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Page 2

by Lora Darc

  Fredrik shook his head. “Not real women. The witch set up an illusion. Made it seem like a girl was walking in the field nearby. Thankfully, in the dark and with the fog, it isn’t easy to see the difference between what’s real and what isn’t.”

  “A few nights we hid, waiting and watching as the image of a girl walked around the perimeter of a carefully laid trap,” said Jeremy. “Once the vampire stepped into it, he would immediately be paralyzed.”

  “So that was it? He came out of his lair just to try to catch some girl?” Diana had a sudden sour taste in her mouth. The vampire truly must have been toying with her last night.

  The men again looked away.

  “Not exactly,” said Micheal. “We tried a few images of the prettiest girls around town we knew. But he never came. After several nights we thought the bait no longer worked, but the witch wanted to try one last girl, just to see…”


  Micheal stared at her and smirked and Diana immediately understood.

  “Me? You used me to lure him?” Diana gripped her skirt tightly.

  “Yes,” said Michael. “And let us say it worked a little too well.”

  “Why? Why me?”

  Fredrik snorted. “Oh, Diana, no one here will deny you are well endowed. Even the witch can’t keep his eyes off you. And you’re a Silverfox. The daughter of the vampire’s greatest enemy. It was a damn good play. The monster was already half in love with you as soon as he stepped out of the woods,” Fredrik laughed, “Am I right, Jeremy?”

  “He seemed particularly entranced, yes.” Jeremy didn’t smile.

  Diana frowned. “Great. Glad I could be of some use in your little hunt for once.” Diana rose from her seat.

  “Ah, don’t be like that sister,” said Micheal.

  “We may need your help again.” Fredrik stared at her with fierce blue eyes. Diana didn’t want to think of what kind of help they expected of her.

  “Where is Father?” she asked.

  “In the courtyard,” said Fredrik.

  Without another word to any of them, Diana left the dining room.


  Diana saw her father by the rose garden talking with the witch. They spoke softly when the witch caught sight of her and bowed. Her father turned and, seeing her, gestured her over.

  “Good morning, Diana,” her father said curtly.

  “Father, I want to see the vampire.”

  Her father laughed. “Never a dull moment with you, Diana. Why I ask, would you want to see him?”

  “Because I wish to speak to him.”

  “That isn’t going to happen.”

  “You lured him using me. I want something now in return. I want to see him with my own eyes and not be kept in the dark any longer.”

  Her father sighed. “Your sisters have no desire to know about the family business. Why is it you are so eager? Does it not terrify you, Diana?”

  Diana shook her head. “No.”

  “Well, it damn well should. Now, you’ve seen remains before, you know what these monsters look like.”

  “Only parts of them…”

  “Ah, well,” her father waved a hand, “it is enough. Besides... Marcus is too dangerous. I won’t allow you near him, not even for a glimpse.”

  “Perhaps the lady could help in our interrogations,” commented the witch. “The vampire might be more compliant if—”

  “No,” Father said to him then turned back to Diana. “Don’t fight me on this, Diana. You are never to go near the cellar, do you hear me? If I catch you disobeying me, I will send you to stay at the Greylings until this is all over. I would never have filled your head with so many stories if I knew it would make you more curious than afraid. Heaven knows I certainly terrified your sisters enough, so they always knew when to stay away!”

  With that he stormed off toward the stables and, with one pitying glance towards her, the witch followed.

  Diana watched them go, her hands turning into fists. She wondered why she had bothered to even ask. She was just too angry to be thinking clearly.

  Come to me... Diana.

  The memory of Marcus’ words last night hit her. She had reached for him, telling him she would. Out of some maddening desire or by some crazed urge, she had fully planned on going to him. Now, as she stood in the courtyard and watched the sun rising over the hills, she knew she still would. She would go to him tonight and see for herself; taking great care to not let him tempt her again. She wouldn’t give in to him so easily knowing now what kind of game he must be playing.

  He must have known who I was in the field. He wants to get back at my father through me; it is the only explanation.

  She would inform him how she knew of his little scheme, then take great satisfaction in telling the monster he couldn’t have her.


  The night was cool and still. When Diana made her way down the hall and to the second-floor balcony, she peered down at the foyer below and saw it lay quiet and empty. Her father had thought it a good idea to let the vampire sulk for a night in the dark while he and his sons regained some much-needed energy and sleep. The witch promised there was no need for anyone to stand guard as he made sure the chains and seal were completely secure. They took him for his word and spent the evening drinking and playing cards until they passed out completely.

  Diana knew all this from eavesdropping by her partially opened door. Once she was sure they were asleep and the witch was gone, she had crept out from her room.

  Now, making her way slowly down the stairs to the first floor, Diana eyed the wide door leading to the cellar. Stepping before the door, she turned the handle carefully and opened it, flinching as the hinges creaked.

  Below was nothing but heavy darkness. Taking up a small lantern beside the door, Diana twisted the knob to spark the flame inside and lifted the light up to better see.

  Before her was a flight of stone laid steps leading down into a cavernous interior. Shutting the door quickly behind her, Diana cautiously made her way down. The air was chill and, wearing only a simple blouse and skirt, Diana shivered. The scent of moss and earth hit her nose and she heard the dripping of water nearby. The lantern light flickered as she came to the end and, in its soft glow, she saw a series of doorways to her left and right.

  She made her way down, peering into each room, only to find empty stock cupboards, barrels of keg powder and wine. She noticed drag marks on the ground and followed them until she came to the end of the tunnel way and stood before a large door. Upon the door was a complex seal drawn in blue ink.

  Diana placed her hand on top of the door and—unless her eyes deceived her—saw the seal glow faintly. She slid her hand down to the door handle and, hesitating for a moment, pulled open the door.

  Diana could see nothing at first. When she stepped inside, she almost missed the set of stairs leading down to the floor of the chamber, almost like a pit. The air was cooler and drier than before and the room lay as quiet as a tomb. The chamber was larger than she expected, even her light couldn’t penetrate it fully.

  Diana lifted her lantern to look over the landing of the stairs, down to the ground below. At the very center, she could just barely make out the outline of a large coffin.

  Her throat tightening and her mouth going dry, Diana found it hard to move.

  “Hello?” Diana called out softly.


  He must be in the coffin. Perhaps he is asleep.

  From a small hilt at her side, Diana unsheathed a light silver dagger, stolen from her father’s weapon cabinet. She knew well enough what silver could do to a vampire. If he moved to harm her, Diana wouldn’t hesitate to use it. With the lantern in one hand and the dagger in her other, Diana moved carefully down the steps, watching every shadow and corner for signs of movement.

  When she made it to the bottom, she approached the coffin and could see the lid partially opened. She stepped around and brought her light up to gaze inside.

  It lay e

  Diana frowned. As she backed away, the sharp clanking of chains rattled behind her. Diana jumped and turned around.

  The light of her lantern reflected off the back wall and she saw a set of thick chains dangling. The ends of them were melded to the wall. They hung along the side until they disappeared up to the ceiling. Diana followed the set of chains with her light until she came to the other end.

  When her light reached the upper right corner, a pair of black leathery wings shifted, shielding their owner against the light.

  Diana froze, staring up at the mass of wings and the shadow of a man between them. The wings spread open slightly and a pair of red eyes stared back at her.


  His voice shook her. It was deep and primal, yet beautiful and darkly sensual. She feared he could command her completely with just the sound of it.

  Before she could think to respond, the vampire opened his wings out and dropped to the ground. His predatory gaze fell on her and with slow, graceful movements, he righted himself and stepped towards.

  Fear suddenly gripped her as he came closer and, like a deer trapped by a wolf, Diana instinctively shot away until her back hit the end of the coffin.

  The vampire paused in his approach. “Diana, you needn’t be afraid, my darling. I will not harm you. I only wish to see you better.”

  Diana let out a short nervous laugh. “I only wish the same.” Her voice shook. “Step more into the light, but do not come any closer.”

  She saw his eyes fall onto the dagger at her side. “As you wish…” He folded his wings behind his back and shifted closer until the light shined on his face and body.

  Diana gasped and nearly dropped her lantern.

  He was breathtaking. And terrifying. His features were just as she had been told. Raven black hair, blood red eyes; a twisted, snarling face with lovely full lips showing off long, cruel fangs. He towered over her with a body that wasn’t totally human. His legs were long and slightly bent, his torso was slender at the waist and wider at his chest. He looked as if he was about to transform into some incredible beast. Even his fingers looked ready to sharpen into talons, to slash at any who dare come near.

  He stood naked before her and the sight of him made her feel weak. A dark wave of uncontrollable lust hit her and the chill melted from her body, replaced with a wicked aching heat.

  She saw that he too was fixated on her, his eyes falling down her body.

  Diana almost took a step towards him, wanting to touch him. But she willed herself not to move and shook her head as if to help clear it.

  As if unable to hold himself, the vampire moved to be near her but Diana quickly raised up her dagger toward him. “No. Do not come closer. I know what you are trying to do,” she said, flinching. “I know you only wish to use me to get back at my family.”

  The vampire stilled. “It would seem that way... but, I assure you it is not my intention.”

  Diana shook her head. “How can I believe that,” she said softly.

  With that, Marcus moved cautiously towards her despite the knife pointed at him. “I want you Diana, but not for the sake of revenge…” He was close enough to touch her now, Diana could feel the heat coming from his body, and was almost certain she could see his heart thumping heavily in his chest. “If it were revenge, I would sink my teeth into you right now and rip that beautiful throat apart.” His shackled hand lifted to her neck and Diana tensed as his fingers grazed her skin. “I would take you right here as I drank you dry knowing you wouldn’t fight.” His hand fell down to her chest and he brushed his knuckles against the swell of her breast. “But... that’s not what I want. I don’t want to hurt you, Diana, even if you are the daughter of my enemy.” he took a lock of her hair and brought it up to his mouth, inhaling deeply.

  Diana began to feel herself grow lightheaded. The heat in her belly pooled low into her center. “Why…” was the only word she could force from her lips.

  Marcus let her hair drop and his gaze traveled over her face. Their eyes locked and the vampire brought his hands up to her blouse and slowly began to unbutton it from her. “I have been hiding away for some time, growing jaded, discontent with life. In my youth I had done many unsavory things but, as I grew older, I found these acts to be immature and crude. I grew deeply unsatisfied and unfulfilled. Not able to find the reason why.” As he freed the last button he peeled the blouse from her and sighed. “I was ready to let the world slip away, to leave it behind and turn to the darkness completely. Even when I saw the maidens walking the fields I no longer felt any pleasure at the thought of feeding on them. It all seemed so... tedious.” With her breasts now exposed, the vampire brought his head down and kissed across each breast then lifted his head. “But then I saw you. And the vision that came before me nearly brought me to my knees. I saw you by my side as my mate, and the kingdom we built together. Ours alone.” He shivered. “It was the purpose I had been waiting for all along.” He drew his mouth down to her neck and Diana felt the tip of his tongue graze against her. She closed her eyes and trembled. Then she heard him laugh.

  “I was so astounded by this incredible vision, and by the mere sight of you, that I walked right into that damned witch’s trap like a senseless fool.” His laugh was like a low growl in her ear. “Ah, but, Diana, I would do it again if I knew it was the only way to get closer to you. To know you like this.” His one hand went to the side of her neck while his other gripped her waist. As he kissed down her throat to her breasts, Diana let her hands fall to her side and let the lantern and dagger drop to the ground. Groaning, Marcus rose and drew her close to him, pressing her body to his. “I know you must be afraid, Diana. But I sense you feel as I do. I sense your want beneath the uncertainty. Only let me guide you and I will lift you up to stand beside me above the sea of doubt. Give yourself to me and you will only know pure bliss.”

  Diana lifted her head, craning up to look at him. She placed her hands on his arms and parted her lips. The ache was agony now and, with his thick body pressed against her—pushing between her legs—the heat rose to an unbearable height, and she became mindless with desire.

  “Touch me,” she breathed. “Show me.”

  His lips pulled back and he exposed his fangs in a grin. He growled with intense pleasure and lifted her up to gently slide her skirt down her slender legs, letting it fall to the ground; then he placed her on the edge of the coffin. He drew his mouth once again to her breast and latched to her hard nipple, suckling, and nipping. His hand fell between her legs and Diana inhaled sharply as his fingers stroked her core then slid into her tight center.

  Diana arched back and moaned then whimpered softly as his fangs pierced her breast and blood seeped out as he sucked against her. She felt her warm blood trickle down her stomach, falling in a narrow stream down to her center. Marcus licked at the tear he made and the blood flow seemed to stop completely as if already beginning to close. His tongue grazed down her stomach, catching as much blood as possible until he was near to her center. He slid his fingers out of her and knelt before her to lick at the blood at her core and Diana nearly cried out with pleasure as her center spasmed. His tongue flicked against her and Diana opened more for him. He placed his hands on her thighs, stretching her more and, with agonizing slow movements, he flicked and swirled the tip of his tongue against her and Diana lifted her hips, pleading for more. When he finally drew his mouth on to her and suckled gently, Diana came violently against him. She cried out, so close to screaming, she feared for a moment someone above might hear her. Her body shaking, Diana felt the vampire turn his head away to bite her inner thigh just beside her center. He growled low as he fed, his hands like talons gripping her fiercely.

  When he finally released her, Diana almost collapsed, nearly falling into the coffin. Marcus quickly grabbed hold of her and brought her back into his arms.

  Heart fluttering and near breathless, Diana clung to him. With her face against his chest, she could hear and feel his
heart pumping fast against her.

  Still in the clutches of desire, Diana gently pulled his arms from her and dropped down to her knees. Marcus glanced down at her with a puzzled frown.


  She gazed up at him in stunned wonder and slid her hand up to his thigh. She glanced at the thick, hard length of him. With trembling fingers, she took hold of him and heard him hiss. She drew her mouth onto his tip and parted her lips, sliding him in, her tongue now teasing his shaft. He groaned and bent his body forward, placing his hands on the edge of the coffin.

  Slowly she stroked him at first, then quickened her pace until he was growling and hissing, moving his hips desperately against her.

  He let out a wild snarl and Diana felt his length throb and his need spill into her, tasting the sweet saltiness of him.

  When he brought himself away, Marcus fell to the ground next to her and brought her into a tight embrace.

  “This is how I know you are mine. Oh, Diana. See how we are meant to be.”

  Diana closed her eyes and licked her lips. “Marcus.”

  The heat of him felt wonderful and Diana felt she could stay there forever. She kissed his shoulder and neck when he gently pulled her from him.

  “You must go. I sense others awakening.”

  Diana wanted to shake her head and say no but she understood the deadly consequences if she were caught. She grabbed her clothes from the ground and stood up on shaking legs. She slid her skirt back on and fumbled with her blouse then took up the lantern and dagger. Marcus rose slowly and watched her, his expression turning dark.

  He reached out for her and lightly gripped the back of her neck to pull her to him. His lips fell on hers, parting her with his tongue. He bit her lower lip and Diana tasted blood. He tore his mouth away and kissed along her jaw.

  Before she succumbed again to his wicked lust, Diana turned her head away. “As you said I must go.”

  Marcus bared his fangs then released her. She could see he fought against his urge to keep her with him. He nodded and stepped away.

  “Tomorrow, my love. Tomorrow I shall wait.”


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