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The Cadwaladr Quests

Page 36

by S L Ager

  72 apply (v) use or exert; employ, administer, handle, execute, exercise, utilise, implement.

  73 depreciate (v) decrease over time; decline, diminish, dwindle, reduce. (ant) appreciate, increase.

  74 leach (v) drain or pass through slowly; empty, leak, trickle, seep, filter, discharge. (ant) pour, gush, fill.

  75 passive (adj) not reacting to external force; lifeless, inactive, unreceptive, idle, dormant. (ant) active.

  76 extent (n) degree or amount; scale, level, intensity, magnitude. (ant) limitation.

  77 innocuous (adj) not offensive or harmful; harmless, innocent, safe, weak, inoffensive. (ant) harmful.

  78 entity (n) a thing that exists; object, unit, item, article, individual, being, creature. (ant) nonentity.

  79 razored (adj) sharp-edged and razor-like; sharpened, bladed, honed. (ant) blunted, rounded.

  80 flawless (adj) without defect (fault) or imperfection; perfect, unblemished, faultless, pure. (ant) flawed.

  81 reflective (adj) reflecting light; shining, glistening, glinting. (ant) unreflective, dull.

  82 nucleus (n) the central and most important part; centre, heart, core, nub, kernel. (ant) outside, edge.

  83 pulsate (v) expand and contract regularly; beat, throb, pulse, palpitate, pound.

  84 umbilical (adj) connected to something for vital supplies; linked, joined, bound, attached. (ant) separate.

  85 parasite (n) something that exists by living with and taking from another; dependent, taker. (ant) host.

  86 host (n) something or someone on which a parasite (dependent) lives; donor, contributor. (ant) parasite.

  87 nigh (adv) near; close, nearby. (ant) away, far away.

  88 forthcoming (adj) about to appear or happen; imminent, oncoming, approaching, impending. (ant) distant.

  89 resigned (adj) accepting what cannot be avoided; compliant, acquiescent, unresisting. (ant) resistant.

  90 devoid (adj) completely lacking or free from; empty, without, wanting, bereft, deficient. (ant) full, filled.

  91 propel (v) drive or push into a specific direction; move, boost, thrust, shoot, force, impel, launch. (ant) pull.

  92 stupefy (v) shock and astonish; astound, amaze, stagger, stun, daze, overwhelm, confuse. (ant) enlighten.

  93 incandescent (adj) glowing brightly with heat; aglow, radiant, luminescent, flaring, fluorescent. (ant) dark.

  94 rod (n) a thin, straight bar or pole; baton, cylinder, stick, shaft, strip.

  95 unerring (adj) always accurate or right; unfailing, perfect, correct, infallible, error-free. (ant) faulty, erring.

  96 symmetrical (adj) looking or appearing to be the same; regular, even, balanced, equal. (ant) asymmetrical.

  97 converge (v) meet at the same point; merge, join, touch, unite, congregate, intersect. (ant) diverge.

  98 vortex (n) whirling air or liquid; spiral, whirlpool, swirl, whirlwind, twister, maelstrom.

  99 plughole (n) a hole where water drains but can be stopped by a plug; outlet, drain.

  100 core (n) the part that is central; centre, nucleus, heart, hub, middle, interior, midpoint. (ant) edge, outside.

  101 velocity (n) the speed of something in a given direction; rate, rapidity, haste, quickness.

  102 particle (n) a minute fragment or quantity of matter (substance); bit, fleck, speck, grain, scrap. (ant) chunk.

  103 tornado (n) a mobile vortex (swirl) of violent and destructive winds; whirlwind, cyclone, tempest.

  104 hail (n) a large number of things thrown violently through the air; barrage, shower, deluge.

  105 summon (v) try to produce from within oneself; call, muster, rouse, find, mobilise, rally. (ant) suppress.

  106 intersect (v) cross at a point; interconnect, meet, overlap, criss-cross, converge. (ant) diverge, divide.

  107 grope (v) feel or search about for blindly with the hands; fumble, scrabble, finger, fish. (ant) withdraw.

  108 fastidious (adj) fussy about accuracy and detail; scrupulous, meticulous, exact. (ant) careless.

  109 liquefy (v) make, turn or become liquid; dissolve, soften, melt. (ant) solidify, harden, set.

  110 cower (v) crouch or squat in fear; shrink, recoil, grovel, flinch, quail, cringe, tremble. (ant) stand tall.

  111 captor (n) one who takes a prisoner by force; detainer, capturer, jailer, keeper. (ant) liberator.

  112 menacing (v) threatening or dangerous; ominous, intimidating, sinister, fearsome. (ant) reassuring.

  113 bait (v) deliberately taunt (provoke) or annoy; tease, torment, goad, harass, irk, rag. (ant) delight, soothe.

  114 bewilderedly (adv) in a bewildered (confused) way; perplexedly, bemusedly. (ant) understandingly.

  115 inject (v) introduce into something; instil, infuse, imbue, impregnate. (ant) drain.

  116 bleak (adj) dark, stark and not encouraging or favourable; unwelcoming, austere, desolate. (ant) appealing.

  117 course (v) move through without obstruction; flow, pour, run, gush, race, surge, stream. (ant) trickle.

  118 ambition (n) great desire to achieve or do something; objective, aim, hope, aspiration, goal. (ant) apathy.

  119 recipient (n) a person or thing that receives something; receiver, beneficiary, awardee. (ant) giver, donor.

  120 imperative (adj) of vital (key) importance; crucial, essential, urgent, critical. (ant) unimportant.

  121 restore (v) return to a former position or place; reinstall, reinstate, re-establish. (ant) remove.

  122 unaccomplished (adj) not finished or carried out; incomplete, unexecuted. (ant) accomplished.

  123 unpredictable (adj) unable to be predicted (foreseen); changeable, uncertain, capricious. (ant) predictable.

  124 gargantuan (adj) huge; large, enormous, massive, colossal, mammoth, vast, immense, gigantic. (ant) tiny.

  125 foundation (n) underground, weight-bearing part of a building; base, footing, substructure.

  126 headquarters (n) command and control centre of an organisation; head office, nerve centre. (ant) branch.

  127 progressive (adj) favouring innovation (newness) and change; modern, innovative. (ant) conservative.

  128 tech (n) short for technology; automation, computer, science, machinery.

  129 forefront (n) the leading or most important position; head, vanguard, spearhead, cutting-edge. (ant) back.

  130 artificial intelligence (n) computer technology that simulates intelligent behaviour.

  131 enigmatic (adj) mysterious and hard to make out; unknowable, inscrutable, puzzling. (ant) straightforward.

  132 reclusive (adj) avoiding the company of others; solitary, isolated, withdrawn, antisocial. (ant) sociable.

  133 amass (v) gather together over time a large amount of; accumulate, collect, stockpile. (ant) distribute.

  134 fortune (n) a large amount of money or assets (things of value); wealth, prosperity. (ant) poverty.

  135 herald (v) praise publicly; proclaim, tout, publicise, acclaim, applaud, commend. (ant) criticise.

  136 innovator (n) someone who introduces new ideas or products; leader, pioneer, trailblazer. (ant) imitator.

  137 philanthropist (n) one who cares about others and often gives money; humanitarian. (ant) misanthropist.

  138 interview (n) a meeting or conversation, often for public use; discussion, talk, audience.

  139 headline (n) most important item of news; front page, title, caption, leader. (ant) back page, unimportant.

  140 convention (n) the way that something is usually done; rule, principle, standard, custom. (ant) innovation.

  141 extol (v) praise highly; acclaim, celebrate, commend, exalt, laud, worship. (ant) deprecate, criticise.

  142 unorthodox (adj) contrary (opposite) to what is usual; unconventional, nonconformist. (ant) orthodox.

  143 enticement (n) something used to lure (attract); temptation, incentive, invitation, bribery. (ant) deterrent.

  144 costly (adj) costing a lot of money; expensive, dear, pricey, overpriced, inflated. (ant) inexpens
ive, cheap.

  145 flourish (v) grow or develop rapidly and successfully; succeed, thrive, prosper, bloom. (ant) deteriorate.

  146 disadvantaged (adj) in a poor position, especially socially and financially; deprived. (ant) privileged.

  147 gifted (adj) having excellent natural ability or talent; accomplished, expert, adept, talented. (ant) inept.

  148 elite (adj) superior or influential because of ability or wealth; best, exclusive, top-notch. (ant) worst.

  149 sponsor (v) provide funds (money) for; pay, finance, support, subsidise, bankroll, back, help. (ant) extort.

  150 refugee (n) a person from another country seeking refuge from war or disaster; escapee. (ant) citizen.

  151 war-torn (adj) devasted (ruined) by war; war-wearied, war-scarred, disrupted. (ant) peaceful.

  152 flaunt (v) display ostentatiously (openly) to cause envy, admiration or defiance; parade, exhibit. (ant) hide.

  153 brazenly (adv) in a brazen (bold and shameless) way; blatantly, plainly, audaciously. (ant) discreetly.

  154 construct (v) make or build; erect, establish, create, assemble, fabricate, raise. (ant) demolish, destroy.

  155 futuristic (adj) involving or having modern technology or design; innovative, revolutionary. (ant) outdated.

  156 obscure (adj) not well known or important; unknown, minor, humble, little-known. (ant) known, famous.

  157 deprived (adj) suffering a lack of basic material and cultural needs; disadvantaged. (ant) privileged.

  158 bypass (v) avoid; omit, shun, ignore, decline, neglect, sidestep, evade. (ant) include, embrace.

  159 corporate (n) a business, company or group; firm, corporation, trade, commerce.

  160 candidate (n) a person who applies for a job or position; applicant, contender, hopeful. (ant) employer.

  161 accommodation (n) where a person can live or lodge (stay); dwelling, housing, living quarters, residence.

  162 seductive (adj) attractive and tempting; enticing, alluring, inviting, appealing. (ant) unappealing, repellent.

  163 lucrative (adj) producing a good profit; profitable, well paid, rewarding, worthwhile. (ant) unprofitable.

  164 salary (n) a person’s income (regular pay) from employment (work); wages, earnings, remuneration.

  165 radically (adv) in a radical (thorough) way; totally, drastically, fundamentally. (ant) superficially.

  166 disrupt (v) interrupt or change by causing a disturbance or problem; upset, unsettle. (ant) maintain.

  167 employment (n) the action of giving work to someone; engagement, hiring. (ant) dismissal.

  168 practice (n) the way that something is usually done; process, system, method, habit, mode.

  169 fate (n) a future outcome that is out of one’s control; destiny, upshot, fortune, luck, lot.

  170 perish (v) die, especially suddenly; expire, succumb, decease, depart, fade, pass away. (ant) live, survive.

  171 unfound (adj) not found; lost, undiscovered, undetected, unexposed. (ant) found, discovered, exposed.

  172 industrious (adj) hard-working and diligent; conscientious, untiring, busy, assiduous. (ant) lazy, indolent.

  173 fervently (adv) in a fervent (enthusiastic) manner; passionately, ardently, zealously. (ant) indifferently.

  174 vehement (adj) showing strong feeling; fervent, vigorous, forceful, ardent, emphatic. (ant) apathetic.

  175 multitude (n) a large number; gathering, host, swarm, legion, horde, mass, throng. (ant) handful, few.

  176 waft (n) a gentle movement or current of air; blow, wave, breath, puff, gust, draught.

  177 rank (adj) having a foul smell; sour, pungent, fetid, reeking, rancid, noxious, putrid. (ant) fresh, sweet.

  178 brittle (adj) hard but easily cracked or broken; stiff, inelastic, breakable, fragile, delicate, crisp. (ant) pliant.

  179 solidify (v) make or become solid and unpliant; harden, set, freeze, stiffen, firm, fix. (ant) soften, melt.

  180 lantern (n) a portable (moveable) lamp with a handle; light.

  181 consciousness (n) the state of being conscious, aware and responsive; awareness. (ant) unconsciousness.

  182 hallucinate (v) see or experience something that isn’t real; imagine, fantasise, visualise.

  183 strenuously (adv) in a strenuous (strong) manner; energetically, vigorously. (ant) half-heartedly.

  184 thaw (v) warm enough to soften or melt; unfreeze, defrost, liquefy. (ant) freeze, harden, solidify.

  185 verge (v) be close to or about to; near, approach, edge, brink, border. (ant) retreat, leave.

  186 hypothermia (n) dangerously low body temperature; chill, cold, shivers, freezing. (ant) fever.

  187 tepid (adj) slightly warm; lukewarm, warmish, mild, temperate. (ant) cold, icy, boiling.

  188 spherical (adj) like a sphere (round); globular, rotund, circular, orbicular, bulbous. (ant) flat

  189 slake (v) satisfy a thirst; quench, allay, assuage, sate, satiate, mollify, relieve, extinguish. (ant) exacerbate.

  190 destination (n) the place where someone or something is going to; objective, target. (ant) starting point.

  191 arduous (adj) difficult and tiring; strenuous, onerous, taxing, laborious, gruelling, toilsome. (ant) easy.

  192 undertaking (n) a task; responsibility, mission, duty, venture, attempt, endeavour, pursuit.

  193 squander (v) waste an opportunity or money; blow, lose, misuse, misspend, frivol, trifle. (ant) save, hoard.

  194 deviate (v) change or leave an established (planned) course; diverge, digress, stray, differ. (ant) conform.

  195 hamper (v) hinder (slow) or obstruct (block) movement or progress; impede, restrain. (ant) assist.

  196 intolerable (adj) not able to be endured; unbearable, insufferable, impossible, excruciating. (ant) bearable.

  197 debilitating (adj) tending to weaken or hinder; incapacitating, draining, enervating. (ant) invigorating.

  198 dramatically (adv) in a dramatic (powerful) way; greatly, radically, noticeably, severely. (ant) modestly.

  199 buttressed (adj) placed for support; braced, bolstered, shored, propped.

  200 foul (adj) offensive to the senses; disgusting, revolting, polluted, rank, fetid. (ant) fresh, clean.

  201 dehydrated (adj) having lost water; dry, parched, drained, desiccated, shrivelled. (ant) hydrated, wet.

  202 judgement (n) ability to make decisions or come to conclusions; sense, intelligence. (ant) stupidity.

  203 crave (v) feel great desire for; want, yearn for, require, hanker after, wish for, long for. (ant) dislike, spurn.

  204 invigorate (v) give energy or strength to; refresh, revitalise, rejuvenate, galvanise. (ant) exhaust.

  205 nourish (v) provide life or health with necessary food or substances; feed, sustain, nurture. (ant) deprive.

  206 energise (v) give vitality (life); boost, invigorate, strengthen, revitalise. (ant) drain, enervate.

  207 sallow (adj) unhealthy pale or yellowish colour; wan, pasty, ashen, sickly, pallid, washed out. (ant) rosy.

  208 gratuitous (adj) costing no money; free, gratis, complimentary, costless. (ant) paid for, chargeable.

  209 appreciable (adj) capable of being recognised, seen and appreciated; perceptible. (ant) unnoticeable.

  210 devotee (n) someone who is enthusiastic and interested; fan, fanatic, follower, disciple. (ant) critic.

  211 epicentre (n) central point; birthplace, bull’s-eye, centre, core, heart, hub, nucleus. (ant) surface, exterior.

  212 zenith (n) the highest point or state; top, apex, peak, summit, pinnacle, acme. (ant) nadir, bottom, pit.

  213 committed (adj) pledged to a specific course or policy; devoted, dedicated, loyal. (ant) uncommitted.

  214 personnel (n) people employed in an organisation; staff, workers, human resources, employees.

  215 proffer (v) put forward or hold out to someone; offer, extend, tender, volunteer, give. (ant) withdraw.

  216 glance (v) briefly touch or deflect off something; skim, graze, brush, boun
ce, clip, ricochet.

  217 sleek (adj) smooth and shining; glossy, glistening, polished, glassy. (ant) dull, rough, coarse.

  218 glacial (adj) cold and icy like a glacier; freezing, biting, polar, bitter, hostile, unfriendly. (ant) heated, warm.


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