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A World Beyond the Dark

Page 27

by Andrei Navala

  “Has our little elf caused any trouble?” He took a few steps forward, aided by Erik.

  “He was an angel.” finally whispered Rilwen, her voice trembling. “How are you feeling?” The pain in her heart was reflected deeply in her voice.

  “My body has seen better days but at least everyone is safe. Once we get into town, I have something I need to tell you.” He said, reaching out his arm. He felt two little hands grab onto his fingers and play with them. His heart was truly filled with joy and his smile from deep within. When the nobles started to reform and stroll towards the city, they followed suite. “Erik, I believe I still owe you an explanation.” He said as he pulled himself closer to where he thought the dwarf was.

  “Erik’s to your left.” pointed out Marn with a chuckle. He sighed and turned to his left. He reached out for where he thought Erik’s shoulders would be but instead he felt someone’s soft and slender back. Rilwen yelped in surprise at his touch and looked at him with confusion.

  “I’m over here lad.” said someone pulling on his sleeve from behind. “What is it you said?” Rylan adjusted his pace to that of the dwarf and reiterated his statement. “While you were gone, I took some time to digest what happened there and how you have acted since and I can only assume something beyond you had happened. It is forgiven.” He shook his hand with great strength and Rylan let out a slight grunt, now having lost all of his power.

  “I wanted to ask what I think is on the heart of all of us right now.” uttered Marn on a now serious, concerned tone. “Your hair has turned white and you do look tired, and… weak. Are you really alright?”

  Rylan sighed and hesitated between nodding and shaking his head.

  “Even though not that much time has passed since we last saw each other… I’ve been through a lot.” His tone was disheartened and sad. “How should I put this, let’s see… I have died twice but through the fortune of Tela I was brought back to life both times.” Everyone stared at him in shock but no one uttered a word. “The strain of coming back the first time was out of this world and I can still feel the pain and the pressure on my heart, or soul I should say. That is when my hair had turned white and I also morphed into a demon.”

  “You did what?” exclaimed Erik, startling a guard who was doing his best to keep his sword up to form the archway.

  “I was in a fortress brimming with demons and I was resurrected as one of their brethren but upon defeating their regent lord and sacrificing some precious things entrusted to me, I was able to cleanse myself and the place.”

  “What in Tela’s name? This sounds like a fairy tale…” said Marn with amazement.

  “Talking of fairies, the Wild Hunt appeared before me and a friend of mine.”

  “T-The Wild Hunt?” asked Rilwen in a shaky voice.

  “Indeed, they are not as fearsome as you would expect from their tales but they sure are amazing fighters. If you peer through the crowd they were somewhere with us.”

  “Come to think of it, behind you were some strange individuals in silver armor.” said Marn nodding in acknowledgement.

  “And they proclaimed me as their Mage King of Flowers. Bear with me because there is still more. We then went on a hunt to find the one responsible for the burning of Ainnea’s previous refuge and home.”

  “So she lived? Wait, the beautiful queen who greeted us was your mentor in magic?”

  Rylan nodded with a smile on his face. “We did find him but the fight was gruesome.” He paused, taking in a deep breath. “I did a most despicable thing and I sacrificed my good friend to vanquish the great foe. I am so terribly sorry for Lorath but at least I sent him back to his family as he wished.” The mood turned somewhat grim but he continued his story. “Then I went with the Wild Hunt here in Edhellen as I had found out Ainnea was alive. She was… but the state I found her in was terrifying. A terrible battle ensued and in order to bring down the infernal reign of the current treacherous king I fought his grand seer and needless to say, I was unable to defeat her.”

  “But I see yer lady friend is on the throne, is she not?” asked Erik slightly baffled.

  “She is now, but I went through the most excruciating pain as I was burned alive by the mage’s arcane. My life had perished once more and yet I was granted another second chance. From the flower given to me by an ethereal being sprouted this great, golden tree you see. I was told it extended its roots to me and granted me its healing breath, giving me life once more. In this process I also lost my Telaar eventually and therefor my sight, my spectral arm and my source of unnatural strength. Not even if I had both hands now could I wield that sword again.”

  “Ever since I met you I wondered… Where did you get that monstrosity of a sword? No sane person could craft such a thing, nor could a swordsman call it a weapon.” said Marn with a sense of admiration.

  “It was too big to be called a sword; massive, thick, heavy and far too rough. Indeed, it was a heap of raw iron. But I had found a use for it. Its discovery came upon fighting a monster of the void, a most horrendous demon. I travelled with Liam, our old friend and we came upon this church of an evil cult. The executioner sword was lying there, next to a large pile of skulls.”

  “You met with Liam again?” asked Rilwen and Erik in unison.

  “Indeed. On the day of the fight, I almost perished were it not for him and from that day on I changed my name to Rylan as a change in destiny. I wished to become the most renowned demon slayer to escape from my accursed fate that haunted me but I can’t tell you if Rylan succeeded or failed. Nonetheless, now that I have lost my powers I wish to be called Anvalth once more.”

  “This is the great capital of the elves, Edhellen!” Marn’s remark drew everyone’s attention. Before them were sturdy buildings with walls of stone and glittering rooftops. The streets were brimming with life, busy elves minding their own business. Their overflowing hair even for most males was an astonishing characteristic which enchanted the eyes of the beholders. After all the soldiers dispersed throughout the city, the great gates closed soundly behind them. Ainnea waved towards them one final time before departing towards the keep, accompanied by numerous guards. From the large crowd of guards emerged six particular knights headed for them. Anvalth managed to pull Rilwen aside and turned to her with a strange expression on his face, both joyful and slightly frightful.

  “So, I have made arrangements for the three of us.”

  “Arrangements, three, what do you mean?” She was obviously confused by his sudden words. He took a deep breath and kneeled down on one leg, before her. Her heart jolted and she couldn’t contain her feelings.

  “I want you to marry me, Rilwen.” He spoke with such confidence that she almost felt obliged to comply, even though she had wished that for a long time nonetheless. “Before resigning from my position as king of the Wild Hunt, I had asked one final thing. They allowed us to live in the fairy world and I must tell you it is a haven of peace and quiet. There are nothing but tranquil forests and windy valleys but I’m sure you would love it.”

  “I-I don’t know… I wish to marry you, but I would’ve hoped we could live in this world.”

  “It is still unsafe. The Demon Queen lurks out there somewhere and there is no telling what will unfold in the near future or farther ahead in time. I only want was is best for the three of us.”

  “You mean you wish to adopt him?” She asked in a low voice, looking tenderly at the little angel. “Won’t he be lonely there? He won’t have any friends to play with and I assume our activities together will be limited.”

  “Then it is not to your liking?” He asked visibly disheartened. She shook her head and smiled although he couldn’t see it.

  “No, I love it. But if we never return I’d like to say my goodbyes to Élerion.”

  Rylan nodded in agreement and stood up from the ground, putting his hand on her arm.

  “Very well then, we shall have one final trip.” His smile brought tears to her eyes but she couldn’t wipe th

  “Sir Anvalth, have you decided yet?” asked the fairy commander as he kept a reasonable distance to not disturb their privacy.

  “Yes but there is another request I wish to make. We want to take a trip through this world to see the paladin Élerion and we could use your assistance on the road.”

  “So be it, it bothers us not.” The commander bowed his head and returned to his men. With a loud whistle and crackling thunder, the sky ripped open and eight spectral steeds came galloping towards them.

  “Mind if I tag along, Anvalth?” The one speaking was Erik the dwarf. “I’d wish to return to master Élerion meself now that I have fulfilled me duty towards lady Rilwen.”

  “Only if you are willing to ride on my horse.” he responded with a grin on his face as he turned towards the source of the voice.

  “Hey, what do we do now? We came all this way and you’re all leaving us behind! We want to come too, right Talas?” Talas shook his head excitedly and they joined the group.

  “I guess there is still another adventure to be had before we can finally rest. Let us go… friends.”





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