A World Beyond the Dark

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A World Beyond the Dark Page 24

by Andrei Navala

  “Where are we?” asked Lorath looking at their surroundings. “It’s a mountainous area but I see no particular objective in sight.”

  “That’s because he was somehow alerted of our coming! Ride on Wild Hunt!” shouted Rylan as he drew his blade and pointed it forward at a black dot on the horizon. Lorath peered through the forest only to see indeed a humanoid form in the distance but he couldn’t discern who it was. The fairy party left in its wake a trail of dust as they chased him through the wilderness. At some point they lost track of him and wandered cautiously, staying on edge all time.

  A loud crashing noise from behind startled the group and as they turned they notice a fiendish humanoid with scales lunging at one of their armored knights. Rylan’s eyes flickered with something Lorath hadn’t seen since he met him. Even against the regent lord he wasn’t this fired up. He charged at their target mounted and swung his blade from below. Kaerethas was still flying through the air as he had to block the incoming hit with his scaly arms, being sent flying right into a tree trunk. The rest of the cavalry charged at him but he smacked the ground and cracks from which sprouted tendrils erupted beneath the horses, dismounting the knights. One by one, he dashed between them slicing their throats viciously with only his bare hands. His next target was Lorath which barely dodged out of the way while Rylan came from behind only to slice through air as the demon had already evaded. Ominous mist gathered around them and the few remaining knights and their king formed a circle as they stood back to back.

  The few rays of light shining through the fog sparkled upon the crown. His breathing was heavy and he was tense not because he feared for his life but because he despised the idea of losing him again when he was in his reach. In the corner of his eye he noticed a shadow and raised his sword in front of him as a shield just in time to block and push away the attacker. He swiftly let go with his right arm and reached forward, grasping the demon by the neck. Seeing as the tides turned back in their favor and the mist was fading, the knights stabbed at the demon which writhed in pain and wiggled in vain. The glowing arm was shining like a star, incinerating the throat which he furiously choked.

  Seeing no other solution, Kaerethas slashed at his own throat to spurt blood and slip away from the merciless grasp, leaping graciously on a branch behind and glaring nervously at his nemesis. Rylan refused to give him even a moment’s rest and swung his blade at the tree, felling it in one heavy sweep. There was a slight grin on the demon’s face as he leapt once more, this time headed for something else. The moment Rylan turned around, fatality had already occurred. Lorath was disarmed and taken hostage by the fiend. No one uttered a word but everyone understood the situation they were in and what was demanded of each party. Rylan pretended to glare at the demon but instead he searched for a sign from his human ally. Lorath nodded so slightly even the demon did not perceive it and he then closed his eyes in expectance of what was to come. The king of fairies approached the chosen child of the Demon Queen with slow, heavy steps. His sharp fingers were stabbing at Lorath’s throat as a threat towards him yet he looked unbothered.

  With a dash as fast as lightning, Rylan cleared the distance between them and swung his blade around, severing the body of Kaerethas … along with that of his friend. Lorath spat blood as the fiend let go of him and his upper half collapsed to the ground, farther away from the severed lower half. There was only dismay and fear in the eyes of the demon as Rylan approached him with wide eyes staring him down. He felt anger and hatred towards him and as helpless as he was there was not even the slightest sense of pity. But the demon was deceiving for when the blade came crashing down upon his head, he deviated the attack into the ground and pushed himself up towards his nemesis. With his claws he grappled onto the chest and abdomen of Rylan and smacked him in the head with his scaly elbow. The few moments of distraction were enough for his severed parts to bind back together and he lifted the man above his head.

  “Look at your pitiful king as I will break him!” yelled Kaerethas with twisted pleasure and a fiendish grin. The knights charged at him and stabbed his chest but he laughed ironically as their blades visibly melted into his chest and he absorbed them. They all tried to grapple him as he was still holding their leader but with a stomp of his foot they lost their balance and he smashed Rylan against the ground as he coughed blood violently. He channeled a vortex of dark energy into his palms which materialized into a dark blade that he thrust into Rylan with immeasurable hatred and pleasure. The faint violet glow which surrounded the blade turned to an acid cloud that begun melting away clothes and skin alike.

  The demon was taken by surprise feeling multiple grasps which were of the knights he thought to be dead. All the knights joined in, restraining him. The air around cleared and leaves were falling down from the sky while butterflies were flapping their wings full of gold and silver dust. His heart was ringing in his ears and he was starting to sweat. The demon tried flailing around his arms, scratching and biting but it was of no use. Rylan grabbed the blade with both hands and pulled it out as blood dripped from his fingers. He sluggishly stood up even though his knees were shaking and blood was flowing from all orifices. His magnificent violet eyes gleamed of something, satisfaction. A trail of purple arcane energy swirled from the corner of his eyes as he bent down to pick up his executioner sword. The once golden ray design on the blade was now like a torrent of violet flames, channeled from his body. The muscles on his left hand were flexed to their utmost only to grip the sword; that was the passion with which he wanted to end the demon’s life.

  An aura of darkness engulfed the fiend, burning the phantasmal hands of the fairies which stood their ground nonetheless. Rylan took the first step towards him and time seemed to be slowing down. There was no voice to calm him, no helping hand to save him. He had used up all his strength to no avail. Rylan took a second step as the world around him began to shake, his vision blurring. All he could hear at this point was his own heart beat while his bodily senses went numb. Rylan’s third step stripped him of all his power as he stood there naked in the judgment day. He was to be punished for his sins… for his misfortune. Along with the fourth step he felt a chill across his spine and he could feel an indescribable, stinging pain in his chest. The shape of the sword was slowly rising to his neck and he could already sense its sharpness.

  “Why have you abandoned me? You were my only hope, the light of my life.” he thought as tears of blood streamed down his pale cheeks. His teeth were so clenched that his jaw started to crack soundly. “I know I am weak… but give me another chance. Save me!” he shouted in his mind. “I don’t want to die, not yet!” his voice was trembling and his mfind cleared for but a moment. “I resent you-” Kaerethas whispered silently before his head went flying. There was no drop of blood in the aftermath of the slice and the body began to wither at an accelerating rate. His pale flesh and scales decayed until there was nothing left on the bones.

  “You might have lived a rotten life but I am sure you died with a pure heart.” muttered the mage king of flowers as he pondered the demon’s last words. “Let us bury his skeleton in a river bank and Lorath’s body on a tall hill, overlooking this mountain valley.” The knights bowed before him and with spectral shovels finished his request in but an hour. Their steeds were freed from their bonds and a portal opened through which they passed in the fairy world. Rylan turned to his commander and whispered in his ear.

  “Can these lands be inhabited, even by at least two people?”

  “An unusual request, but if you wish to retreat here this whole land belongs to you. You can do with it as you see fit.” His commander replied with a surprised look on his face.

  “Indeed I shall, once all is done.” He couldn’t take his gaze off the landscape around them. It was something beyond even his wildest dreams. The peace and quiet of the serene, verdant forests and valleys through which passed gentle rivers with cold, refreshing water was his second most desired thing, after seeing Ainnea. With the now fam
iliar siphoning sound, a vortex of energy appeared before them and they passed right through it. Now that Rylan was so weakened after the fight he felt nauseous and dizzy for the spare second in which he passed through. Nonetheless a cold breeze hit him in the face on the other side as magnificent buildings with golden rooftops filled his view. Tall people with simple robes, long hair and pointy ears were staring at them.

  “The capital of the elves, at last…” He thought, sighing deeply. His heart was beating out of his chest and the beautiful visage of Ainnea flashed before his eyes. He could almost hear her voice calling out his name in that serious yet sweet and soft tone. As they rode through the splendid city, his visage slowly turned grim. It wasn’t going to be too nice of a reunion, not after what happened at the mansion. A pair of braver guards stood before them with their shield up and weapons drawn, their marvelous craftsmanship shining in the sun light.

  “Identify yourselves interlopers-” as he spoke so, the guard turned his eyes to Rylan, noticing his regal look and swallowed his words. “Excuse me, sir…” He was struck with awe, even though he was a proud elf. The other knights took off their helmets and everyone around them gasped and whispered a name.

  “The Wild Hunt.”

  “What is the mighty band of fairies doing here all of a sudden?” Asked the other guard who decided to speak in the name of his companion.

  “We wish audience with your ruler.” said Rylan in an elegant and determined tone. His deep, purple eyes stared right into those of the guard who bowed his head and allowed him passage.

  “Make haste for our ruler is busy with important matters as of late.” the guard whispered in an embarrassed tone as he continued to walk alongside the horses. His companion stayed behind to break the crowd that was forming in the wake of the knights and their mage king. He was mage only in name though, for he wasn’t versed in true arcane or nature magic.

  “And who might your ruler be?” confidently asked Rylan keeping an eye on the guard’s reaction. He wasn’t too surprised to see the guard gawking with his eyes wide open.

  “You mean you do not know our king, Maréus the Merciless? He struggles day in and day out with pretenders to the throne.” The elf cleared his throat and continued in a lower voice. “It might be true that his father’s relationships were somewhat numerous and obscure but he is indeed the rightful heir.”

  “I see.” bluntly responded Rylan as he switched his gaze at the magnificent golden keep before him. Its massive towers and fortified walls cast a shadow on the entire city’s beauty. It was even surrounded by a deep river and at the guard’s sign, the drawbridge lowered, allowing them to stride forward. Past the main wall there was a large, colorful garden with a divine scent and numerous fountains with sparkling water. They were asked to leave their horses and their gear and weapons so they complied. Onward through the garden, they noticed many maidens of noble status and a few other knights with the tabard of the elven capital: a golden tree with a large sun and a crescent moon next to its crown, symbolizing their ancient origins, even before the time of the dwarves and the humans.

  “My lord, would you wish for us to have a tabard as well? I see the intrigue in your eyes.” whispered his commander, loud enough for only him to hear.

  “No, I was merely reminded of the past.” Rylan didn’t seem too keen to talk. Indeed, he missed carrying the banner with pride in his heart. He could remember that day as if it was yesterday, even the ceremony of his appointing. Along with it, the memory of Liam came back and so an endless stream of bad memories regarding the squad of the maiden filled his already troubled mind. They walked down a long hallway and at the end of it were two large oak doors, sculpted with spiraled flowers and other designs. The two guards stationed at the entrance talked briefly with the one accompanying them and after some grunts and sighs, only Rylan was allowed inside.

  The throne room was marvelous, with golden pillars and red carpets. Masterfully crafted tapestries decorated the walls and at the opposite end stood the great throne on which stood a tall and rather bulky elf. His features weren’t as nice and smooth as those of other elves and his skin was slightly tanned. Even his hair was black which was an uncommon occurrence among elves especially nobles. He was in the middle of a rowdy discussion with a few of his advisers but he silenced them and had them leave. His piercing, green eyes stared at Rylan, inspecting him thoroughly. His rough looks were almost an insult to the eerie crown he wore but the king deemed him noble enough to speak to him as an equal.

  “With whom do I have the pleasure?” There was a slight annoying irony in his way of speaking but Rylan could do naught but overlook it.

  “I am the mage king of flowers, leader of the Wild Hunt! I seek you at this time for I have important news.” The elven king raised his eyebrows and stood up from his throne.

  “The Wild Hunt… Your band of fairies has gotten quite the renown all throughout the land. Yet I see you are no more than a man, pardon my words if they sound rude to you. I must admit that your eyes have a certain glint of magic.” Rylan was actually relieved to finally be called a man after suffering shunning as if he were a demon for so long. With quick glances around, he noticed a few guards hidden behind pillars and in the corners of the throne room.

  “Firstly, I have heard you are troubled of late. Do you have any siblings visiting you perhaps?” His inquiry seemed suspicious to the king yet he answered.

  “It is as you say. There is a woman who pretends to be the rightful heir banished from our lands but even the lowliest of elves know she is merely a liar and a traitor.” Rylan clenched his right fist for a moment but he took a deep breath and calmed down. It wasn’t the time to take rash actions if he wanted to help her. “So what were the dire news you wished to impart to me?”

  Rylan saw himself pressed not to say his true intentions so he had to come up with something else instead.

  “I assume you are aware of the demonic fortress Qlaphox, lying in the frozen wastes of the far north. Know that I have obliterated its forces and crushed its leader.” The king’s eyes widened hearing his words and approached him with hurried steps.

  “Then tomorrow we shall celebrate your valiant feat as well along with the execution of my dear sister.” He said with a wide grin on his face as he patted Rylan on the shoulder. “It will be in private quarters but you and your fairies are invited to take part.” Rylan had to keep himself from grabbing his arm and ripping it as he stood there. He tried to return a half assed smile, his eyes slightly twitching.

  “May I get a glance of this pitiful pretender, your beloved sister?” He said, carefully removing the king’s hand from his shoulder with utter disgust.

  “Right away.” the elf raised his hand and from behind a pillar appeared a guard with incredibly sturdy, shining armor and a sword at his hip. “Guide our guest to the dungeon.” The guard curtly nodded and as the king returned to his throne, resuming his discussion with the nobles, Rylan left the throne room with a bitter taste in his mouth.

  “How the mighty and proud elves have fallen…” He thought as he tried to memorize his surroundings. The entirety of the castle was quite the labyrinth but he noticed some distinct places and could now make his way back through the keep if needed. They reached a set of dimly lit stairs leading down. Compared to the refine smell he could feel throughout the castle, a foul stench of rot and decay was coming from the bottom of the stairs. He steeled his heart and proceeded right behind the guard. Rylan was expecting to hear deranged voices of prisoners screaming and shouting but it was all surprisingly quiet. That made it the more terrifying. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs they were at a crossroads. Three long corridors riddled with cells span to their left, right and ahead. The guard went straight and as they passed by cells Rylan decided to look around and inside with quick glances. His first reaction was shock but he immediately calmed down. “Skeletons… So decapitation is considered mercy in his rule.” He had a grim look on his face as they continued forward, stopping onl
y at the very end of the dark corridor. There in the dark cell, he could barely see the scrawny outline of what looked like a person though it was so weak and frail that he feared even his touch could harm it. As he pondered what to do, he was bothered by the fact the guard wasn’t leaving them alone.

  “Would you mind giving us some privacy?” asked Rylan on a subtly annoyed tone. The guard shook his head and just stood there glancing at him. “If everyone hates her as much as the current king, I might be able to deceive him…” He thought, switching his gaze between the prisoner and the guard. “How about you wait outside while I have my way with this wench? I’m sure you wouldn’t enjoy watching such a spectacle.” The guard was about to speak up but he continued louder. “She’s to be executed anyway so what is the harm if I make her suffer a bit more.” His fists were clenched so hard that blood stopped running through his left arm and it was numb, but luckily it was dark enough for the guard not to notice. Before saying anything, he opened the door for him.

  “You sure have weird tastes but who am I to judge you…” Sighed the guard as he shrugged his shoulders and left the two alone. Rylan peered once more inside only to see the scrawny figure tremble in fear, probably at the sound of his words. He carefully walked inside and noticed not only was she bound with heavy chains, but her arms were tied with an ominously glowing rope while her eyes were blindfolded and her mouth gagged. Now that he was so close he realized she was naked on that stone floor and her trembling might be caused by the cold. As he bent down he noticed multiple bruises and fresh whipping wounds all across her body. His heart was racing out of his chest and he tried his best not to lose control. His knees went weak for a moment and he felt dizzy. Inspecting her visage, the woman before him was his dead sister and he fell on his back shocked beyond belief. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes vigorously and saw the features of an elf. All that he could hear was his own heartbeat as he slowly crawled towards her. As silently as he could, he chopped the chains with his right hand and tore open the rope, blindfold and gag in but a few moments of heavy breathing and sweating. He hesitated in place for a moment before taking Ainnea in his arms and warming her shivering body. He shed tears as he thought of what suffering she must’ve endured but he was also happy that she was alive. Neither of the two spoke a word but as soon as she felt pulled in that warm, loving embrace Ainnea stopped shivering. He eventually let go of her and took off his leather jacket with which he covered her body. He bent down to kiss her on the forehead and admired her tired, sleepy visage before picking her up in his arms.


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