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Wolf Called

Page 12

by Sadie Moss

  Noah lifted his head, licking his lips as he smiled up at me. He slid a hand up my body and under the oversized shirt to the space right between my breasts, then pressed slowly on my sternum to make me lie back down. He kept his hand right there, using his other to work my panties over my hips and down my legs. I bent my knees to help him, my chest rising and falling fast under his palm as nerves and excitement raged through my veins.

  When he’d bared my lower half, Noah dipped his head between my legs again. This time, when his mouth met my core, there was nothing between us. His warm, wet tongue licked a path up my slick folds to my clit as the hand on my chest slid over to my breast, rolling and pinching my nipple.

  “Oh God!” I bit my lip, squeezing my eyes shut against the torrent of sensations, vaguely aware that my cry had been way too loud not to be heard down the hall.

  But Noah didn’t stop. He ran the flat of his tongue over my clit before swirling it over the small bud in a pattern that left me breathless. One hand continued to tease and play with my nipple while the other held onto my hip, holding me still while he lapped at me.

  He released his grip on my side, and a moment later, a long, thick finger slid inside me. My core clamped around the invasion instinctively, needing more of that pressure, that exquisite fullness.

  The feelings inside me were building to a peak, pushing to the top of a precipice as he fucked me with his finger and worshipped me with his mouth. I was so close to coming.

  Then… he stopped.

  He pulled away from me, slowly sliding his finger out. My eyes flew open, and I stared down my body at him in shock.

  His lips quirked in the lopsided smile I loved so much as he pressed little kisses to my clit and the insides of my thighs, making me quiver with unspent tension.

  “I don’t want you to come yet. For your first time, it might make you too tight, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

  I nodded, barely understanding his words through my haze of lust. I wasn’t surprised he knew I was a virgin. I couldn’t even be mad that Rhys or West had told him—it was probably why my mates had been so reluctant to touch me while I was recovering from my injuries. None of them had wanted to hurt me.

  But this didn’t hurt.

  It felt so fucking good.

  And thank God, one of us knew what they were doing, because I certainly didn’t. I was grateful Noah was taking the lead, guiding me through this. Grateful my first time would be with someone who had experience.

  That thought caused an unexpected twinge of pain in my chest, and I blinked back the sudden sting of tears.

  “What?” Noah noticed the shift in my expression immediately, and his brows drew together, concern darkening his features. “What is it, Scrubs? Are you okay?”

  I nodded quickly, forcing a smile to my face to assure him he hadn’t done anything wrong. Everything he’d done was perfect. “Yeah. More than okay. I was just thinking I was glad you’ll be my first. And then I thought…” I swallowed, forcing the words out. “I wish… I could’ve been your first.”

  A heartbreakingly tender expression crossed his face, and he crawled up my body to hover over me, gazing down into my eyes. “Fuck. Me too, Scrubs. So much. I won’t lie and say I’ve never had sex before, but… if I knew you were out there, I would’ve waited. I would’ve waited for you my whole damn life.”

  Noah’s words landed right in my heart, expanding it until it felt too big for the confined cavity of my chest.

  God, I loved this man.

  His sweetness. His strength. His sincerity.

  With an inarticulate sound, I reached for him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and kissing him like I’d never get enough. He was still dressed, but I could feel the heat of his skin even through the layers of fabric that separated us.

  He sank into the kiss, settling his body onto mine but being sure not to crush me. The fire that had been building inside me earlier began to flare again, and I wrapped my legs around him, pressing my heels against his firm ass to pin his body to mine. His cock ground against my core, and I knew I was probably leaving a wet stain on the front of his pants, but I didn’t give a single shit about that right now.

  Noah tore his mouth away from mine, gasping for air. “Oh fuck, Scrubs. I’m trying to take this slow, but you’re making it hard as hell.”

  A chuckle burst from my lips, and I squeezed his lean waist between my thighs. “Literally?”

  His smile was teasing but heavy with desire as he moved against me slightly, showing me exactly what I was doing to him. “Yes, literally.”

  He drew back slightly, but before I could protest the space between us, he reached for the hem of my shirt. I arched my back and raised my hands, allowing him to pull it over my head. The t-shirt ended up somewhere on the floor as Noah tossed it away carelessly, his gaze riveted to me.

  I settled back against the sheets, my hands still draped over my head, my entire body bared to him.

  He’d seen me naked before. I knew he had.

  When they’d found me after the ambulance crash, I hadn’t had a stitch of clothing on. But this was different, and the look in his eyes made me certain he felt it too.

  His gaze trailed over me as if he were trying to soak up every single detail of my form. For a moment, I let myself bask in his attention, my clit throbbing and my nipples aching from the pure want in his blue eyes.

  “This really isn’t fair, you know,” I murmured, sitting up on my elbows and watching his gaze darken with desire as he tracked the movement. “I’m totally naked, and you’re wearing way too many clothes.”

  With a seductive smile, he pulled his shirt off with one hand, baring the sculpted muscles of his arms, shoulders, and abs. The room was dark, but moonlight spilled through the curtains, highlighting the contours of his body in shades of gray and blue.

  He was fucking beautiful.

  When he moved to unbutton his jeans, I scrambled to my knees to help. He dropped his hands to his sides, the muscles of his abs bunching and contracting as he allowed me to take over.

  I popped the button and tugged the zipper down carefully, then drew his briefs and jeans down together, freeing his cock.

  It was thick, slightly curved, and smooth as silk in my hand. He groaned when I closed my fingers around the shaft, and the vein that ran along the top pulsed slightly.

  I had no real idea what I was doing, but I liked the feel of his hard length in my hand, liked getting a chance to explore him. His cock was strange but sort of beautiful, with small drops of liquid leaking from the slit at the tip.

  And most of all, I liked how he reacted to my touch.

  It fed the ravenous hunger inside me, and the muscles of my core clenched, making my clit throb harder.

  Tentatively, I reached out and swiped my tongue over the broad head, lapping up the liquid that had gathered there. It was salty and tangy, and when I closed my mouth around the whole thing, Noah let out a choked growl.

  “Fuck, Alexis. Fuck.”

  He sounded almost pained. Like it was sweet torture for him to have my lips wrapped around him. I bobbed my head a few times, using my saliva to smooth out the movement. It felt clumsy and awkward, but I felt his hips twitch beneath my hands, and more of those sounds I was learning to love fell from his mouth.

  “Jesus. I’m gonna come if you keep that up.” He pushed gently on my shoulders, making me stop. “And this is about you, beautiful. I want to make this good for you.”

  “It is. I like this,” I panted breathlessly, my hips shifting of their own accord, seeking something to quell the demanding ache inside me.

  He’d worked me right up to the edge with his tongue, and my body was trapped on that peak like a rollercoaster at the top of an incline, desperate for release. I was tempted to reach between my legs and take care of things myself, but I knew there was something much better, much sweeter, waiting for me.

  “Goddamn, Scrubs. You’re so fucking perfect.”

  He cupped the sides
of my face, pulling me up so we were kneeling together on the bed before claiming my mouth in another fierce kiss. I could taste myself on his tongue, and I wondered if he could taste his essence on mine. A whimper escaped my throat at the thought.

  Jesus, that’s hot.

  Without breaking the contact of our lips, Noah lowered me back down to the mattress, positioning himself over me. He reached down with one hand and guided his cock to my entrance, using the thick head to tease my clit again. A spasm of almost blinding pleasure spiked through my body, and my mouth fell open.

  “I can’t wait any longer, Scrubs,” he murmured, his lips brushing my jaw. “I need to be inside you. I’ll go slow, okay?”

  Slow. Fast. I didn’t care, as long as he gave me what I needed. I nodded desperately, my hands skating across his back, my legs hooking around his waist again.

  And then his cock was at my entrance, pushing slowly inside.

  It was big. Much bigger than his finger.

  He pressed in inch by agonizing inch, until I felt him hit the barrier inside me. He pulled back slowly, his face hovering inches from mine as he gazed into my eyes. Then he dipped his head to kiss me again as his hips surged forward.

  There was a sharp twinge of pain, and my muscles contracted involuntarily, a gasp tearing from my lips. He stilled, giving me time to adjust to the size of him.

  “All right?” he whispered.

  I nodded, my heart slamming hard against my ribs at the enormity of this moment. Of what it meant for me. For him.

  For us.

  Noah was fully seated inside me, his cock stretching my inner walls, his pelvic bone pressed against mine. That pressure sent sparks ricocheting through my body, and I bumped my hips against his, seeking more friction.

  He responded to my urging, drawing back slowly only to slide in again, increasing the sensations cascading through me. He set up a steady rhythm, bracing himself on his forearms as he thrust into me over and over.

  There was a slight, lingering pain from his first penetration, but that only seemed to heighten the pleasure flooding my body. Noah’s face was taut, and a sheen of sweat dampened his forehead as he fucked me.

  When he moved one hand down between us and found my clit again, it was too much. The tension that had been building inside me snapped like a whip as I came hard.

  “Noah! Oh—fuck!”

  I threw my head back, my body arching off the bed as my inner muscles clamped down around his cock in rhythmic waves.

  “Goddamn, Alexis. God… I’m coming.”

  He thrust into me hard two more times then stilled, his body shaking as he emptied himself inside me.

  I could feel wetness leaking out from the place where we were connected as he collapsed on top of me. He didn’t brace himself this time, and the heavy weight of his body pressed me into the mattress. But it was the best thing I’d ever felt.

  Finally, he lifted his head, smoothing my sweat-dampened hair away from my face and kissing me again with slow, lazy strokes of his tongue. Then he drew back, gazing down at me intently. “You still okay?”

  A soft chuckle fell from my lips. “Are you kidding? I think you wrecked me.”

  His eyes widened, and he reared back farther. “What? Are you all right? I—”

  I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him down on top of my body again. He was still inside me, his cock slowly softening, but I wasn’t ready to let this connection go yet.

  “In the best way, Noah. That was… incredible.”

  The tension drained from his body, and he rolled over onto his back, pulling me on top of him. “Jesus, Scrubs. Don’t scare me like that. Do you have any idea how fucking nervous I was?”

  “You were nervous?” I scrunched up my face. “Why would you be nervous? I was the one who had no idea what she was doing.”

  “Trust me, you improvised just fine.” He smirked playfully, sliding a hand down my back to cup my ass. Then his expression grew serious. “I just didn’t want to mess it up, you know? You’re special. You deserved something special for your first time.”

  “It was.” I rested my head on his chest, listening to the quiet thud of his heart. “It was perfect.”

  He held me like that as our heartbeats slowed together, our bodies moving in sync as we breathed. All the doubts, fears, and worries that had haunted my mind earlier went silent, washed away by blissful exhaustion. Right now, it was just me and Noah, connected in the most primal way, bound up in each other body and soul.

  I was vaguely aware that at some point, he pulled out of me, settling me gently onto the mattress beside him. He slid to the end of the bed to retrieve the comforter and drew it over us, then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into the cradle of his body.

  My wolf whuffed contentedly, and a sleepy smile crossed my lips. For the first time in days, she felt peaceful, calm, and as sated as I was.

  Hell, she was as sated as I was.

  Because whether I was ready to admit it or not, she was a part of me.

  Chapter Nineteen

  When the alarm clock blared, I jerked awake and groaned, peeling my scratchy eyes open.

  “Aw, fuck.”

  Jackson’s voice was rough with sleep, and a second later, a shoe sailed across the room, missing the offending alarm on the nightstand by about a foot. It fell to the floor as I leaned over, straining against Noah’s grip on me to hit the snooze button. The blinking red panel read 6:01.

  Noah yawned, pulling me back into the warmth of his embrace as quiet fell over the room again. I felt his cock pressing against my ass as he spooned me, and memories of last night flooded my mind.

  I could still feel him everywhere, as if he’d marked me permanently somehow. There was a slight ache between my legs, and my muscles were a little sore—similar to how they would’ve felt the day after a hard workout with Erin back at the Strand complex.

  Except Erin’s workouts were never this fun.

  As if he’d been reliving last night right along with me, Noah lifted his head, nipping at my earlobe before murmuring, “Morning, beautiful.”

  I let out a happy, contented little noise, moving my hips against him encouragingly.

  “No fucking time for morning sex,” Rhys growled from the other side of the room, and I yelped.

  Despite having just heard Jackson speak, I’d sort of forgotten that the other guys were all here, arrayed around the floor in makeshift blanket nests. They’d let me and Noah have the bed, and we were both still naked under the covers.

  Waking up in one man’s arms surrounded by three other men should’ve felt incredibly awkward, but somehow, it wasn’t.

  They were all my mates. I felt the same pull toward each of them that I felt toward Noah, and we all knew it.

  “Come on! We gotta get moving.” Rhys was already up and dressed, stuffing clothes hurriedly into one of our packs.

  Noah leaned up onto his elbow, rolling me onto my back and looking down at me with a smile brighter than sunshine. Ignoring the manic energy that poured off Rhys, he leaned down to kiss me softly. His gray-blue eyes shone as he whispered, in a voice so low it was meant only for me, “That was the best night of my life, Scrubs. Hands down. I’ll never forget it.”

  I bit my lip, nodding in agreement. There was so much more I wanted to say—to him and to all the men in this room—but now wasn’t the time. Rhys had finished with one pack and was striding around the room, grabbing up more items to stuff into the second.

  With a sigh, Noah threw the covers back and slid out of bed, snagging a fresh set of clothes before Rhys could pack those too. I followed, still nowhere near as comfortable with casual nudity as these guys were. My hands itched to cover my boobs as I padded softly across the room, but I forced myself to act natural and let my arms hang loosely by my sides.

  It didn’t help that the entire room seemed to hold its breath as soon as I stepped out of bed. I swore I could feel the temperature of the air rising as Jackson’s gaze locked on me. West dropped hi
s chin, but I could see his dark eyes watching me through his thick lashes. Rhys paused in his mad packing dash, tugging his lower lip between his teeth.

  Even Noah, who’d seen me naked plenty last night, stared at me with heat in his eyes as if it were the first time.

  My skin prickled, flushing with desire as my body responded to their looks. Warmth pooled in my low belly, and my core clenched.

  Trying to pretend everything was perfectly normal and that I wasn’t ridiculously turned on, I grabbed for some clothes blindly, turning around to look at the guys only once I had a bra and panties on. Judging by their expressions, my outfit change hadn’t helped diffuse the situation very much.

  Blushing furiously, I tugged on my jeans and cleared my throat. “Sorry I skipped out early last night. Do we have a plan?”

  “Um…” Rhys seemed to have temporarily lost the power of speech. Finally, he shook himself, tearing his gaze away from me and looking down at the large backpack in his hands as if he had no idea how it’d gotten there. “We’re heading out soon. Carl called in a favor to get us a clean vehicle in a hurry, and he’s got a hacker friend of his digging up more info on Strand. We’ve got more info on the complex itself, and we’ll work out the details on the way to Salt Lake City.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I joined him in packing as the others gathered their things. We’d picked up extra clothes since arriving in Vegas, and West shoved them into a suitcase he must’ve gotten from Molly.

  When the alarm went off again at 6:10, we were all ready. Jackson smacked the button on top with satisfaction, his eyes still squinty with sleep.

  “Too fucking early,” he muttered.

  “You can sleep on the way,” West told him, hefting one of the bags over his shoulders.

  We joined Molly in the kitchen. Empty pizza boxes and a few beer bottles sat on the counter, remnants of last night’s planning session, and someone had picked up a to-go order of donuts and coffee.


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