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Zeke (Devil's Flame MC Book 2)

Page 10

by Romi Hart

  He took her to the corridor in the far corner, which was short and led to a giant garage-like area, filled with bikes in various stages of disassembly, parts here and there, tools laid out and spread on the ground, and a couple of rather large safes in the back. Zeke pointed to those. “That’s our arsenal, for the zombie apocalypse. Or in case the unthinkable happened and we were attacked on home turf. It doesn’t happen, but we like to be prepared. Otherwise, this is where we work on our own bikes.”

  Leading her back into the bar, he took her to the other hallway, which was much longer. At the far end, he showed her an office, not large but well organized. “This is Corey’s office. And next door is our conference room. It’s where we hold church.”

  He didn’t open the door, but she sort of laughed, imagining a few pews and a pulpit. “What, you guys are religious?”

  He threw his head back, laughing. “A few of the guys are. But church is our weekly meeting where the council meets and makes decisions about the club and the finances and whether or not we’re going to let someone into the club and things like that.” Before she could say anything, he drew her into his arms and kissed her, long and hard. She melted against him, letting him devour her.

  When he released her, Leigh drew in a long breath. “What was that for?”

  “Because you’re adorable. I had no idea how little you really knew about motorcycle clubs.” He gestured with his head. “Come on. One last thing to see.” He motioned to several doors they were passing. “These are the bunkrooms. And there are some bathrooms, too.” He stopped in front of one of the doors. “This one is where I sleep. I spend almost as much time in this bed as I do in my own. And that’s the closest bathroom,” he told her, pointing straight across.

  Suddenly, it didn’t matter where they were, or who else was here. She was obviously safe with Zeke. He wasn’t even going to tolerate his boss flirting with her. There was no way he’d let anything bad happen to her. Instead, her mind went to the fact that this was his bedroom. And it was private.

  “Can I see it?” she asked shyly, biting her lip. He nodded, seeming pleased she had asked, and when he opened the door, she was surprised. It was decorated very similarly to his house, sparse but tasteful. She heard the door click shut behind her an instant before she felt Zeke standing directly behind her, his hands on her shoulders, his breath on her neck, and his cock at attention against her back.

  “If we stay in here much longer, I’m not going to be able to resist you,” he growled in her ear, making her shudder with a growing pleasure. “Get your eyes full because in a minute, we’re either going back out there, or you’re going to be facedown on that mattress.”

  A low moan escaped her throat, and she leaned back into him, her juncture already soaking wet with her need for him. She’d been turned on by the power of the motorcycle underneath her, the way it felt to have her hands pressed to his flat stomach and her breasts to his back, and now, the idea of having him naked and all to herself was just too much.

  She twirled quickly in his arms, pushing up against him as she rose on her toes and captured his lips. He nibbled at her but tore at her clothes, and she backed away long enough to fumble at getting out of them. She didn’t have anything else with her, and she needed these clothes. As she stripped quickly down to nothing, not feeling the least bit inhibited with Zeke, he tossed his own shirt and jeans aside, locking the door. The promise in that single gesture made her nipples pucker and her breasts grow heavy, awaiting his touch.

  She expected him to toss her on the bed, face up or facedown didn’t matter. Instead, he grabbed the backs of her thighs and lifted, forcing her to throw her arms around his neck and wrap her legs around his waist. She didn’t know how he could hoist her like this, considering the state of his injuries, but it was delicious, his cock pressed tightly against her folds, which grew wetter by the second.

  He pressed her up against the wall, which had to relieve some of her weight from him, and before she could say anything, he thrust into her, making her scream. She tried to swallow it, but he drove in again, telling her, “Don’t do that. Make whatever noise you want. It’s a right of passage here, Leigh. You deserve to feel whatever you want to feel without worrying about judgment.”

  He stilled for a moment, and she shivered, on the verge of an orgasm. “I bet that’s good for your reputation.”

  “It has nothing to do with me,” he told her, shaking his head. “It has everything to do with the fact that I want the world to know I’ve got the hottest fuck in town. I want them to be jealous. I want them to wish they could have you and rub it in their faces that they can’t because I don’t share.”

  He shoved into her, deeper, and between that and his possessive words, Leigh couldn’t hold on. She let herself go, rocking her hips to draw every bit of sensation out of the release as she cried out and whimpered with delight.


  Zeke didn’t know what he liked more about Leigh’s orgasms, the way she felt squeezing his cock over and over as her pussy convulsed, or the way her face looked angelic at the height of ecstasy. Her body tensed to the point he thought she might shatter, but her face was the epitome of peace and contentment, and it drove him insane.

  “Fuck, Leigh, I’m not gonna last,” he groaned as he drove into her over and over, feeling nothing but the surge waiting to flow and the delight of her body flooding over his.

  “Come for me, then,” she whimpered, and that did it. With one deep, hard push that had them both roaring, he lost all sense of time, place, and being. It was like his heart stopped beating, and the only pulse was in his cock as it jerked and spilled. This was absolute bliss, and he had no intention of letting this quickie be the end of it.

  Slowly, as his wits resurfaced, so did the weakness of his godforsaken leg, and he lowered Leigh to her feet as gently as he could, making sure her quaking legs held her up before taking her hand and drawing her with him to the bed. There, he laid down and pulled her against him, so her head fit in the crook of his shoulder and she had a leg and arm thrown across his body.

  Realizing what he’d just done, he thought about the few times a woman had tried to sleep with him this way. He’d instantly rolled over, giving her as little access as possible to him. And yet, with Leigh, it didn’t seem like enough.

  As if reading his mind, she snuggled in closer, pressing her body hard against his side, and he wrapped his arm tighter around her. For a moment, he was worried, thinking he could get used to this and knowing that was a bad idea. But his exhaustion overtook him. He’d been going all day, had his anxiety amped up all day, and then he’d had a very enlightening conversation with Leigh before bringing her here, to his home turf, and screwing her brains out.

  He blinked awake to her tapping him on the shoulder sometime later, glancing at the clock. He was surprised to see it was after one in the morning, and she smiled at him. “I’m really thirsty.”

  He didn’t hesitate to get up, pull on his jeans, and wander out to the bar, digging through the fridge for a couple of Cokes. He brought them back, but he didn’t open his, watching her drink and growing aroused. The minute she set the can down on the nightstand, he shoved her down, ready for round two, and she accepted readily.

  By dawn, he was spent, and Leigh was out cold. He fell asleep, awaking a little after ten and glancing at the warm body he’d spooned at some point during his sleep. He’d never done that before, but it was intoxicating, and he tried to make sense of his sudden desire to be so close to someone. He knew women had biological clocks, had a need for a partner at a certain age. Did men have that, too? Was he just craving closeness and companionship?

  Or was it really Leigh that had him questioning all he’d ever known about himself?

  He certainly hadn’t pursued anyone the way he had this woman, whose hair was splayed out on the pillow in a way that he’d been lying on it. And while he may have bedded a woman two nights in a row, they didn’t stay the second night, and he didn’t take advanta
ge of the opportunity for multiple orgasms.

  As he sat up, rubbing his eyes, she stirred, and Zeke looked over his shoulder to find her rolling to her back and stretching with the grace of a cat as she smiled broadly. “Good morning,” she yawned.

  Grunting at the sight of her naked breasts and flat stomach, Zeke rolled back over and on top of her, kissing her long and hard, fueled by passion. His cock urged him to do more, but he didn’t know if he could physically handle another round so soon, and he didn’t want to leave Leigh raw. He’d have to pick up some more lube if they were going to continue like this.

  But that was a big if, one he needed to figure out for himself, as well as from her perspective. “Good morning,” he replied as he lifted his head to look down at her, joy coursing through his veins and painting an ear to ear grin on his face. “Are you hungry?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Starving.” She sighed. “Am I taking the walk of shame?”

  That made him laugh out loud. “A lot of the guys you saw last night will still be asleep, or they’ll have gone home or to a day job. But if you’re worried about wearing the same clothes, I can see if Kira has something you can borrow.” He wanted her to feel comfortable here, whatever that took, because if they did keep seeing each other, she’d have to get used to spending more time here.

  But she shook her head, still smiling. “I’m a big girl. It’s fine. At least it’s not some skimpy little dress I have to stretch over my body and try to eat breakfast in.”

  Again, he laughed. “I’d love to see you in something like that one day.”

  She raised an eyebrow as he moved off her and got to his feet. “Does that mean you want to see me again?”

  He scoffed. “You have to ask?” He gave her a very heated onceover to make his point, causing her to flush from cheeks to ribs. “If I could, I’d keep you here with me for days at a time.”

  She took a deep breath and came out from under the covers. “Zeke, what is it we’re doing here? I don’t mean to push. I just need to…define it somehow.”

  A voice in the back of his head told him not to answer, and another told him he should panic. He hushed both of them, trying to think reasonably. What was he supposed to say? He hadn’t even thought about that himself. Reaching into the drawer for a fresh t-shirt and jeans, he stalled for time. Finally, when he had those, he started to shuffle through the pairs of socks as he worked out a response. “I’m not sure,” he started.

  Then, he realized how cowardly and evasive he was being and stopped, turning to face her. She’d gotten her bra and panties on but stood there, looking incredibly vulnerable. “I really like you, Leigh. I’ve never worked to pursue a woman until you, and I’m not even sure why I’ve been doing it. I know I like the way I feel around you, and we have great sexual chemistry. I also know I want to keep exploring whatever this is that we have.”

  She scowled, and Zeke cursed himself. Obviously, he hadn’t gotten it right. “So, are we more than just a couple of adults scratching an itch and having a good time?”

  Zeke winced. He didn’t want to answer that, knowing where she was going with it. Using each other would be so much easier. Then again, they’d had that discussion last night, so he couldn’t go back there. Scrubbing a hand down his face, he decided honesty was best. “If you’re asking if I have feelings for you, the answer is, yes. I have some sort of connection to you, and I want to be with you. I think about you all the time when I’m not near you. But I don’t know how to define that yet. We don’t really know each other that well, right?”

  She nodded, the scowl gone. “You’re right. But I feel very drawn to you, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel something for you, despite my aversion to the biker lifestyle.” She held up a hand when he opened his mouth to argue. “I’m not coming down on you or condemning your club. To be honest, I was shocked last night, and I’m still working through that. I owe you an apology for the judgment. It’s clear you guys aren’t into anything dangerous.”

  That wasn’t exactly the case, but he knew what she meant and wasn’t about to argue, now that she’d had a revelation and change of heart. “So, does that mean you’ll stick around and get to know me? Let me get to know you? And maybe even give my family a chance? Because this is my family, not the biological ones.”

  With a shy grin, she shrugged. “If you’ll let me.”

  Zeke hadn’t known just how nervous he was about the possibility of her rejecting him once again. He’d thought he was through with those insecurities, but apparently, he was still having some self worth issues. Her acceptance did a lot to boost his confidence, and he pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her waist. “I want you around, Leigh. I’m a very lucky man that you have even considered seeing me, when you didn’t even want to give me the time of day a few weeks ago.”

  She looked away, obviously embarrassed. “I shouldn’t have labeled you. It wasn’t right. But yes, I very much had this impression, a stereotype, and I have to say, you looked the part.”

  He winked at her. “I know, and I might have played it up a bit. I never would have called you Nurse Curvy if I hadn’t seen your disapproval instantly. At least, not to your face.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “Well, I sort of liked it, even if I didn’t realize it at the time. My friend, Rory, is the one you should thank. You know, the one you met at the hospital. She’s the one who pointed out how bitchy I was being and talked me into finding you and hoping you’d want to go out.”

  Now, there was a story. “I’d like to thank your friend personally someday.”

  A dark shadow fell over her face, and she shrugged. “Someday, sure.”

  Feeling a bit like a dirty secret at that response, Zeke’s elation subsided, and he released her. “Cool, that would be nice.” He turned to finish dressing.

  “It’s not like that,” she said, grabbing his arm and forcing him to turn. Her face was filled with frustration, and she pursed her lips. “Rory loves bikers, and I just feel like—”

  “Like I’d prefer her to you,” he finished, reading her expression and self doubt with wonder. It was like looking in an emotional mirror, and he cupped her chin. “Leigh, I’m not the least bit attracted to her, no matter how pretty she is. You outshine her, and it’s your personality I like. I told you, you are the only woman I’ve ever taken to my house.”

  She blinked back tears, and he wanted them to spill so he could kiss them away. Who the hell had he become over the last few weeks? He wondered if the head injury had affected the part of his brain that controlled personality. Still, he meant what he said, and she finally nodded. He let her go, and they both dressed.

  When she was ready, he took her hand and guided her through the clubhouse, which was practically empty, and out to the bike. “Are you sure you should ride again already?”

  Zeke rolled his eyes. “Please. Nancy keeps telling me that practicing normal things will help me get better faster. Riding is one of the most normal things for me.” He checked his watch and sighed. “We’re going to the diner. They’re the only ones still serving breakfast, and they’re fast enough that I can get you to your car and be at my appointment afterward.” He’d almost forgotten about PT until she said something.

  Relenting, she easily threw her leg over the bike, looking sexy as hell, as though she’d been riding for years. A beautiful woman with a penchant for sex and bikes. How much more could he ask for, if he was going to properly date someone?

  * * *

  “Are you sure, Nancy?” Zeke asked, a bit surprised and almost reluctant. “I mean, it feels great compared to where I was a few weeks ago, but I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “I’m not releasing you on your own recognizance, Zeke,” she told him with a laugh. “You’re still coming in once a week, and there’ll still be doctor’s appointments, scans and stuff. But you’ve progressed so quickly, and I know you’re doing your exercises at home. As long as you continue doing them, you’ll be good just coming in for new
exercises and increased range of motion once a week. Are you gonna miss me?” she asked with a wink.

  “You know I am,” he told her, standing and pulling his jeans back on over the ugly shorts he had to wear for this. “Thanks, Nancy. I guess I won’t see you till Wednesday, then.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll miss your pretty face,” she told him with a chuckle.

  He saluted her and walked out of the physical therapy room, colliding with Leigh as she turned to go in. Surprised, he grabbed her to steady her, glad his knee was in better shape so he wouldn’t topple them both to the ground. “Hey, I wasn’t expecting to run into you. Literally or figuratively.”

  She grinned and shrugged, looking delectable in a pair of cropped khakis, a tank top, and jogging shoes. “I thought I might catch you on your way out, but not like this. I wanted to see if you were free tonight. I wanted to invite you over for dinner. I’m a pretty good cook.”

  Suddenly, Zeke regretted agreeing to meet with Dan, his inside man with the Reapers. Wondering if he could reschedule, he took out his phone and started texting. “I had an appointment with a friend, but let me see if I can change that.”

  He saw the disappointment in her eyes, and he wanted to kick himself in the ass. “Just hold on,” he told her. “I’m going to move my meeting up. Are you okay with a little bit of a late dinner?”

  She perked up but seemed hesitant. “How late? I work in the morning.”

  He nearly growled out loud. “I’ll be there by eight. Does that work?”

  She nodded, beaming. “That would be great.” Stepping in closer to him as he put his phone in his pocket, she told him, “You might want to pack an overnight bag.”

  This time, he did growl, sliding an arm around her waist and drawing her into a deep kiss. When he pulled back, his pulse throbbed hard through his veins, and he was going to need to adjust his crotch. “Do you feel what you do to me?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.


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