The Cadwaladr Quests

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The Cadwaladr Quests Page 28

by S L Ager

  21 artfully (adv) in an artful (creative) way; tastefully, cleverly, elegantly, stylishly. (ant) tastelessly.

  22 proportioned (adj) having dimensions or shapes that work well together; balanced. (ant) unbalanced.

  23 elegant (adj) possessing grace or simple beauty; well designed, tasteful, stylish, refined. (ant) inelegant.

  24 tubular (adj) made from a tube or tubes; cylindrical, tube-like.

  25 layer (v) arrange in a layer or layers, to make a layer of; overlay, deposit, build.

  26 bonded (adj) (of a thing) fixed to another or each other; fused, welded, joined, connected. (ant) split.

  27 amalgamation (n) mixture or unification; combination, fusion, blend, merger. (ant) separation.

  28 girder (n) a strong beam used for building; rafter, strut, joist, lintel, bar, crossbeam.

  29 base (n) the lowest part or edge of something; bottom, foot, foundation. (ant) top.

  30 vivid (adj) (of a colour) intensely deep or bright; vibrant, glowing, radiant, rich, brilliant. (ant) dull, muted.

  31 edged (adj) having an outside edge or boundary; framed, trimmed, outlined.

  32 border (v) form an edge along something; surround, bound, fringe, hem, outline, enclose, flank.

  33 banner (n) something bearing a slogan, advertisement or design; sign, placard, standard, board, notice.

  34 upturned (adj) turned upwards or upside down; overturned, tipped over, upended. (ant) righted.

  35 hover (v) remain in one place in the air; hang, float, drift. (ant) descend, ascend.

  36 pirouette (v) perform a pirouette; twirl, whirl, spin, rotate, turn, circle.

  37 agile (adj) able to move easily and quickly; nimble, spry, responsive, swift, lithe, lively. (ant) sluggish, stiff.

  38 exchange (v) give whilst receiving something else in return; trade, reciprocate, share, swap.

  39 babble (v) talk rapidly and continuously; blather, jabber, prattle, gabble, blether, chatter. (ant) enunciate.

  40 ecstatically (adv) in an ecstatic (overjoyed) manner; delightedly, crazily, elatedly, jubilantly. (ant) miserably.

  41 comrade (n) a colleague or a friend; associate, partner, co-worker, ally, companion, buddy. (ant) enemy, foe.

  42 frequently (adv) in a frequent (often) way; regularly, customarily, habitually. (ant) seldom, infrequently.

  43 prominent (adj) important or famous; eminent, notable, major, renowned, known. (ant) obscure, unknown.

  44 convenient (adj) fitting in suitably well with one’s needs; appropriate, handy, nearby. (ant) inconvenient.

  45 motion (v) direct with a movement of the hand or head; gesture, wave, signal, indicate, beckon.

  46 dumbfound (v) greatly astonish; stagger, startle, amaze, flabbergast, confound, stupefy. (ant) underwhelm.

  47 whiff (n) a smell that is only smelled briefly or faintly; trace, hint, sign, suggestion, whisper. (ant) saturation.

  48 chlorine (n) a toxic, irritant chemical or pale green gas, used as a disinfectant in water.

  49 dazzle (v) (of a light) blind temporarily; daze, overwhelm, stun.

  50 vacant (adj) (of a place) not occupied; bare, deserted, empty, clear, unfilled, unoccupied. (ant) occupied.

  51 palatially (adv) in a way that resembles a palace (splendid and large); grandly, impressively. (ant) austerely.

  52 soul (n) an individual person (human being); body, being, creature, mortal.

  53 unperturbed (adj) not anxious or concerned; untroubled, unworried, calm, cool. (ant) perturbed.

  54 arrest (v) seize and take into custody (jail); apprehend, detain. (ant) release.

  55 usher (v) show, escort or guide someone somewhere; accompany, shepherd, conduct, lead. (ant) follow.

  56 caustic (adj) able to corrode, burn or cause harm; corrosive, acidic, alkaline, mordant. (ant) harmless.

  57 scorched (adj) burnt with flame or heat; singed, charred, blackened, branded, seared. (ant) cool, frozen.

  58 telltale (adj) suggesting or betraying something; revealing, indicative, meaningful. (ant) uninformative.

  59 siren (n) a device that makes a loud warning sound; alarm, alert, signal, bell, horn.

  60 estimated (adj) roughly calculated; approximate, general, guessed, vague. (ant) precise, exact.

  61 run (v) fail to stop at something; jump, ignore. (ant) stop for, heed.

  62 invaluable (adj) extremely useful; indispensable, crucial, irreplaceable, vital, important. (ant) worthless.

  63 concentration (n) the act of focusing all attention; application, awareness, attentiveness. (ant) inattention.

  64 appallingly (adv) to an appalling (shocking or horrifying) degree; atrociously, outrageously. (ant) appealingly.

  65 matter-of-factly (adv) in a practical and unemotional manner; straightforwardly, sensibly. (ant) emotionally.

  66 classic (adj) very typical of its kind; archetypal, quintessential, timeless, traditional. (ant) atypical.

  67 Georgian (adj) (relating to British architecture) of the Georgian period (George V and VI, 1910–52).

  68 efficiently (adv) done in an efficient (able) way; capably, deftly, professionally, proficiently. (ant) inefficiently.

  69 holding area (n) an area where a person or thing can wait; waiting area, assembly point.

  70 landing (n) area at the top of or on a staircase; hallway, corridor, hall, platform.

  71 flight (n) a series of steps between floors or levels; staircase, stairs.

  72 emanate (v) come or spread out from; arise, derive, issue, emerge, rise, proceed. (ant) absorb, withdraw.

  73 unsettle (v) cause to feel anxious; bother, upset, disturb, worry, perturb, unnerve. (ant) appease, soothe.

  74 obediently (adv) in a compliant or submissive way; dutifully, biddably, deferentially. (ant) disobediently.

  75 scuttle (v) run or scamper hurriedly or furtively (secretly); dart, dash, rush, bustle, scurry. (ant) saunter.

  76 detest (v) dislike intensely; abhor, despise, loathe, hate, abominate. (ant) love, adore.

  77 encroachment (n) intrusion or gradual advance beyond usual limits; invasion, impingement. (ant) retreat.

  78 pitch (v) slope; incline, slant, descend, ascend, dip, tilt. (ant) straighten, level.

  79 plummet (v) fall or drop straight down at high speed; dive, tumble, crash, decrease. (ant) climb, rise.

  80 insert (v) put something into something else; push, place, fit. (ant) remove, withdraw, extract.

  81 corroded (adj) eaten or worn away; rusty, decomposed, crumbly, flaky, decayed. (ant) preserved.

  82 laterally (adv) in a lateral (sideways) manner; sideways, crosswise, edgewise, horizontally. (ant) vertically.

  83 resist (v) withstand, combat or counter an action or effect; refuse, defy, refrain from. (ant) succumb to.

  84 endeavour (n) an attempt or effort; aim, bid, striving, struggle, exertion, undertaking. (ant) idleness.

  85 fast (adj) firmly fixed, secured or attached; immovable, set, sound, tight, jammed, stuck. (ant) loose, wobbly.

  86 randomly (adv) in a random (irregular) way; aimlessly, haphazardly, erratically. (ant) systematically.

  87 focus (v) pay attention to or concentrate on; look, direct, fix, centre, aim, rivet. (ant) ignore.

  88 sensitively (adv) in a sensitive (gentle) way; subtly, delicately, carefully, precisely, finely. (ant) clumsily.

  89 mechanism (n) a system of parts working together in a machine, tool or apparatus; device, contraption.

  90 linger (v) take or stay longer than necessary due to reluctance; delay, dawdle, dither, dally. (ant) rush.

  91 delicacy (n) fineness, intricacy or precision; skill, care, deftness, dexterity. (ant) ineptness, awkwardness.

  92 yield (v) give way to pressure, arguments or demands; cede, succumb, surrender, capitulate. (ant) resist.

  93 marginally (adv) in a marginal (slight) way; minutely, minimally, somewhat, insignificantly. (ant) substantially.

  94 will (v) want something to happen; long, wish, desire, yearn, pray.

  95 minutely (adv) with minute amounts or great attention to detail; carefully, painstakingly. (ant) carelessly.

  96 rotate (v) move in a circle; turn, revolve, spin, swivel, pivot.

  97 freely (adv) without interference or restriction; effortlessly, easily, willingly, readily. (ant) arduously.

  98 discoloured (adj) changed to a less attractive colour; stained, faded, tarnished, marked. (ant) shiny, clean.

  99 hinge (n) movable joint or mechanism that a gate or door is hung upon; link, pivot, joint.

  100 laboriously (adv) in a laborious (difficult) way; arduously, painstakingly, painfully, onerously. (ant) easily.

  101 dimly (adv) with only faint light; murkily, vaguely, darkly, gloomily, dingily, flatly. (ant) brightly, clearly.

  102 disinfectant (n) a chemical liquid that destroys bacteria; germicide, cleanser, antiseptic, sanitiser, purifier.

  103 predictable (adj) able to be predicted; unsurprising, expected, unoriginal. (ant) unexpected, original.

  104 introduction (n) a preliminary or opening section; prelude, beginning, prologue. (ant) conclusion.

  105 appalled (adj) greatly dismayed or shocked; horrified, disgusted, sickened, outraged. (ant) charmed.

  106 paltry (adj) very small; meagre, worthless, measly, trifling, insignificant. (ant) substantial, considerable.

  107 recoil (v) suddenly spring or flinch back in horror or disgust; withdraw, retreat, dodge. (ant) confront.

  108 claustrophobic (adj) inducing claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces); suffocating, stifling. (ant) open.

  109 grim (adj) unattractive or forbidding; dreadful, ghastly, ugly, uninviting, dingy. (ant) attractive, inviting.

  110 flush (adj) level or even with another surface; flat, smooth. (ant) uneven, irregular, unsmoothed, bumpy.

  111 unmask (v) expose the true character of or truth about; reveal, unveil, uncover, bare. (ant) hide, conceal.

  112 uninviting (adj) not attractive or appealing; bleak, unpleasant, repellent, distasteful. (ant) attractive.

  113 poky (adj) (of a place) uncomfortably small and cramped; tiny, restricted, tight, boxy. (ant) spacious.

  114 impede (v) delay or prevent by obstructing; handicap, block, hamper, hinder, bar. (ant) facilitate, clear.

  115 mischievous (adj) having a fondness for playfully causing trouble; naughty, impish. (ant) well behaved.

  116 burrow (n) a hole or tunnel dug by a small animal as a dwelling; den, lair, hideaway, sett.

  117 nausea (n) a feeling of sickness; queasiness, biliousness, revulsion. (ant) wellness.

  118 violently (adv) in a violent (strong) manner; intensely, powerfully, forcefully, vigorously. (ant) gently.

  119 slither (v) move over a surface with a twisting or oscillating motion; crawl, slide, glide, slip, wriggle.

  120 lair (n) a place where a wild animal lives, secret hideaway; den, warren, hole, hideout.

  121 petrify (v) make so frightened as to be unable to move; terrify, scare, horrify, appal. (ant) reassure.

  122 outline (n) the contours of an object; silhouette, shape, form, figure, profile.

  123 eternity (n) infinite or unending time; perpetuity, forever, endlessness, aeon. (ant) instant, jiffy.

  124 cajole (v) persuade to do something by sustained coaxing; entice, tempt, urge, bribe. (ant) compel, force.

  125 musty (adj) having a stale, mouldy, or damp and dank smell; stuffy, fusty, rank, fetid (ant) fresh.

  126 stagnant (adj) having no air flow or current; stale, still, dirty, stuffy, foul. (ant) fresh, flowing.

  127 potholing (n) the exploration of underground caves as a hobby; caving.

  128 documentary (n) a factual report or programme; factual film, biopic, report.

  129 vividly (adv) in a vivid (strong and clear) way; distinctly, lively, lucidly, plainly, acutely. (ant) vaguely.

  130 voluntarily (adv) of one’s own free will or choice; willingly, happily, gladly, readily. (ant) involuntarily.

  131 fertile (adj) (of the mind) having new and inventive ideas; imaginative, creative. (ant) unimaginative.

  132 arouse (v) evoke a feeling, emotion or response; stimulate, provoke, awaken, stir, rouse. (ant) dampen.

  133 horrific (adj) causing horror; ghastly, horrendous, appalling, dreadful, sickening, gruesome. (ant) appealing.

  134 scenario (n) a possible sequence of events; situation, state, development, consequence.

  135 plead (v) make an emotional appeal; beg, beseech, implore, supplicate, request. (ant) offer.

  136 pitifully (adv) in a pitiful (pathetic) manner; miserably, wretchedly, sadly, woefully. (ant) admirably.

  137 expressionless (adj) not conveying any emotion on the face; unresponsive, deadpan. (ant) expressive.

  138 steel (v) mentally prepare for something difficult; strengthen, toughen, fortify, brace. (ant) weaken.

  139 determination (n) the quality of being determined; willpower, resolve, fortitude, grit. (ant) weakness.

  140 conscience (n) one’s internal moral sense of right and wrong; ethics, integrity, morality. (ant) immorality.

  141 motivate (v) provide or prompt with a reason for action; inspire, encourage, persuade. (ant) demotivate.

  142 incapacitate (v) prevent from functioning normally; debilitate, weaken, disable, undermine. (ant) enable.

  143 straggle (v) move slowly and remain some distance behind; lag, trail, drop back. (ant) hasten, hurry.

  144 coax (v) persuade gently to do something; cajole, entice, tempt, lure, urge, inveigle. (ant) force, compel.

  145 grudgingly (adv) in a grudging (reluctant) manner; unwillingly, resentfully, loathingly. (ant) willingly.

  146 gag (v) retch or choke; heave, suffocate, stifle, hyperventilate. (ant) breathe, swallow.

  147 placate (v) make less angry or hostile; pacify, soothe, calm, appease, mollify. (ant) enrage, incense.

  148 deliriously (adv) in a delirious (excited) manner; madly, frantically, wildly, ecstatically. (ant) dejectedly.

  149 hatch (n) a small opening for access in a floor, wall or roof; flap, entrance, doorway, access.

  150 bulk (n) the mass, size or substance of something large; immensity, volume. (ant) tininess, insignificance.

  151 shoulder (v) push out of the way with a shoulder; jostle, bulldoze, thrust, force, shove. (ant) pull, wrench.

  152 barricade (n) a barrier erected to prevent or delay entry; blockade, obstacle, obstruction. (ant) opening.

  153 purchase (n) a firm contact or grip; grasp, hold, clasp, leverage, foothold. (ant) release.

  154 lever (v) move with concerted physical effort; force, wrench, ease, push, prise.

  155 butt (v) strike against something with the head; headbutt, bump, ram, thrust, shove.

  156 austere (adj) having a plain appearance; severe, simple, basic, sombre, unadorned. (ant) fussy, ornate.

  157 muted (adj) reduced in strength or intensity; soft, dim, subdued, dull. (ant) bright, light, garish.

  158 illuminate (v) light up; brighten, lighten, irradiate, illume. (ant) darken, dim.

  159 conserved (adj) preserved from harm or destruction; safeguarded, protected. (ant) destroyed, ruined.

  160 article (n) an item or object; piece, thing, entity, commodity, artefact, thingamajig, stuff.

  161 speckle (v) mark with lots of small spots or patches of colour; stipple, spatter, dapple, mottle.

  162 coat (v) cover with a layer of something; overlay, paint, smother, cake, smear, plaster, varnish. (ant) strip.

  163 process (n) a series of actions taken to achieve an outcome; course, method, proceeding.

  164 overcome (v) overwhelm or move emotionally; grip, seize, affect, disturb. (ant) underwhelm.

  165 entertain (v) give any attention or consideration to; countenance, contemplate, ponder. (ant) reject, spurn.

  166 brace (v) prepare for something difficult or unpleasant; steel, prime, fortify, steady, ready. (ant) weaken.

  7. The Race for the Cutter

  1 basement (n) the f
loor of a building that is below ground level; cellar, vault, crypt. (ant) attic.

  2 bogus (adj) not true or genuine; fake, spurious, false, counterfeit, phoney, sham, mock. (ant) authentic.


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