A World Beyond the Dark

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A World Beyond the Dark Page 23

by Andrei Navala

  Lorath, for that was his human name, couldn’t chase away the memories now flooding his already troubled mind. His affection towards this human warrior was only caused by his past experiences. He saw himself in him, his human self that is. Lorath too had to fight indomitable forces of evil to protect those dear to him but failed lamentably. Even though he put up a most valiant fight against hordes of demons, he thought of himself as nothing more than a failure. Upon his demise as a human, with a weak mind he decided to give up his soul in exchange for the power he never had. Consumed by his madness, he killed those he swore to protect and became the very thing he wished to destroy. With the remaining consciousness and guilt he had, he hurt himself in an attempt to end his own miserable existence but it was of no use. His body regenerated faster than he could inflict mortal wounds and so he only suffered more. He eventually came to accept his twisted state and gave in to the demonic powers controlling him. Only upon meeting Rylan did something long lost within awaken once more.

  “Yes, Rylan… That is why I am here right now.” He thought, stroking his long hair with his right hand. He looked around at the seemingly endless maze and decided it was time to change his approach to this matter before it would be too late. “Spirits of this realm, answer my humble call and aid me find my lost companion. His time has not come to linger here!” He shouted; his voice full of youthful vigor and hope. He couldn’t believe that was his own voice. As soon as his sentence ended it trailed off as an echo across the vast land and the arcane winds blew stronger, stirring something up. From the ground, the sky and the crystals appeared orbs of energy with what he could discern as faces on them. More and more souls gathered around him, circling the surprised man before finally turning into translucent bodies of males and females of all races. He looked at all their gazes as they stared back at him but could recognize none, until his eyes fell on the visage of a particular person.

  “I-” stuttered Lorath, stepping towards the ghostly man. All the other souls vanished the moment he moved.

  “You are a failure, a disgrace to our noble family.” uttered the other man who quite resembled him.

  “Brother, I sacrificed myself for you. How can you say such words? I’ve gone to these lengths only to become stronger as our parents would’ve wished.”

  “You have tarnished our reputation. You trampled over everything dear to you. I am sure you remember vividly what happened that day and you still dare utter to my face such blatant lies.”

  Lorath bit his lip, knowing he was in the wrong. In order to keep himself alive, he took up his sword and slaughtered his brother. He wanted to live on for him and his family but the corruption of the demons was too strong and his soul eventually vanished. Perhaps the moment it started fading was that very day.

  “I want to repair my mistakes. Help me find someone and I swear to you I will change.” Even if his words might not have seemed sincere, his eyes couldn’t lie. Upon seeing his brother again, all the guilt that was pent up during the decades he lived was finally released in the form of… tears. Small droplets formed at the corner of his eyes but he hastily wiped his teary visage. “I know I cannot change the past and what’s worse is that I don’t regret living longer even if it meant doing that. I’m just sorry you had to have such a shitty brother like myself.” He stopped right before his brother with his entire body literally shaking. It was the first time he wanted to die right there on the spot, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t afraid.

  “You were always pretty stupid, Lor.” The man stretched out his arm and patted him on the shoulder. Lorath flinched upon his touch but soon felt sudden warmth in his chest. He wasn’t at ease with what he did but at least he had the power to stand straight and smile at his older brother even as more tears streamed down his cheeks. “I think it is time for you to convince someone else. Take care…” His voice gradually turned to a whisper as his body faded to nothingness. Lorath tried to grasp him but his hand only clawed the air. He turned around and staring at him was the soul of Rylan. He was ashamed to be seen like that, so weak.

  “What do you want?” asked Rylan with a grave, bothered tone. He was visibly disturbed to see him there. Lorath regained his composure and stretched out his hand towards him.

  “Come back with me, to Reath.” He was somewhat hopeful in his tone but Rylan burst into laughter as if dismissing his request. Lorath was flustered by his reaction.

  “And if I return then what? Will you turn me into a demon as well? I whole heartedly refuse.” As arrogant as Rylan was, he was by all means entitled to act so. Lorath bit his lip in anger, realizing it won’t be easy to convince him.

  “Don’t you want to aid your friends? Don’t you wish for revenge? I can sense at least that much from you.”

  “Revenge is all I had my entire life. There’s nothing left for me in that world.” Rylan turned his back to him and was about to pass through a crystal until Lorath shouted at him.

  “Wait! I can’t drag you by force but I can only offer you this one chance. Ainnea still lives!” The ghost of Rylan froze in place, unable to fathom his words.

  “How do you know of her?” asked Rylan on a terrible, thundering tone. He approached him with large, heavy steps and stared right into his eyes.

  “Our demon scouts have confirmed that she emerged out of her woods long before the incident.” Rylan took one step back, pondering the information entrusted to him. His face turned into a twisted grimace.

  “You are right. I was content I died at the hands of a mighty enemy but I forgot about him. And Ainnea as well…” He reached into one of his pockets only to find a spectral flower, emanating bright rays of light. A siphoning vortex-like portal appeared behind Lorath, startling him. “What is there to do once we return? I will be trapped in that fortress of shadows.”

  “We will take it by storm and if we survive it will only mean we are truly entitled to our acts.” Said Lorath proudly as a sense of justice reawakened in him.

  “I would rather not perish the moment I return. This is still folly…” Muttered Rylan in dismay, thinking he will betray all he fought for so far by turning into a demon.

  “You always were and always will be a demon.” whispered a voice in his head.

  “But that doesn’t mean I will stop fighting for righteousness!” He responded to the voice in his head. Lorath was excited by his enthusiasm but at the same time he felt weakened. He took too long and his being was already turning into a specter. The two walked towards the vortex of dark energy before them. They passed at the same time and Rylan felt a nauseous experience as his soul was forcefully being dragged back into his body, only twisted and tortured. He wanted to scream in agony but every time he opened his mouth, he suffocated on the matter around him. He felt immersed in a thick liquid as if he was drowning in tar.

  A large shadow was cast upon him by a most hideous thing as he woke up. His senses were numb but he grabbed it by the throat, choking it to death. The fiend struggled in vain, striking at him. He crushed its throat mercilessly and threw away the lifeless corpse. His entire body ached horribly and as he stood up he coughed blood. In the dim light, he could barely see his reflection in the pool of blood. His hair had turned white from the pain and stress of the ordeal and his visage looked years older. Not only that, but from his back sprouted a pair of fleshy bat-like wings with bone spikes emerging on the sides. Lastly his once glowing hand was now a corrupted, dark nuance like his eyes which inherited a violet color. Upon seeing himself looking in such a fashion, his heart broke. There was still hope which resided within his pocket.

  “We must hurry before the guards arrive to take you to prison!” roared Kara’lak as he looked around impatiently with his fangs shining in the light. The moment he spoke, ten heavily armored biped monstrosities walked into the messy laboratory surrounding the two.

  Rylan leapt from his place, flapping his wings in order to get airborne. He dived right into one of the guards, ripping off its head with his bare hand. Kara’lak took
his example and charged into three guards with his antlers, knocking them all into walls. The remaining guards stabbed them with long pikes, tearing into their backs and chest. Rylan grabbed the long dark shafts and shattered them, proceeding to take out the metal spikes from his body and fling them towards his opponents. His throw was unfortunate because they ricocheted from the heavy chestplates. The ground beneath his feet cracked as he leapt once more, smashing the helmet of one of the demons with his bleeding fist. He did not feel much pain, not from the stabs nor from the wounds on his hands. What he did feel was a blood thirst and an urge to destroy everything around him. With his wings he grappled close another demon and kicked him in the groin with his knee, following it up with a steel grasp on his neck. He shouted as he raised the demon off the ground and hurled him into the remaining pack with force. Kara’lak pounced on them, rending them viciously with his claws. The deed was done and the wounds they sustained were already healed.

  “Is there some source of power for this vile fortress, anything that we might be able to use to our advantage?” Rylan was looking around for something as he spoke.

  “There is indeed a font of demonic energy, but it is beyond the throne room. And I don’t see how we can use it other than further our madness.” responded Kara’lak as he looked out for any more guards coming.

  “Before anything irrational, where is my sword?” Kara’lak had a grim look on his face and mostly avoided meeting his gaze.

  “Our regent lord took it.” Rylan froze in place, hearing his words. It was too late to control himself for he was lost in rage once again. He stormed out the laboratory with Kara’lak chasing closely behind. The demons all throughout the living quarters were giving them distrustful and annoyed looks but he couldn’t be bothered with such trivial matters. He was so infuriated he took off with a powerful flap of his wings, forcing the demon to chase on all four limbs. His violet eyes were glinting strangely as he flew like an arrow through the vastness of the fortress. Not even the numerous fiendish guards were able to stop him as he crashed into the throne room. Kara’lak engaged the armored units now distracted while Rylan menacingly walked towards the throne. With what sanity he had left, he could see a twisted grin and a pair of greedy eyes staring at him.

  The entire hall started to shake violently, the marvelously sculpted pillars to shatter and the ceiling to crumble. A sickening aura dominated the room as the two slowly approached each other. The dark armor was drawing away the light in the room until they were left in complete darkness. Besides his steps, all that Rylan could hear was his own heavy breathing. He saw the glint of metal as the demon lord drew his accursed rune blade. Rylan threw him a smile and with his left hand he grabbed the pendant around his neck. In that split second, his mind was able to calm and he was reminded of something Ainnea taught him. In his right palm materialized an orb of swirling mana, fretting constantly. It took the form of a long blade with a blunt tip, his executioner sword. It was merely a materialization of his mana and not as sturdy as the real deal but it was more than enough.

  The demon lord dashed towards him but he flapped his wings, pushing himself away from the reach of his opponent. He then leapt right back at him, swinging down with pure hate. His massive blade cut through the air, missing its target but leaving behind a crater in the floor. The demon lord countered his attack with a swift slash from below which Rylan was able to intercept. Upon the clash between the blades, sparks went flying and they could see each other. Rylan was already sweating but he could hear a hissing breath coming from underneath the crowned helmet. His opponent must’ve been mentally exhausted more than anything. They crossed blades again, Rylan managing to push him back. He swoop down below, dodging an incoming hit and struck his great foe in the side. He could feel the armor dent and so he pushed his advantage, forcing the dark lord against a wall.

  Loud skittering sounds followed by countless swift steps across the floor startled Rylan. As he looked around, he could see countless red eyes closing in on him from all sides. In the moment he was distracted, he felt a sharp sting in his chest and then piercing cold spread through his body. The runes on the blade shone in a dark blue nuance, forming a layer of ice around the wound. In all that madness, Rylan’s eyes shone with an arcane glint and his hair was blown up by a gust of wind. He raised his blade above the hand and upon realization it was too late. He struck down with the might of all the souls which put their hope in him, his hit delivering a fatal blow. The cursed blade which pierced him shattered to pieces and a radial nova of energy blasted away the arachnids into walls. The suit of armor collapsed to the ground and the crown helm rolled to his feet, revealing no sort of flesh underneath the gear. A faint whisper like the wind echoed through the throne room.

  “She watches your progress with great interest, son of demons.” Ominous lights lit around the hall, revealing a door behind the great throne. While the magically summoned blade vanished into a puff of mana which dissipated, he bent down to pick up the crowned helm and slowly walked past the throne and into the hidden room. Beyond the door frame was a pool sculpted with skulls and demonic symbols. In the center of the dark liquid was his blade, stuck in the ground. As he closed in on the devious pool, he gently took off his necklace and put the crown over his head. Voices started whispering in his head but he ignored them until he reached the stone edge of the pool. With the dark ethereal hand he reached into the pocket and pulled out the frail white flower which had a strange, unnatural glow.

  “I offer these as sacrifice for divine cleansing of this mystical font which has been corrupted. Tela, heed my call and grant me the power to cast away the shadows from this realm.” He let the necklace slip through his fingers into the pool and the flower was whisked away by a breeze, falling over the water and sinking into the vile liquid. With a short but intense turmoil accompanied by powerful gusts of arcane wind blowing through his hair and around the pool, a great beam of light erupted from it, shattering the roof and breaking through the dark clouds. The beam faded into a nova which purged the land of all filth, restoring its inhabitants to their states from before turning into demons. The keep itself began to crumble but now standing in a pool of sparkling water was Rylan with a silvery diadem on his head, enveloped in a crown of white flowers. The once hideous fleshy wings had morphed into thin, colorless wings like those of a butterfly and his arm had regained the golden glow but his hair and eyes remained unchanged. A man with dark chestnut hair came rushing into the chamber, looking at him with a joyous look. It was none other than Lorath, the human behind Kara’lak’s corruption.

  “Everyone has reverted back from being a demon. You’re a savior!” He shouted, trembling with excitement at his human body.

  “It was all thanks to your help. Sadly I had to sacrifice a great deal of things precious to me, but now that I know Ainnea lives and that my party is travelling towards her I shall go meet them and ease their worries.” He grabbed the now pristine executioner blade and stepped out of the water. Save for the crown atop his head, he was naked.

  “And after that, what do you intend to do?” Lorath guided him out of the crumbling fortress and outside were met by the countless souls they saved. They were offered many things as compensation but all they took were two simple garments.

  “I shall find the one who deceived me and killed the friend of my mentor and give him the capital punishment.” His voice was grave as he spoke about it and his visage grim. He longed to see Ainnea but more than anything, he felt a sudden need to see his family again. As much as he wanted to get rid of their memory, it was ever present in his mind. Worst of all, he no longer belonged in a normal community, not looking like that. While crossing the barren lands, something most unexpected occurred. A thundering hum was followed by a strike of lightning and in the wake of the dust that rose appeared a verdant portal rimmed by vines and flowers. Out of the vortex of energy emerged a squadron of knights with shining silver armor. Their faces were hidden underneath glorious helmets but the one who
seemed to be their leader took his off. His face was as fair as that of an elf but his skin was pale and seemed to be transparent.

  “Fairies…” muttered Lorath and Rylan in unison. A sudden sense of sadness and nostalgia struck Rylan as he realized what was going on. The knights kneeled before him.

  “Alas, Mage King of Flowers! The Wild Hunt has come to serve you.” All the knights took out their blades and thrust them in the ground before them, shouting with enchanting, serene voices. Lorath turned to him surprised, switching his gaze back and forth between him and the knights.

  “What is it you ask of me as your leader?” He said, putting one leg forward and thrusting his sword into the ground.

  “There has been a fiend prowling these lands that not even we were able to keep under control. I am sure our king is knowledgeable enough to know of whom we speak.” His heart jolted in surprise and a faint smile crossed his visage.

  “So this is farewell?” Asked Lorath slightly disappointed. He was about to walk away without another word but he felt a warm, sizzling hand around his arm.

  “I couldn’t abandon my trusty ally. And if these knights here have any objections I will force my will upon them. Are we clear?” The leader of the fairy knight squadron nodded and with a snap of his fingers their garbs were engulfed in a flame which did not hurt and replaced with magical, silver gear. The large group passed through the portal and before them was a mystic, enchanted land.

  “We welcome you to the land of the fairies. It is a dimension we use to easily travel throughout Reath.” Massive trees as old as time dominated the place and verdant valleys filled the land beyond. The vegetation was growing so wild he was amazed how come they could navigate the place. The knight commander whistled and numerous spectral steeds appeared out of thin air, galloping towards them. They each mounted a steed and rode through the marvelous land. Two moons shone on the night sky filled with countless stars. The sky had an array of colors neither Lorath nor Rylan had ever seen, with trails of red, purple and white brimming with colorful stars of different nuances and sizes. Their hearts sank upon observing the vastness of the place they travelled but their steeds were fast like the wind and they made haste unbothered by anything. As they galloped wildly, another portal appeared before them and they stormed out of the fairy world and back into Reath.


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