Jack the Hunchback: A Story of Adventure on the Coast of Maine
Page 11
It can readily be supposed Jack was not inclined to linger on the roadafter this interview with Bill Dean.
That the latter would inform Farmer Pratt of his whereabouts he had nodoubt, and this was a method of driving him "out of town" for which hewas not prepared.
Walking at full speed, running over the descending ground, and trying tokeep on at a good pace when he ascended hills, the journey to Treat'sstore was accomplished in a remarkably short time.
He found many customers before him, however, and was obliged to waituntil it should be his turn, although he felt quite certain every momentwas precious.
It was the proprietor of the establishment, who also acted aspostmaster, that waited upon him, and while weighing out the "notions"Aunt Nancy had sent for, the gentleman said, as if answering his ownquestion,--
"So you've been hired by Aunt Nancy."
"I'm stayin' there a little while, sir."
"You are, eh? Where do you hail from?"
Jack hesitated an instant, and then replied with a forced laugh,--
"I s'pose I oughter say I belong to the farm, 'cause I haven't any otherhome."
"An orphan, eh?"
"Yes, sir."
"Where did your folks useter live?"
Jack was not aware that Mr. Treat had the name of being the mostinveterate gossip in the neighborhood; but felt positive there was nogood reason why he should satisfy his curiosity on this point, moreparticularly since, in view of Bill Dean's threats, he wished to keep asa secret everything concerning himself, therefore said with anassumption of carelessness,--
"Almost anywhere. You see I was brought up to be a sailor."
"Sho! Is that so? Well now I wouldn't think you'd make much of a fistshinnin' 'round on the riggin'."
"Even if I am crooked I might be as spry as other fellers."
"That's a fact; but you don't look it"; and then the worthy Mr. Treatturned his attention to the list Aunt Nancy had written for Jack'sguidance.
When the goods had been made ready the proprietor of the store wouldhave questioned the messenger further, but the latter hurried awaywithout replying to what he did not consider it was necessary strangersshould know.
Jack arrived at the farm unusually early, and Aunt Nancy exclaimed as hecame up the lane looking heated and breathless,--
"Well, I declare! It does beat all how you can get over the ground! Why,I've known it to take Daniel Chick's horse a good bit longer to go tothe post-office and back."
"I was in a hurry to talk with you, an' so come as quick as I could, forI'm afraid Louis an' I must go away, even after all that's been done."
The little woman looked up quickly in mingled alarm and surprise.
"Why, what has happened, Jack dear?"
For reply the boy repeated that which Bill Dean had said, and added inconclusion,--
"You see Mr. Pratt will be over here the minute he hears the news, an'then everything is settled the wrong way."
"Are you certain Bill Dean knows where he lives?"
"Of course he must, else he wouldn't have said what he did."
"I'm sorry to have to doubt his word; but I couldn't put the leastdependence in a thing he says, and there are more than me in this townof the same opinion. Besides, he is too indolent to walk so far."
"Still there's a chance he might send some word."
"You are right, Jack; but at the same time I wouldn't borrow trouble. Incase that man should come, you can find some way of keeping out of hisclutches until I see the 'Squire."
"What good would that do?"
"I don't know; but it does seem as if we might prevent him from carryingyou and the baby away when I'm not only willing but anxious to have youboth stay with me. I don't believe there is any law to compel childrenwho have a good home to go to a poorhouse, and if there is the least bitmore bother I'm going to have the matter settled once and for all in the'Squire's court."
Aunt Nancy spoke in such a decided tone, and seemed so thoroughlyconvinced there was a legal remedy for the trouble, that Jack feltrelieved at once.
"I could get out of his way, no matter how close he got to me; butthere's the baby. It might be I was where I couldn't find Louis quickenough when the farmer came, an' then he'd soon drag him away."
"The baby will be with me, and I promise you there'll be no draggingwhen I'm around," the little woman said with considerable dignity. "Keepup your courage, and I'm sure we shall come out all right, except forthat miserable action of mine yesterday. If I had told the truth thenand defied him, things would seem a great deal smoother now."
"Then I'll hold on a while longer."
"Certainly, and in the future stay close around the house, so thoseterrible boys can't make mischief. Did you ever do any gardening, Jack?"
"Do you mean plantin' seeds an' makin' 'em grow?"
"I mean cultivating the ground. No one can force the seeds to grow butHe who rules over all. I would dearly love to have a few string beansand some cabbages, but it's so expensive hiring the land ploughed that Ihaven't been able to afford it."
"I could dig up a good deal with a shovel."
"If you'll try it I will get the seeds, and perhaps we shall have thepleasure of harvesting our own crops."
Jack was so relieved in mind that he did not feel any fatigue because ofthe long walk, and insisted on beginning work in the garden at once.
Despite all Aunt Nancy could say against it, he labored industriouslywith the shovel during the next two hours, and at the end of that timeas much ground had been prepared as the little woman thought necessary.
"It won't do to try too much at first," she said musingly, as, withLouis in her arms, she watched the deformed boy make ready the smallplot between the woodshed and barn. "I'll see about the seeds to-morrow,and it does seem as if we might put in more than cabbages and beans nowthat we've got so much room. I didn't suppose you would care to dig upvery much."
"It isn't such hard work but that I'd be willin' to make one twice thissize; as it is, I reckon you can plant pretty nearly all you want."
Then Aunt Nancy, looking very grave as if the task was one of thegreatest importance, measured the plot into rows, putting in littlebits of wood to mark where each kind of seed should be planted, and whenit was finished she looked thoroughly happy.
"We shall have a famous garden, Jack dear, and it won't be necessary forme to spend so much money for vegetables when the summer boarders come.They always wonder why I don't raise my own green stuff."
The garden and the plans concerning it gave both so much pleasure that,for the time being at least, Farmer Pratt was almost forgotten.
The chores occupied Jack's time during the remainder of the day, andwhen he retired it was to fall asleep almost immediately because offatigue.
Early next morning Aunt Nancy visited one of the neighbors to procureseeds, and when another night came every row was planted.
During the three succeeding days Jack remained near the house, nevergoing farther away than the main road, where he spent his spare timewatching for Farmer Pratt.
It surely seemed as if Bill Dean was ignorant of the gentleman'saddress, or, as Aunt Nancy had suggested, was too indolent to make thejourney to Scarborough, for nothing was seen or heard of Tom's father,and Jack began to feel a certain sense of security.
Louis was as contented as a child well could be, and each day claimedmore of the little woman's affections until she actually began to lookforward with dismay to the coming of the summer boarders, because thenshe could not devote to him so much of her time.
Never once was the nightly search for burglars omitted; and when Jackasked why such a labor was necessary when it was positive no one couldenter the house during the day without her knowledge, she replied withan ominous shake of the head,--
"We can't say, Jack dear, what might happen. I have done this same thingfor the last fifteen years, and don't intend to be careless now in myold age."
nbsp; "But you never found anybody, did you?"
"No, and I hope I never shall; but it would be impossible to sleep if Ineglected what seems like a solemn duty."
On the fourth day after the garden was planted both Jack and Aunt Nancyvisited it twice to see if the seeds had sprouted, and several times didthe sight of a weed cause them the greatest joy for a few moments, sinceit seemed certain something in the vegetable line had shown itself.
Like Farmer Pratt, Bill Dean remained out of sight, and the little womanwas confident she had frightened him away.
"We can count on being left alone this summer, Jack dear, for he won'tshow his head around here. In all the years I have lived on the farm,when I went to his father was the first time I ever made a complaint toa neighbor, and I hope it will be the last, for I do think people shouldavoid troubling others with such things. We are told that we mustforgive our brother seventy times seven; but there was no use in doingthat by William, since it made no difference to him whether he wasforgiven or not."
Jack was not so confident that those who threatened to drive him awayhad relinquished their purpose; but he said nothing regarding his fears,since no good could come of alarming the little woman. The day on whichthe first cabbage showed two tiny leaves above the surface was ared-letter day for the amateur gardeners.
Aunt Nancy spent at least two hours admiring it, and the seat under thebig oak was abandoned at sunset in order that she might search forfurther proofs of their success.
"There is so much pleasure in having a garden that I shall never againbe without one, that is," she added with a sigh, "if I have you with me.I can't bear to think that the time may come when we must part."
"May come? Why, it must come, Aunt Nancy. Just as soon as the weathergets cool, we are bound to start."
"I have been thinking perhaps Louis hasn't any relatives living, and inthat case what would prevent you and he from staying here until I godown into the valley of the shadow of death?"
"Nothing would suit me better," Jack replied emphatically. "This is thefirst home I have ever known, and it will be hard to leave it."
"If you do go, Jack dear, it will be a lonely old woman you leavebehind. I had gotten accustomed to living alone; but now it isdifferent, and the house would seem deserted without you and the baby.Yet I am afraid something of the kind must happen to punish me fortelling Mr. Pratt a lie. It is through a crime that I was enabled toenjoy your company, and we know what are the wages of sin."
Jack was not disposed to allow the conversation to continue in thischannel.
He could not bring himself to believe the little woman had done anythingwrong in letting Farmer Pratt think he and Louis were not there, and itmade him impatient to hear her blame herself so severely.
"You see, Aunt Nancy, we would have to leave whether you done as you didor not, for how can we tell whether Capt. Littlefield or his wife arealive unless we go to find out?"
"Oh, Abner will attend to all that! He lived in York State so long thathe knows nearly every one in it by this time, and when we hear from himthe whole story must be known, for interesting himself in other people'saffairs is what exactly suits Abner."
Jack could not be satisfied with this reply.
He believed implicitly everything Aunt Nancy told him, and she was sopositive that there appeared to be no chance for doubt.
The little woman was called from the contemplation of the garden by thatwhich, for a moment, caused Jack the greatest alarm.
The rattle of wheels was heard from the road, and an instant later AuntNancy said in surprise,--
"Mercy on us! who can that be driving up the lane?"
"It is the farmer comin' for us!" Jack cried excitedly as he caughtLouis from Aunt Nancy's arms, and would have run off at full speed ifshe had not restrained him.
"Wait a moment, my child. I don't see any man in the wagon."
Jack looked quickly in the direction of the newcomers and then said,--
"There are two women, but one of them may be Mrs. Pratt."
Again he would have sought refuge in flight but for Aunt Nancy'sdetaining hand.
"It is only Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Souders. I suppose they have come tomake a call, and what _will_ they think at seeing the house in suchconfusion?"
Jack, now that his fears were allayed, could not repress a smile at theidea of Aunt Nancy's house ever being in anything save a cleanly andorderly condition; but the little woman appeared really distressedbecause she had not had an opportunity to inspect it thoroughly beforereceiving company.
"Take care of Louis, and stay under the oak-tree until I come outagain," she said, hurrying away to receive the newcomers.
Jack loitered near the barn where he would not be seen until thevisitors had alighted, tied securely the aged horse, whose onlyambition appeared to be to remain motionless, and entered the house.
Then, instead of doing as Aunt Nancy had suggested, he took Louis intothe woodshed, amusing him there for nearly an hour, when the two ladiesdeparted.
"Where are you, Jack?" the little woman called softly when the horse haddrawn the wagon and its occupants on to the highway.
"What is the matter?" Jack cried, as on emerging from his place ofretreat he saw a look of deepest anxiety on Aunt Nancy's face. "Did theycome here to take us away?"
"It's not quite as bad as that," the little woman replied with along-drawn sigh, "but very nearly. What _do_ you suppose they wanted?"
Jack didn't even attempt to hazard a guess, and Aunt Nancy continued ina mournful tone,--
"They want to hold the monthly sewing circle here day after to-morrow!"
"Well?" Jack asked, surprised that such a request should have caused somuch distress.
"Well? Why, Jack, how can you treat it so lightly? Just think of it!Only one day to clean house, go to the store, and do all the cooking!"
"I don't see that there'll be very much to do in the way of cleaninghouse. It shines like a new three-cent piece already, and how are yougoin' to make it look any better?"
"O Jack! boys don't understand about such things. You can't see in thecorners where the dirt always lodges, and the company will be sure tofind everything that is slighted."
"Well, I can go to the store for you at least."
"I wouldn't allow you to take the chances of seeing William Dean even ifyou could do the errands, which is impossible. I must get Mr. Chick tocarry me over in his team, and while I am away you and Louis are to stayin the house with the doors locked."
"I don't think there is any need of that. Those fellers wouldn't dare tocome here."
"I can't believe they would; but at the same time it will do no harm tobe careful. Now what _shall_ we have for supper?"
"Do you mean to-night?"
"Of course not. It doesn't make any difference what we eat for a day ortwo; but we must think very seriously of what is to be cooked for thecircle."
"Have some of your nice biscuits and a piece of cake. If folks can getanything better than that, they deserve to go hungry."
"O Jack! you don't understand such things. I should be mortified almostto death if I didn't do as well as Mrs. Souders did when the circle metat her house last month."
Then Aunt Nancy, looking as if a heavy burden of care had suddenlyfallen upon her, went in to the kitchen, taking Louis with her, thatJack might be free to milk the cow.