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Page 12

by Xander Jade

  I was getting angry now. “You let that fuck do that to your mother and sister? Did you take what you wanted as well?”

  He snarled, “I didn’t have a choice! He watched me take both many times. Valencia finally couldn’t take it anymore and fled. I heard she was caught by a count and was his sex toy.”

  I growled and put my weight on his chest. He whimpered.

  “Yes, she was and instead of her family taking care of her, she was alone and abandoned to her fate. Is your mother still alive?”

  “Yes, she is over there with the other females. How do you know of Valencia?”

  I chuckled at him. “Because… she’s with me.”

  Gerard gasped, but before he could say anything, I punched the motherfucker in the head, stunning him, then clamped down on his right leg and pulled and chewed until it came off. He screamed out in pain, but it wasn’t over, no. I also tore the other leg off. Try to heal from that, bitch.

  Looking up from that, I found my crew had taken care of the others and were making sure nobody bothered me, though I doubted they would anyway. Some were actually vomiting, some crying. Gerard shouted out for help, he was panicking now. Taking a minute to calm down, I told my beast to go back to my primary form. Shifting back to my primal form took seconds. I rose up on my two feet and looked down at the twat known as Gerard before stepping on his head. The screams ended immediately, and I roared, letting every being in my vicinity know not to fuck with me right now. My trio joined me in victory.

  Scanning the area, it seemed everyone was grouped with their own people now. The amazons were back in their formation, centaurs over to the left, weres to the center, and the barbarians on the right. Looking behind me, the orcs stood in some formation and when they saw me, they bowed their heads in deference.

  The trio parted as I walked towards the other leaders. No one said a word, as I came upon them.

  “Anybody else have something to say about those prisoners?”

  Not a one made a peep or sound of any kind except breathing.

  “Didn’t think so.”

  At that moment, there was commotion to my left and I looked to see Zeus making his way over, knocking people out of the way. I chuckled at his antics. When he got to me, the bastard head butted me in the stomach and tried to kick me. Guess he was worried. The people around me gasped and watched me, wondering what I would do to the horse.

  Kneeling down, I hugged him and scratched behind his ears. The asshole hit me again and nickered. I laughed and pushed him away, but noticed he had my clothes and pack on his back.

  I took them and said, “Thanks buddy.” He nodded, but didn’t move that far away from me, ending up beside Reaper.

  Standing up, I stretched my body before walking over to the forest. I called out to the amazons that were still waiting, “Thanks for the assist ladies!”

  The leader nodded and barked an order. The troop left back to their kingdom. Watching the females for a minute, I wondered why they didn’t intervene in the battle.

  Turning to the orcs, I stared at the leader and advised, “Hold on Tavoria, I’ll be back in a few.”

  She nodded and I went behind some trees to shift back to my human form. I crouched there until getting my breathing under control, not knowing what the werelion in my life would do after she found out what transpired today.

  Sig gave his opinion, ‘She will forever love you. Her pride will have some changes but the fear they held over her will be gone.’

  Herc advised, “I agree, bud. What those assholes did in their pride was unforgivable. You did right by killing them.’

  Grunting, ‘I guess you're right.’

  Reap said, ‘Just keep doing what you’re doing. This was a fuckin shit storm today and it will only get worse from here on out as we get closer to that demon showing his ugly face.’

  Nodding to them, I got dressed and grabbed my pack, heading back out to the orcs. The other groups were still there for some reason, discussing shit, I guessed. Shrugging at that, the orcs knelt when I came upon them.

  “Let’s get this shit out there. There is no reason for you to kneel, so get up.”

  They rose, but Tavoria retorted, “It is not mocking, sir. We are showing respect for the one who has saved us today.”

  “Fine, thank you for explaining that to me. I’m on a mission to search the Arnterre Mountains for something of special interest to me.”

  They gasped as Sig came up beside me and yelped, as did everyone in the area when he started liquefying. The bastard was showing off again. Sighing, I took off my tunic and let him do his thing, which took longer than normal.

  ‘Scaring people again?’

  He cackled. ‘Yeah, taking all I can get. It’s been a helluva day!’

  Reap and Herc snickered. I just shook my head as the elemental ascended up my body and into his tattoo. They yelled out again when the tattoo shot out a white light, some were even kneeling and praying, and others were making signals over their bodies. Not sure what that meant, maybe to the gods?

  When Tavoria and her group got back under control, I continued, “Anyway, my crew will be gone for a few weeks, is there anywhere you could lay low until we get back?”

  They thought about it, but shook their heads no. I was at a loss, not wanting them to come with because of certain parameters, but couldn’t think of anything at the moment.

  A female voice spoke behind me. “They can stay with us until you get back.”

  I turned to see Melia and her family behind me. I was hitting the seven-foot mark and they had a foot on me. Damn they were tall.

  I lifted my brow. “And why would you do that?”

  She glanced over to her uncle and he nodded. “Because you saved us and our kin, not to mention everyone here that is still breathing. You also took care of those asshole lions.”

  Looking back to Tavoria, she shrugged letting me know that it was up to me for some reason. Internally sighing, I told Melia, “Look, I don’t know you or these orcs behind me, but their village is being held captive and made to help the evil ones. That is why I’m helping them and before you ask, I know this because I have over two hundred back at my place working for me.”

  They nodded and gave me a curious look. Melia said, “Well, we can’t have them staying here, someone will see them. We won’t harm anyone, you have our word.”

  Making a decision, well, I didn’t really have a choice, I responded in a calm voice, “I will take you up on that offer then, but know this: if they are harmed in any way, then you will forfeit your lives. Deal?”

  They stepped back at my statement as Thadoneus replied, “Yes, we have an accord.”

  I nodded and thought the conversation was over, but it wasn’t.

  “Can you tell us your name, warrior?” Melia asked.

  I bowed and answered, “My name is Maximus Drago, milady.”

  Her cheeks went crimson at my remark and she stammered something incoherent. Melia’s family chuckled at her and looked in another direction when she glared at them.

  “Thank you for your name, sir. Might I ask if you and your companions would join us tonight in celebration?”

  I couldn’t help asking to see how she would react, “What are we celebrating, mighty warrior?”

  Her cheeks went completely crimson at that. Thadoneus and Elonis lost it then, they cackled at her. Melia went right over and punched Elonis in the stomach and he bent over with the loss of air, but when he got it back, the centaur laughed again as he took off.

  “I didn’t mean to embarrass you, Melia. I don’t know what to call you, though.”

  She shyly smiled at me and said, “Call me Mel.”

  Her uncle’s brow rose at her statement. I replied, “Okay Mel, thank you for that, but back to my question.”

  She replied, “Life. We’re celebrating life.”

  Nodding to her and looking at the sky, it was late into the day anyways, I responded, “Sounds good to me.”

  Smiling, she strode
off but she looked back at me over her shoulder and winked. Her uncle grunted, “Best watch out for that one lad, she’s a feisty one.”


  That comment was weird.

  He smiled and replied, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  And he walked away.

  ‘Was that what I think it was about?’

  Herc chuckled, ‘Yep.’

  Sighing, I turned and saw Tavoria staring at the centaurs leaving.

  “Tavoria, get your people over by that oak tree and set up camp.”

  “Will do and… thanks again for not killing my people.”

  I nodded and looked at her with admiration. It had to be rough on her leading that horde. She was definitely a feisty one, too. Then I admired her long, muscular legs, B-cup tits, and a tight, firm ass. She was only wearing a fur bikini top and bottom that were barely holding in her goods, it was definitely on the small side. Her high cheek bones highlighted the small tusks coming out of her mouth. She also had small pointed ears, long black hair and black eyes. Tavoria was a beautiful specimen, annnnnnnndd… junior was waking up. Shit, I turned away from the orcs, pulled my pack on and made my way to a tree to sit my ass down for a breather. Zeus, Reap, and Herc came over and did the same.

  Chapter 8

  Pulling my backpack off, I grabbed some jerky and cheese, again, for a snack before dinner. I’d probably have to do some hunting that night. Eating the snack, I laid my head back on the trunk of the tree and shut my eyes. It didn’t seem very long before I someone woke me.

  ‘Max, you’ve got incoming,’ Reap advised me.

  ‘Huh? What?’

  He repeated his last statement while I was trying to wake up.

  ‘Who is it?’

  ‘Multiple individuals,’ he replied casually.

  Not looking up yet I said, ‘How long have I been out?’

  ‘It’s almost dusk, so over an hour.’

  When they got close, Reap and Herc growled which caused the uninvited guests to yelp. I smiled and opened my eyes to a group of individuals. Elonis, Dhorn, and Melia with numerous centaur and barbarians of both genders. I wasn’t sure what was going on, so just stayed put until someone advised me.

  Melia blurted out, “Hey hero, we came over to see if you needed anything.”

  “I’m good, thanks.”

  She smiled and winked. “Cool. Let me introduce you to the others. They are our allies against the dark ones. This is...” The group consisted of young men and women, possibly the same age as me.

  Nodding to them, I said, “Nice to meet you.”

  Elonis asked with hesitance, “Maximus, can we talk with you?”

  Scanning the group to make sure nothing was suspicious, I replied, “Sure.”

  “Umm… we would like to thank you for helping out today. We would have perished had you not come to our aid. Some of us would be slaves as well. We’ll be forever in your debt.”

  “No thanks are necessary. Just glad I was in the area.”

  Dashi, a female that looked similar to Dhorn, responded in a thick accent I had never heard, but was in common tongue, sort of. The barbarians had issues speaking it fluently. “Maximus, we do think is big deal. If no help from you, our tribe devastated with loss of life and slavery.”

  Dhorn continued after, “Our leaders say evil must be coming, no one seen shifter mage since Dark Wars. They also say since you have fabled creatures that it must be on horizon.”

  I didn’t say anything, just looked at the tall, muscular male. Elonis stepped in, “Our fathers debate if they want to send for the elders to discuss what this will mean for our people.”

  Mel jumped in the conversation when I didn’t respond, “Maximus, do you know what is happening?”

  Glancing at the crowd, most of them had concern in their eyes.

  Sig said in my mind, ‘You need to tell them. Actually, have the heirs call a meeting to discuss the coming war with their leaders.’

  ‘We need to get everyone prepared, no matter the race,’ Herc said.

  ‘Yeah, guess so.’

  The group was silent, waiting for me to answer. “If you want answers, then you need to call a meeting with your leaders. I will let them know firsthand.”

  Mel immediately asked, “Is it bad?”

  Glancing at her, I didn’t have to answer before she and the others cursed.

  Elonis got under control before speaking again, “Also, we were told to bring you back to talk to the weres. They want to ask you some questions.”

  Pinching the bridge of my nose, I sighed, “Okay.”

  Getting up, I grabbed my pack and gestured for them to lead the way. My furry duo followed behind. It was getting dark. We passed groups that were talking and laughing before going silent when they saw us passing by. I ignored them and kept my eyes straight ahead, thinking that we need to get back on the road. Eventually we got to the camp of the weres. I noticed they were quiet, most of them female. A few males strewn about. I wasn’t sure how many prides made up the group just from looking at them.

  We stopped a hundred feet out and Elonis announced our presence. Eight people walked over, everyone else just watching. A well-built, blonde pretty boy spoke out, “Thank you Elonis and company. Please give us some space to talk.”

  The group looked at me. I shrugged. It wasn’t like they could take me anyway. Mel took it upon herself to voice her opinion, “I will stay as a neutral advisor in this meeting.”

  The weres bowed their agreement. Elonis and Dhorn rolled their eyes and chuckled. They left, leaving us alone with the lions.

  A brunette gestured towards the fire. “Please have a seat.”

  I sat down. Mel came up beside me and plopped down. Reap and Herc were behind me.

  “Maximus, my name is Tara. First and foremost, thank you for what you did for us today. Your timely intervention saved us all.”

  “Wasn’t just me.”

  I gestured to the furry duo behind me.

  The werelions smiled and a male spoke, “Yes they definitely caught our attention. My name is Kristoph and Tara is my sister. My pride and four others are scattered about around us.”

  He seemed to pause to think about his next words, but his sister beat him to it.

  Tara blurted out, “Those idiots who challenged you were alphas of other prides and two of us are without males now. Their seconds are, umm… shall we say, inept to lead.”

  The two mentioned heard and started yelling at the woman. Kristoph stood up and they both cowered under his threat.

  He then turned around and spoke to me, “I’m not sure if you know anything about pride politics, but the ladies will have to look for other prides to join or try to survive on their own and seek out another alpha.”

  “I don’t follow. What does that have to do with me?”

  It was more that I wasn’t really sure that I wanted to understand. I was getting used to this now and I guessed they were talking about me taking over the prides since my crew killed their alphas.

  Kristoph sighed. “When you killed Ulrich, a major hole was left because he was the lead alpha for our alliance. Although, admittedly he got that position when he manipulated and bullied his way around. We will have to elect a new leader, but since there are only two alphas available, things might get out of control.”

  “That is why we wanted you here. Your beast aura is phenomenal, everyone here will attest to the pull you had on us when the beast was present. Even when you fought with the others, all you had to do was command us to kill them and we would’ve.”

  I could feel my beast puff his chest out with those words as he listened in.

  Tara went on, “None of us has ever felt that way before and it was terrifying at first, but feeling your emotions afterward calmed our beasts down. The beast in you is honorable but vicious when it has to be. That all being said, we want to know if you have a pack or pride at your home.”

  Shit, I knew it.

  ‘They’re going to ask
you to be their leader,’ Sig cackled.

  “Sort of.”

  They all glanced at each other. Kristoph questioned my statement, “What does that mean?”

  “Well, I have a pack, pride, tribe, and clan. Whichever you prefer to name it.” Everyone was listening in, even Mel was curious. “I have almost six hundred people at my home right now. We freed a prison not unlike the one in Azgrag that held over four hundred beings. We also took over two wolf packs. Some left to go home, others stayed with me.”

  Observing the faces around me, I could tell they were in shock, but they held their questions in, except Mel.

  “You have six hundred people, as in different races at your home?” Her eyes went wide.

  I nodded.

  “Tara, why do you ask?”

  She smiled. “Would it be acceptable if some of us joined you?”

  Not liking where this was going, I asked, “And who would be joining?”

  She looked straight into my eyes and said, “Me.”

  Another said ‘me’, and then another. It set off a chain reaction. Me. Me. Me. I scanned the area to find more than half of the people sounding off with that one word. I looked back at Kristoph. He smirked and shrugged, “Me.” That triggered another chorus of that damn word.

  Sighing, I explained, “Maybe we need to have this discussion after my meeting with the leaders of your alliance.”

  Kristoph asked, “There’s going to be a meeting? For what?”

  Mel butted in, “Our future.”

  “Kristoph, are you in charge at the moment?” He nodded, and I continued, “You might want to go and talk with Thadoneus.”

  The weres showed concern but didn’t ask for any additional information. Looking around, some of the weres still had those slave collars on.

  “I notice that you have people with collars on.”

  He looked over and sighed. “Yes, we can’t get them off. It’s frustrating for them and us, but they will have to wait until we find someone who can help.”

  Taking my pack, I opened it and moved things around until my eyes came upon the object I was seeking. Taking the key out and standing, I said, “Bring them over, this will take care of it.”


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