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Zeke (Devil's Flame MC Book 2)

Page 14

by Romi Hart

  His blood pressure was through the roof. “He took her, for insurance.” He dropped the note that read, Noon tomorrow. Got my insurance, waiting for Corey to read it. “What are we supposed to do right this minute, Zeke? He sent these to goad you, to try to call you out so you’ll do something stupid. And if you do it, she dies, and you either get captured or die. That leaves us without a good man and our biggest connection to other MCs. And to stop him, we’ll go off half cocked, and he’ll take our club out because we don’t have enough manpower to hit him without our allies.”

  “So, we need to get this together, now,” Zeke insisted. The idea of something happening to Leigh was beyond his ability to reason, and if she died because of this, he would go on a rampage. And hopefully, he’d get killed in the process. He knew now there was no way he could live without her, and he needed to get her away from that psychopath, apologize, and beg her to take him back. “I broke up with her so this wouldn’t happen!”

  Rafe looked at him like he’d grown a penis on his forehead. “We told you to bring her here, not break up with her!”

  “Bringing her here would have scared her. And even if we could protect her once, there will always be threats that come around and could lead to this kind of fuckery.” He grabbed his head with both hands and groaned. “Don’t worry, if we get her back, and she forgives me, she stays here till Gomez is a head on a spear.”

  “She’s here until I say she leaves,” Corey corrected. “Gomez isn’t the only threat. We still haven’t found our leak, and there are multiple Ravens waiting in the wings to take his place that are just as insane as Gomez. But we’re not running in there without a plan, and that takes time.”

  This was maddening, and Zeke was about to start throwing things. But Corey stood, holding up a hand. “I’m getting Dylan to go in and get her.”

  Zeke’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. “You must be joking! He’s not going in with guns blaring until he’s got backup.”

  “He doesn’t need to,” Rafe interjected. “He’s the largest ally, aside from the Reapers, that Gomez has. The Kings pulling away or threatening to, would leave him panicked. And if they go in with the right tactic, he’ll let her go without a fight.”

  Corey nodded. “He goes in, with a couple dozen men at his back, the three of us at his side, and Gomez realizes he’ll never get anything from us if he pisses off the Kings. He doesn’t know we’ve got a truce yet.”

  With his president already typing out a text, Zeke tried to calm down a little. This was a longshot, as far as he was concerned. He still didn’t fully trust the Diamond Kings, despite the agreement, and he wouldn’t until they helped bring down the Ravens and stayed on board. This could go badly, with Dylan and his crew turning on them and setting them up, the way his predecessor had.

  But he didn’t say any of that out loud. It would be undermining his president, as well as the VP, and he wasn’t going to put himself in that position. Instead, he hesitantly asked, “Do we have any idea who the traitor is?”

  “No, but it’s tough because we’re working with about six other MCs,” Rafe told him while Corey continued communicating. “And we don’t know how long you were being followed. Or if, maybe, it was one of the boys we met with who had a tail, and that’s what prompted someone to follow you in the first place.”

  Frustrated beyond belief, Zeke looked for something he could punch without damaging the office, but that didn’t exist. He needed to get to the gym and a punching bag, or maybe, since it was closer, he’d go to his bunk room and destroy a couple of pillows.

  “Let’s go,” Corey said, pocketing his phone.

  Hope surging through his veins, Zeke stared at Corey expectantly. “What are we doing?”

  “Taking our asses to the Kings’ clubhouse for a meeting. Dylan’s livid and wants blood, and we’ve got to iron out a peaceful way to handle this so we don’t fuck ourselves when we’re ready to attack. But he wants to meet now, so we’ve got to go.” He turned to Rafe. “Is Eli around? Or Harrison?”

  “I’ll grab Eli on the way out,” Rafe told him, and Zeke hurried after Corey, his adrenaline starting to pump hard through his veins.

  “No heroics, Zeke,” Corey warned him as they went. “And no getting up in arms with the Kings. They are our allies, and I’ve had it verified more than once. We’re doing this for your girl, so just be grateful, and if you can’t, keep your mouth shut and your hands in your pockets. You know, away from anyone else’s throat and your weapons.” When he didn’t respond, Corey whirled on him and raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes, boss,” Zeke muttered, feeling like a child being told how to act in a museum. What he wanted to do was go in like a bull in a china shop, but with his luck, he’d probably shatter Leigh instead of his targets. Sadly, Corey was right, and he needed to remain levelheaded.

  That was easier said than done.

  Rafe and Eli joined, and he knew at least Rafe wouldn’t let him do anything stupid. And with Eli there, the intimidation factor would be high. He could only hope that they would get to Dylan, put together a quick plan that was easy to execute and ride out immediately.

  Time was short, and his patience was thin. He needed a resolution tonight. If he couldn’t trust their allies, he certainly didn’t trust Gomez to wait until noon tomorrow to hurt or kill Leigh. And he wouldn’t take the chance. If these guys didn’t have something ironed out today, he was going in alone.

  He didn’t care if he died in the process, as long as he managed to get Leigh out alive. Then, if possible, he would at least tell her he loved her, and then he could die happy.

  * * *

  Dylan didn’t pull any punches as he threw open the doors to the old abandoned office building with enough force to have them slam against the walls and bounce back. Zeke appreciated his rage, felt it deep inside and wondered if the man had lost someone important because of Gomez.

  Forgetting that and focusing on what was happening in front of him, Zeke searched the room to see if Leigh was here, but there was no sign of her. That addled his brain and made it hard to stay calm, even on the surface. She was supposed to be here.

  “Looking for your girlfriend, Austin?” Gomez goaded, leaning back in an ancient office chair with his feet kicked up and crossed on the clanky metal desk in the far corner.

  “Shut up, Gomez,” Dylan snapped. “We had a deal. You’re supposed to have her here.”

  “Relax,” Gomez said, spreading his hands wide and offering that beastly smile. Zeke ached to slap it off his face. And then he wanted to crush the asshole’s nuts in a vice grip. “She’s here, and she’s safe. What’s going on, Dylan? You said you wanted to talk and to bring the girl. You didn’t say you’d have an army outside and a couple of mangy mutts with you inside.”

  Before he could move, Zeke felt a hand lightly on his arm, warning him to hold back. He glanced at Eli out of the corner of his eye and caught the slightest shake of his head. Snapping his teeth together and flexing his fists, Zeke stilled and waited.

  “You know I’ve got interests with the Flames, Gomez. And it would be in your best interest not to blackmail them. They don’t respond to these tactics any more than I do.” Dylan’s hand was itching to reach for his gun, Zeke noticed. His thumb kept brushing the butt, and he actually felt a bit better knowing he wasn’t alone in his anxiety.

  Snorting, Gomez asked, “Are you here to get me to hand over the girl? Without anything in return?”

  Dylan nodded, once, shortly. “A show of good faith that might make them feel like a negotiation was possible.” The idea of working with the Ravens was nauseating, but Zeke went along with it, just like the other three men from his crew. It provided the best cover story they could manage to keep everyone safe through this rendezvous. “Don’t play with me, Gomez. I’m not Jake. I won’t bend to your every whim, and if you’re not careful, instead of gaining an ally and a bigger bottom line, you’ll end up losing what you get from the Kings.”

  That didn’t sit we
ll with Gomez, who stood and slammed his hands on the desk. “You son of a bitch, I can take out your entire club in less than ten minutes. How dare you try to strongarm me?”

  “Think what happens when the word gets out that you took out one of your biggest suppliers because they wanted you to release an innocent girl,” Corey put in. “Because it will spread, and everyone you work with is going to bow out. It will not be a graceful exit, I’m sure. It’ll be messy, with lots of carnage and loss for you and yours, Gomez. Do this thing, and give us time to work through some ideas for negotiations. You just might find that everyone bends a little to avoid breaking.”

  Pointing at Dylan, Gomez shouted, “You’re going to pay for this! You and your club are going to pay a hefty sum to make up for what you’re taking from me right now.” He turned to Corey, sniffing the air with an expression of disgust. “And you, next time don’t bring your filthy dogs with you. We’ll meet, alone, and discuss business. You better have something good to bring to the table, too, or we’ll have even more serious problems.”

  “Stop the threats, Gomez,” Dylan warned in a low voice. “Bring the girl out, and hand her over free and clear, or my men outside will start shooting up the place. And if some of your men are caught in the crossfire, it’s not my fault.” This time, he pointed at Gomez. “And we owe you nothing, asshole. You got a ton of our people killed in the little stunt you and Jake set up against the Flames. Consider this repaying that debt.”

  Rage turning Gomez’s face twelve shades of purple, he snapped his fingers, and a door opened behind him, opening up a small office. Two men came out, hauling Leigh with them. Zeke’s heart pounded in his chest, seeing she didn’t seem to be hurt physically, just scared. He wanted to grab her, check her from head to toe, and carry her out of here. But as he started to step forward, Eli held him back again. This time, he almost clawed his way free, but Rafe stepped out and took her.

  “Hear this, Gomez,” Dylan said in a deadly calm voice. “From now on, we don’t mess with innocents. I don’t care if she was fucking everyone in the club. She’s no affiliation to them, and that means she’s off limits. Are we clear?”

  Narrowing his gaze, Gomez looked at the Diamond Kings club president, assessing him from head to toe. “Oh, I get the message loud and clear. Obviously, I underestimated you.” He shook his head. “I won’t be doing that again.”

  Zeke caught the underlying threat in his voice and, as Rafe returned with Leigh, he couldn’t hold back, reaching for her and pulling her into a tight embrace. She buried her face in his chest, tears soaking his shirt. He had no faith in Gomez and wanted to get the hell out before the dick did something underhanded and attacked. He needed Leigh somewhere safe, and he was impatient.

  “Good, then we’re finally on equal standing,” Dylan said, a glint in his eyes that was murderous. Thankfully, that ended the meeting, and they rushed out.

  Zeke hesitated just long enough to lock gazes with Leigh. “Are you okay? Can you ride with me?”

  She nodded and didn’t speak, but she kissed him quickly and climbed on the back of the bike, a little stiff but steady. He hightailed it out of there, racing ahead of the rest of the riders, desperate to put distance between them and the Ravens. When the Kings turned to go their separate way, he waved with the others, glad to have had the backup. He reminded himself that Dylan was a strong leader, and he added a few points for trustworthy.

  He considered taking Leigh home to pack a bag but decided against it. He could go alone, later, or take Kira with him to help. He wanted Leigh locked down at the clubhouse, where he could explain everything, reassure her she was safe, and keep an eye on her. In fact, he never wanted to be away from her again.

  When they arrived, Zeke ushered Leigh through the bar and down the hall to his bunkroom, seating her on the bed and kneeling in front of her, guilt weighing heavily on his chest. “God, Leigh, I’m so sorry. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Are you alright?”

  She nodded silently but said nothing, and Zeke cursed himself. To Leigh, he said, “The moment I thought you were in danger, I knew I had to fix it, and I came to call it quits. I didn’t want you involved in any club business.”

  She eyed him carefully. “So, you broke up with me because there was a threat to me, and you wanted to protect me?”

  He nodded. “They were trying to extort a relationship with us, but we refuse to work with scum like Gomez and the Ravens. He threatened you, and I did the best thing I knew how, which was completely wrong. I should have brought you here, told you what was going on, and protected you from the start. And if you can forgive me, trust me, that’s exactly what I’m going to do from now on. I can’t lose you, Leigh. It killed me to walk away from you, and it made me consider a suicide mission when I found out that bastard had you.”

  She shook her head, tears forming in her eyes that Zeke wanted to kiss away. “I was terrified last night, Zeke. I thought I was going to die. I told him you wouldn’t come for me, that you didn’t care about me, and he just laughed and said that was too bad. I’ve never been so petrified in all my life.”

  “It won’t happen, ever again,” Zeke swore adamantly. “Listen to me. Before this, we had already started an alliance with several other MCs that Gomez and his cronies have terrorized. We’re going to take down their club for good, and it’s all going to happen very fast.” He touched her cheek, wanting desperately to hold her and kiss her and make her feel safe. “You can stay here until it’s over, and when you go to work, we’ll make sure you have protection. They’ll be inconspicuous. Just tell me you’ll let me take care of you. Tell me you forgive me.”

  Her lower lip trembled, evoking both sympathy and desire in him. “And what if it doesn’t work? What if you get hurt in the process? I can’t risk staying with you, only to lose you again. For all I know, you might get cold feet and walk away from me again, and my heart couldn’t take it.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Leigh. I want you with me, all the time. I never thought I’d say that, but I do. I can’t even look at other women without thinking how they can’t compare to you.” He was pouring his heart out, saying things he vowed he’d never say to anyone. But what else could a sorry son of a bitch with a history of disappointment do in hopes of keeping a woman like Leigh? “I promise you, I will make sure you’re safe, always.”

  The tears spilled over, and Leigh sobbed once. “Can you maybe just start by holding me?”

  She didn’t have to ask twice. Zeke got to his feet, sat on the bed beside her, and pulled her into his arms. He kissed the top of her head, caressed her back, and let her cry. Every time her body shook and convulsed with her sobs, his heart tore a little more. He’d caused this with his stupidity and valiant efforts. If he’d listened to Rafe and Corey, none of this would have happened.

  After long minutes, Leigh calmed and snuggled in deeper, her face in his chest and her hand on his leg. He’d never held a woman like this, never tried to comfort anyone in such a way. It felt amazing, as if Leigh had laid all her troubles at his feet and trusted him implicitly to take care of them.

  The last thing he expected was for her hand to slide up his leg and creep between his thighs. His crotch tightened, and his cock responded instantly to her touch. She hadn’t moved otherwise, but she stroked him into a full erection, and Zeke groaned. It had been almost two weeks now, and with that kind of time, the adrenaline rush of nearly losing her, and the absolute craving for her that never went away, he didn’t have the willpower to resist.

  Taking her chin in his hand and tilting her head back so he could look at her, Zeke caught her lips in his, kissing her slowly and tenderly despite the demands his cock made to be more intense. He let his fear and relief flood through the kiss, as well as his need, creating a passionate kiss that had her sighing and moaning into him. Their tongues entangled, and he pushed his fingers into that thick mass of hair he adored.

  “I just want to be naked in your arms,” she whispered against his lips, the statement
testing his self control.

  He grunted and brushed his lips over the length of her jaw. “And I just want to be buried deep inside you, feeling you wrapped around me.”

  She groaned and reached for his shirt, tugging at the hem until he leaned back and jerked it off. He didn’t know where that skimpy dress had come from, but he laid her back on the bed and pushed it up around her waist, stroking her through the silky panties and watching her writhe as he noted how wet she was. Then, he sat her up and removed the obstacle, admiring the creamy beauty of her skin. He could have stared at her forever and never grown tired of the sight, he thought as he toyed with one pert nipple.

  She arched her back, and he bent his neck, taking the pebbled tip in his mouth and sucking as she panted and fisted her fingers in his short hair. She pulled him tighter to her breast, and he laid her back, leaning over her and inhaling her scent as he continued his ministrations. She scored his back through the thin material of his shirt with her nails, making him shudder, and for the first time in longer than he could remember, he felt whole. With this woman at his side and underneath him, he could face anything.


  Zeke’s fingers tracing over her skin with more tenderness than she’d thought he was capable of washed away the fear, lifted the trauma, and restored her faith in humanity, if only for a moment. Even on the back of the bike, with her arms around him, all she could see was that evil man, his tongue on her cheek. She could hear his voice as Zeke made his promises, but now, Leigh felt like herself, free and anxious for him.

  As he hovered over her, she caught his intense gaze and purposely glanced down her own body so his eyes would follow hers. With one hand, she slid beneath her panties and pressed two fingers to her clit, rolling it deliciously until she moaned and closed her eyes, throwing her head back at the pleasurable sensation.


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