Bits of Blarney
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5 _Vols._, 12_mo._, _cloth_. _Price_ $5.00.
The Noctes were commenced in 1822, and closed in 1835. Even in England,the lapse of years has obscured many circumstances which were well knownthirty years ago.
DR. SHELTON MACKENZIE, already favorably known as editor of Sheil's"Sketches of the Irish Bar," has undertaken the editorship of THE NOCTESAMBROSIANAE, for which a familiar acquaintance, during the lasttwenty-five years, with the persons, events, and places therein noticedmay be assumed to qualify him. He has been on terms of intimacy withmost of the eminent political and literary characters treated of in the"NOCTES," and his annotation of the text will include personalrecollections of them.
Besides this, Dr. Mackenzie has written for this edition a "History ofthe Rise and Progress of Blackwood's Magazine," with original memoirs ofthe principal accredited authors of the "NOCTES," viz:--ProfessorWilson, The Ettrick Shepherd, J. G. Lockhart, and Dr. Maginn.
He will also give the celebrated "Chaldee Manuscript," published in1817, instantly suppressed, and so scarce that the only copy which theeditor has ever seen is that from which he makes the present reprint.There will also be given the three articles, entitled "CHRISTOPHER INTHE TENT," (in August and September, 1819), never before printed, in anyshape, in this country. The interlocutors in "THE TENT," include thegreater number of those afterwards introduced in the "NOCTES."
The "Metricum Symphosium Ambrosianum,"--an addendum to No. III. of "THENOCTES," (and which notices every living author of note, in the year1822), will be incorporated in this edition. This has never before beenreprinted here.
* * * * *
_Nearly Ready, in Two Volumes._
* * * * *
For more than a quarter of a century, the most remarkable magazinewriter of his time, was the late William Maginn, LL.D., well-known asthe Sir Morgan Odoherty of _Blackwood's Magazine_, and as the principalcontributor, for many years, to _Fraser's_ and other periodicals. Thecombined learning, wit, eloquence, eccentricity, and humor of Maginn,had obtained for him, long before his death, (in 1843), the title of THEMODERN RABELAIS. His magazine articles possess extraordinary merit. Hehad the art of putting a vast quantity of animal spirits upon paper, buthis graver articles--which contain sound and serious principles ofcriticism--are earnest and well-reasoned.
The collection now in hand will contain his Facetiae (in a variety oflanguages), Translations, Travesties, and Original Poetry, also hisprose Tales, which are eminently beautiful, the best of his criticalarticles, (including his celebrated Shakspeare Papers), and his HomericBallads. The
periodicals in which he wrote have been ransacked, from"Blackwood" to "Punch," and the result will be a series of greatinterest.
DR. SHELTON MACKENZIE, who has undertaken the editorship of thesewritings of his distinguished countryman, will spare neither labor norattention in the work. The first volume will contain an original Memoirof Dr. Maginn, written by Dr Mackenzie and a characteristic Portrait,with fac-simile.
_Published by_ J. S. REDFIELD,
110 & 112 _Nassau-street, New York_
* * * * *
_Nearly ready, in Two Volumes_,
Edited, with Notes, Illustrations, &c.
The Life of Curran is identified with the latest years of Ireland'snationality. He was known, tried, and trusted as a true Patriot. Duringthe Reign of Terror, in 1798, got up by the Government of that day inorder to betray the Irish Parliament into a parchment Union with GreatBritain--sinking the country from a Kingdom to a Province--Curranmanifested an independence and fearlessness, as advocate for theaccused, during the State Trials, which endeared him to the people fromwhose ranks he sprung. To use the words of Thomas Davis (who resembledhim in many things) he was "a companion unrivalled in sympathy and wit;an orator, whose thoughts went forth like ministers of nature, withrobes of light and swords in their hands; a patriot, who battled bestwhen the flag was trampled down; and a genuine earnest man, breathing ofhis climate, his country, and his time."
He was the centre of the flashing wits, the renowned orators, thebrilliant advocates, and the true patriots of Ireland's last days ofindependence. The Biography by his Son, rich as it is in personaldetails, is capable of great improvement by the addition of numerousfacts, anecdotes, and traits of character, relating to Curran and hiscontemporaries, which have transpired since its publication in 1819. Dr.Shelton Mackenzie, who has long been preparing for this task, undertakesto enrich the present edition by collecting and introducing thesedesirable illustrations. The work, thus completed, will in truth be arecord not only of Curran and his eminent associates, but of thestirring and troublous times in which they lived. It will thus combineBiography and History, with Anecdote, unusually copious and "racy of thesoil."
Transcriber's Notes:
Variations in spelling, punctuation and hyphenation have been retained except in obvious cases of typographical error:
"...making a cave look as insignificant as a rabbit-(burrrow -->) burrow."
"...but his feelings might thus be (embod ed -->) embodied in words:"
"...he was so very plausible in (manmer -->) manner,..."
"...when the Bard showed (himslf -->) himself in the north,..."
"...Marquis of (Congynham -->) Conyngham..."
"...more careful, more (sudued -->) subdued..."
Bold printed text has been formatted as =text=.
The oe ligature is represented with [oe] in this text.