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To Die For (Joker's Sin Book 2)

Page 13

by Davidson King

  “He’s gone, Sparkles.”

  “Gone? How, where?” It felt as if my heart was going to leap out of my chest. “My mom.”

  Max tilted his head regarding me. “Your mom?”

  “The reason I was wearing that outfit and why my hair is sprayed black is because Dorian told me if I didn’t do it, he’d buy the facility my mother is at and do everything in his power to either get her removed or staff it so her time there was torturous. I didn’t know how true it was, and I still don’t because I had no time to investigate it. So, I figured I’d do whatever tonight and deal with it in the morning.” As I said the words, I realized exactly what Dorian had done to me tonight. I wasn’t sure Max did until he spoke.

  “So, he forced you back into the life you ran from? Being his toy, for what? For some power struggle? To lord his money over you and embarrass you in front of your friends? Abusers do that, Sparkles, and he has no right.” He sat up and took my hand. I watched as he stroked my fingers. “We can figure this out with your mom, okay? Together.”


  “Sparkles. When I saw you tonight with Dorian, looking how you did, all I could think was, ‘What did that man do to my Sparkles?’ And no, I don’t mean it possessively. I’d never pull you from one bad relationship into another. But the reason I like you so much isn’t because you’re who I want you to be, it’s because you’re who you want to be.” He ran his fingers through my hair. “He can’t control you if you don’t let him.”

  “Max, he controls too much of my life. Me not going back out there tonight…shit, I don’t even know what he’s going to do.”

  He pulled me to him, wrapped his arms around me, and just feeling him calmed me. “We’re going to do whatever we have to so you can be free again—that’s what we’re going to do.”

  I wanted to believe him. Last time when I had to run from Dorian, I had nobody. It was me all alone. But it felt different now. I trusted Max, and I knew he’d help me, and if seeing how Atlas reacted tonight was anything to go on, Dorian failed in making my friends betray me.

  “Okay, I need to get Tank.” I leaned back and hummed when Max kissed me.

  “I spoke with Nolan; he has Mr. Mighty tonight. You’re coming home with me. I mean, if you want. I just don’t think you going to your apartment—where Dorian is either waiting for you or having the place watched so someone can report when you arrive—is such a good idea.”

  He had a good point and I really did love his house. “Your mom won’t mind?”

  “Pfft, she’ll love it. But, if you think you’re getting out of there without being bombarded by my sisters this time, it’ll never happen.” He chuckled, and it felt good to laugh with him.

  “Fair enough. I suppose I should meet your whole family. I mean, they deserve my sympathies for dealing with you all these years.”

  He pushed me so I fell against the couch cushion. “I changed my mind, no family time for you.”

  I laughed and grabbed his arm as he tried to get by me. “No, I must. I need this.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Need to what? Make my life hell for the next decade by giving my family harassment fodder? News flash, Sparkles, they do fine on their own, no need to assist them.”

  I was laughing so hard, I was gasping for air. He shook me off, but I could see the joy in his eyes, so I didn’t worry that he was serious.

  “Max, sweet, hot, sexy Max,” I crooned as I followed him over to the coat hook.

  “Here, you’ll need to wear these. I rode my bike and your Jeep isn’t here, so you’ll be cold without them.” He tossed me a big fluffy sweat shirt, a hat, and a pair of gloves.

  “So you are taking me to your family?” I beamed and he rolled his eyes.

  “I’m having regrets,” he said as he shoved the hat on my head until it covered my eyes.

  “You’re such a delight.” I lifted it up, glad when he smiled.

  “I am, you’re right.” He patted my cheek and walked out. I followed, feeling lighter than I had all day.

  When we got to Max’s, the house was actually quiet. I could smell whatever had been cooked earlier in the evening and the faint aroma of cinnamon told me there was dessert somewhere in this house.

  “It smells so good in here,” I whispered.

  “Ma cooks a lot. Let’s raid the kitchen.” He winked, and my stomach took that moment to rumble. I hadn’t eaten all day. Dorian had offered, but I was too nauseous for food.

  Max opened the fridge and took out what appeared to be a pasta dish and a covered salad. I asked if I could help, but he told me to go sit at the small table in the nook beside the kitchen. So, I did. Through the window, the trees were only dark shadows in the yard. The moon was full, and I could see there was a pool back there, but it was covered, and I made a mental note to check it all out in the morning.

  “Here you go.” Max came over to me and put a plate of pasta, fresh bread, and salad in front of me. “Let me get mine. Water good?”

  “Yes, thanks.”

  It smelled amazing, and I wanted to devour it, but I waited for Max to return and when he did, he told me to dig in. We sat in silence eating, with just some small talk, and where it would be weird with anyone else, it felt comfortable with Max.

  After we ate, I followed him upstairs, and he still had the toothbrush I’d used last time by the sink, which I used and cleaned up. The spray in my hair wasn’t permanent, and in the morning I’d ask Max if I could use his shower and wash it out.

  “Come on.” Max was in bed when I got out of the bathroom, and he held the sheets open for me.

  I cuddled against him, kissed his lips, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep again.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I woke to the most incredible feeling. My body tingled with immense pleasure, and my brain felt like it was misfiring from the amazing suction around my cock. Looking to my right, I saw Sparkles wasn’t there, but there was movement under the sheets, and the sounds of humming were purely him.

  “Damn,” I whispered.

  He chuckled but didn’t stop. He cupped my balls, massaging them as he licked, sucked, and kissed my cock. I lifted the sheet and was greeted with his beautiful cyan eyes glittering with lust as he looked at me. I could see how he had his hand working his own dick, and just the sight had me practically coming.

  “Sparkles, I’m gonna come, you might want to get up.”

  He didn’t; he just doubled his efforts, and my vision got fuzzy as my orgasm rose. I roared as I came in his mouth. There was no way my family didn’t hear me, and I knew I’d get an earful, but I couldn’t find myself to care as Sparkles kissed his way up my chest until he hovered over me.

  “Morning,” he said with a smile.

  “Good morning.”

  He chuckled, and I loved the sound of it. “There’s no way your family didn’t hear you.”

  “I know.” I lifted up, kissing his swollen lips. “Want me to make you feel as wonderful as I do right now?”

  He shook his head. “Oh, I came. I’m feeling pretty good right now.”

  The sound of feet on steps turned Sparkles’s happiness into worry. “I don’t want to meet your sisters like this.”

  “You said last time you wanted to get them in trouble. If they walk in on us now, Ma will maim them.”

  His lip quirked. “Yeah, but my hair. I need to wash out the black dye. They must at least meet me with my pink hair. It’s customary.”

  I was glad to hear it wasn’t a permanent color. “Okay, if you run now, you can make it to the bathroom before that door opens.”

  I laughed so hard as I watched Sparkles move faster than I thought humanly possible. At the same time the bathroom door closed, my bedroom door opened. Maria stood there, eyes scanning my room.

  “Where is he?”

  “Bathroom, about to shower.” I folded my arms behind my head, smirking when she frowned.

  “Is he even real?” she asked just as the water tu
rned on.

  “Unless I have a hygienic ghost in my bathroom, I’d say he’s real. Now leave before I tell Ma you were gawking all over him.”

  She gasped in horror, but it was enough of a threat to get her to flee. About fifteen minutes later, Sparkles walked out with a towel around his waist. His black hair was now the pretty pink that was his trademark.

  “Are they gone?”

  I got out of bed and loved how he stared at my naked form. “Just one of them—Maria—and yes.”

  He nodded, his eyes glued to my cock. “Well, bathroom is all yours.”

  When I was standing in front of him, I placed my finger under his chin and lifted his head up until his gaze met mine. “If you keep looking at me like that, we’ll give my family more to talk about as I push you against that wall and fuck you.”

  “I’m fine with that,” he said, and I chuckled.

  “I’ll be sure to remember that.” I kissed him and went to the bathroom to get ready to face the firing squad.

  “So how long have you been dancing?” Maria asked at the same time Frances asked, “What is the real color of your hair?”

  The two were firing questions at Sparkles faster than he could keep up, but he didn’t seem flustered with it. He took it in stride.

  “Since I was a kid, and my real color is blond, though might I say—never ask someone with an obvious dye job what their real hair color is.” He winked at me when I rolled my eyes at my sisters’ antics.

  “Leave the guy alone,” Ma said as she came into the dining room with a plate of toast.

  “Are you sure I can’t help you?” Sparkles asked, and my mom smiled softly.

  “You’re a darling.” She brushed his cheek with her hand. “You’re a guest in our home. I only make family work here. Now, if you and Max were a couple, well, yes that would make you family, and I’d ask you to get the coffeepot from the kitchen for me.” Oh, she was good. “So, tell me, Sparkles, are you getting the coffeepot, or am I going to retrieve it?”

  It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Marie had her glass of orange juice halfway to her mouth. Frances was in mid-scoop of her eggs. I watched Sparkles carefully. I didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable. He looked over at me and smirked. When he stood and walked out of the room, I wasn’t sure if he was leaving or not.

  “Ma,” I whisper-shouted, but she waved me off, unmoving.

  A second later Sparkles walked in with the coffeepot. “Who wants more?” He beamed at me, and I’d be lying if my heart didn’t feel like it was about to beat out of my chest. He wanted to be my boyfriend.

  “I’d love some,” Ma said as she kissed Sparkles’s cheek.

  When he sat down I turned to him. “Seriously?”

  He nodded. “If you want me, I’d love to give us a try, Max.”

  My sisters and Ma were talking loudly, and I knew it was to give Sparkles and me a moment.

  “I do want you, Sparkles, and I very much would like to give us a try.”

  When we kissed, my sisters and Ma clapped and cheered, making our kiss turn into laughter.

  “I’m telling Teresa!” Frances shouted as she ran out of the room, Maria was hot on her trail, shouting, “Not fair!”

  “You’d think they were little kids, the way they act,” my ma said as she winked at us.

  I felt lighter than I had in a long time, even if Dorian Birch was lurking in the shadows, hell-bent on destroying our happiness.

  We ate in peace, Maria and Frances returning and announcing Teresa would be calling me later. That was met with chuckles from Sparkles, but I didn’t care. I’d happily tell Teresa all the wonderful things about him.

  After breakfast, Sparkles called Nolan, and with Ma’s blessing, asked him to bring Tank to our house. Neither of us was comfortable with Sparkles returning to his place just yet, and when he told my family about his dog, they insisted on meeting him. Nolan said he’d come by and bring Tank’s food in case he’d need it.

  We spent the morning and early afternoon with my family and when Tank arrived, Sparkles and my new relationship wasn’t the hot topic anymore, just how unbelievably adorable Tank was. I sat back and watched my family make Sparkles smile, and I hoped he wasn’t thinking about any of the daunting things ahead.

  Chapter Thirty


  Never in a million years did I think I’d spend an entire day with Max’s family. I helped his mom bake cookies while Max worked outside, cleaning the gutters and other yard work his mom needed done. I offered to help him, but he told me to relax. It was sweet, and I silently scolded myself for ever being mean to him. I knew if Max heard me berating myself, he’d tell me to knock it off, but I had a feeling I’d be kicking myself for a while.

  Max spoke with Atlas and Shane and arranged to switch nights with Shane, so he had the day off. I was out of sorts and throughout the day found myself remembering how Dorian told me to spray my hair to get rid of the godawful pink, when he told me to wear the outfit, and the gleam in his eye when he clicked the leash to the collar he forced me to wear. I had to breathe and remember why I did that. For my mom. My head spun with everything Dorian said about my mother, and I knew I had to get to work on finding out if what he said was true. Max wanted me to take time and clear my head and promised we’d figure it all out. Anytime he saw me getting a little upset he would change the subject.

  Alexandra was fine covering for me, but I knew I had to shake off these cobwebs of worry and live my life. Hiding away wasn’t going to get anything done and would only make Dorian think he’d scared me.

  When Max and I fell into bed at the end of the day, I expressed my concerns to him, and he said he’d come back to my place with me. We decided not to give his family a vocal show that night, and I fell asleep in Max’s arms, Tank resting on a little doggie bed Maria had made for him.

  We took Max’s truck to my apartment building the following day. We were going to take it anyway, but his mother made a huge deal about how poor sweet little Tank being strapped to a motorcycle was cruel. I laughed, because of course I’d never do that.

  “There doesn’t seem to be anything suspicious,” Max said as he pulled into my building’s parking garage.

  “Oh, I’m sure Dorian has someone watching or driving by now and then. My Jeep is here, so they’re likely checking the studio across the street or seeing if it’s gone.”

  “Let’s hope they don’t recognize my truck. I mean, I’m up for a fight if they want one, but I’d like you to have some peace.”

  It was such a sweet thing to say that I reached over and took his hand once he’d parked. “Thank you, Max.” I placed a finger over his mouth, stopping him from asking his question. “Before you ask what for, for everything. For not judging me, for caring, for letting me into your family. You didn’t have to do any of that, but you did. Thank you.”

  I knew he wanted to give me some big speech, but he just smiled and said, “You’re welcome.”

  We went upstairs, Max bringing a bag of his stuff since he said he wasn’t leaving me here alone. I would’ve argued with him if I didn’t love the idea of him staying with me.

  I got Tank settled and Max said he was going to shower because he had to work later. While he was in the bathroom, I turned my laptop on and researched the facility my mom was at. In the Google search engine, there was no mention of financial issues or a call for help. I then made sure to double-check my emails to see if they’d sent a mass email out to us with regard to an issue, but there was nothing. The only thing left to do was call.

  “Lilac Spring Medical, this is Polly, how may I help you?”

  “Good afternoon, Polly, my name is Lane Ashley, my mother is a patient there, Dawn Ashley.”

  “Oh, yes. What can I do for you, Mr. Ashley?”

  “I need to speak with someone in administration. I was given disturbing news today and I will need reassurance that Lilac Springs isn’t in some sort of financial trouble.”

  There was a beat of silence bef
ore Polly spoke again. “If you can hold a moment, I’ll connect you with Karla Shelby, she’s the assistant to the CFO.”

  “I appreciate it.” I listened to the dreadful hold music and I imagined Polly explaining to them the situation. If it was true, they likely didn’t want it getting out they were in dire straits. If it wasn’t true, they’d want to squash those rumors.

  “Mr. Ashley?” a different woman’s voice said.


  “Hello, Mr. Ashley, I’m Karla Shelby. I just spoke with Polly, and she told me some rather disturbing news.”

  “It’s only disturbing if it’s true.”

  “Oh, make no mistake, Mr. Ashley, it’s disturbing, no matter which way you fold it.” Karla sounded quite upset, but I couldn’t tell where her anger was directed.

  “Look,” I said with a sigh. “A gentleman came to my home and told me he was going to be merging with Lilac Springs. He upset me a great deal.” I was laying it on thick, but I wanted her to tell me the truth.

  “Mr. Ashley, I—”

  “Please call me Lane.”

  “Lane, I’m not sure what that gentleman was referring to, but Lilac Springs isn’t merging nor are we in any financial trouble. But if there is someone going around spreading false rumors, I’d ask you to divulge the name. I can only imagine how worried people might be to be visited and given this information.”

  I took a moment to think about it. What if it was true, but she wanted his name to see the validity of my call. Would she call Dorian and rat on me? No. I had to take a chance.

  “Dorian Birch.”

  There was zero hesitation, which said more than anything. “Thank you. I will see about finding out what this Dorian Birch is up to. My apologies, Lane, for the worry.”

  “I’m just glad I won’t have to be moving my mother.” After I hung up I released a breath. Seemed Dorian was playing me pretty good.


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