The Rancher’s Christmas Wish (Brides 0f Inspiration Book 8)
Page 8
Stepping down from the carriage, Eugenie came to Chloe. "I can see you're disappointed."
Chloe shook her head. "Did you get anything nice?" she asked, forcing herself to sound interested.
Eugenie settled a hand on Chloe's arm and turned to watch Caleb taking some of the packages in his arms. "I'm afraid someone bought the nativity scene at the mercantile."
Chloe gasped. "They did?"
Eugenie nodded. "And I know who it was."
Caleb grunted as he halted next to Eugenie, his arms laden with packages. "Armstrong," Caleb exclaimed with clear disapproval.
Chloe frowned. "Ethan Armstrong bought the nativity scene?"
Eugenie nodded. "Mr Murchison sold it to him yesterday."
For some strange reason, indignation flared into life inside Chloe. "But, I'm the one who told Ethan how beautiful it would be for a Christmas display. Why would he go and buy it after I told him how much I liked it?"
Caleb shifted on his heels, trying not to drop the packages. "Ethan?"
Realizing she'd revealed a familiarity with Ethan about which Caleb might not approve, Chloe cleared her throat. "I mean, Mr Armstrong."
Chloe saw Caleb's brows furrow. Examining Chloe for a long moment, he seemed about to say something else when his attention was dragged back to one of the parcels sliding out of his grasp. He shifted quickly, catching it before it fell.
"You best take all that inside," Eugenie told Caleb.
Caleb grunted one last time and headed into the house. Eugenie peered inquisitively at Chloe and tilted her head. "You didn't tell me you met Ethan Armstrong yesterday, when you were in town."
Feeling suddenly awkward, Chloe turned away from Eugenie. Chloe didn't want her aunt to see the flush of color which had raced to her cheeks. "We bumped into each other at the mercantile," Chloe said turning back to face Eugenie.
He face blank and unreadable, Eugenie lifted a brow. "You bumped into him?"
Chloe nodded. "I was packing up the carriage and getting ready to leave when Ethan, I mean Mr Armstrong, arrived at the mercantile."
Eugenie smiled. "You don't need to keep calling him Mr Armstrong."
"One thing led to another, and he invited me for tea at the town cafe," Chloe added.
Now, both of aunt Eugenie's brows rose in a line. "You went for tea with him?" Composing herself for a moment, clearly surprised, Eugenie continued. "Did you and Ethan talk much?"
Chloe shrugged, desperate to make light of the revelation. "A little. He told me about his father, Jake. And how the family came to Inspiration."
Eugenie nodded slowly. "I see." She paused a long moment before leaning closer to Chloe. "If I was you, I'd keep this to yourself for the moment. Especially from Caleb and the boys. You know how things are. It might not go down too well."
Chloe lifted her brows. "Ethan was only trying to be friendly."
"I know that, Chloe," Eugenie agreed. "But, things are quite tense between our two families. Hopefully our little Christmas plan will help things improve."
Chloe sighed. "About that, aunt Eugenie. I was going to tell you today. Ethan said his father doesn't want us to be involved in helping up at the Armstrong ranch."
Eugenie frowned. "Really," she said heavily. "That is disappointing." She thought for a moment. "I don't suppose Jake Armstrong could be persuaded to change his mind."
Chloe shook her head. "Ethan seems to think his father is dead set against the idea."
Eugenie sighed. "We'll see about that. I got the impression Lilian Armstrong can get her husband to do just about anything. If she sets her mind on it."
"Maybe it'll take some time," Chloe suggested.
Eugenie rested a hand on Chloe's arm. "I think you're right, Chloe. The Lord moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform."
An idea drifted into Chloe's mind. She glanced at the carriage. "Can I borrow the carriage?"
"Of course, dear," Eugenie replied. "Are you going somewhere?"
"The Armstrong ranch."
"Right now?" Eugenie asked.
Chloe nodded. "I won't be long."
Eugenie's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Do you want me to come with you?"
Chloe shook her head. "That's not necessary, aunt. I'll be back in time for lunch."
Eugenie ran her gaze down the length of Chloe's green gown. "You better wrap up. Put your coat on. The weather is turning cold." Eugenie gazed toward the horizon. "In fact, I think snow will be coming soon."
"A white Christmas," Chloe gasped quietly.
Eugenie smiled. "Won't that be lovely."
"Perfect, aunt," Chloe replied.
Chloe followed her aunt into the house, put on her coat and bonnet, and headed back out to the carriage. Soon, she was driving the carriage up the northbound trail in the direction of the Armstrong ranch. She shivered slightly as she drove the carriage. Her aunt was right. It was getting colder. The prospect of a white Christmas filled Chloe with anticipation. And, if things could be worked out between the Buchanan and Armstrong families, then it really would be a perfect Christmas.
As she drove the carriage, Chloe asked herself why Ethan would have bought the nativity scene. Especially since she'd expressed her own personal admiration for the delightful Christmas object. Had he bought it out of a desire to deprive her of it? Was this gesture an indication that, beneath his friendly demeanor, he was truly the kind of person Caleb and Zane had said he was? Was Ethan Armstrong an enemy to the entire Buchanan family, including herself?
Chloe's mind drifted back to the time she'd spent with Ethan in the cafe. There, sitting across from her, he'd seemed the most pleasing and good-natured man she'd met in a long time. He'd displayed a mixture of emotions during their conversation. His sympathy for his father seemed genuine and deep. And his concern about the feud between his family and hers had also seemed heartfelt. All in all, Chloe's opinion of Ethan Armstrong was entirely altered. He was no longer the rude and demanding figure who'd confronted her at the station. There were depths to Ethan which had genuinely impressed her. Also, it didn't hurt matters that he was so devastatingly handsome. Sitting across from him at the table, she'd felt emotion flare to life inside her on more than one occasion. Luckily, she'd managed to mask the effect of his proximity on her. At least, she hoped she had.
But, in spite of Ethan's obvious charms, there was one thing she needed to know. Given the fact he'd known how interested she was in owning the nativity scene, why had he decided to make such a provocative gesture in purchasing the object for himself? Especially since he must have known how the knowledge that he owned it would affect Chloe.
A thought occurred to her. Immediately, she pushed it away, regarding it as nonsensical. But, the notion persisted. Finally, after a few moments of denial, she admitted the possibility to herself.
Maybe, Ethan Armstrong had bought the nativity scene hoping it would mean that she would come to visit him at the Armstrong ranch seeking an explanation. If that was the case, then did it mean that Ethan Armstrong had more than a passing interest in her?
Perhaps it was time to make it absolutely clear to the handsome rancher that under no circumstances could she contemplate anything more than a friendly arrangement with him, Chloe told herself as firmly as she could.
From inside the barn at the Armstrong ranch, Ethan heard the wheels of a carriage outside in the yard. Resisting the urge to go see who was arriving, he bent down and heaved the main, central piece of the nativity scene and carried it over to the newly cleared space in one corner of the barn. The weight of the piece strained his muscles, but he didn't care. This was the perfect place for the nativity.
This morning, Ethan had spent some time arranging the inside of the barn, clearing bales of hay and the various pieces of equipment to one side of the interior. Now there was a large clear space against one wall of the barn. Ethan placed the large, main piece of the nativity down on the wooden floor. He was still surprised at how heavy the wooden construct
ion was. The angled roof of the miniature stable was around four feet high. Inside the perfectly constructed model, there was space enough for the many loose figures which could be arranged.
Ethan went across and picked up the box which contained the numerous ornately-carved figures. Glancing inside the box, he smiled as he looked at the various pieces wrapped loosely in paper. Ethan was glad he'd bought the nativity scene. Up close, he could see the artistry in the way the figures had been carved. Whoever had done it had possessed great skill, Ethan told himself as he strode across to the wall of the barn. He placed the box down alongside the central piece. As Ethan covered everything with a large white sheet, he heard the sound of voices from outside the open barn door. He turned quickly, heading toward the door.
Stepping outside, he almost bumped into his younger sister, Gretchen, and one other, very welcome surprise. Chloe.
Gretchen, dressed in a dark blue gown, gestured toward Chloe who was wearing a gown of similar color, as well as a matching bonnet. "You have a visitor," Gretchen announced, glancing at Chloe.
Ethan leaned against the side of the open door, barring either of the two women entry into the barn. He smiled at Chloe and folded his arms, doing his best to appear nonchalant. "Chloe. What brings you to the ranch?"
"I came to speak to you about something we discussed yesterday," she declared. Her eyes had a determined expression in them, Ethan told himself. He wondered what had compelled her to drive all the way out to the ranch. He saw her carriage parked at the ranch house front door.
Ethan saw Gretchen's brows lift. He hadn't told his sister about his encounter with Chloe. Gretchen narrowed her eyes at Ethan, seeking an answer he wasn't about to supply. He knew that look. Any moment now, Gretchen would come right out with it and demand some kind of explanation. Being tactful wasn't one of Gretchen's strengths, Ethan reflected hurriedly.
Leaning away from the door frame, Ethan gestured inside the barn. "Maybe we can talk in here," he suggested.
Chloe looked suspicious. Her lips formed into the cutest bow-shape he'd ever seen. Ethan glanced at Gretchen and saw she was watching him intently, trying to figure out why a beautiful young stranger had come to the ranch just to talk with her brother. Ethan seized hold of his composure.
"Have you two been introduced?" Ethan asked abruptly.
Chloe and Gretchen exchanged looks and smiles. "Now we have," Gretchen said. "My mom was talking about you all day yesterday." Gretchen gave Ethan a stern look. "My brother hasn't been so forthcoming."
Sensing he needed to discourage his sister's curiosity, Ethan spoke quickly. "Well, since you two know one another, maybe you need to get back to the ranch house, Gretchen," Ethan said. "You know. Help ma and pa." When he cupped Chloe's elbow in his hand and started to guide her through the open barn door, Gretchen's eyes widened and her mouth popped right open. Before his sister had a chance to object, Ethan grinned at her. "See you in a little while, sister dearest," he declared.
Leaving his sister standing outside, Ethan flicked the door closed with the heel of his boot. It crashed shut with a loud noise which filled the half-empty barn. He slid a long wooden bar across the door, blocking the entrance from being opened. Chloe peered at Ethan as he did so and then released her elbow from his gentle grasp.
Chloe halted in the middle of the empty space in the center of the room, folded her arms, and faced him. "That wasn't very nice."
Ethan shrugged and smiled. "My sister and I love one another. It's just that we can't stand being in each others company for too long."
"She was starting to tell me all about you," Chloe continued, still standing in the middle of the barn.
"What kind of secrets was she telling you?" he asked and lifted a skeptical brow. "Whatever she said, take my advice. Don't believe a word."
He'd hoped his light-hearted chat would ease her spirits. Maybe even banish her bad mood. Ethan was sure Chloe was annoyed about something. And he was already starting to guess what might be causing that mildly indignant look in her eyes.
"Why did you do it?" Chloe asked.
Ethan saw her booted foot start tapping impatiently on the barn's wooden floor. "Do what?"
Chloe scowled at him. "You know perfectly well what I'm talking about, Ethan."
Ethan tilted his head and gazed at Chloe. He wondered if she knew just how attractive she looked when she was annoyed. His heart quickened and his pulse throbbed noticeably. He turned and walked slowly across to where the nativity scene was beneath the white sheet. Pulling it back with a dramatic flourish, he turned to face Chloe. "Do you mean this?"
The stern expression on Chloe's face faded the instant she set eyes on the nativity scene. Her mouth opened into a beautiful O shape. He was sure he heard her gasp quietly. She advanced tentatively, her gaze fixed upon the model stable. He saw her examining it carefully. She kneeled down and ran her gaze slowly across the wooden construction. Ethan dared not speak. He watched her touching the model, almost lovingly, running her fingertips across the wooden roof. When she glanced up at him, there was clear delight in her eyes. "Where are the figures?" she asked.
Ethan pointed to the box by the side of the model. "In there."
Chloe opened the box and started lifting out the figures, one by one, examining them carefully. She smiled with obvious pleasure. Then she put them gently back inside the box and stood facing Ethan. "You know I wanted this for the Buchanan ranch. Is that why you bought it? So you could deprive us of having it?"
Ethan stared incredulously at Chloe. "No!" he exclaimed sharply. "I wouldn't do anything so petty."
"Wouldn't you?"
Ethan shook his head emphatically. "How can you even say that? If you really want to know, I bought it as a surprise for my parents. We've never had anything like this at Christmas." Ethan looked down at the nativity stable. "I figured it might help my pa enjoy Christmas. Even though he seems determined not to do that."
Chloe glanced at the nativity stable. "You've never had a Christmas nativity scene in your house during the festive season?" she asked clearly disbelieving him.
Ethan shook his head. "Until my pa inherited that money I told you about, Christmas was always pretty simple in our home. We usually had a tree. And a hearty meal. But, nothing more than that. Even gifts had to be basic."
"You were so poor you couldn't have a proper Christmas?" she asked. Chloe sounded genuinely sad that such a thing was even possible in the Armstrong household. Ethan knew it was the truth. His memories of those years were still vivid.
Ethan waved a dismissive hand and sighed. "You don't have to make it sound so dramatic. Everyone has hard times. We learned to enjoy the important things. Like family and being happy with the little that we did have."
"I didn't realize, Ethan," she said, almost apologetically.
Before she had a chance to say another word, maybe even apologize for misjudging his intentions, he took her arm gently and led her away from the nativity scene. Halting in the middle of the barn, Ethan faced Chloe. "I have a favor to ask."
She wrapped her arms around herself and stared at him. Her eyes no longer hinted at indignation. Now there was a sympathetic curiosity in them. "What kind of a favor?"
He flicked a thumb in the direction of the nativity. "Ever since I brought that back to the ranch, I've been thinking about how I can make the best use of it." He saw her brow arch. "And I think you're just the person to help me."