Rebel: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance

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Rebel: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance Page 19

by Brittany Crowley

  I’m sure this is the best plan. Yeah, the best plan to make a buttload of money off my fight. I can’t believe what they’re suggesting.

  “We want to bump your fight up,” he said. It wasn’t a little bump, no. They want to throw me in the Octagon in two weeks at a huge pay-per-view event. An event my cousin Gabe has already been set to headline for the title and thanks to my crazy antics in the tabloids it’ll become a Cage doubleheader.

  Cage is the word in everyone’s mouth right now, and they thought they’d hit record viewers if they had us on the same night. It does sound logical, but two weeks! I thought I had another two and a half months to get ready.

  “I can fight at any time. I’m in. I’m just not sure if it’s wise for Rebel,” Sandy says my name sarcastically. “She’s not ready. I think we all know she’s been more into partying than training lately.”

  “Fuck you. I’m ready, any time, any place.” My nostrils flare while I try to calm my raging temper.

  Unbeknownst to me, Sandy was also ordered to be here this morning. She’s been nothing but a bitch, letting Preston know just how much of a fuck up I appear to be.

  “Hey now, save that for the press. We’ll have you both on the circuit starting next weekend for radio and TV interviews. We need to cash in now on your name, Emerson. Will you be ready?” Sandy scoffs, clearly disliking the fact that they care more about me for ratings than her.

  “I’ll be ready.” I glower at Sandy as I say it. I’ve had enough of her bitch attitude, and I’m aching for this fight to be much sooner.

  “Great,” Preston praises. “Sandy, we’re all set with you,” he dismisses her without looking her way. “Emerson, we need a few words.”

  Sandy gets up from her chair as Preston continues. “We need to talk about your image. I’ve seen some of the stories run on you recently. The league has a reputation to uphold, and your partying ways go against them. We need you to reel yourself in and project wholesome family values. Can you do that?”

  Is he kidding? “I don’t get how being at a bar is a big deal. I’m not under-age and I wasn’t doing anything illegal. Am I not allowed to live my life anymore? If I’m not mistaken, Benji Livingston is in the tabloids every week for bar brawls.”

  “Don’t be dramatic. Women love a bad boy, men don’t like a woman who’s trouble. Of course, you can be at a bar. We’re just asking for you to be mindful and maybe get a little crazy behind closed doors or somewhere you know you won’t be filmed. Not all publicity is good publicity. If you win and continue to do so, then there can be extra liberties. Until then, you do as we say and project a wholesome image. If you don’t…well, let’s just say all of this will up and vanish before your eyes. I have the power here, Emerson. I don’t care who your father is.”

  I cannot believe he’s justifying a man’s behavior that’s a thousand times worse than mine. I have half a mind to tell him to stay out of my business but realize that wouldn’t look good on my behalf. As I clench my jaw and bite my tongue, I settle that I can keep my nose out of trouble to make my dream come true no matter how unfair and sexist he’s being.

  I nod my head in agreement and shake his hand. “Thanks again for this opportunity, sir.”

  “Will your family be in attendance?” He doesn’t bother with my thanks. “Let me know how many are going, and I’ll get them the best seats. Wait, you have a large family. Let me know the heavy hitters.”

  I’m sure he means seats that will be easy to zoom in on during the fight for reactions from the celebrities in my family.

  “I’ll talk to my dad. Have a good day.” He doesn’t acknowledge my goodbye, just takes out his phone and starts typing away.

  “Okay,” I mumble and head for the door. I’m ready to hit the gym and get some of this pent-up rage out of my system. The anger only intensifies when to my surprise, I find Sandy still here and flirting with Joss.

  “What’s your name?” She coos.

  My eyes narrow and I step next to Joss. “Keep his name out of your mouth if you know what’s good for you.” I clench my jaw. “Hey, baby.” I lean up on the tips of my toes and kiss his cheek. “You ready to go?”

  “Yeah,” Joss says relieved. I don’t miss the look of anger when his eyes meet mine. That’s all for me, not Sandy, and I was expecting that reaction after ditching him this morning.

  We’re walking to the elevators when Sandy calls out my name. I turn around as she walks our way.

  “The only one who will be embarrassed in Vegas is you. Actually, do me a favor and dance on a few more bars. It’ll look great for my career to take out a Cage.”

  “If I were you, I’d worry about yourself. What’s the matter? Obsessed with me Sandy?” I turn away from her because I’m done with this conversation. My nerves have me wound up so tight I’m about to burst.

  We step on the empty elevator with Gary and hit the close door button, so Sandy doesn’t get any crazy ideas about joining us.

  Fuck, a fight in two weeks.

  “What the hell is going on?” Joss asks. “Why didn’t you wake me up to come with you this morning?”

  I knew leaving him to his slumber would get me in trouble. The truth is, I couldn’t stand it if I got in trouble and he was there to witness the whole thing. No way would Joss have agreed to stay outside the room like Gary did.

  “I needed to do this on my own. You can’t shield me from everything.”

  “It’s not that, I wanted to support you. Trust me to be there for you and know when to stand in when it’s right. I’m not a caveman for fuck’s sake.”

  I hate it when he’s right. “I’ll fill you in during the car ride. I just want to get out of here and figure out a freaking plan.”

  Man do I need a plan.


  “Two weeks?” Leo shrieks in a decibel that only dogs can hear.

  “You agreed to fight in two fucking weeks?” Gabe asks stunned.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t know. Apparently, they think it’s a genius idea to put us in the same pay-per-view event.”

  I can do this. After talking it out with Joss and my sister, I’ve set up a new schedule until fight day. Clean meals, twice a day at the gym and keeping my ass out of trouble. The last one is the easiest because since I’ve been back home, I’ve stayed in at night to take care of Quinn and hang with Joss.

  “I’ve been training for two years,” I tell them. “It’s not like they’re asking me to go from out of shape to tip-top in two weeks. I’m ready and I’ll focus on the areas I’m the weakest in.”

  “I’m glad I’m in the know this time,” Dad states sitting across from me. “You have this, there’s no need to be nervous. I’ve seen you train for a week now and you’re ready. When do you have to go to Vegas?”

  “I’m scheduled for some talk show interviews this weekend in New York, then I’m flying straight there.”

  Dad looks over at mom who’s coming to sit with us in a back table at Monkey Bars. I called an emergency family meeting as soon as I got in the car after my meeting. If anyone would know how to handle all of this, it’s my dad and Gabe. Uncle Josh couldn’t make it because he’s out of town, but Dad has him on speaker phone. “Hey baby, can you text Milo and tell him to free my training schedule until after Emmy’s fight? I need to be readily available for her. Can you also let Caesar know he needs to manage the bar next week? I’m taking my woman back to where all the magic happened.”

  “Ew, Dad.” I look away from him.

  “That was an epic night.” Uncle Josh laughs.

  “Don’t forget that’s where we got married, babe.” Mom sits on dad’s lap. “We should renew our vows at the same chapel we got married at the first time. You know, the fake wedding we had by Cher?”

  “How could I forget that shitstorm,” he mutters then stiffens. “I mean, the best day of my life.”

  “Speak for yourselves. I nearly had a heart attack thinking my little girl was knocked up and married all in one night. I nearly kill
ed poor Zander,” Grampy complains. My eyes find my dad’s, and he’s scowling at my grandfather over his comment. It makes me chuckle.

  “I love the idea of a Vegas wedding.” I know I shouldn’t have said it when all the men including Joss whip their heads in my direction. “Hold up. I’m not saying I’m getting married in Vegas, I’m only twenty-two.”

  “Can I get that in writing?” Grampy asks as Joss’s warm hand lands on my thigh.

  “Now there’s an idea,” Joss whispers in my ear.

  “If you think I’m copying my parents you are sadly mistaken. I want to wear a ball gown at my wedding,” I whisper back. “And maybe a tiara.” He bursts out laughing.

  “The infamous Rebel wants to wear a tiara at her wedding?” he questions giving a squeeze to my thigh.

  “Yes, I am a woman, in case you didn’t know.”

  Dad slams his hand down on Joss’s shoulder. “Don’t you dare answer that in my presence. Let’s get back to what we came here for, shall we?” He tries to steer the conversation away from Vegas weddings.

  Dad has made me an appointment with a nutritionist tomorrow morning and a meeting with a PR crew that trains you in the dos and don’ts of media. How have I never heard of this and why didn’t they put me in it far before now? I keep wondering. If you search my name on the internet, most of the pictures aren’t the most flattering, and I’m usually flipping someone off.

  “Since we have all the training shit out of the way, let’s figure out what you’ll wear to the gala in Vegas. I’m thinking a big peacock ball gown.” Leo waves his hands in front of himself as if we can see the vision as clearly as he can.

  “Um, why don’t we try on dresses tomorrow that way I can get alterations in time? Mom, you want to come?”

  “Oh yes. Now that’s something I can help with.” Dad squeezes her hip. I’ve always loved the little touches and movements my dad does without thinking to let my mom know he’s there and that she’s his everything.

  Mom and dad’s relationship is something I strive to have. The pinnacle goal in my relationship with the man I marry. My eyes wander over to Joss wondering if he’s the man I’ll end up with. I know that’s a strange thought for a twenty-two-year-old, but when you’ve been crushing as hard as I have for six years, you can’t help it.

  After another round, water for me of course, I’m leaving the bar with Joss and heading over to the gym to get my training in.

  “You ready for this, princess? You have a heap on your plate, and I’m here for you. I still have half a mind to go back and knock Preston Matthews out after what he said to you.” He squeezes my hand letting me know he cares. Just like dad does with mom.

  I turn to face him and wrap my arms around his neck.

  “I was born for this. I’m so fucking ready.”

  Chapter 30


  By the time I make it to Vegas, I’m exhausted and have had more than enough of dealing with the press. The media circuit was much more grueling than anticipated, and I never realized how much Sandy disliked me. Sure, you have rivalries in the sport and genuine anger. This girl literally has it out for me. Any chance she got, Sandy felt the need to let the media know how unprepared I was and that I was in this fight solely because my dad demanded it. There was even a rumor swirling in a tabloid that my dad bought enough shares in the company to have a say in the matter.

  Are these people that delusional?

  Whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed, I pop on my social media and search my Rebels Army hashtag. They back me unconditionally and blow my mind on a daily basis. Seeing their homemade T-shirts and the stories that I’ve inspired them to tell…they have no idea it means so much to me. They are the driving force leading me into this fight.

  On one of the interviews that Sandy and I were scheduled for together, she outted my sexuality like it was a secret. I took that time to school her and speak my truth. Why should anyone be ashamed of liking men as well as women? Why should a man be crucified for liking another man? I got a lot of tags after that interview with tons of women and some men reaching out to thank me for giving them a voice. Just thinking about some of those posts brings my emotions back to the forefront.

  Sandy didn’t have one single comeback when I was done. That moment was priceless, and she never brought my sexuality up again.

  We’ve been in Vegas for three days and every day is much of the same. Eating clean, training, relaxing. Luckily my family is here. We have family dinners every night like we used to when I was still living at home. I’m really bummed that Quinn couldn’t make it out here, but after the time she had to take off from teaching due to the attack, she couldn’t get any extra vacation time. I know she’ll be rooting me on from the comfort of our couch back home.

  Tonight’s the big gala the league throws before the year’s biggest fight night. I still have to pinch myself because this all feels like a dream.

  “Get out of your head. If you aren’t ready for your fight now, you’ll never be,” Leo states while he fluffs my dress.

  “I’m ready,” I mutter looking at myself in the mirror. “And I’m not thinking about the fight. I’m as ready as I can be.” The transformation over the last two hours blows my mind. I came back in my workout gear, and now here I am in this gorgeous ball gown.

  Leave it to the man to actually find a peacock ball gown. The royal blue bodice hugs me like a second skin, then expands at the hip into an elaborate skirt made of gorgeous blues, greens, and purples. When he first said I needed a peacock gown, I envisioned feathers and was instantly terrified. This though, this dress makes me feel elegant and ready to take on a room full of important people and media. I also want to dance and twirl this skirt a time or two. Leo nailed it, this dress is absolutely stunning.

  “The car’s here and all the security’s in place…wow.” I look over my shoulder and find Joss at the door eating me up with his eyes.

  “Hey. We’re just about ready.” I grab my clutch on the bed then turn and walk to him.

  Our eyes meet, and I see the intense yearning dancing behind his irises. A shy smile plays at my lips. I’m feeling extremely stripped down in front of Joss, even in a massive ball gown.

  As I take him in, I lose my breath. Joss in a tux is what dreams are made of. It’s tailored to fit every inch of his body. He has his usual playfully styled hair slicked to the side, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look so handsome. I mimic his word from a minute ago. “Wow.”

  “I’m just going to get out of here and let you two lovebirds have your moment. I’ll go check on P. Don’t be too long.” Leo squeezes around Joss, not that he minds having to rub up against him. He has to because Joss still hasn’t moved out of the doorway.

  “You look...God Emmy, you’re a dream come true.”

  “Crap, you aren’t supposed to make me cry.” I fan my face trying to dry the moisture building in my eyes.

  “I mean it.” Suddenly his hands at my hip, and he’s tipping my face upward to meet his gaze. “I’m the luckiest bastard in the world to have you on my arm tonight.”

  Don’t say it Em. It’s too soon, don’t do it.

  Fuck it all. When have I ever been known to filter myself?

  “Joss.” My tongue glides across my lips. “I love you.”

  Joss’s body physically jolts, and I’m not sure if it was in a good way or a bad.

  “You don’t have to say anything, I know it’s soon. If I didn’t tell you right now, it would have slipped out at a weird moment, and I wanted it to be perfect.”

  Joss places his finger on my lips shushing me. “Emerson Lanora Cage…” a groan escapes my lips at him using my middle name. “You have taken my breath away so many times I’ve lost count. For years I’ve had to hold back how I’ve felt, and I refused on the road trip to ever do that again. I. Love. You.” He enunciates each word. “I love you, my beautiful princess.” His hands frame my face, and he ever so gently places his lips to mine.

  The kiss is inno
cent and surreal and charming. I don’t want to let go, but we both know we need to pull back if we’re going to make it to this Hall of Fame gala tonight.

  “To be continued,” I whisper resting my forehead to his.

  “You better fucking believe it.” Joss chuckles tucking my arm into his and leads me out of the room.

  I want a thousand more moments like this with Joss, and I know in my gut that I’ll get them. We’re meant to be. I was too young when I met him, hell I’m still young. But I know we can make this work. I feel like I’ve lived a thousand lives waiting for him to notice me.

  We descend from the staircase of the hotel to see my family waiting in the lobby. All eyes train on us as we step closer and closer toward them. My dad’s a vision in his tailored tux not looking any different than the photos I’ve seen from when I was young. My mom has a gorgeous pink gown that hugs her body all the way until it meets the floor. She’s stunning. Of course, my brother and Leo are looking mighty dapper in their tuxes and my sister Everly looks sensational in the gown she chose.

  “Sweetie, you look gorgeous.” Dad kisses my cheek, and the familiar smell of his cologne sets me at ease.

  “Thanks, you look pretty handsome yourself.”

  I exchange compliments with my mom and sister, and we chat for a few minutes before I realize someone is missing.

  “Hey Leo, where’s P?”

  “She had a call and should be down here any second.” As he finishes his sentence, my attention is caught by my best friend making her way down the staircase in an exquisite burgundy dress. That’s not doing it any justice either. Penny’s wearing a one-shoulder Grecian style dress that hugs every curve and drapes in all the right places. I’ve never seen her so done up and I’m kind of speechless at the outcome. She’s a freaking wet dream.

  “What? Why are you staring at me?” Penny asks adjusting her dress nervously.


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