonald, Rev. J.: Journal Anthropol. Institution, 1890, Vol. XX.

  Macgillivray, J.: Voyage of the Rattlesnake.

  Mackenzie, Alexander: Voyages to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans.

  Mackenzie, Day: Dawn in Dark Places.

  Macpherson, S.C.: Rural Bengal.

  M'Lean, J.: Twenty-Five Years' Service in the Hudson's Bay Territory.

  Magazin von Reisebeschreibungen.

  Mahaffy, J.P.: Greek Life and Thought.

  Mallery, G.: Picture Writing of the Indians. Rep. Bureau Ethnol., Wash., 1882-83, 1888-89.

  Man, E.H.: Journ Anthr. Inst. Vol. XII.

  Mantegazza, P.: Geschlechtsverhaeltnisse des Menschen.

  Manu, Ordinances of.

  Mariner, W. (See Martin, J.)

  Markham, C.R.: Expedition into the Valley of the Amazon.

  Marryat, F.: Borneo.

  Marsden, W.: History of Sumatra.

  Martin, J.: An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands Compiled from the Communications of Mr. William Mariner.

  Martin, L.A.: La Morale chez les Chinois.

  Martius, C.F. Ph.: Beitraege zur Ethnographic ... Brasiliens.

  Martyr, P.: De Orbe Novo.

  Mathew, J.: Jour. and Proc. Royal Soc. N. S. Wales, Vol. XXIII.

  Mathews C.: Indian Fairy Book.

  Mayne, R.C.: Four Years in British Columbia.

  McClintock and Strong: Cyclopaedia of Biblical ... Literature.

  McCulloh, J.H.: Researches, Philosophical and Antiquarian, Baltimore, 1829.

  McLennan, J.F.: Studies in Ancient History.



  Meyer, H.E.A.: in Woods' Native Tribes of South Australia.

  Miller, Joaquin: Life Among the Modocs.

  Milman, H.H.: History of the Jews. History of Latin Christianity.

  Mitchell, T.L.: Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia.

  Moffat, R.: Missionary Labors and Scenes in Southern Africa.

  Moll, A.: Die Contraere Sexual-empfindung. Untersuchungen ueber die Libido Sexualis.

  Moncaut, Cenac: Histoire de l'Amour.

  Monteiro, J.J.: Angola and the River Congo.

  Moore, T.: Marriage Customs ... of Various Nations.

  Morgan, L.H.: League of the Iroquois. Ancient Society.

  Mueller, C.O.: History and Antiquities of the Doric Race.

  Mueller, F.: Allgemeine Ethnographic.

  Mueller, F. Max: India, What can it Teach Us?

  Muir, John: The Mountains of California.

  Mundy, Rodney: Narrative of Events in Borneo and Celebes.

  Munzinger, W.: Ostafrikanische Studien.

  Murdoch, J.: Rep. Bureau Ethnol., Wash., 1887-1888.

  Murr, C.G.: Nachrichten von verschiedenen Laendern des Spanischen Amerika.

  Murray, G.G.A.: History of Ancient Greek Literature.


  Musters, G.C.: At Home with the Patagonians.

  Nansen, F.: The First Crossing of Greenland.

  Napier, E.E.: Excursions in Southern Africa.

  Neill, E.D.: Dacotah Land.

  Niblack, A.P.: Coast Indians of South Alaska, in Smithsonian Rep., 1888.

  Niebuhr, C.: Travels in Arabia.

  Nonnus, Dionysiaka.

  Norman, Henry: Peoples and Politics of the Far East.

  Oliphant, L.: Minnesota.


  Oviedo, G.F.: Historia de las Indias.

  Pallas, P.S.: Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des russischen Reichs.

  Palmer, Geo. H.: Trans. Odyssey.

  Park, Mungo: Travels in the Interior of Africa.

  Parker, R. Langloh: Australian Legendary Tales.

  Parkman, F.: California and Oregon Trail. Jesuits in N. America.

  Parkyns, M.: Life in Abyssinia.


  Paulitschke, P.: Beitraege zur Ethnographie u. Anthrop. der Somali, Galla u. Harari. Ethnographie Nordost Afrikas.

  Pausanias: Description of Greece.

  Peabody Museum Reports.

  Petherick, J.: Egypt, the Soudan, and Central Africa.

  Pfeiffer, Ida: Meine Zweite Weltreise. A Lady's Voyage Round the World.

  Philip, J.: Researches in South Africa.

  Phillip, A.: Voyage to Botany Bay.



  Ploss-Bartels: Das Weib in der Natur-und Volkerkunder. Fourth edition, 1895.


  Polak, J.E.: Persien, das Land und seine Bewohner.

  Polo, Marco: Marvels of the East.

  Powers, S.: Tribes of California, in U.S. Geogr. and Geol. Survey Rocky Mt. Region, 1877.

  Pizarro, P.: Relaciones ... los Reynos del Peru.

  Pratt, R.H.: U.S. Geol. and Geog. Survey Rocky Mt.


  Raffles, T.S.: History of Java.

  Rahmdohr, F.W.B. von: Venus Urania, 1798.

  Ramabai Saravasti: The High Caste Hindu Woman.

  Rand, S.T.: Legends of the Micmacs.

  Ratzel, F.: Voelkerkunde.

  Reade, W.W.: Savage Africa. Equatorial Africa.

  Reeves, E.: Brown Men and Women.

  Reich, E.: Geschichte des ehelichen Lebens.

  Reinsberg-Dueringsfeld: Hochzeitsbuch.

  Renan, E.: Le Cantique des Cantiques.

  Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.

  Reuleaux, F.: Eine Reise durch Indien.

  Revue d'Anthropologie.

  Ribot, T.: Psychologie des Sentiments.

  Richardson, J.: Arctic Searching Expedition.

  Riggs, S.R.: Dakota ... Ethnography, in U.S. Geogr. and Geol. Survey Rocky Mt., Vol. IX.

  Rink, H.J.: Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo.

  Rivero and Tschudi: Peruvian Antiquities.

  Robertson, G.S.: The Kaffirs of the Hindu-Kush.

  Robley, Maj.-Ge
n.: Moko: or Maori Tatooing.

  Rohde, E.: Der Griechische Roman.

  Romanes, G.: Mental Evolution in Animals.

  Roosevelt, Theodore: Winning of the West.

  Rossbach, in Schenkel's Bibellexicon.

  Rossetti, C.G.

  Roth, H. Ling: Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo.

  Roth, W.E.: Ethnological Studies Among the N. W. Central Queensland Aborigines, 1897.

  Rousseau, J.J.

  Rowney, H.B.: Wild Tribes of India.

  Ruttenber, E.M.: Indian Tribes of Hudson's River.

  Ryder, E.: Little Wives of India.

  Saadi, Gulistan.

  Samnelson, J.: India, Past and Present.

  Sandwich Island Notes, by "Haeole," New York, 1854.


  Schoen: Grammar of the Hausa Language.

  Schomburgk, R.: Reisen in Britisch-Guiana.

  Schoolcraft, H.R.: History, Condition and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States (Archives of Aboriginal Knowledge). Oneota. The Myth of Hiawatha. Algic Researches. Travels Through the Northwestern Regions of the United States.

  Schopenhauer: Werke.

  Schroeder, L.V.: Hochzeitsgebraeuche der Esten. Indien's Litteratur und Cultur.

  Schurmann, C.W.: in Woods' Native Tribes of S. Australia.

  Schure, E.: Histoire du Lied Allemand.

  Schuyler, Eugene: Turkestan.

  Schwaner, C.A.: Borneo.

  Schweinfurth, G.: The Heart of Africa.

  Scott, Walter.

  Seemann, B.: Viti.

  Sellar, W.Y.: Roman Poets of the Republic, 1863.

  Semon, R.: In the Australian Bush.


  Shelley, P.B.

  Shooter, J.: The Kaffirs of Natal and the Zulu Country.

  Shortland, E.S.: Traditions and Superstitions of the New Zealanders.

  Smith, Donaldson: Through Unknown African Countries.

  Smith, E.R.: The Araucanians.

  Smith, James (cited Bancroft, I.).

  Smith, W.R.: Marriage and Kinship in Early Arabia.

  Smithsonian Reports of the Bureau of Ethnology, etc.

  Smyth, Brough: Aborigines of Victoria.

  Smythe, W.J.: Ten Months on the Fiji Islands.


  Southey, R.: History of Brazil.

  Speke, J.H.: Discovery of the Source of the Nile.

  Spencer, Herbert: Principles of Psychology. Principles of Sociology. Descriptive Sociology.

  Spencer and Gillen: Native Tribes of Central Australia, 1899.

  Spix and Martius: Travels in Brazil in 1817-1820.

  Squier, E.G.: Nicaragua.

  Stanley, H.M.: How I found Livingstone. My Early Travels and Adventures.

  Steele, R.: The Lover.

  Steihen, Karl von den: Durch Central Brasilien.

  Stephens, Edward: Journal of Royal Soc. New South Wales, Vol. XXXIII.

  St. John, S.: Life in the Forests of the Far East.

  Stockton, Frank.

  Stoll, Otto: Zur Ethnographie der Rep. Guatemala.

  Strong, J.C.: Wa-Kee-Nah.

  Sturt, C.: Expedition into Central Australia.

  Sully, J.: Teacher's Handbook of Psychology.

  Sutherland, A.: Origin and Growth of the Moral Instinct.

  Symonds, J.A.: Studies in the Greek Poets.

  Taplin, G.: In Woods' Native Tribes.

  Tawney, C.H.: The Kathakoca, or Treasury of Stories.

  Taylor, R.: Te Ika a Maui; or, New Zealand and its Inhabitants.



  Theal, G.M.: Kaffir Folk-Lore, 1886.


  Thomson, A.S.: New Zealand.

  Thomson, J.: Through Masai Land.

  Thunberg, C.P.: An Account of the Cape of Good Hope, in Pinkerton's Coll. of Voyages, Vol. XVI.

  Thwaites, R.G.: Jesuit Relations, editor.


  Torquemada, J. de: Monarquia Indiana.

  Tregear, E.: The Maoris in Journ. Anthr. Inst. 1889.

  Trumbull, H.: History of Indian Wars.

  Trumbull, H.C.: Studies in Oriental Social Life.

  Tschudi, J.J. von: Reisen durch Sued Amerika. Travels in Peru. See also Rivero.

  Tuckey, J.K.: Expedition to Explore the River Zaire.


  Turner, G.: Nineteen Years in Polynesia. Samoa.

  Tyler, J.: Forty Years Among the Zulus.

  Tylor, E.B.: Primitive Culture. Anthropology.

  Tyrrell: Across the Sub Arctics of Canada.

  Ulrici, H.: Shakspere's Dramatic Art.

  United States Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region. Same of Colorado.

  D'Urville, Dumont: Voyage de l'Astrolabe.

  Vail, E.A.: Les Indiens de l'Amerique du Nord.

  Vambery, A.: The Turkish People.

  Varigny, De: Quartorze Ans aux Isles Sandwich.

  "Vason," Four Years' Residence at Tongataboo.

  Verplanck, G.C.: The Illustrated Shakespeare.

  Vespucci, Amerigo: Four Voyages. Quaritch Transl., London, 1885.


  Wagner, R.

  Waitz-Gerland: Anthropologie der Naturvoelker.

  Wallace, A.R.: Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro. Tropical Nature. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection. Darwinism. The Malay Archipelago. Australasia.

  Wallaschek, R.: Primitive Music.

  Ward, Herbert: Five Years with the Congo Cannibals.

  Ward, Wm.: History, Literature and Religion of the Hindus.

  Watson and Kaye: The People of India.

  Weber, A.: History of Indian Literature.

  Weber, Ernst von: Vier Jahre in Afrika.

  Weismann: Essays upon Heredity.

  Westcott, W.W.: Suicide.

  Westermarck, E.: History of Human Marriage. Second Ed., 1894.

  Wharton, H.T.: Sappho.

  White, G.: Historical Collection of Georgia.

  Wied, Maximilian Prinz zu: Reise in das Innere Nord Amerikas.

  Wilhelmi, C., in Woods' Native Tribes of South Australia.

  Wilkes, C.: Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842.

  Wilkinson, G.B.: South Australia.

  Williams, Monier: Modern India and the Indians.

  Williams and Calvert: Fiji and the Fijians.

  Willoughby, C.: Smithsonian Report, 1886, Pt. I..

  Winstanley, W.: A Visit to Abyssinia.

  Wood, J.G.: Natural History of Man.

  Wood, Robert: The Original Genius, and Writings of Homer, London, 1775.

  Woods, J.D.: The Native Tribes of South Australia. South Australia.


  Xenophon Ephesius.

  Yawger, Rose: The Indian and the Pioneer.

  Yonan, Isaac Malek: Persian Women. Nashville, 1898.

  Zeitschrift fuer Ethnologie.

  Zoeller, H.: Pampas und Anden. Rund um die Erde. Forschungsreisen in die deutsche Colonie Kamerun.


  Abipones: Baldness; Tattooing courage; Cruel to women; Parental tyranny.

  Abyssinians: Concubinage; Women not coy; Amulets; Choice; Where woman rules; No chance for love; Pastoral love; A flirtation.

  Achilles and Briseis.

  Acontius and Cydippe.

  Adoration, contempt, and adulation: (See also Women: maltreatment of, and contempt for).


  Africans: Mutilations; Vanity and emulation; Scarification; Beauty not appreciated; Corpulence versus beauty; Concupiscence versus beauty; Kissing; Why wives are valued; Desertion of the aged; "Liberty of choice,"; Chapter on (See Table of Contents and names of peoples: Bushmen, Hottentots, Kaffirs, etc.).

Ainos: A flirtation.

  Algerians: Kabyles.

  Algonkins: Tattooing; Words for love.

  Altruism: (See Selfishness).

  Amazons: (See Women, masculine).

  American Indians: Fear of nature; Honorable polygamy; Ashamed to wear clothes; Indifference to chastity; Incest; Advertising for a wife; Repression of preference; Utility versus beauty; Masculine women; A girl's ideal; Polygamous sentiment; "Jealousy,"; Absence of real jealousy; Unjealous Californians and Patagonians; Feminine jealousy; Absence of; Easily overcome; Causes of; Proposals by girls; Capture of women; Pride; Cruelty; Contempt for women; Kinship through females; Woman's domestic and political rule; Ungallant; Caressing no evidence of affection; War decorations; Tattooing; Hair dresses; Valor versus beauty; Tattooing as a mark of courage; Language of signs; Utility versus beauty; Uncleanly; Child-wives; Conjugal "tenderness,"; Mourning to order; Conjugal grief; Lack of brains; "Liberty of choice,"; Sexual taboos; Tribal hatred; Chapter on (See Table of Contents); Defenders; Stories; Not true to life; Morals; Not gallant; Lower than brutes; Enforced chastity, but no purity; Why some female captives were spared; Squaws intimidated; Beauty not valued; Lack of sympathy; Contempt for squaws; Girl market; Marriage arrangements; Elopements; Suicide; Love-dreams; Curiosities of courtship; Silent proposals; Music in courtship; Honeymoon; Love-poems; Philology and love; More stories.

  Animals: Superior to savages; Gallant roosters; A noble officer; Maternal instinct; Sexual selection; Superior to Hindoos.

  Annamanese: Incest.

  Antigone and Haemon.

  Apaches: Hair; Filthy; "Purity" and cruelty; Cruelty to mothers; Enslave women; Courtship.

  Appetite and longing.

  Arabs: Nudity; Unjealous; Unjealous women; Bedouin women not coy; Resistance of brides; Love among; Shaping skulls; Corpulence versus beauty; Love and lust; One wife not enough; Desertion of parents; Influence on others.

  Arapahoes: Protection against men; Girls as merchandise.

  Araucanians: Brides sold; Bride-capture; Musical lovers.

  Ashangos: Amazons.

  Ashantees: No free choice.


  Australians: Inclined to murder; Infanticide; Indifference to chastity; Jealous women; Female opposition to marriage; Capture not encouraged; Protection not gallantry; Risking life for a woman; War-paint; Mutilations; Signs of mourning; Colors to attract attention; Feathers to look savage; Scarification; Women and ornaments; Taking notice of a man's face; Must submit to mutilations; Women indifferent to decorations; Filthy; "Appreciation of beauty"; Child-wives; Mourning to order; "Love"; Lewd dances; Price of a wife; Chapter on (See Table of Contents).

  Azteks: (See Mexicans).

  Babylonian women.

  Bakongo: Headdresses.

  Bathing: Reasons for.


  Beauty: Personal; Hottentot ideal; Australian; South Sea Islanders; Not valued in squaws; Hindoo ideal; Greek masculine ideal.

  Bechuanas: Polygamy.

  Bhuiyas: Romantic courtship.

  Bible: (See Hebrews).

  Blackfeet: Punishing infidelity; Maltreatment of squaws; "Only a woman"; Disposal of girls; Marrying sisters; Elopements; Courtship.

  Borneans: Marriage by stratagem; Tattooing; Suicidal grief; Caged girls (See also Dyaks).

  Brazilians: Tribal marks; Tattooing; Lack of brains; Multiplicity of languages; Licentiousness; _Jus primae noctis_; Women as slaves; Words to express love.

  Brides: Capture or purchase of (See Marriage).

  Bushmen: Imperfect sexual differentiation; Charms; Child-wives; Various details; No liberty of choice.

  Butias: Promiscuity.

  California Indians: Adultery; Tattooing; Uncleanly; Voluptuous beauties; Deceptive modesty; Intimidating the squaws; Treatment of squaws; Marriage; Courtship; Puberty songs; Stories.

  Cannibalism: Australian.

  Capture of brides: (See Marriage).

  Caribs: Columbus on; _Jus primae noctis_; Women as drudges.

  Caroline Islanders: Tattooing.

  Chansons de Geste: Courting by women.


  Chastity and unchastity.

  Cherokees: Immoral.

  Cheyennes: Protection against men; Girls as merchandise.

  Chinese: Hiding women's feet; Feminine coercion to marriage; Pitiable condition of women; Love considered immoral; Why deform women's feet; Marriage restrictions.

  Chinooks: Painting; Unchaste; Position of women; Love-songs.

  Chippewas: Husband and wife; Lending wives; Cruelty to women; "Choice"; Love-powders; No love.

  Chippewyans: Unchaste; Love and drums.

  Chittagong Hill Tribes: Capacity for love.

  Choice: Prevention of; New Zealand; Indians; Wild tribes of India; Hindoos.

  Christianity: Vs. natural selection; Prayer; Encourages feminine virtues; Ideal of love.

  Cleanliness: Indifference to.

  Coarseness: An obstacle to love.

  Comanches: Utilitarian marriages; Cruel jealousy; Filthy; Lower than brutes; Enforce chastity on wives.

  Congo: Ornaments as fetiches; Mourning; Wives esteemed as mothers only; "Poetic love" on.

  Coreans: Contempt for women.

  Corpulence versus beauty.


  Courage: Mutilation a test of.

  Courtship: Greenland; Creeks; Zulu; Australian; Torres Islands; Dyaks; New Zealand; Apaches; Omahas; Curiosities of Indian; Bhuiyas; Hindoo; Greek.

  Coyness: (See Table of Contents).

  Creeks: Masculine women; Deceptive modesty; Immoral; Women as slaves; Contempt for women; Choice and marriage; Suicides.

  Crees: Unchastity.

  Cruelty: In women; An obstacle to love; Of Indians: Of Hindoos; Of Greeks; (See Women, maltreatment of).

  Dahomans: Signs of grief; Compulsory mourning; Amazons.

  Dakotas: Honorable polygamy; Similarity of sexes; Gallantry; War-decorations; Paint; Uncleanly; Lower than brutes; Market value of chastity; Maltreatment of squaws; Sorrows of women; Disposal of girls; Honeymoon; Suicide; Love-charms; Courtship; Love-poems; A love-story.

  Damaras: Lack of sympathy; Uncleanly; Temporary marriages.

  Decorations, personal.

  Delawares: Treatment of squaws; Suicide.

  Dyaks: Head-hunters; Gallantry; Scars and courage; Charms of women; Morals; Courtship; Fickle and shallow passion; Love-songs.

  Dying for love.

  Egyptians: Obscenity in tombs; Love; Child-wives.

  Elopements: Philosophy of Australian; Why Indians elope.

  Eskimos: No morality or chastity; Not modest or coy; Ungallant; Risking life for a woman; Assaults; Mutilations; Tattooing; Tattoo marks and husbands; Filthy; "Love-unions;" Capacity for love.

  Esthetic sense: (See Beauty).

  Esthonians: Mock coyness.

  Fashion and mutilat

  Females: Kinship thorough.

  Feminine ideals: Superior to masculine; Encouraged by Christianity; Greek ignorance of.


  Fijians: Murder a virtue; Infanticide; Preference; Similarity of sexes; Jealousy; Proposal by a girl; Feathers to attract attention; Eat useless wives; Choice; Cleanliness; Treatment of women; Modesty and chastity; Sentimentality; Love-poems; Serenades and proposals; Suicides and bachelors.


  Fuegians: Marriage.

  Gallantry: A lesson in; American Indians; Wild tribes of India; Greeks; Hebrews.

  Gallas: Coarseness of.

  Garos: Proposing by girls.

  Gipsies: Incest.

  Greeks: Hegel on love; Love in Homer; Wood, Shelley; Macaulay, Bulwer, Gautier; Sentimentality; No love of romantic scenery; Incest; Jealousy; Homeric women not coy; Women the embodiment of lust; Masculine coyness; Shy women; War and love; Mercenary coyness; Mixed moods in love; Amorous hyperbole; Artificial symptoms; Sympathy denounced by Plato; Estimate of women; Unchivalrous; Risking life for a woman; Suicide and love; Love turns to hate; Woman-love considered sensual; Attitude toward female beauty; Sensual love; Barrenness a cause of divorce; Chapter on Greek love; Champions of; Gladstone on the women of Homer; Achilles as a lover; Words versus actions; Odysseus, libertine and ruffian; Penelope as a model wife; Conjugal tenderness of Hector; Barbarous treatment of women; Love in Sappho's poems; Anacreon and others; Woman and love in AEschylus; In Sophocles; In Euripides; Romantic love for boys; Platonic love excludes women; Made impossible in Sparta; Preference for masculine women and beauty; Oriental costumes; Love in life and in literature; In Greater Greece; Seventeen symptoms; Alexandrian chivalry; The New Comedy; Theocritus and Callimachus; Medea and Jason; Poets and hetairai; No stories of romantic love; Romances; Marriage among.

  Greenlanders: Indifferent to chastity; Courtship.

  Guatemalans: Brides selected for men; Erotic philology.

  Guiana: War-paint; Tattooing; Women as drudges; Marriage arrangements.

  Harari: Amorous hyperbole; Love-poems.

  Hawaiians: Infanticide; Nudity; Indifference to chastity; Incest; Similarity of sexes; Ungallant; Mutilations; Mourning; Personal appearance; Love-stories; Quality of love; Morals.


  Heads: Moulded.

  Hebrews: Women not coy; Champions for; Stories; No sympathy or sentiment; A masculine ideal of womanhood; Not the Christian ideal of love; Unchivalrous slaughter of women; Song of Songs.

  Hector and Andromache.

  Hero and Leander.


  Hindoos: (See India).

  Honeymoon: Among Indians.

  Hope and Despair.

  Hottentots: Courtship; Uncleanly; Ugliness; Child-wives; Various details.

  Hurons: Preference and aversion; Immorality; Woman man's mule; Old wives for young men.


  Importance of Love: (See Utility).

  Incest: (See Licentious Festivals); Horror of.

  India: Hindoos: Immorality in religion; Idea of politeness; Of modesty; Incest; Mixed moods in love; Arousing pride; Sham altruism; Contempt for women; Ungallant; Impurity; Idea of beauty; Widow-burning; Conjugal "devotion,"; Barren wives discarded; Cruelty to infant wives; "Maiden's choice,"; Chapter on; Child murder and marriage; Parental selfishness; Below brutes; Contempt for women; Widows and their tormentors; Depravity; Symptoms of love: feminine; Masculine; Artificial symptoms; God of love; Dying for love; What Hindoo poets admire in women; Shrewd selfishness; Bayaderes and princesses as heroines; Marriages of choice not respectable.

  India: Wild Tribes: Religious sacrifices; Filthy; Practical promiscuity; Romantic customs; Choice; Courtship; Proposing by girls; Attachments.

  Indians: (See American Indians).

  Individual preference.


  Intelligence: Importance of, to beauty.

  Iroquois: Feathers and rank; No love; Licentious festivals; Cruelty to mothers; Woman man's servant; Love the last product of civilization.

  Jacob and Rachel.

  Japanese: Concubines; Lover's pride; Contempt for women; No love-marriages; Tattooing.

  Javanese: Marriage before puberty; No liberty of choice.

  Jealousy: Rousseau on; Chapter on (See Table of Contents).

  Jus primae noctis.

  Kaffirs: Cattle versus women; Pride vs. love; Pride to aid love; Uncleanly; Child-wives; No free choice; Various details.

  Kaffirs of Hindu-Kush: Unjealous.

  Kamerun: Nudity; No individual preference; No love in.

  Kandhs: Licentious festivals.

  Klamath Indians: Erotic songs.

  Korumbas, promiscuity.

  Kukis: Unchastity.

  Kwakiutl Indians: Love-songs.

  Languages: Multiplicity of.

  Latuka: Polygamy.

  Lepchas: Promiscuity.


  Licentious festivals; Kaffir; Australian (See Corrobborees); Hawaiians; American Indians; India.



  Love, conjugal: Nature of; Mistakes regarding; African; Australian; Dyak; Fijian; Hawaiian; New Zealand; Indian; Hindoo; Greek.

  Love-letters: African; Australian; Hawaiian.

  Love: pathologic.

  Love-poems: Turkish; Fijian; Somali; Esthonian; Hottentot; Harari; New Zealand; Indian; Hindoo; Song of Songs; Greek.

  Love: Primitive.

  Love: Romantic; A compound; The word; Last product of civilization; Importance of; What it is; Ingredients; Jealousy in; Power of; Hyperbole; Comic side of; Symptoms; Sympathy; Adoration; Actions versus words; Affection; Mental purity; Definition of; Why called romantic; Sentiment; Vanity of; Changed to conjugal love; Obstacles to; Baker on African; Zoeller on African; Absent in Abyssinia; Among Bushmen; Hottentots; Kaffirs; Negroes; Gallas; Somals; Kabyles; Touaregs; Germs; Australian "affection,"; Sentimental touches; Dyak love; Fijian love; Tahitian love; Polynesian stories; Hawaiian love; Its violence compared with sensual passion; To be found in New Zealand?; Unchastity incompatible with; Indian "refined love,"; Does suicide prove love?; Philologic evidence; Indian specimens; Whole tracts of feeling unknown to savages; Unknown to Hindoos; To Hebrews; To Greeks; Utility of.

  Madagascar: Unchastity.


  Makololo: Mutilations.

  Malavika and Agnimitra.

  Mandans: Women not jealous; Not coy; Obliged to mourn; Apparent modesty; Lower than brutes; "Conjugal love,"; Brides sold.

  Maoris (See New Zealanders).

  Marriage: Polygamy more honorable than monogamy; Monopolism and monogamy; Chastity not valued in; Utilitarian; Wives as property; On trial; A farce; And corpulence; Why savages value wives; Of women, without choice (See Choice); In China; Love in Bushman; Why Australians marry; By exchange of girl
s; By elopement (See Elopements); Taboos; Of souls; By stratagem; Christian ideal vs. ancient Hebrew; In Greece; Plato's ideal; In Tonga; In Hawaii; Indians; In India; By capture and mock capture; By purchase; Before puberty; (See also Promiscuity).

  Masculine selfishness: (See Selfishness).

  Medea and Jason.

  Mediaeval gallantry.

  Melanesians: Morals.

  Mexicans: Barrenness a cause of divorce; Practical promiscuity; Woman's inferior position; Marriage conditions; Aztek love-poems; Erotic philology.

  Micronesians: Tattooing.

  Militarism and feminine lack of coyness.

  Mishmees: Unchastity.

  Mixed Moods: (See Hope and Despair).

  Modesty: Curiosities of; Deception; Absence of, etc. (See Chastity).

  Modocs: Dangers of adultery; Why they marry; Marriage ceremony.

  Mohammedans: Polygamy; Contempt for women.

  Mojaves: Jewels and rank; Morals.


  Moors: Ideas of beauty; Ugly features.

  Mordvins: Mock coyness.

  Mosquitos: Lower than animals.

  Mourning: Decorations; To order; For entertainment.

  Murder: As a virtue.


  Nagas: Ungallant.

  Nala and Damayanti.

  Natchez: Lending wives; Unchaste; Treatment of squaws.

  Natural selection: Replaced by love.

  Navajos: Unchastity; Treatment of women; Courtship.

  Negroes, African: Feminine aspect of men; Delight in torture; Scarification; Idea of beauty; No love among.

  New Britain Group: Paying for a wife.

  New Hebrides: Infanticide.

  New Zealanders: Masculine women; Wooing-house; Decorations; Anesthetic; Object of tattooing; Filthy; Origin of the Maoris; Love-poems; Courtship; Morals.

  Niam-Niam: Conjugal love.

  Nicaraguans: Tattooing; Licentious festivals; Eating a rival.

  Nudity: (See Modesty).

  Obscenity: An obstacle to love.

  Odysseus as a husband.

  Old maids.

  Omahas: Tribal marks; Tattooing; Courtship; Buying wives; And elopements; An idyl; Love-poems.

  Oraons: Promiscuity; Courtship.

  Oriental ideal of beauty; Sentimentality.

  Osages: Tattooing; Unchaste.

  Pacific Islands: Love on.

  Paharias: Attachment.

  Paiderastia [Greek].

  Papuans: Nudity.

  Pastoral love.

  Patagonians: Adultery; Decorations; No esthetic sense; Licentiousness; Women as drudges; Marriages; A courtship.

  Paul and Virginia.

  Pawnees: Apathy of brides; Daughters as merchandise; Courtship.

  Penelope as a model wife.

  Perseus and Andromeda.

  Persians: Cruel jealousy; Unjealous women; Amorous hyperbole; Love among; Impurity.

  Peruvians: Mutilations; Sun virgins; Cruel to women; Marriage; Love-charms; Words to express love.

  Philippine Islanders: Bisayos; Indifferent to chastity; Women not jealous.

  Piutes: Nocturnal courtship.

  Pocahontas, story of.

  Polynesians: Gods; Infanticide; Proposals by women; Tattooing; Reasons for bathing; Beauty means fat.

  Pride, amorous.


  Promiscuity, practical.

  Proposing: By women; In Fiji; Silent; By Indians.

  Puberty: Decorations and mutilations at; Marriage before (See Marriage).

  Pueblos: Girls propose; Unchastity.

  Purchase of brides: (See Marriage).

  Purity, mental.

  Race aversion.

  Rebekah, the courting of.

  Religion: No love in early; Fear; Blasphemy; Sacrifices; Immorality; Associated with.

  Religious prejudices.

  Romans: Refined sensual love; Mercenary coyness; Amorous hyperbole; Sham gallantry; Suicide and love; Terence and Plautus; Catullus; Tibullus; Propertius and Ovid.

  Romantic, meaning of.

  Ruth and Boaz.


  Samoans: Idea of modesty; Obscene conversation; Various traits; Chastity; Courtship pantomime; Love-stories; Personal appearance.

  Samoyedes: selfish men.



  Scenery, romantic.

  Selfishness: (See Women, maltreatment of); Adoration; Sympathy; Gallantry; Affection.


  Sensuality: Antipode of love; Fastidious; Is not love; Goethe's error; Appetite and longing; And sentimentality (See Chastity).

  Sentiment, versus sentimentality.


  Sentiments: How they change and grow.

  Separation of the sexes.

  Sexual characters, primary and secondary.

  Sexual selection.

  Sexuality, mental.

  Singhalese: utilitarian marriage.

  Sioux: (See Dakotas).

  Social barriers to love.

  Somali: Unjealous wives; Feathers; Fat versus beauty; A love-song; Child-wives; Barren women chased away; Absence of gallantry; Love-affairs.

  Song of Songs.


  Stories, incidents, and dramas: African; American Indian; Australian; Eskimo; Greek; Hawaiian; Hebrew; Indian (Hindoo and wild tribes); New Zealand; Oriental; Polynesian; Samoan; Tahitian; Tongan.

  Suicide and love.

  Sumatrans: Marriages; Selfish men; No choice.

  Swedes: mock-capture.


  Syria: idea of modesty.

  Taboos, sexual.

  Tahitians: Tattooing; Indifference to chastity; Contempt for women; Compressed heads; Flowers and licentiousness; Mourning; Personal appearance; Depraved by white visitors?

  Tasmanians: Charms; Mourning.

  Taste, disputing about.


  Temple girls, Hindoo.

  Thibet: Unchastity; Woman's wretched lot.

  Thlinkeets: Exchanging wives; War-paint; Mutilations; Suicide.

  Todas: Unjealous.

  Tongans: Tattooing; Beads and vanity; Personal appearance; Were they civilized? Love of scenery.

  Torres Strait Islanders.

  Tribal marks.

  Tupis: no jealousy.

  Turks: Modesty; Love-song; Amorous hyperbole; Arousing pride; Coarseness; Lust versus love; Mourning to order.

  Uganda: Nudity; Disposal of women.

  Unchastity: (See Chastity).


  Utility of love.


  Veddahs: Incest.

  Virginity: Penetrative; Indifference to; (See Chastity).

  Votyaks: Indifference to chastity; Mock capture;

  War: An obstacle to love.

  Whites: Did they corrupt savages?

  Widows: Tormented in India; Burning of.

  Winona's leap.

  Wives: (See Marriage).

  Women: Homage to priestesses; Domestic rule; Political rule; Is gallantry an "insult?" Pugnacious; Crueler than men; Woman's sphere; Ma
ltreatment of and contempt for; Masculine women; No liberty of choice (See Choice).

  Wooing: By women; (see Proposing).

  Yucatan: War decorations; Tattooing.

  Yumas: Immorality.


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