Delphi Complete Works of Tibullus
Page 22
Non sine me est tibi partus honos: Tarbella Pyrene
Testis et Oceani litora Santonici, 10
Testis Arar Rhodanusque celer magnusque Garunna,
Carnutis et flavi caerula lympha Liger.
9 Not without me was thy glory won: witness Tarbellian Pyrenees and the shores of Ocean by Saintonge; witness Saone and swift-running Rhone and great Garonne, with Loire, blue stream of the blonde tribes of Chartres.
An te, Cydne, canam, tacitis qui leniter undis
Caeruleus placidis per vada serpis aquis,
Quantus et aetherio contingens vertice nubes 15
Frigidus intonsos Taurus alat Cilicas?
Quid referam, ut volitet crebras intacta per urbes
Alba Palaestino sancta columba Syro,
Utque maris vastum prospectet turribus aequor
Prima ratem ventis credere docta Tyros, 20
Qualis et, arentes cum findit Sirius agros,
Fertilis aestiva Nilus abundet aqua?
13 Or, Cydnus, shall I sing of thee whose silent wave steals bluely through the waters of the still lagoon? Or how with head that reaches to the clouds extends chill Taurus, the feeder of Cilicia’s long-haired sons? Why should I recount how from town to town unharmed flies the white dove that the Syrians of Palestine revere? How Tyre, first town that learned to trust the ship to the mercy of the wind, looks out from her towers across the vast sea-plain? Or how, when Sirius splits the parching fields, through all the heats life-giving Nile is full in flood?
Nile pater, quanam possim te dicere causa
Aut quibus in terris occuluisse caput?
Te propter nullos tellus tua postulat imbres, 25
Arida nec pluvio supplicat herba Iovi.
Te canit atque suum pubes miratur Osirim
Barbara, Memphiten plangere docta bovem.
23 For what cause, Father Nile, or in what lands may I declare that thou hast hid thy head? Because of thee thy Egypt never sues for showers, nor does the parched blade bow to Jove the Rain-giver. Thou art sung and worshipped, as their own Osiris, by the barbarous folk brought up to wail the ox of Memphis.
Primus aratra manu sollerti fecit Osiris
Et teneram ferro sollicitavit humum, 30
Primus inexpertae conmisit semina terrae
Pomaque non notis legit ab arboribus.
Hic docuit teneram palis adiungere vitem,
Hic viridem dura caedere falce comam;
Illi iucundos primum matura sapores 35
Expressa incultis uva dedit pedibus.
Ille liquor docuit voces inflectere cantu,
Movit et ad certos nescia membra modos,
29 It was Osiris’ cunning hand that first made ploughs and vexed the young earth with the iron share. He first entrusted seed to the untried earth, and gathered fruits from unknown trees. He showed how to join the young vine and the pole, he how to lop its green leaves with the stern pruning-hook. For him the ripe grape-clusters, which rugged feet had crushed, first yielded up their pleasant tastes; their juice taught men to guide the voice through changing strains, and bade untutored limbs move to a measure true.
Bacchus et agricolae magno confecta labore
Pectora tristitiae dissoluenda dedit. 40
Bacchus et adflictis requiem mortalibus adfert,
Crura licet dura conpede pulsa sonent.
39 When the breast of the countryman is crushed with his heavy toil, it is the wine-god makes it over to gladness to be loosened from its bonds; ’tis the wine-god brings relief to mortals in distress, though cruel shackles clank upon their legs.
Non tibi sunt tristes curae nec luctus, Osiri,
Sed chorus et cantus et levis aptus amor,
Sed varii flores et frons redimita corymbis, 45
Fusa sed ad teneros lutea palla pedes
Et Tyriae vestes et dulcis tibia cantu
Et levis occultis conscia cista sacris.
43 Harsh cares and grief are not for thee, Osiris, but dance and songs and lightsome love. Yea, flowers of many hues and brows with the berried ivy circled, and robe of saffron flowing over youthful feet, raiment of Tyre and sweet-singing pipe and the light basket with its mystery of holy things.
Huc ades et Genium ludis Geniumque choreis
Concelebra et multo tempora funde mero: 50
Illius et nitido stillent unguenta capillo,
Et capite et collo mollia serta gerat.
Sic venias hodierne: tibi dem turis honores,
Liba et Mopsopio dulcia melle feram.
49 Then hither come, and with a hundred sports and dances do honour to the Birth-sprite, and let wine in plenty bathe his temples. From his glistening hair let the ointment drip, and on his head and neck let soft garlands hang. Thus come to us to-day, Birth-spirit; and I will bring thee offering of incense and cakes sweetened with honey from the land of Mopsopus.
At tibi succrescat proles, quae facta parentis 55
Augeat et circa stet veneranda senem.
55 But for thee, my friend, let a progeny spring up to add fresh exploits to their sire’s, and stand in their distinctions about the old man’s chair.
Nec taceat monumenta viae, quem Tuscula tellus
Candidaque antiquo detinet Alba Lare.
Namque opibus congesta tuis hic glarea dura
Sternitur, hic apta iungitur arte silex. 60
Te canit agricola, a magna cum venerit urbe
Serus inoffensum rettuleritque pedem.
57 And let him not be silent on the great work of thy road whom the fields of Tusculum or white Alba’s ancient homesteads keep from the city. For, heaped up through thy bounty, here is laid hard gravel, and there are flint blocks featly joined. The dweller in the country shall sing thy praise when he has come at night from the great city and brought his foot home without tripping.
At tu, Natalis multos celebrande per annos,
Candidior semper candidiorque veni.
63 But thou, Birth-spirit, come to thy honours for many a year — come ever brighter and brighter still.
To Pholoe on Marathus
Non ego celari possum, quid nutus amantis
Quidve ferant miti lenia verba sono.
Nec mihi sunt sortes nec conscia fibra deorum,
Praecinit eventus nec mihi cantus avis:
Ipsa Venus magico religatum bracchia nodo 5
Perdocuit multis non sine verberibus.
1 No one can hide from me the meaning of a lover’s nod, nor the message of gentle tones and whispered words. Yet no lots help me, no liver with heaven’s will acquainted, nor do birds’ notes tell me of the things to come. ’Twas Venus’ self that tied my arms with magic knots and taught me all with many stripes.
Desine dissimulare: deus crudelius urit,
Quos videt invitos subcubuisse sibi.
7 Have done with concealments. The god has fiercer fires for those that he sees have fallen to him against their will.
Quid tibi nunc molles prodest coluisse capillos
Saepeque mutatas disposuisse comas, 10
Quid fuco splendente genas ornare, quid ungues
Artificis docta subsecuisse manu?
Frustra iam vestes, frustra mutantur amictus,
Ansaque conpressos conligat arta pedes.
Illa placet, quamvis inculto venerit ore 15
Nec nitidum tarda compserit arte caput.
9 What advantage hast thou now in dressing the soft hair or shifting continually the arrangement of the tresses, what in beautifying cheeks with lustrous pigment, in having the nails pared by an artist’s cunning hand? In vain thy gowns, thy shawls are changed, and the tight loop squeezes the feet together. ’Tis the other charms, though she come with face untended and has spent no lingering skill on dressing her sheeny hair.
Num te carminibus, num te pallentibus herbis
Devovit tacito tempore noctis anus?
Cantus vicinis fruges traducit ab agris,
Cantus et iratae detinet anguis iter, 20
nbsp; Cantus et e curru Lunam deducere temptat
Et faceret, si non aera repulsa sonent.
17 Has some hag bewitched thee with her spells, or with blanching herbs, in the silent night hours? Incantation draws the crops from the neighbour’s field; incantation checks the course of the angry snake; incantation seeks to draw the moon down from her car, and would do it but for the blows on the echoing bronze.
Quid queror heu misero carmen nocuisse, quid herbas?
Forma nihil magicis utitur auxiliis:
Sed corpus tetigisse nocet, sed longa dedisse 25
Oscula, sed femori conseruisse femur.
Nec tu difficilis puero tamen esse memento:
Persequitur poenis tristia facta Venus.
23 Why do I complain, alas! that spells or herbs have worked me woe? Beauty needs no aid from sorcery. ’Tis touching the body does the harm, giving the long kiss, resting thigh by thigh. Yet do thou for thy part see thou art not uncompliant to the lad; Venus visits harsh deeds with punishment.
Munera ne poscas: det munera canus amator,
Ut foveat molli frigida membra sinu. 30
Carior est auro iuvenis, cui levia fulgent
Ora nec amplexus aspera barba terit.
Huic tu candentes umero subpone lacertos,
Et regum magnae despiciantur opes.
At Venus invenit puero concumbere furtim, 35
Dum timet et teneros conserit usque sinus,
Et dare anhelanti pugnantibus umida linguis
Oscula et in collo figere dente notas.
Non lapis hanc gemmaeque iuvant, quae frigore sola
Dormiat et nulli sit cupienda viro. 40
29 Ask for no presents: these should a hoary lover give, that soft arms may warm his chilly limbs. Gold is less precious than a lad whose face is bright and smooth, with no rough beard to rasp caresses. Under his shoulder place thy radiant arms, and thus look down on all the treasures of a king. Venus will find a way for stealthy commerce with the lad while he quivers, and would draw your tender bosoms ever closer, for giving wet kisses with quickened breath and struggling tongue and printing the teeth’s marks on the neck. No stone or pearls will give her joy who sleeps alone and chill, and to no man is desirable.
Heu sero revocatur amor seroque iuventas,
Cum vetus infecit cana senecta caput.
Tum studium formae est: coma tum mutatur, ut annos
Dissimulet viridi cortice tincta nucis;
Tollere tum cura est albos a stirpe capillos 45
Et faciem dempta pelle referre novam.
At tu, dum primi floret tibi temporis aetas,
Utere: non tardo labitur illa pede.
41 Ah, too late we call back love and youth when hoary eld has bleached the aged head. Then looks are studied. The hair is stained to disguise our years with dye from the nut’s green husk. Then we task ourselves to pluck up the white hairs by the root and to carry home a face transformed, with the old skin gone. But do thou while thy life is still in its flowering springtide see that thou use it. Not slow are its feet as it glides away.
Neu Marathum torque: puero quae gloria victo est?
In veteres esto dura, puella, senes. 50
Parce precor tenero: non illi sontica causa est,
Sed nimius luto corpora tingit amor.
Vel miser absenti maestas quam saepe querelas
Conicit, et lacrimis omnia plena madent!
49 Nor torture Marathus. What glory is there in discomfiting a boy? Be hard, my lass, to the effete old. Spare the tender shoot, I pray. Naught ails him gravely; ’tis from excess of passion comes the yellow stain upon his skin. See again, poor wretch, how often he heaps his piteous reproaches on the absent and all around is flooded with his tears.
‘Quid me spernis?’ ait. ‘poterat custodia vinci: 55
Ipse dedit cupidis fallere posse deus.
Nota venus furtiva mihi est, ut lenis agatur
Spiritus, ut nec dent oscula rapta sonum;
Et possum media quamvis obrepere nocte
Et strepitu nullo clam reserare fores. 60
Quid prosunt artes, miserum si spernit amantem
Et fugit ex ipso saeva puella toro?
Vel cum promittit, subito sed perfida fallit,
Est mihi nox multis evigilanda malis.
Dum mihi venturam fingo, quodcumque movetur, 65
Illius credo tunc sonuisse pedes.’
55 “Why dost thou slight me?” he complains. “The watch might have been baffled. Heaven itself gives the lovesick skill to cozen. I know the secret ways of love, how the breath may be taken gently, and how kisses may be snatched and make no sound. I can steal up e’en in the dead of night, and unseen unbar the door without a sound. But what do arts avail if the girl spurn the hapless swain and, cruel, fly from the very couch of love? Then again when she promises and suddenly plays false, I must wake through a night of many woes. While I fondly think that she will come to me, in every stir I hear her footfall sounding.”
Desistas lacrimare, puer: non frangitur illa,
Et tua iam fletu lumina fessa tument.
Oderunt, Pholoe, moneo, fastidia divi,
Nec prodest sanctis tura dedisse focis. 70
Hic Marathus quondam miseros ludebat amantes,
Nescius ultorem post caput esse deum;
Saepe etiam lacrimas fertur risisse dolentis
Et cupidum ficta detinuisse mora:
Nunc omnes odit fastus, nunc displicet illi 75
Quaecumque obposita est ianua dura sera.
At te poena manet, ni desinis esse superba.
Quam cupies votis hunc revocare diem!
67 Shed tears no more, lad. Her heart is stone, and thy eyes are already worn and swelled with weeping. The gods, I warn thee, Pholoe, abhor disdain. ‘Twill be vain to offer incense to their holy fires. This is the Marathus that once made mock of wretched lovers, unwitting that behind him stood the god of vengeance. Often, too, we have heard, he laughed at the tears of anguish and kept a lover waiting with pretences for delay. Now he abhors all coyness; now he hates every door that is bolted fast against him. But for thee, girl, unless thou cease to be proud, there is punishment in store. Then how wilt thou long that prayers might bring thee back to-day!
To Marathus
Quid mihi si fueras miseros laesurus amores,
Foedera per divos, clam violanda, dabas?
A miser, et siquis primo periuria celat,
Sera tamen tacitis Poena venit pedibus.
Parcite, caelestes: aequum est inpune licere 5
Numina formosis laedere vestra semel.
1 WHY, if thou wast to wrong my helpless love, didst thou pledge thy faith to me before the gods but to break it privily? Unhappy! even if at first we hide the perjury, yet in the end comes Punishment on noiseless feet. Still spare him, powers above. ’Tis not unjust if for one sin against your godhead beauty should pay no forfeit.
Lucra petens habili tauros adiungit aratro
Et durum terrae rusticus urget opus,
Lucra petituras freta per parentia ventis
Ducunt instabiles sidera certa rates: 10
Muneribus meus est captus puer, at deus illa
In cunerem et liquidas munera vertat aquas.
7 ’Tis in quest of gain the countryman yokes his bulls to his good plough and plies his hard work on the land; it is gain that the swaying ships pursue when the sure stars guide them through seas that the winds control. And by gifts has my lad been captured. But may God turn them to ashes and running water.
Iam mihi persolvet poenas, pulvisque decorem
Detrahet et ventis horrida facta coma;
Uretur facies, urentur sole capilli, 15
Deteret invalidos et via longa pedes.
13 Ere long he will make me full amends; his comeliness will be lost amid the dust and the winds that roughen his hair; his face, his curls will be burned by the sun, and long travel will disable his tender feet.
Admonui quotiens ‘auro
ne pollue formam:
Saepe solent auro multa subesse mala.
Divitiis captus siquis violavit amorem,
Asperaque est illi difficilisque Venus. 20
Ure meum potius flamma caput et pete ferro
Corpus et intorto verbere terga seca.
Nec tibi celandi spes sit peccare paranti:
Est deus, occultos qui vetat esse dolos.
Ipse deus tacito permisit lene ministro, 25
Ederet ut multo libera verba mero;
Ipse deus somno domitos emittere vocem
Iussit et invitos facta tegenda loqui.’
17 How many times have I warned him: “Let not gold sully beauty; under gold there often lurks a multitude of ills. Whosoever has let wealth tempt him to outrage love, with him is Venus fierce and obdurate. Rather burn my head with fire, stab my body with steel, and cut my back with the twisted scourge. And have no hope of concealment when thou art planning wrong. God knows of it, and lets no treachery stay hid. God himself has set [wine] within the reach of a tongue-tied servant, that with much strong drink his speech might How free. Heaven itself has bidden the lips that slumber had sealed to open and to speak unwillingly of deeds that should have lain in the dark.”
Haec ego dicebam: nunc me flevisse loquentem,
Nunc pudet ad teneros procubuisse pedes. 30
Tum mihi iurabas nullo te divitis auri
Pondere, non gemmis, vendere velle fidem,
Non tibi si pretium Campania terra daretur,
Non tibi si, Bacchi cura, Falernus ager.
Illis eriperes verbis mihi sidera caeli 35
Lucere et puras fulminis esse vias.
Quin etiam flebas: at non ego fallere doctus
Tergebam umentes credulus usque genas.
29 So used I to say to thee. Now I am ashamed that I wept as I spoke, that I fell at thy tender feet. Then thou wouldst swear to me that for no weight of precious gold or for pearls wouldst thou sell thy faith, nay, not if Campania’s land were given thee as the price, or Falernum’s fields that Bacchus tends. Such words could have robbed me of my certainty that stars shine in skies and that rivers run downward. Nay, more, thou wouldst weep; but I unversed in deceit would ever fondly wipe the water from thy cheeks.