The Cadwaladr Quests

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The Cadwaladr Quests Page 29

by S L Ager

  3 civil (adj) polite and courteous; respectful, well mannered, considerate, obliging. (ant) rude.

  4 administer (v) dispense (give out) or apply; deliver, issue, deal, distribute. (ant) withhold, deny.

  5 comply (v) obey a wish or command; abide by, observe, conform, yield, respect, submit. (ant) disobey.

  6 crane (v) stretch one’s body or neck to see something; outstretch, extend, stick out. (ant) retract, shrink.

  7 sheen (n) a soft lustre (shine or gloss) on a surface; polish, burnish, gleam, glaze. (ant) dullness.

  8 wan (adj) pale-faced and giving the impression of illness or exhaustion; pallid, ashen, drawn. (ant) glowing.

  9 slur (v) speak unclearly so that the sounds merge; mumble, garble, mispronounce, blend. (ant) enunciate.

  10 alcohol (n) a liquid that intoxicates (makes drunk); booze, liquor, hooch, drink, inebriant.

  11 supervise (v) watch over and control; oversee, govern, manage, direct, handle, organise. (ant) neglect.

  12 confer (v) discuss or exchange opinions; talk, deliberate, converse, advise, convene.

  13 query (v) a question or a doubt; enquire, ask, uncertainty, probe, grill, quiz, interrogate. (ant) answer.

  14 malady (n) an ailment or disease; sickness, illness, disorder, malaise, condition, affliction. (ant) wellness.

  15 pompous (adj) self-important or affectedly grand; pretentious, exaggerated, vain, grandiose. (ant) modest.

  16 reclining (adj) (of a seat) able to move the back into a sloping position; tilting.

  17 inconvenience (n) a cause of difficulty or trouble; nuisance, hassle, bother, aggravation. (ant) convenience.

  18 clunky (adj) heavy and old-fashioned; solid, bulky, unwieldy, outdated. (ant) light, modern.

  19 frizzy (adj) formed of lots of small, tight curls; crimped, wiry, kinked, fuzzy. (ant) straight, smooth, sleek.

  20 drab (adj) lacking brightness, style or interest; dreary, dull, plain, dowdy, lacklustre, flat. (ant) bright.

  21 meek (adj) easily imposed on; submissive, quiet, gentle, timid, compliant, humble, weak. (ant) assertive.

  22 demeanour (n) outward bearing or behaviour; appearance, attitude, disposition, air, character, conduct.

  23 magnify (v) make to appear larger; boost, enhance, enlarge, increase, exaggerate. (ant) decrease, lessen.

  24 bloodshot (adj) (of the eyes) tinged with blood, typically because of tiredness; red, inflamed, pink.

  25 accommodate (v) help or assist; aid, oblige, support, be of service. (ant) disoblige, hinder, prevent, impede.

  26 deteriorate (v) become progressively worse; decay, decline, degenerate, weaken. (ant) improve.

  27 positive (adj) without doubt; satisfied, certain, persuaded, sure, convinced, confident. (ant) uncertain.

  28 underestimate (v) regard to be less capable than really is; undervalue, misjudge. (ant) overestimate.

  29 deceive (v) give the wrong impression; mislead, hoodwink, dupe, delude, trick. (ant) be honest.

  30 confidence (n) a feeling of self-assurance and belief in oneself; certainty, faith, trust. (ant) uncertainty.

  31 prodigious (adj) remarkably or impressively great; extraordinary, exceptional, impressive. (ant) average.

  32 reclaim (v) take or get something back; retrieve, regain, recover, repossess. (ant) forfeit, lose.

  33 relevant (adj) relating to what is being done or considered; pertinent, appropriate. (ant) irrelevant.

  34 swivel (n) a device joining two parts such that one or both can rotate freely.

  35 employ (v) give work to and pay; retain, engage, use, hire, place. (ant) dismiss, sack, fire.

  36 periodically (adv) from time to time, now and then; occasionally, sometimes, sporadically. (ant) frequently.

  37 cast (v) direct one’s eyes or a look at something; throw, turn, shoot, dart, glance, level.

  38 indifferent (adj) having no interest; casual, apathetic, uninterested, unconcerned. (ant) concerned.

  39 grainy (adj) (of an image) not sharp or clear; fuzzy, vague, indistinct, blurry. (ant) sharp, clear, distinct.

  40 tamper (v) mess around or meddle with; interfere, tinker, disturb, alter, intrude. (ant) leave alone.

  41 trigger (v) cause something to function or set off; start, activate, spark, initiate, fire. (ant) halt.

  42 console (n) a panel containing controls for electronic equipment; desk, board.

  43 overzealous (adj) too zealous (keen); enthusiastic, eager, spirited, intense. (ant) apathetic, uninterested.

  44 incident (n) an instance of something happening; event, occurrence, experience, case, episode, occasion.

  45 hitherto (adv) until this point; previously, formerly, beforehand, yet, before, thus far. (ant) henceforth.

  46 stave off (v) delay or prevent something; stop, avert, inhibit, hinder, thwart. (ant) embrace, encourage.

  47 utterly (adv) to an extreme degree; absolutely, completely, totally, entirely. (ant) somewhat, partly.

  48 solely (adv) involving nothing or no one else; only, simply, merely, exclusively, just. (ant) not only.

  49 impenetrable (adj) impossible to pass through or enter; dense, solid, impermeable, thick. (ant) penetrable.

  50 device (n) a thing made or adapted for a specific purpose; tool, mechanism, apparatus, gadget.

  51 capable (adj) able to do something; competent, proficient, adequate, apt, effective. (ant) incapable.

  52 invincible (adj) too powerful to be defeated or overcome; indestructible, unbeatable. (ant) vulnerable.

  53 judiciously (adv) in a judicious (careful) way; wisely, sensibly, cautiously, prudently. (ant) foolishly.

  54 safeguard (v) protect from damage or harm; shield, defend, maintain, preserve, uphold. (ant) endanger.

  55 cabinet (n) a unit for storing or displaying articles; case, cupboard, dresser, closet, chest, locker, container.

  56 insignificance (n) lack of importance for consideration; triviality, irrelevance. (ant) significance.

  57 predict (v) say or guess that something will happen in the future; foresee, forecast, expect, anticipate.

  58 specifically (adv) in a specific (clear and exact) way; precisely, particularly, categorically. (ant) vaguely.

  59 band (n) a group of people who share common purposes; gang, crew, posse, team, league. (ant) lone wolf.

  60 ownership (n) the right, state or act of possessing something; possession, control, proprietorship.

  61 undesirable (adj) not wanted; displeasing, unwelcome, uninvited, disagreeable. (ant) desirable, wanted.

  62 saunter (v) walk in a slow and relaxed manner; stroll, amble, wander, mosey, dawdle. (ant) hurry, hasten.

  63 lean (adj) thin, especially healthily so; slender, slim, wiry, sinewy, trim, bony, angular. (ant) stout, fat.

  64 lurk (v) be or remain hidden, hang about; prowl, loiter, skulk, creep, steal, slink. (ant) appear, materialise.

  65 shadow (v) follow and observe closely and secretly; tail, trail, track, pursue, stalk. (ant) guide, lead.

  66 pursue (v) chase or follow; hunt, trail, track, tail, shadow, hound, seek, trace, stalk. (ant) guide, lead.

  67 quarry (n) an animal pursued by a hunter or predator for food; prey, game, victim, target, kill. (ant) hunter.

  68 scurry (v) move quickly with short, hurried steps; dash, dart, scamper, scuttle, hasten. (ant) saunter, amble.

  69 masquerade (v) a false and deceptive show of pretence; impersonate, pose, imitate.

  70 standard (adj) normal or average; typical, ordinary, regular, usual, basic, everyday. (ant) unusual, special.

  71 acquire (v) obtain (get) or buy something; secure, gain, attain, take, achieve, receive. (ant) lose, relinquish.

  72 fragment (n) a part broken or detached from a whole; piece, scrap, portion, bit, sliver, chip. (ant) whole.

  73 harvest (v) collect or obtain something for future use; gather, pick, reap, garner.

  74 seize (v) forcibly take possession of; capture, abduct, hijack, grab, grasp. (ant) relinquish, give, re

  75 consequently (adv) as a result; so, therefore, thus, subsequently, accordingly.

  76 infallible (adj) always effective, never failing; dependable, fail-safe, unerring, flawless, sound. (ant) fallible.

  77 guarantee (v) provide a formal assurance, ensure safety or outcome; secure, promise. (ant) undermine.

  78 hostile (adj) unwelcoming or showing opposition; harsh, adverse, unfavourable, unpleasant. (ant) friendly.

  79 myriad (adj) extremely great in number; many, numerous, untold, multiple, countless, endless. (ant) few.

  80 complex (adj) having many different and connected parts; complicated, intricate. (ant) simple, clear.

  81 antiquated (adj) old-fashioned or outdated; ancient, archaic, obsolete, outmoded. (ant) modern.

  82 scarcely (adv) only just, almost not; hardly, barely, slightly. (ant) generously, greatly, sufficiently.

  83 undeterred (adj) carrying on despite setbacks (not put off); undaunted, resolute. (ant) deterred.

  84 ably (adv) in an able manner; competently, capably, well, adeptly, adroitly, easily. (ant) incompetently.

  85 ajar (adj) slightly open; agape, unclosed, cracked, unfastened. (ant) closed, shut.

  86 vicinity (n) surrounding or nearby areas; proximity, propinquity, locale. (ant) distance.

  87 curtail (v) impose a restriction on; restrain, curb, limit, inhibit, halt. (ant) develop, extend, increase.

  88 instantly (adv) at once, immediately; instantaneously, straight away, promptly. (ant) gradually, eventually.

  89 creepy (adj) causing a feeling of unease, wariness or fear; weird, eerie, sinister, spooky. (ant) pleasant.

  90 tangibly (adv) in a real, clear and definite way; evidently, noticeably, palpably. (ant) intangibly.

  91 key (adj) of crucial importance; critical, main, central, significant, vital, essential. (ant) unimportant.

  92 curtly (adj) in a curt (abrupt) manner; bluntly, brusquely, tersely, harshly, shortly, gruffly. (ant) gently.

  93 secreted (adj) hidden; concealed, veiled, shrouded, stowed, disguised. (ant) displayed, revealed.

  94 evaluate (v) form an idea of; assess, judge, appraise, gauge, estimate, calculate, check. (ant) misjudge.

  95 affirming (adj) supporting or stating firmly; confirming, encouraging, verifying. (ant) negating, nullifying.

  96 tail (v) follow and observe, often in secret; track, shadow, trail, stalk, pursue, chase. (ant) lead, guide.

  97 ample (adj) enough or more than enough; plentiful, abundant, generous. (ant) insufficient, meagre.

  98 labyrinth (n) a complicated network of passages; maze, warren, tangle, web, jumble, muddle.

  99 brand (v) mark indelibly (unable to remove); stamp, imprint, tattoo, burn, scar.

  100 nook (n) a corner or recess, often providing security or seclusion; alcove, niche, cranny. (ant) protrusion.

  101 cranny (n) a little, narrow space or opening; gap, niche, crevice, crack, cleft, split. (ant) closure.

  102 untoward (adj) unanticipated, inappropriate or inconvenient; troublesome, problematic. (ant) pleasant.

  103 rooted (adj) caused to stand immobile through curiosity, fear or amazement; planted, fixed, riveted.

  104 hackle (n) erectile (upright) hairs on an animal’s back, risen when it is alarmed; spike, spine, bristle.

  105 ominous (adj) indicating imminent misfortune; threatening, warning. (ant) unthreatening, auspicious.

  106 recess (n) small corner or hollow place, usually in a wall; alcove, indentation, bay, niche. (ant) protrusion.

  107 cobweb (n) a spider’s web, especially when unoccupied, typically old and dusty; gossamer.

  108 scruffy (adj) untidy or dirty; bedraggled, messy, unkempt, dishevelled, ratty, tatty, grubby. (ant) tidy, neat.

  109 furious (adj) extremely angry, violent or energetic; ferocious, vehement, fierce, feverish. (ant) calm, mild.

  110 execute (v) put order, plan or action into effect, carry out; perform, implement, achieve. (ant) fail.

  111 vault (v) leap or spring by supporting or propelling oneself with one’s hands; jump, bound.

  112 samurai (n) a member of a powerful military order in Japan; warrior, swordsman, knight.

  113 reflex (n) a reaction done without conscious thought; impulse, response.

  114 hone (v) refine, sharpen or perfect over time; improve, enhance, polish, practise, drill. (ant) impair.

  115 combatant (n) someone engaged in fighting; pugilist, soldier, warrior. (ant) ally, peacemaker.

  116 viciously (adv) in a vicious (cruel or violent) manner; brutally, savagely, ferociously, brutishly. (ant) gently.

  117 identify (v) indicate or establish identity; recognise, distinguish, detect, determine, spot. (ant) mistake.

  118 pose (v) present or be; constitute, cause, create, set, establish.

  119 steely (adj) coldly determined; ruthless, hard, strong, tough, unyielding, resolute. (ant) soft, irresolute.

  120 acrobatic (adj) adept (skilled) at gymnastic feats; lithe, supple, flexible, athletic. (ant) stiff, unfit.

  121 systematic (adj) acting according to a plan or system; methodical, organised, efficient. (ant) disorganised.

  122 technique (n) a way of carrying out a task; method, approach, system, skill, modus operandi.

  123 classical (adj) representing a long-established, proven style; traditional, orthodox. (ant) new, novel.

  124 tactically (adv) in a tactical (planned) manner; strategically, deliberately, intentionally. (ant) accidentally.

  125 condemn (v) punish, or sentence to death; doom, convict. (ant) absolve, pardon, acquit, exonerate.

  126 needlessly (adv) done in a needless (unnecessary) way; avoidably, pointlessly. (ant) necessarily.

  127 reason (v) persuade with rational (sensible) argument; talk around, convince, influence. (ant) dissuade.

  128 phenomenal (adj) exceptionally good; remarkable, impressive, prodigious, outstanding. (ant) ordinary.

  129 connect (v) (of a blow) accurately hit the intended target; impact, strike, collide, meet, clash. (ant) miss.

  130 wrestle (v) force or fight by grappling (tussling); struggle, brawl, battle, scuffle, scramble.

  131 misplaced (adj) (of feelings) directed inappropriately; misdirected, erroneous. (ant) appropriate.

  132 conceit (n) excessive pride; self-importance, big-headiness, vanity, smugness, arrogance. (ant) modesty.

  133 straddle (v) spread the legs wide apart (either side of something); bestride, span, sprawl.

  134 accuracy (n) correctness or precision; certainty, skill, exactness, exactitude, mastery. (ant) inaccuracy.

  135 wail (v) make a prolonged, high-pitched sound; bawl, yowl, cry, scream, moan, screech. (ant) laugh, giggle.

  136 aggressively (adv) done in an aggressive (forceful) way; violently, belligerently, forcefully. (ant) gently.

  137 accomplice (n) a person who helps another commit a crime; co-conspirator, collaborator, abettor.

  138 unconscious (adj) not awake or aware of one’s environment; asleep, comatose. (ant) conscious.

  139 ooze (v) gently flow, trickle or seep; bleed, exude, emerge, leak, creep, drip, leach, issue. (ant) gush, pour.

  140 secure (v) fix, attach or fasten firmly; position, tighten, lock, bind, tie, safeguard. (ant) unfasten, release.

  141 crucial (adj) of absolute (complete) importance; critical, vital, key, essential, fundamental. (ant) trivial.

  142 murky (adj) gloomy and dark; dim, shadowy, sombre, dreary, dingy, obscured. (ant) bright, light, clear.

  143 statuesque (adj) tall and attractive with fine posture (pose); good-looking, well formed. (ant) short, ugly.

  144 unruffled (adj) not agitated or disturbed; unperturbed, tranquil, relaxed, composed, calm. (ant) flustered.

  145 plunge (v) suddenly bring into a specified condition or state; thrust, force, throw.

  146 on the contrary (adv) just the opposite (in meaning, nature or direction); far from it, conversely.

  147 beleaguered (a
dj) put in a difficult situation; besieged, harassed, plagued, tormented. (ant) assisted.

  148 lest (con) with the intention of preventing or to avoid the risk of; in case, for fear that.


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