Rebel: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance

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Rebel: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance Page 20

by Brittany Crowley

  “Um, because you look smoking hot,” I answer. “Damn P.” I walk over to her and hug her. “Poor Danny won’t know what to do with himself,” I whisper.

  Penny hugs me and whispers, “That’s kind of the plan.”

  I pull back and search her face. “Finally. You’ve been driving me crazy playing hard to get.” I laugh. Danny approaches us, and I escape into the background, back to Joss’s side where I belong, to let them have their moment.

  “Are you ready to get the evening started?” he asks kissing my temple.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”


  The venue is gorgeous. It’s a ballroom in an infamous hotel that’s been dressed to the nines. Crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, and elaborate centerpieces adorn every table. Waiters carrying trays of the best champagne scatter amongst partygoers, and I grab a glass as a waiter approaches our group.

  “Don’t worry, this is all I’m having,” I whisper to Joss knowing I’m breaking my diet. Everyone’s been on my ass about the food that I consume, and I decide I’m enjoying tonight and having a glass of champagne to celebrate making it here.

  “You deserve it, baby.” He scans the room in protector mode.

  “You do realize that this place has more security than Fort Knox, right? We get to enjoy tonight as a normal couple.” I tickle his side until he looks down at me. A giant grin adorns his gorgeous face almost taking my breath away.

  “Sorry, but I’ll never just assume you’re safe. I’ll try to cut it out and make sure you enjoy yourself tonight.”

  “You’re here. That’s all I need.” Joss bends down and finds my lips.

  A throat clears, and I find Sandy a few feet away when I break away from Joss. She actually looks pretty decent tonight in a demure yellow mermaid style gown.

  “Sandy.” I nod my head. “That dress looks gorgeous on you.” I’m trying to be nice even though my fists are clenching at my sides.

  “Wish I could say the same for you.” She eyes my dress in distaste. “I wanted to see how things were going. Give you a chance to back out.” The smug smile makes me want to wipe it from her face. The nerve of this woman.

  “Is that all you have?” I roll my eyes and place my hand in Joss’s. “Let’s go, babe.” I pull him away from the wretched woman and direct us to the tables. We spot my mom and head that way.

  “What did she want?” My dad asks looking back to where we came from with concern.

  “The usual. She’s really bad at trash talking.” I shrug my shoulder.

  “Don’t take her lightly. She’s been in twenty fights and won fifteen of them.”

  “I know. I’m ready for her.” He knows how much I’ve studied her fighting style.

  A waiter approaches me again, this time with a mixed drink in a martini glass. I grab it when he says someone already paid for it.

  “I don’t think you should…” Joss starts but stops when Leo grabs it from my hand.

  “She shouldn’t but I sure as hell should.” He downs the liquid in two giant gulps. “A dirty martini, my favorite.” Leo looks at the waiter. “Sir, next time they buy her a drink, make sure to add two olives.”

  “Who the fuck sent you a drink?” Joss’s annoyance is evident.

  “I’d like to know the same thing.” Dad and Joss stand from their seats looking at the bar as if whoever bought the drink will magically have an arrow above them.

  The lights flicker in the ballroom warning that the festivities for the evening are about to begin. Butterflies begin dancing in my belly at what I’m about to do, what no one even knows is planned for tonight.

  “Sit down.” I pull Joss back into his seat. “Don’t worry about it,” I urge.

  The owner of the MMA league, Frank Donnelly, steps up to the podium to give his opening address to kick-off the ceremony. I’m in awe as the first two fighters get inducted into the Hall of Fame. I’ve watched their fights over and over again and can’t believe I’m breathing the same air as them. They walk to the podium, age changing them not necessarily for the worse, but they definitely aren’t still in the same fighting shape that they were years ago. Most athletes never keep up the grueling task of keeping their bodies in top shape once they leave their sport.

  “Alright, as we get ready for our last inductee of the night,” Frank speaks in the microphone an hour later.

  “Another, I thought there was only two tonight?” my dad questions.

  Frank continues. “This inductee has a special place in my heart.” He looks at me. “Emerson Cage, can you join me up here please darling? You’ll be better at this than I am.”

  My table erupts in whispered question as I stand up and weave through the tables on my way to the stage. I smile kindly at all the people I’ve come to know through my dad and nod at those I’ve never seen before.

  I never anticipated how I’d feel standing in front of a crowd of people. I hate anything of a public nature, and the pressure intensifies as I look into the faces of some of MMA’s elite. A lump forms and I clear my throat trying to make it disappear.

  My hands shake when I grab the cue cards containing a speech I’ve been writing in private over the past few weeks. After a deep breath, I look up and lock eyes with my dad. He still has questions, and I’m about to give him some answers.

  “When Mr. Donnelly called me a month ago and told me my dad canceled his induction this year, I knew he was making a huge mistake. You see, my dad’s truly selfless when it comes to his kids. He heard I was getting my first fight and didn’t want to steal my spotlight. He’s truly one of the best people I know, and I love him so much. I knew I had to be here to make this happen.”

  “Most of you know him as Hitman. He’s made his opponents tap and knocked them out for the many years his career lasted. He ended with a record that would intimidate anyone.” I quickly look down at the stats I know like the back of my hand to give myself a moment to catch my breath. “Twenty-five wins, eighteen of which were by knockout.” I smile proudly. “Four losses, and two-time Light Heavyweight Champion. He was also the longest reigning champion to date. I may be biased, but I think he was the best Light Heavyweight Champion there’s ever been. Sorry, Uncle Kyle.” Everyone laughs as I look over the room.

  “To me, he’s my dad, the man who’s looked out for me my whole life, who’s accepted me for who I am.” My eyes drift back to my dad. “A man who when I said I wanted to fight, gave me nothing but his unwavering support. He’s done nothing but stand by me, my brother and sisters our entire lives no matter how crazy our ideas have been or how far we’ve veered off course.” Dad wipes below his eyes, and I wipe a stray tear of my own.

  “So no, I will not let him cancel his induction to the MMA Hall Of Fame because I would love nothing more than for the spotlight to be on my dad. He’s one of a kind and deserves every ounce of praise he receives tonight. Dad, Zander, Hitman, you will now go down in history as one of the best fighters the MMA has ever seen. Everyone will remember you anytime they hear the name Cage. You are my hero; my rock and I love you so much.” My voice breaks from emotion. “Get up here already. No one wants to hear me talk anymore.” I chuckle and gesture for him to join me.

  His head lowered forward as my mom rubs his back. For a second, I think he’s going to be defiant and remain in his seat, but a quick second later he’s up off his chair and walking through the room that’s now deafening with applause.

  Dad engulfs me in a huge hug the second he gets his hands on me. He doesn’t let me go as he whispers, “I love you, Emmy girl. Damn, you made me cry.” He laughs and pulls back and approaches the podium.

  “Damn. As you heard I canceled my induction so I’m sure you all can understand when I say I don’t have a speech prepared. I’ve never been one for the spotlight or public speaking,” he quietly chuckles. “Just know that I owe this to my family who’s stood by me during my best times and mostly for when they were there during my worst. To my beautiful wife who keeps me grounded an
d loves me despite my unworthiness of it. My kids really are my world and this one right here.” He points his finger at me. “She’s gonna make some huge changes in MMA. Emerson is destined for greatness, you just wait and see.”

  Oh god, the tears just won’t stop. I try some deep breathing techniques that do absolutely nothing.

  “Thank you so much for this honor. I started as a young man that didn’t know what he wanted out of life but fought so hard for what I believed in. Thank you for giving me the chance to live out my dream.” He nods his head then turns facing me.

  “Christ, I hate public speaking,” he mumbles to me.

  “You’re telling me.” I squeeze his arm.

  When we get back to the table, everyone can’t believe I kept this a secret. Some seem put off, like Leo and my sister Everly for keeping them out of the loop.

  “I couldn’t say anything. You’re all a bunch of chatterboxes,” I say defending myself as another martini arrives at our table for me.

  “Okay, either this is a mistake, or someone’s trying to get me drunk?” Leo grabs the third drink to come my way and downs it like the last two. On top of the other drinks he’s had, Leo’s definitely beyond drunk and on his way to becoming obliterated.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I need to use the little boys’ room.” Leo stands from the table and almost crashes into another table.

  “I’ve got him.” My brother grabs his arm clearly annoyed and walks him out of the room.

  “That was a great speech,” Joss says. “You know I can keep a secret right?”

  “Oh please. You would have let it slip to Danny, and then Dad would have found out.” He grunts in response.

  As the evening winds down, I watch Danny and Penny talking quietly amongst themselves. There’s flirty touches, and I definitely heard P giggle. I’m loving every second of eavesdropping until Joss turns my head toward him.

  “Leave them alone.” He smiles, knowing exactly what I was doing.

  “Can you blame me? I’m just trying to figure out how to help them.”

  “You can’t. They have to figure out their own shit by themselves. You ready to go?” His fingers run up along the length of my arm as goosebumps take form in their wake. I’m so ready to spend the rest of the evening with my boyfriend alone, preferably in bed.

  I nod my head and reach for my clutch when a familiar voice booms over the speakers.

  “Hello, hello, hello.” Leo slurs into the microphone. “To that nice man at the bar sending my friend drinks, I’d like to personally and thoroughly thank you.”


  Chapter 31


  My stomach aches from laughing so hard. I like Leo as much as the next guy but give him a microphone, and he spews pure gold from his mouth. It’s when he starts singing about anacondas that Emmy runs to the stage with Penny right behind her. They unplug the mic from the stage and garner an ugly mug from Leo who hisses because they muted him.

  “Never a dull moment when he’s around,” Zander says on a chuckle. He turns and faces me no longer concerned about the show in front of us. “You couldn’t have warned me?” He accuses. “I didn’t want to take any attention off Emmy when the world needs to see her.”

  I raise my hands in front of me. “I had no idea that was happening. She’s been more nervous than usual lately, and I chalked it up to the fight. Are you saying you’re upset it happened?”

  “Fuck no. The stubborn girl knows all my weak points. Are we good for tomorrow? The weigh-in could get a little rowdy.”

  “It sure will from what I’ve heard. They’re saving Em and Gabe’s for the final two of the night, and I know they’ve been telling their opponents to amp up the trash talk. Larson was radio silent up until a week ago when the added fight to the pay-per-view was announced. They’re aiming for some high ratings.” At least that’s what I’ve concluded.

  “God, I thought when they were all adults the worrying would stop. I’ve come to realize it never disappears, and Emmy is always going to have me on the edge of heart failure. That one’s had me on my toes since she was born.”

  “That’s Emmy.” I clear my throat suddenly feeling uncomfortable. “I wanted to talk to you, and it seems we have a few minutes.” I look back to the stage and see Danny and Savvy trying to help the girls wrangle Leo from the stage.

  Zander glares at me. “If you’re going to ask for my daughter’s hand you better think again. She’s too fucking young to be someone’s wife.”

  “Not gonna ask you that just yet.” I smile thinking about Emmy with my ring adorning her finger. There’s no way she’s ready for it just yet, even though the idea excites me. She said as much back home before we left for New York in front of her family. “I’m going to ask her to move in with me when we get back home. I wanted to let you know before I asked her.”

  “Thank God. I really thought you’d follow in our footsteps and have a Vegas wedding.” He quickly looks over his shoulder to make sure no one’s eavesdropping. “Not that it wasn’t the best moment of my life, but she’s my little girl. No Vegas weddings,” he demands.

  “I read you loud and clear. Also, we have security all set up for tomorrow. I’ve seen the layout, and I have everyone’s orders ready.”

  “Great, that’s great. Listen, Danny told me you’re thinking about opening your own company.”

  “I am. I’ve looked at a few spaces to rent and think I found the perfect one last week before we left for New York.”

  “You’ve really shown me how seriously you take your job, Joss. Once you’re all settled in and have a team under your belt, I’d like to sit down with you and talk about your company working for me. I trust you with one of my most prized possessions, that means I’d trust you with my life too.”

  I nod my head feeling a little choked up. I’d never ask him to change to my company just because I’m dating his daughter. That’s something I should have to earn, and I’m fucking thrilled he feels I’ve already proved myself.

  “What are you two talking about?” Emmy plops down in the seat next to me. Leo is now across the table being held in his seat by Penny as he sings into his spoon microphone.

  “Football. The Pats are looking pretty good this season,” Zander answers quickly without missing a beat.

  “Yeah, they are,” Em agrees then turns toward me. “Are you ready to get out of here? It’s getting late, and I just want some sleep.”

  I bend down until my breath is erupting goosebumps down her shoulder. “I had other plans besides sleeping princess. That might be a fun game though. You trying to go to sleep as I’m eating you out. Do you think you could fall asleep baby?”

  She shakes her head, and I don’t miss her eyes dilating from her evident arousal.

  I stand from my seat and shake Zander’s hand explaining that Emmy needs some sleep. We make our rounds saying farewells to the owner of the league and his wife along with their table full of executives; then I call the driver to let him know we’re ready for him to pull up.

  The photographers scream questions at Emmy as we make our way to the limo that’s pulled up in front of the hotel. She smiles at them all and keeps a firm hold on my arm. Once we’re in the limo, she lies her head back on the seat and takes a deep breath. She’s living in her head, something she’s been doing a lot of lately. The attention takes its toll on her, and I’m so damn proud of her for presenting her best self to them. I hated seeing the tabloids reporting on her fuck-ups. Everyone screws up, but not everyone’s dirty laundry is constantly made public.

  Her head pops up when I trail my fingers across her collar bone and when she smiles wickedly the thought of having some fun in the limo makes my dick imprint against my zipper.



  Joss drops to his knees in front of me and begins lifting the hem of my gown. I look around the limo and quickly find the button to pop the privacy window upward. If that glint in his eye is any indication, Joss wants to play. I love play
ful Joss.

  His head disappears under the skirt of my dress, and I moan when I feel his lips branding my skin in wet kisses. From my calf, to my knee, up my thigh and then, oh dear god.

  “Joss,” I say just above a whisper when the limo comes to a stop. My eyes pop open when flashes of light invade the darkness.

  “Stop, we’re back at the hotel.” I try to push his head out from under my dress, but he won’t budge. “I’m serious, they’re going to see what you’re doing and catch it on camera.”

  “I’m not fucking stopping. Tell the driver to give us a few minutes.”

  Great, just fucking great. I reach for the privacy screen button and crack it. “Excuse me, we’ll need a couple of minutes.” I shut it before the driver replies.

  Joss roughly spreads my thighs apart and growls. He must have just noticed my lack of undergarments. I try to look at the paparazzi again, but Joss dives so fast, attacking my pussy with his tongue that I lose all thought.

  My back arches off the seat when he spreads my legs even further apart. His tongue doesn’t leave a centimeter of my pussy undiscovered. I’m on the brink of losing my shit as a finger enters me. My orgasm’s seconds from the precipice when Joss pulls away and exits from underneath my dress.

  He nonchalantly wipes his mouth of my arousal and sits across from me looking unaffected. “You’re right. We shouldn’t risk anyone seeing me eating you out. Let’s go, princess.”

  An annoyed scream is on the tip of my tongue as Joss grabs my hand and pulls me from the car. The flashes blind me, yet he still carries on and doesn’t stop until we’re in the elevator. I’m so angry I feel my hands shaking. How could he get me worked up like that and just stop? There are rules! Doesn’t he know that?

  I don’t say a word, even when we enter our hotel suite. I walk into the en-suite off our master bedroom and sit on the toilet seat for a minute. God, I feel like I could throttle Joss. I’m so sexually frustrated, I think I could commit murder.


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