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Mistletoe and Outlaws: (Novella 5.5) (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga)

Page 4

by V. Theia

  His dirty rotten thief knew exactly how to roast his guts on an open flame.

  And he took it.

  Fuck if Grinder didn’t take it all and ache for more.

  They could both get hard time if a passing cop saw them parked there in a stolen vehicle. The third one she’d taken today.

  But nothing mattered to Grinder other than sliding his hand down between them and pinching her clit until she roared her climax on top of him.

  “Fuck. You are beautiful. I love you,” he panted raggedly into her shoulder when it all tapered out and she lifted off him with a self-satisfied smirk and helped tuck him away before she slid back into her seat and began pulling on her jeans and righting her poker straight hair back into a neat tail hanging down her back.

  Her face flushed, and her lips swollen.

  “I was itchy.” She told him, using the mirror in the flap down to check her eye make up was still in place. She could have looked like a raccoon and Grinder would have still been hard up to mount her. “Gracias for the scratch, chico.” She said. Her little smile in place looking at him through the corner of her eye.

  She placed her hand on his thigh when he started up the car once more and pulled back into the traffic. “My pleasure, love,” he answered with a wink.

  They were already forty minutes late. Jamie fucking Steele would be pacing like a parent waiting for their kid to come home from prom. Only his kid was the car he was waiting for Luxe to bring him.

  No day was ever dull with his Luxe.

  It was no secret he watched her more closely than he would have before.

  Ever since the shitstorm went down with Grigori he became a little unstable if he didn’t know where she was.

  Luxe understood this. She was an independent woman and he’d never stifle that, so doing this marriage thing took a lot of work between them to compromise and communicate.

  Luxe liked to communicate with their bodies.

  Did he mention he was one lucky motherfucker?

  They were five minutes away from Steele’s MC when he saw her frown down at her phone. “Is he bitching to you?” Wouldn’t be the first time. He and Jamie fucking Steele got along to a degree because they had Luxe in common, and he was Preacher’s brother in law, didn’t mean Grinder had to be besties with Luxe’s ex. He was not that modern of a gorilla.

  “No. Mimi wants us to come for a pre-Christmas dinner tonight.”

  Grinder bit back his grin.

  His poor girl was still coming to terms with her beloved grandmother and his dad hooking up. Of all people, it still shocked the shit out of him.

  Not just hooking up, her grandmother now lived with his pops and the pair were the randy kind of happy. Grinder couldn’t lie and say he wasn’t happy for his dad.

  “It’ll be okay, love,” he placated, taking her hand, he kissed over her knuckles.

  She turned her beautiful scowl on him and huffed. “Tell your father no pawing Mimi in front of me, sí?”

  Laughing, he kissed her hand again over her wedding band, the white gold warm to the touch.

  As outspoken and fearless as his Luxe was, having grown up with no mother and hustling to take care of herself and her grandmother from a young age, Grinder often forgot that she was soft inside and incredibly vulnerable about intimacy.

  The first time they’d walked in on his pops kissing Estalita pressed into the sink he thought Luxe was gonna have a fit. She’d turned red so fast. And she’d backed up so quick she’d banged into his chest.

  Now she had a strict rule for her grandmother; no fooling around while she was there. Estalita rarely listened.

  She was as wild as Luxe. No guesses for where his thief got it from.

  “He’s your father in law, you tell him,” her scowl and dark stare became a little more dangerous. Making Grinder groan.

  If they weren’t pulling into Jamie’s forecourt he’d give her another scratch.

  Before she could exit he caught her around the back of her neck, bringing their faces together. The flash of love over her face was mirrored by his own. She nuzzled into his hand.

  This was his wife.

  His other half.

  The better half.

  Even when she spit fire at him.

  “You can sit on my lap and embarrass your grandma,” he offered, selflessly.

  Coincidental it would mean her rubbing on his crotch.

  She pft and rolled her pretty eyes. “She is shameless, she wouldn’t care if we made out on her couch. She’s already crowing about wanting grandbabies.”

  Grinder’s hand flexed around her nape and for a second air got trapped in his lungs.

  They hadn’t really discussed kids. He got the impression she didn’t want any, so he’d never pressed the issue.

  Not that he wanted them himself, he didn’t know.

  But if it meant Luxe and no kids or having kids with someone else because she didn’t want them, then it was no contest. He’d choose Luxe every time.

  He couldn’t miss what he’d never had.

  But he found the words vomiting out of his mouth before he could hold them back. “Say the word, love, I’ll put a baby in you.”

  So, he was fucking insane and she was gonna kill him days before Christmas.

  She’d be spoiled for choice where to bury him since it was non-stop snowing lately.

  Funny thing was, when you broached a conversation, it sometimes didn’t go the way you assumed it would. Grinder braced for her fuck you, kidnapper, reply.

  It didn’t come.

  She sort of puffed out an exhale, turned in her seat to face him. In skin tight pants and a denim jacket, she was incredibly stunning. “And have me join the pregnant bitches club? I think not, kidnapper.”

  There was a lot of hormones flying around the MC lately, it was hard not to notice. He smiled and kissed her knuckles. Ignoring the stab of disappointment.

  He didn’t need a kid to feel fulfilled or to be happy.

  He was already happy.

  “But Nathan?”

  He cast his gaze over. Watched her smile. Another heart thump.

  “Maybe in a few years you can do that. Put a baby in me. I suppose we should ruin a poor kid’s life, sí? If only so we can torture Mimi for free babysitting.”

  Fuck him, a big ass grin appeared on his face and he wrenched her forward, crushing a kiss on her mouth. “Sounds like a good plan. Te amo, my dirty rotten thief.”

  She purred and licked his lip, nuzzled her face across his beard, her fingers reached between his legs. “Nathan, Te amo. So much.”

  The door on his side suddenly flew open and a scowling asshole stood outside glaring at them. “You mind not fucking in the merchandise, that would be good,” deadpanned Jamie Steele. Hands on his denim covered hips. Looking like he was chewing wasp’s, pissed off waves rolling off him standing there dressed in his Apollo Kingsmen emblem cut.

  Just to fuck with him Grinder smirked and unfolded his body, tossing the keys over to the other man. “Too late. You might need to get the interior valeted before you sell this baby on. She rides like a dream.”

  “He means the car. Not me,” added Luxe, tongue in her cheek.

  Grinder laughed and winked at her over the top of the Maserati.

  He wasn’t lying, she rode beautifully.

  But not better than his thief.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

  “What can I say? My wife likes stealing.”

  “Fucking asshole, you couldn’t wait?”

  “Nope.” He slung an arm around Luxe’s shoulder, wanted to get her out of the cold and into the clubhouse where he could find her food and coffee while she finished up the business with Jamie.

  Jamie went in ahead of them, muttering to himself. He was a moody prez.

  Luxe stopped him before they could follow.

  Snow drifted onto his dark hair, he brushed it away, cupped her face, assuming she wanted a kiss from him first, he dipped, and she nearly kn
ocked the lungs of his chest cavity.

  “We’ll do dinner with the parents tonight, but I need to know I have something to look forward to when we get home, Nathan.” He liked where this was headed.

  He smirked and nodded.

  She gripped his shirt front and smiled. A devious smile.

  She was about to eviscerate his concentration for the day, he just knew it.

  “You know how we have those wrapped gifts under the tree?” He did. He’d put them there himself last night and watched her eye them like a devious magpie. If she hadn’t shook them, carefully opened and rewrapped them again then she wasn’t his wife.

  His Luxe sucked for surprises.

  “I thought I’d wrap my legs around your head tonight, kidnapper. After we get home. And I’m all itchy again, sí?”

  Fuck, yes. Fucking yes.

  “Damn, Luxe.”

  She smiled, swished her hips, winked and walked inside.

  “And I want breakfast in bed.” She called out.

  She knew exactly how to rile him up and keep him dangling for hours.

  And he wouldn’t have her any other way.

  December 13th

  “I need four more Porsche’s from Landing’s Auto-nation.”

  “Shit. You don’t make this easy, do you?” Luxe remarked across to Jamie behind his office desk. “I almost got caught the last time I took the Mercedes from Landing’s. He’s such a prick.”

  Jamie half-grinned, his dark hair longer on top than it usually was, fell into his eyes as he counted out bundles of stacked money into a pile then locked the box he’d taken it from and tossed it back into the wall safe, which he locked before retaking his seat. “He doesn’t want you stealing his shit, Luxe. The guy is sure to be a prick if he catches you.”

  “Why does it have to be his place?”

  “It’s what was ordered.” He shrugged unrepentant.

  They were in business together. She stole cars. He sold them on. It had been working for more than a year now and it meant she was around home more often which suited her more.

  Who knew she’d be such a home body?

  Her and Jamie might be friends … with a small history, but she knew the money came first with him. He’d send her into a war zone because he knew she could steal anything.

  She was both insulted and complimented by it.

  It made their business relationship easier. Especially for Nathan.

  He was confident in their marriage and the love she had for him, it didn’t mean he wasn’t a growling alpha who didn’t really like his woman around another growling alpha.

  For Luxe it was fun watching them posture in front of each other.

  They could be good friends if they dropped their egos.

  “Hey, what are you doing on the 23rd?”

  He rose a brow.

  “There’s a big Christmas party over at the Souls place. You should come.”

  The offer made her friend laugh deeply.

  Taking her adored husband out of the equation it was still a surprise she could never attach any feelings to this man. To any other woman he was a dirty-dark dream come true. The full bad boy package with looks, swagger, reputation and money.

  She never saw him with the same woman twice.

  Come to think of it, she hadn’t seen him with any woman lately.

  “I don’t think a semi-accord with Rider means he’d extend a party invite to me.”

  She scoffed. These MC’s and their rules.

  “Well, I’m inviting you. Besides, Ruby and Preacher will be there. Bring whatever flavor of the moment is hanging off your belt loop.”

  She was being a little probing.

  His blue eyes held a lot of secrets as his gaze met hers.

  “Come on, don’t be a bore, Jamie.” Red fingernails clicked on the desk in front of her. She quite liked the color. Fierce and festive at the same time.

  At home the big tree they’d chosen together would be waiting with all those gifts nestled under it.

  So many.

  She’d watched Nathan haul in arms-full of gifts from the garage last night.

  Neatly wrapped boxed gifts.

  Each of them labelled to her.

  Do not peek. He’d warned her. Making her huff and stick her nose in the air.

  What did he think she was, a common thief?

  And for twenty-four hours she hadn’t so much as touched them.

  But it was driving her crazy.

  What was inside all those many boxes?

  And, Oh, dios. She hadn’t gotten him half as many. Was that the rule of marriage, to buy equal number of Christmas gifts?

  So, in her head deciding if she should go late night shopping, and maybe she could ask the girls along because she wasn’t really good at shopping, and not for a man, she nearly missed Jamie speaking.

  “Fine. I’ll stop by, if only so I can needle your boy by getting you to dance with me,” he winked, good naturedly.

  “You’re a turd. Play nice, it’s Christmas.”

  “Since when are you a fan of the holidays?”

  It was a fair question. Since they’d worked together she’d never made it a priority to spend the holidays doing anything but working. Sure, she had special meals with Mimi, but if her grandmother had been off on one of her senior trips, then Luxe chose to work the holidays.

  She was able to steal great things from rich people.

  But now? Things were different. So different that she sometimes woke in the middle of the night with her husband big-spooned around her back, with his naughty hand cupping her boob, and she had to pinch herself to check her life was not a dream.

  She smiled and answered honestly. “Since Nathan.”

  Jamie rolled his pretty-man eyes, leaned forward and shoved the six bundles of money across to her.

  She knew it would total to twenty grand. Her share of the Maserati. Along with the two BMW’s from earlier this morning and the extra fifty already chilling in her home safe it wasn’t a bad pay day. But she’d need to move the money soon, she never kept anything worth of value at home. Not with the unscrupulous people she knew. Some held grudges because a woman thief dared to do a better job than they could. Some thought she owed them for things she’d stolen from under their noses.

  “We know some single women, if you want me to introduce you.”

  He scoffed and looked arrogantly offended. So much for being nice on the holidays. She’d go back to being a bitch, she thought with a scowl.

  This was what she’d told Nathan all along, no good came from her being nice.

  “I can find my own women, thanks.”

  True. They hung around this place like a bad stink and each of those women … MC bunnies—or whatever their term was, it was sexist and derogatory, if you ask her—all wanted a piece of Jamie Steele.

  They all wanted a ring from him. And so far, they were ringless.

  “Besides,” he confessed, rubbing his forehead and then the back of his neck. He looked tired more than normal. “I’m keeping away from them for now. Fucking crazy.”

  She chortled, standing with the money in her hand. “You mean, you being commitment phobic and only screwing, then discarding them before the sheets have cooled makes them crazy, sí?”

  He smirked. “Not phobic if it’s something I don’t want. I watched dad go through women like they were dispensable items and promise each of them love and marriage while he was doing it. He ruined mine and Ruby’s childhood because of it.”

  “You’re not your dad, Jamie.”

  His face sobered. “I don’t know. Maybe.”

  She looked at him. Really looked. Noted that he truly did appear tired around the eyes like he’d been working nonstop. There’d been hassles for both clubs from the Russian mafia this last year, some of which Nathan told her about. The clubs had been working together to see the bratva moved on.

  Was he worried about that?

  “You’re nothing like your father. You give a damn about pe
ople, for one. Come to the party,” she said again. “You can relax and have fun. Do not bring your lapdog with you.” It was well known Luxe and Jamie’s VP didn’t get along. He was such an annoying asshole.

  Jamie only grinned and leaned back in his chair.

  No one truly understood, she thought, what it must be like to be the figure head of a huge crime organization.

  She much preferred working alone. She was far from a team player.

  She was a team of two, she amended, thinking of Nathan and suddenly she needed to see him, so saying bye to Jamie, she found the man himself sitting talking to one of the club boys, but he grinned and cut the conversation off when he spotted her striding towards him.

  “Let’s go home, chico.” She purred.

  Unable to keep the love or want for him out of her voice, or off her face.

  It surprised her at odd times how much this man meant to her.

  Their life was rich and full of flavor.

  And so happy it was sickening.

  “Don’t crash,” she warned when he’d helped clip on her helmet and then held her hand while she lifted her leg over his big badass bike he’d left on the Kingsmen grounds earlier.

  The snow had lessened in the last hour and she knew he would drive like miss fucking daisy knowing he had her on the back with him.

  He was so careful and attentive was her Nathan.

  Smiling, she lifted her cold face to the sky, stuck out her tongue to catch a few flakes.

  Only Nathan, bad boy that he was—still terrible at kidnapping, to which she continually poked fun at—swooped in and took her mouth, she moaned and fell into a heated kiss hot enough to melt the snow banks around them.

  “Precious cargo, love. I’ll get you home safe.”

  Luxe sighed, wrapping her arms around his waist.

  Maybe a few times on the way home she allowed her hands to wander below his belt.

  There was no glow like it for teasing this big man who shuddered underneath her fingers.

  He allowed it and she loved him all the more for it.

  She also thought of six more gifts she could buy him for Christmas.

  “We’re having a monster’s first holiday.” – Hawk


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