The Rancher’s Christmas Wish (Brides 0f Inspiration Book 8)
Page 12
Calhoun lifted a brow. "What's that, Ethan?"
"You're lying," Ethan stated. "I know men, and I can tell when they have hate in their hearts." Ethan lowered his head and stared at Calhoun. "I've seen plenty of your kind." Ethan smiled sarcastically. "You ain't going to fool me. You know why?"
Calhoun tilted his head. "I suppose you're going to tell me it's because the Buchanan family are so religious. That they'd never do a bad thing to anyone because they're so devout," Calhoun sneered. Ethan had never heard anyone speak with so much hate. With so much loathing.
Ethan shook his head. "That's all true, Calhoun. And it's why you lost out to them before," Ethan stated. He glanced at Chloe. "The real reason I know what you're saying is a lie is because of this woman here. She's a Buchanan, alright." Ethan saw Chloe's eyes widen suddenly. "She has all the goodness of that family. And more. She's proof that everything they say about the Buchanans is true." Ethan leaned his face closer to Calhoun. "You'll never be fit to shine their shoes, Calhoun. You know that, don't you?"
This time, Ethan saw Calhoun's jaw tighten and his nostrils flare with barely concealed rage. Calhoun's eyes widened. Ethan met the man's stare moment for moment. Calhoun looked about ready to explode.
Then, Ethan felt Chloe tugging on his arm. "We need to go, Ethan. Remember you promised to buy me some roasted chestnuts." Ethan was dragged back to the present. He glanced at Chloe. She was wide-eyed and eager to get going.
With one last look at Calhoun, Ethan waved a dismissive hand and grunted. Then, he and Chloe walked away from the man who'd just made the most outrageous accusation.
"Can it be true?" Chloe asked Ethan during the journey back to the Buchanan ranch a short while after the encounter with Calhoun. It would be getting dark soon. The sun was sinking behind the distant mountains and the air was becoming colder by the minute. The trail, heading north, wound through a shallow valley. They'd be crossing into the Buchanan spread anytime soon, so she wanted to talk to Ethan about what had happened back there in town.
Holding tightly onto the reins, Ethan leaned forward and shook his head. He seemed submerged in his heavy jacket and wide-brimmed hat. "I don't believe a word he says. Even if it involves your uncle."
Chloe frowned. "Are you saying it's possible that my uncle Caleb could have been involved?"
Ethan sighed. "Of course not."
"It could explain the feud, though. And the bad feeling your pa has toward my family."
Ethan glanced worriedly at Chloe. "Are you saying you believe me and my pa are responsible for all the trouble between our two families?"
Chloe gasped, seeing her breath cloud the air. "I'm not saying that. It's just a mystery why Calhoun would try and stir things up like he did back there."
Ethan grunted. "It's what the man does. It's like a sport for him. Making folks miserable."
"If he's behind so much trouble, why hasn't he been arrested and charged?" Chloe asked.
"You saw what he was like," Ethan replied. "He's a snake. A serpent in our perfect Eden. People like that get away with things most regular folks wouldn't even think of doing. Evil is evil, Chloe. There's no way we can avoid that fact."
Chloe thought for a few moments. That seemed like the perfect description of the man she'd face today. She'd met people like Brett Calhoun in Salt Lake City. And not just men. Women, too. According to her faith, evil didn't discriminate between men and women. Chloe had faced plenty of situations where she'd been judged harshly because of her unmarried status. And, when the man who'd courted her had turned his back on her, Chloe had witnessed how judgmental and evil people could be. It was inevitable, she guessed, that evil would find a way into a place as perfect as Inspiration.
The question was, what were godly folks going to do about facing down that evil? From what she'd heard about the trouble between the Buchanan family and Brett Calhoun, it seemed that good had won a major victory on that occasion. Chloe frowned, gazing ahead at the trail. Well, as long as she was here, she would do her best to make sure that people like Brett Calhoun didn't get the upper hand.
The carriage crossed onto Buchanan land. Glancing at the rear of the carriage, Chloe saw the purchases from the mercantile. Plenty to keep herself and Ethan busy for the next few days. The question was, could she persuade Ethan to get involved in making what was needed to ensure a very special Christmas at the Armstrong ranch?
By the fading light, Chloe saw the Buchanan ranch in the distance. She began to feel nervous on behalf of Ethan. If he was determined to bring her to the front door of the ranch, she knew how much of a risk that would be for him. He'd already described a recent confrontation with Reese Buchanan, and she was anxious to avoid a repetition of anything like that.
The carriage rolled into the yard in front of the ranch house. Chloe saw candlelight inside the house and figures moving near the window. They'd been seen, she told herself, feeling tension twist in her middle.
Ethan brought the carriage to a halt. He turned to Chloe. "I enjoyed today, Chloe," he said, giving her his sweetest smile.
"So did I, Ethan," she replied. "Let's forget about Calhoun."
Ethan nodded. She saw him glance across at the front door. "I have an idea for tomorrow," he said suddenly.
"You do?"
The corners of his eyes crinkled and he smiled at her. "Christmas trees."
"Trees? What do you mean?"
"Do you want to come with me tomorrow afternoon?" he asked. "We can find a perfect tree. Cut it down and bring it home. There's a small forest north of here which has some beautiful trees. It's not far. We can choose one together."
Chloe hesitated. The idea of spending time alone in a forest with Ethan was strangely appealing. It was also slightly scandalous. With no-one around, anything could happen. She heard the noise of the ranch's front door opening and knew she had to make a quick decision.
Chloe smiled at Ethan and nodded. "Okay. I'll come."
Ethan grinned like he'd just won a major prize. "I'll come for you at one o'clock."
Then Ethan leaped down from the carriage and raced around to Chloe's side. He stretched up a hand and helped her down from the carriage. When Chloe stepped onto the yard, she turned and saw Caleb advancing toward her and Ethan. The warm glow Chloe felt was instantly cooled when she saw the look on Caleb's face. Caleb was wearing only a red plaid shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He also wore jeans and boots. Chloe was sure he must be feeling the intense cold, but Caleb seemed oblivious to the temperature. His attention was fixed resolutely on Ethan and Chloe.
"Mr Armstrong. I believe you've been into town with my niece," Caleb pronounced grandly. Chloe could tell Caleb wasn't pleased. There was threat in Caleb's tone of voice. Chloe wondered where Eugenie was. If there was going to be any trouble, she would know exactly what to do to reign Caleb in.
Releasing Chloe's hand, Ethan nodded at Caleb. "Chloe and I have just been shopping together," he said and looked at Chloe. "Isn't that right?" he added, lifting a brow.
Chloe went around to the rear of the carriage and lifted one of the larger parcels she'd bought at the mercantile. "Christmas is coming, uncle Caleb. But, I'm sure you've noticed that."
Any hope Chloe harbored that the brightness of her reply might lessen Caleb's annoyance that there was an Armstrong on his land was instantly banished when she saw the way he and Ethan were looking at each other. There wasn't much friendship in that look, Chloe told herself. Caleb looked like an angry bull.
Chloe strode across to Caleb and thrust the parcel into his arms. Instantly startled, for a moment Caleb simply stared at the parcel, as if he was wondering what he was expected to do with it. Chloe went to the carriage and took one more package and stood next to Ethan.
"We had a lovely day," she declared. Looking up into Ethan's eyes she added: "Didn't we?"
Ethan nodded, his gaze still locked upon Caleb. "Real nice." Chloe saw Ethan's eyes narrow. "We met someone in town," he adde
d. Chloe felt her heart sink, knowing what Ethan was about to say. Before she had a chance to stop him, Ethan continued. "Brett Calhoun."
Caleb's eyes widened and his mouth turned down in visible disgust. "What did that critter have to say for himself?" Caleb asked. He glanced urgently at Chloe. "He wasn't bothering you, was he?"
Chloe shook her head. "No. I had Ethan here to protect me."
That comment threw Caleb visibly off balance. For a moment he seemed lost for words. Then he sighed. "You probably know Calhoun and my family don't exactly see eye to eye."
"He told me," Ethan stated in a flat voice. "That's not all he told me."
Chloe gasped. She couldn't believe Ethan was about to confront Caleb with the claims Calhoun had made. Hadn't she and Ethan agreed there was probably no truth to Calhoun's outlandish accusations against Caleb? So why was Ethan pursuing this?
"Ethan," Chloe blurted out. "We agreed we wouldn't talk about this," she said urgently.
Chloe saw Caleb frown. "About what?" he demanded. "What has Calhoun been telling you?"
Chloe sighed heavily and strode to Caleb, hooking her hand around her uncle's well-muscled arm. "Nothing of any importance, uncle," Chloe breathed, trying to sound as cheery as she could. Chloe peered at Ethan, doing her best to send him a signal in any way she could that now wasn't the time for this conversation.
Ethan's gaze met Chloe's and for a moment, she thought he was about to ignore her silent plea. But then his shoulders relaxed and she heard him sigh. It was as if he'd emerged from a hypnotic trance, the kind she'd read about in magazine stories.
Ethan made his way back up onto the carriage seat and took the reins. He smiled at Chloe. Then he gave Caleb an impassive look, one missing the quietly simmering concern of a few moments ago. It seemed like Ethan still had some unanswered questions.
"Tomorrow?" Ethan asked briefly, looking at Chloe.
Chloe saw Caleb glancing at her, his brows furrowed. She nodded to Ethan. Then, Ethan flicked the reins and drove the carriage away from the ranch house. With the sound of the wheels rattling on the trail beyond the yard, Chloe turned with Caleb and stepped up onto the porch.
"What's happening tomorrow?" Caleb asked Chloe.
Chloe smiled at her uncle. "I'll tell you once we're inside," she said and shivered. She glanced at Caleb's bare arms. "Aren't you cold, uncle?"
Holding the heavy package effortlessly in his arms, Caleb frowned as if the idea that he would feel the cold seemed impossible to comprehend. And then they headed into the warmth of the ranch house.
A light covering of snow had fallen overnight. Leaving the Armstrong ranch near lunchtime, Ethan had been worried he might have to cancel the short journey to the forest just north of his ranch. The clear blue sky meant there would probably be no more snow during the next couple of hours. That was all the time they'd need to get to the forest and return with a splendid tree for the ranch.
When Ethan drove the buckboard onto the Buchanan yard, he was greeted by the sight of Chloe and Eugenie emerging onto the porch. Ethan gazed at Chloe and was relieved to see that she was already wrapped for the trip to get a Christmas tree. Chloe was wearing her heavy, dark-red coat, scarf, a fur-lined hat and boots. She looked cute enough for Christmas, Ethan told himself.
Ethan smiled, feeling a simple delight at seeing Chloe had taken the time to prepare for the trip. Ethan welcomed any excuse to spend time with Chloe. Even in the middle of winter, being close to the pretty outsider warmed his heart.
As Ethan stepped down from the buckboard seat, Chloe and Eugenie came to him. He ran his gaze appreciatively up and down the length of Chloe's petite frame. "If you get lost in the forest, I reckon it'll be easy to find you with all that color you got there."
Ethan thought it was a funny thing to say, but Eugenie scowled, apparently thinking otherwise. "You see she doesn't get lost, Ethan," Eugenie stated firmly.
Immediately humbled, Ethan nodded and touched the brim of his Stetson. "Yes, ma'am," he muttered.
"How long are you two going to be?" Eugenie asked.
"We'll be back in good time," Chloe suggested and looked into Ethan's eyes. "Isn't that right." It was more of an order than a request.
Ethan nodded. He considered another joke about making sure he'd bring Chloe back before dark, like he'd do if he was taking her to a social in town, but one look at Eugenie's stern expression told him that might not be the best idea he'd had this year.
Ethan helped Chloe up onto the buckboard and got up next to her on the seat. Eugenie stood, arms folded, brows furrowed, watching Ethan as he took the reins. He'd received the message loud and clear. He was to take care of Chloe to the best of his ability. Ethan had thought about that earlier in the morning, wondering if he should call the trip off, given that there was a thin layer of snow on the ground. But, he'd weighed things up and decided it was safe to go get the tree.
Eugenie waved at Ethan and Chloe as he flicked the reins and drove the buckboard away from the ranch house. He waited until they were heading north on the trail before asking Chloe the question which was circling in his mind. "What was that all about?"
Chloe shrugged inside her coat which was so big that it made her look smaller than usual. "She's just worried for me, that's all."
"She shouldn't be," Ethan declared. "If I say I'm going to take good care of you, then you can take that to the bank."
Chloe laughed quietly. "I didn't realize I was so valuable," she teased.
Not seeing the humor right away, Ethan frowned. "I'm not joking. I take your personal safety very seriously."
She lifted a hand and pulled the coat around her neck, warding off the bitter cold. "I'm flattered."
After a long pause, Ethan asked one of the questions which had troubled him all night. "What did Caleb say after I left?"
"Nothing special," Chloe replied.
He lifted and brow disbelievingly. "I can't believe that. Surely he must have said something to you about Calhoun."
Chloe shook her head. "He didn't say a word. No-one likes to talk about him. I guess there's too much bad blood between them."
"Still. I need to talk to Caleb sometime," Ethan insisted. "If Caleb knows something about what happened to my pa, then I have to know."
Chloe said nothing in reply. She lapsed into silence, gazing out across the snow-covered landscape. Ethan knew he'd probably stepped over a line. It wasn't exactly the best way to start the day, he told himself. They rode for a while in silence. The trail wound its way north of the Armstrong ranch until they came to the forest. Driving the buckboard into the forest, Ethan followed the trail until they came to a part of the forest he'd explored earlier in the year, soon after moving to Inspiration. The trees here were less densely packed. The snow covered the ground between the trees. Untouched snow covered the trail. Thankfully it wasn't too deep. But it was pretty enough to make Ethan think about Christmas every moment of the way.
He saw Chloe gaze intently around and he wondered if she was thinking the same. That this place was like a secret Christmas grove. A private place for them to enjoy. After a short time, the trail curved eastwards and they reached the place Ethan had in mind. It was an opening in the forest. On either side of the trail were smaller trees than most of those which made up the forest.
Ethan halted the buckboard and stepped down. He helped Chloe down. Her boots crunched into the thin layer of snow. Ethan went to the rear of the buckboard and swept back the white tarpaulin he'd stretched out earlier in the morning. He lifted the wood-handled saw, which was three feet long. He figured it would be big enough for what he had in mind.
He saw that Chloe was examining the saw with interest. "This should do the job," he announced holding the saw up. Ethan ran his gaze around in a wide circle. "Pick one," he said to Chloe.