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Mistletoe and Outlaws: (Novella 5.5) (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga)

Page 11

by V. Theia

  Well, Grinder wasn’t having it.

  He narrowed his eyes and found her in the crowd.

  With her flirty little gaze coasting across the room towards him and her laughing eyes, taunting him. He steeled his spine.

  Time to conquer, he thought.

  * * *

  “What did he say then?” Encouraged Zara. Luxe was surrounded in girls, listening avidly to one of her thieving stories. The time she’d sneaked into a rich man’s penthouse party and walked out with a pocketful of jewelry.

  Her mind really wasn’t on any story now, not from the second she’d noticed Nathan walking through the doors and scanning the room.

  Looking for her.

  Nerve endings danced to the Christmas music.

  Oh, she’d missed that big chico with his beard dusted in snow and eyes sharp and full of hunger.

  And while her eyes ate him up with every stretch of his legs growing closer to her, the rat-a-tat of her heart increased and the urge to fling herself into his strong arms overcame her with longing.

  A longing she ignored because she was mad at him.

  Wasn’t she?

  She thought so at the time.

  But now, two days later, she knew she’d been too stubborn, too unforgiving, too set in her moody ways.

  And she’d missed her boy.

  Missed his arms circling her in their bed.

  Missed the good morning kisses raining down the side of her face.

  Missed the snuggles on the couch and the goodbye kisses in the garage as his bike revved its roaring engine.

  The closer he got, the more her belly flopped over, and she bit back her grin and made her eyes go flat.

  She saw him frown. And loved it.

  In front of her, her tall sky scraper husband looked twice as big as she’d last seen him and her belly quivered.

  She didn’t speak.

  And he didn’t speak.

  Though, their eyes spoke volumes.

  His hand moved from her chin to her throat, a smooth glide of affection she felt deep in her skin. His fingers curled around the gentle column with a soft touch. He wasn’t overly rough, but it was a touch to let her know it was her man doing the holding. Luxe would bet her last diamonds he could feel the way her traitorous heart was sprinting from just his touch alone.

  It was as if the room fell away and it was only her and Nathan remaining.

  His steel-cut gray eyes, neatly trimmed bearded and his hooded gaze with his head slightly tilted down towards her.

  She sucked in a breath.

  Heard a faint chuckle from one of the girls.

  His fingertips rested at her pulse point, and then his hand skimmed up to cup her cheek so lovingly she forgot the reason why she’d been cross in the first place. And when his thumb caressed her cheekbone like it was the delicate, soft petal of her favorite flower?

  She trembled.

  “She’ll have to give you the conclusion some other time, ladies. I need to borrow Luxe.” He dared say and what did he go and do then?

  The big asshole pushed his shoulder into her stomach and tossed her over his shoulder.

  With Luxe spitting Spanish all the way through the laughing crowd and his boys cheering him on.

  They were all estúipdo, too.

  “Swear to God, Luxe. I’m at the end of my rope. Stop wriggling and you know I can understand you, it’s impossible to fuck myself that way.” He whacked a full palm on her ass.

  She flamed and swallowed a groan.

  Luckily, she wasn’t wearing the short dress she had initially intended tonight. Instead she’d gone for skin tight black jeans and a vicious red blouse with a deep v in front. She wore it with her red bottom spiked heels.

  “Put me down,” she said at last. But it was hardly a token protest, she thought as she bounced on his sharp shoulder.

  And didn’t he just take her directly outside in the fucking snow?

  Fat flakes as big as her hand drifted on top of her head.

  And this time when she shivered it had nothing to do with lust and all to do with the frigid temperature.

  He shrugged out of his jacket instantly and waited until she’d slid her arms down through the holes.

  The thing drowned her but smelled like him.

  The cold didn’t appear to affect him. That hot-blooded bastard of hers.

  She unconsciously leaned toward him. Seeking his body. His heart.

  God, she’d missed him.

  “You’re being dramatic.” She accused.

  “I’m being dramatic? I’m not the one who’s been throwing out the silent treatment. Think you got that switched around, thief.”

  Thief. Her pet name sliced through her so lovely and warm she was glad the darkness masked her smile.

  The way the snow gathered on his black hair, dusted his beard and the bulging of his muscles with each movement dried Luxe’s mouth.

  She took a step towards him.

  He crowded her back into the wall.

  Sounds of the party filtered outside. But it wasn’t as important as what was going on right there between them.

  With a token huff, she threw up her chin, eyes glaring. “How dare you call me dramatic, kidnapper?”

  His mouth crashed down on hers.

  No warning, no gentle coaxing.

  It was take and plunder.

  And about the sweetest kiss she’d ever experienced.

  Just like that, fight over as she wound her arms tightly around his shoulders and flung herself into the kiss tenfold, whimpering from the loss of his glorious taste in her mouth for two whole days.

  Oh, she’d missed her man.

  The man godlike in his attraction.

  Luxe was high on him.

  “There she is. My love. I fucking missed you.”

  There was no reason for her to come up with a quick retort.

  Their silly fight, along with her extreme overreacting temper deflated and she accepted his forgiveness.

  Because that was her Nathan.

  He was patient and kind and understanding.

  And he loved her. Dios, she didn’t know why sometimes, but he did. Unquestionably deep. No holds barred love.

  “I got your fucking treasure back, thief.” He told her lips, licking and biting the bottom one until it was deliciously sore.

  She pulled back with wide eyes. Snowflakes dotted his beard she softly brushed away.

  Short story. Nathan accidentally tossed out one of her bags of goodies she hadn’t taken to her underground lock up in the Souls mountains yet. It was super-hot items she couldn’t sell yet without attracting the wrong kind of attention from those she’d stolen it from, so she was holding on to it until the new year.

  And her darling husband threw out nearly four hundred thousand dollars by mistake with the garbage.

  Was it a wonder she’d been unspeakably pissed?


  “I know people.” Was all he said.

  He knew a lot of people in a lot of places and he bribed most of them for information they had.

  Her tracker had many talents, all of them turned her on.

  “You really got it back?”

  “Yes, I trekked up the fucking mountain and put it in your lock up,” he rumbled, going in for another kiss and this time hers was just as hungry as his. The slash of his tongue melted the snow around them until she felt as though she was standing directly in fire.

  Without warning again his hand undid her jeans, next came down the zipper and his frozen hand had her shrieking in shock when he slid it down inside and cupped her pussy.

  Rubbed slowly.

  “Oh, dios mío!” She squealed high enough to scare away any venturing deer nearby. “Nathan! That’s cold.”

  “Two days you kept me away from my pussy, Luxe, do you really wanna complain right now?”

  She had no excuses. She’d punished herself too since he was a god in bed.

  Another grind of his cold palm. Heating up slowl
y. She also grew wet with the flickering start of arousal.

  “That means …” he licked her bottom lip, tugged it hard between his snapping teeth and had her angling her neck for more. She wrapped both hands around his neck and held on. “It needs loving. It needs petting. It needs some fucking licking and hard sucking from me and then it’ll get the fucking it’s missed. My pussy has missed being fucked hasn’t it, love?”

  After each declaration Nathan wound her up more with the flat of his hand covering her entire mound, pressing down hard directly over her pulsing-wanting clit.

  She was a panting mess leaning her forehead into his hard chest.

  She could barely get out a strangled yes for the way her sex let go and soaked his hand.

  “That’s right, love. My pussy missed me. But I’ll give you everything it needs. Drench me, pulse around me, shatter all its juices over me.”

  “Sí. Sí, Nathan, Por favor.”

  Another terror of kisses followed.

  Lips swollen.

  Head dizzy.

  Nathan’s free hand wound her long ponytail around his fist, using it to arch her neck back. “Fuck. What kind of girl are you to get this soaked for your kidnapper?”

  His fingers were magic.

  Luxe moaned, swaying on her feet when he set her down and removed his hand.

  She looked at him like he’d stolen her favorite Christmas gift.

  Nathan laughed while he refastened her jeans and then the monster licked his digits in front of her face, grunting while he did. “Fucking sweet.”

  “You’re a fucking tease.”

  “I know. Let’s go back to the party, love, and grab you a snack.” He grasped her hand and she cuddled into his shoulder. “Then we’ll go home, share a bottle, get high and I’ll wreck you under the Christmas tree, yeah?”

  “Just try not to knock it over again, por favor.”

  “Two days without my pussy, thief.” His voice rough as nails, turned her on as his thumb stroked her palm and he bent his considerable height to capture her lips in another onslaught of passion to come. “Can’t promise anything other than you’ll come screaming my name.”

  Dios. She believed him too. Nathan was incredibly attentive in that department. He took it as a personal reward to make her come.

  “Breathe, love.” He said in her ear closing the door behind them and the snow. Heat enfolding them quickly making her skin prickle. His voice scraped over her nipples, hardening them. “I can hear your sexy little pants and it’s making me hard.”

  “Bueno,” she chided with a side smile up at him. it was good she was killing him in the same sweet way he killed her.

  Anticipation was something they could do.

  They’d enjoy their holiday party.

  Drink and dance.

  Then he’d take her home.

  And that’s where their own party would begin.

  “Live Harder: The sequel.” – Hawk

  December 26th

  Nothing else made Hawk more settled in his monster skin than doing for his little bit of a thing.

  Even if it meant leaving work in the middle of the day. She knew to call or text no matter what and he’d be there.

  Eager as a bastard. And loving every second of it.

  And his boys wouldn’t dare mutter a fucking word on how whipped he was ‘cause he’d tell them straight he was her goddamn slave, so they could shut their traps.

  He’d waited in insanity for ten long years to have this opportunity, he wasn’t wasting a second by being a prick denying her anything.

  Besides, he got enjoyment out of making her happy. Simple as that.

  Her smile was his currency and he had a pocket full of Gia cash.

  The thunder of his Harley pulled into the carport and he switched off his girl. Leaving her right there. No bastard crazy enough would mess with his bike even if he didn’t put it away. Not that he was mister congeniality with the neighbors, but his reputation preceded him. He’d seen the looks of horror when him and all his boys jumped out of the moving truck a couple month back.

  Start as he meant to go on, he reckoned.

  He wasn’t friendly and didn’t intend to be.

  Not that his wife got that memo.

  Gia went around with muffins and cookies to say hello to everyone just a few days later and left him glowering on their doorstep with his arms folded watching her every move.

  He caught the guy across the street looking over as he shovelled snow.

  Young kid with a wife of his own and a baby. Not that he was gossiping or even shared a word with him, but Hawk had made it his business, with the help of Lawless and his hacking, to find out just what kind of shitheads were living near his little bit of a thing. He needed her safe and didn’t care what he had to do to make that happen. Turned out the kid was harmless with a 9-5 job and no worrying hobbies like cutting up women in his basement, so Hawk always gave him a chin lift in greeting.

  The back door through the garage opened under his hand and Hawk’s jaw nearly cracked open. He’d told Gia countless times to keep all the fucking doors locked when he wasn’t home.

  She was gonna give him a fucking stroke.

  Her soft scent greeted him. Hardening his dick.

  He was such a dirty monster to want her constantly.

  She was nearly nine month pregnant, just two more weeks left, and he’d never been more attracted to her with her popped belly and lovely, flushed face.

  Rider had warned him how women get when they’re pregnant.

  Call him the luckiest bastard on two legs.

  He’d been there for every single one of Gia’s horny, hormonal bursts.

  Dick ready.

  Mouth ready.

  Hours and hours of loving and sating his old lady.

  Didn’t matter if he dropped a pound or ten in exerted sweat, she was satisfied by him.

  Only death would stop him from giving Gia what she wanted.

  And even then, he had a hook up with the devil to give him a one-way ticket back to this realm.

  As always, his heart gave a lazy kick in his chest wall knowing she was in the house somewhere. She had her smelly candles burning. A different one in each room. Gia hadn’t asked him to come home today. He’d decided to stop in for lunch on the off chance she wasn’t resting.

  The shit with Texas was going down later today and he wanted some good with his old lady before he had to go be at Rider’s side.

  Fixing her a sandwich for lunch with all the Christmas leftovers from yesterday minutes later, he caught the click of Killer’s nails on the hardwood, then the soft patter of feet from his wife. Hawk was already at the kitchen door to greet her before she was even through. “Baby…” she sighed smiling, coming instantly to him.

  She was in his arms, legs wrapped around his waist, kissing him like he hadn’t seen her just a few hours ago. Beautifully mussed a minute later, he put her little butt on the counter and then bent down to the yapping, excitable pup waiting for her attention. He didn’t roll his eyes, only because it was the fourth day running their dog was wearing fucking clothes.

  Gia was buying out Amazon, for all their canine clothes, poor Killer was disgraced strutting around. Today it was bright red with snowflakes all over it. He ran his palm down her quivering back, taking her frantic, excitable squirming. “Have you been taking care of your mom?” He asked the gray French bulldog and she licked his nose. Setting her down he kissed Gia again and went about finishing her food.

  “Khalessi Stormborn has been sleeping all day,” Gia informed, and Hawk smirked.

  “She’s a sleeper cell. Any danger she’d go berserk. Until then she snoozes, little bit.”

  Hawk took care of her immediate need first by feeding her. Some days he couldn’t get food into her fast enough. After the worrying weeks of her morning sickness he was glad she was eating now. He stood at the counter while she perched on top, happily nibbling the sandwich talking about her day.

  To anyone els
e it might be mundane, boring even but to Hawk, he was cloud nine kind of content. Not just in life, but inside his skin. He could listen to her talk all day long and never wish she’d shut up and give him peace.

  Gia was his peace.

  And she tasted like a promise he would always keep.

  Even when she made him itchy to grab her up and fuck her down on the floor like the animal he was beneath his clothing. But with the bump in front he’d been more careful with her the moment she started to show.

  The minute he saw the proof that all their sex had resulted in a baby he’d morphed into an even bigger prick of a protector.

  He’d carried her all around the house, upstairs and down.

  He fed her, he sexed her up … gently as he could, even when she cried for harder and deeper. He was fucking terrified of hurting her or the baby. And as each month clicked off the calendar, they attended baby classes, bought a shit ton of stuff for the nursery, he painted walls and rubbed Gia’s aches and held her tightly when she cried at nothing.

  Hawk’s shoulders also rose up to his ears with tension.

  He was terrified of losing her.

  He’d been glued to reading stories online of women dying in childbirth. It fucking happened in this goddamn century. The fuck. He couldn’t face it, so he didn’t think about it. But the closer they got to their due date his heart galloped around the clock.

  He could no longer relax.

  “Hey, you.” She said softly nudging his thigh with a toe and was smiling when he flipped up his eyes to find her watching him.

  “Me?” He played along, cocking his brow.

  “Yeah, you. Come here a minute.”

  Course he did. One little nudge of his hip and he was between her legs, feeling at peace when her long fingers hooked into his hair, scraped his scalp.

  Her affection was his drug.

  Some days he went to work at the bike shop stoned out of his brain without having taken any narcotics.

  “Love you,” she brushed against his mouth. A jolt of pleasure went straight between his legs and he resented the teeth of the zipper holding his dick back when it lengthened inside the denim.

  Using both hands on her butt he pulled her forward into his crotch, hard against soft, letting her grind on him. It might drive him crazy, but the friction brought a sort of torture he could come over.


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