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Return to Osprey Cove

Page 20

by Luisa Marietta Gold

  "I'm getting ready to leave, Mr. Castlebury. I have put a plate for you in the refrigerator to heat up whenever you get hungry."

  "Thanks, Isabella, I'm still full from lunch, I'll have it later. Have a good night. Remember I won't be here tomorrow."

  "I remember, have a good night too."

  Doug remembered he had forgotten to take out his contacts. He went back upstairs to take them out.

  Isabella walked out of the villa and headed down the drive that led to the street to begin her walk back to her house. As she got to the bottom of the drive she saw a dark sedan not directly in front of the villa but down the street. She thought about going back inside to tell Mr. Castlebury, but as she looked more closely it did not look quite the same as the other dark sedan, and she saw there was a man and a woman in the car. She decided it was not necessary to tell her boss. Besides, she was anxious to get home this day. Her son had not been feeling well when she left. She wanted to get home as soon as she could to check on him.

  Doug came back downstairs, towel in hand, ready for his swim. He set his towel down on the table next to the pool and started putting on some sunscreen. As he looked up, he caught a glimpse of a dark sedan driving past the villa. He couldn't tell if it was the same one that had been parking there and following him. Without his contacts, it was difficult to tell. He dove into the pool and tried to put it out of his mind.

  . . .

  "It's 4:00 PM on the dot," Eva said looking at the time on her cell phone as they watched Isabella leave the villa's driveway.

  "This was a good idea, Eva. You come up with a good one, every now and then," he said with a grin. "So we know she leaves at 4:00 PM. I think we can make our plan based on what we saw today."

  "It was a good idea parking down here, Max. I don't think she saw us, do you?'

  "If she did, I'm sure she wouldn't have recognized us. That's all we need to be concerned about."

  "Well, I guess the next step is to make some dinner plans with Mr. Castlebury."

  "I'd say so," Eva said. "I think our puzzle is coming along quite nicely, don't you?"

  "It going together easier than I thought." Max replied.

  Chapter Forty


  Michael was sitting in a staff meeting with his division managers listening to a presentation when he heard his cell phone vibrate. He picked it up and noticed it was a text message from Puerto Vallarta. He discretely left the conference room, stepped into the hallway, and opened the message.

  He could hardly believe his eyes. There on his screen was a picture of Doug. He had to look past the blond hair, but it was Doug alright. It was like seeing a ghost! Under the picture was a caption, "Is this the guy?"

  Michael had gone back and forth about keeping the detective on board after the crash and report of Doug's death. He had hired a detective without telling Catherine shortly after she filed the missing person report. He had discussed doing so with her, but Catherine had seemed to have difficulty making a decision about it. So Michael went ahead and hired one.

  The detective had not been successful in tracking down Doug before the crash. When the police report indicated they had not found any human remains, Michael decided to keep the detective a while longer. He just had a hunch that something didn't sound right about the accident. To be sure, Michael was not tracking Doug to bring him back to Catherine. He was glad he was out of her life. There was no doubt in his mind that Doug had been unfaithful to his sister more times than he could count and that he married her for her money. Doug had used and abused his sister. No, he didn't want him back. But it was important for Michael to know if Doug was alive. And since he had already hired the detective, it had been an easy task to have him continue his investigation. Michael's biggest concern was that Catherine was carrying his child -- a child Doug was unaware of. If this was Doug in the picture, what would he do if he found out about the child? Or what would he do if he couldn't maintain his lifestyle over there in Mexico? Where was he getting the money to support his new life? It did not appear as though he had tapped into any of Catherine's resources. Michael's biggest fear, would he come back and ruin Catherine's life again? Michael wondered what he was he going to do with this knowledge that his brother-in-law was alive.

  Michael sent a simple text back to the detective.

  This is the guy. Prepare a report that includes his address. Consider job completed.

  It was difficult for Michael to concentrate on his work after the text. He decided to take the rest of the day off. His thoughts were focused on Catherine. What a mess Doug had made of her life. And after the text, it appeared that it may not be over yet.

  Catherine had kept her word about keeping in touch with Michael the rest of the week while she was at The Osprey Cove Lodge. She had phoned him every night. While she had discussed the events of each day, she had not shared with him where she was in her decision process. Michael knew she had gone to the lodge to have time to think and make a decision about her future.

  He was aware that her plane left Ottawa today and that she would be back in New York by this evening. She had promised to call as soon as she got back to the loft. He was looking forward to her call to learn what she had decided. He was hoping she would tell him that she was moving back to Chicago.

  Michael pulled into the driveway of the Gregstone Estate. It was only 3:00 PM.

  "You're home early," Ella said in greeting as he entered.

  "Thought I'd get a jump start on the weekend. You can do that when you are the boss!" Michael said smiling. He was smiling but felt far from happy inside. The knowledge he had gained in the text message felt like a huge weight around his neck. It was not going to be easy to shake it off.

  "Well, it's good to have you home. Will you and Ms. Marilyn be dining in tonight?" Ella asked.

  "I'll have to let you know. I need to give her a call. Tell Jean to hold off preparing anything until I get back to her."

  "Okay, will do, Michael."

  Michael went up to his room, showered, and stretched out on the bed. His mind was still deep in thought about Doug. His phone rang. He jumped for it thinking it might be Catherine already. He didn't remember her flight schedule.

  It was not Catherine; it was Marilyn.

  "Hello, Michael, I just called your office, and they said you left early. Are you feeling alright?"

  "I'm fine. Just thought I'd get home a little early."

  "I called to see where you wanted to go tonight. There's a movie I'd like to see. Would you like to go to the first showing of the movie and then go for dinner afterward?"

  "Well, Catherine is flying home today from Canada. I'm expecting a call from her when she gets back to New York this evening. I don't want to be in the movie when she calls. I don't remember her flight times."

  "Is her phone call that important that you can't call her back after the movie?" Marilyn asked with obvious irritation in her voice.

  "It is tonight, Marilyn. She was supposed to come to a decision this week about whether she wants to move back here before the baby is born. It's important to me to know what she has decided."

  There was a long pause at the other end of the line. Michael waited for a while and then continued.

  "Are you still there, Marilyn?"

  "I'm here. Michael, does it matter to you how I feel about the idea of Catherine moving back to Chicago and into your house?"

  "I don't see it impacting our lives, Marilyn. We will continue seeing each other as we are now. Nothing will change. It's not like I will be spending all my time with Catherine. She'll have a life of her own. She already has a lot of friends here and will undoubtedly make more."

  "So you see our relationship continuing much the same as it has been?" Marilyn asked.

  Michael answered without actually sensing the full meaning of the question.

  "Yes, don't worry. Nothing is going to change."

  "Well, maybe it needs to," Marilyn responded.

  At this point, Michael w
as totally confused. Sometimes, women were way too complicated to figure out. And he had far too much on his mind to try to sort it out right now.

  "Would you like to come here for dinner tonight, Marilyn? After Catherine calls, we can try to catch the next showing of the movie. How does that sound?"

  "I think maybe you should just focus on your call tonight, Michael. We'll talk tomorrow. Have a good evening."

  "Whatever you say, Marilyn. Talk to you tomorrow."

  Michael knew Marilyn was upset. He thought it was because he had not agreed to the plan for the evening she had suggested. He was not perceptive enough to see how against she was to the idea of Catherine moving back into his house.

  Michael had not yet sensed what Catherine had observed at their dinner at the club. Marilyn's coldness to Catherine was a result of resentment and jealousy toward her. Marilyn's ambition was to become Michael Gregstone's wife -- the sooner, the better. She did not intend to have anyone or anything stand in her way of reaching that goal.

  Chapter Forty-one


  Catherine had a lot to think about on her flight back to New York. She was excited about the decision she had made to take a leave of absence from Raynott and spend the next few months at The Osprey Cove Lodge. She did want to get to know Alex better and was happy that he felt the same. But Catherine was not used to making decisions based on emotions. She usually allowed her analytical mind to lead her rather than her heart. This decision was out of character for her. The Osprey Cove Lodge was changing her. It had a way of drawing out the emotions of her heart. It had a way of making her choose to follow her heart.

  This decision to follow her heart was not without obstacles. She had no idea how she was going to break the news to Michael that she was not moving back to Chicago -- at least not now anyway. She was going to take a leave of absence and spend the next few months on a Rideau Lake outside of Ottawa at a lodge that he could barely remember the name of. And the reason for this unusual decision was to spend time with Alex -- the client that she had spent the night with on The Lady Droxell, albeit as a friend in separate sleeping areas. Even going over it in her mind, it did not sound good. She would have to work on how to present it to him.

  The second obstacle was telling Jack that she wanted to take a leave of absence. But Catherine felt she would have an easier time convincing Jack that this was a good thing than her brother Michael.

  Catherine was by nature one that liked to address things head on and get them over with. So shortly after she got back to the loft and got settled, she phoned Michael.

  "Hello, Michael, it's me. I'm back in New York -- back to the real world in all its glory."

  "I take it that means you aren't that happy to be home; I guess you had a good week up there in that lodge you love so much."

  "I do love it, Michael. I did have a great week. And no, I'm not especially glad to be back in New York."

  "So the big question is -- did your week help you to make the decisions you were struggling with?"

  "Well, yes it did, Michael. And I feel good about the decision that I have reached."

  "So don't keep me in suspense. What have you decided?"

  "Well, first, I have decided to take a leave of absence from Raynott. I plan to talk to Jack on Monday and request a leave. I suspect he will be understanding and grant it without hesitation."

  "I think taking a leave is an excellent idea. There is no need to burn all of your bridges just yet. So I guess that means you will be coming back to Chicago, at least until after the baby is born. That makes me happy, Catherine."

  "Well, not exactly, Michael."

  "What do you mean -- not exactly? You're taking a leave and staying in New York?"

  "No, I'm taking a leave and going back to The Osprey Cove Lodge for a few months."

  "WHAT? I don't understand, Catherine. Why would you be going back to the lodge? Does this have something to do with this 'Alex' guy who you are just 'friends' with?"

  "It does have something to do with Alex Droxell but, Michael, I want you to listen carefully to what I am going to tell you now. I know you are confused right now, but when I am finished, I think you will understand. In fact, I know that you will."

  "Alright -- go ahead, I'm listening."

  "First of all, Alex and I are just friends. We met several months ago when I went to The Osprey Cove Lodge to meet with him and try to save the Droxell marketing contract with Raynott. Alex Droxell is the son of the founder of Droxell Outdoor Outfitters. Droxell is one of Raynott's largest contracts. Our meeting was more or less an interview of Raynott and me. I apparently passed the interview and got him to allow Raynott to prepare another marketing proposal. After I had prepared the proposal, I met with Mr. Droxell, Sr. to present it because Alex had left for a trip to Africa with his daughter -- Alex lost his wife eight years ago giving birth to his daughter.

  After his return from Africa, he and his father wanted me to meet with them again to clarify a few items in the contract. By this time, Alex had gotten engaged to a long-time friend. When my secretary couldn't get a reservation in Ottawa the night before our meeting, I decided to spend the weekend at The Osprey. That was right after I had learned that Doug had been killed. While I was at the lodge having dinner in the dining room, Alex came in for dinner as well. He was spending the weekend on his boat which is docked near the lodge. We had dinner together. I did not tell him that Doug had died and he didn't tell me that his fiance had broken off the engagement. We had no more contact after that until this past week. When I went to The Osprey, I had no idea that Alex had recently purchased it and was staying there getting it set up under his ownership.

  When we met last weekend, we shared with each other the changes that had occurred in both our lives and decided to spend some time together. We started with our trip to Davenport which as you know resulted in us being stranded overnight on his boat. The bottom line is this, Michael, both Alex and I enjoyed each other's company this past week. We both feel that we want to get to know each other better. Alex is on leave from Droxell getting the lodge up and running. He invited me to stay in the owner's living quarters for a few months. He will stay in one of the guest rooms. I tell you this to assure you that I am not going there to move in with Alex. Michael, I have never felt this way before about anyone. I think that we could have a future together. But Alex and I both know that we need more time to get to know each other. We both have dealt with a lot of heartache in our lives. We would like to think that our relationship could be a new beginning for both of us. Only time will tell.

  I know this decision is entirely out of character for me. But I am certain that this is what I want to do. And the only thing that would make me even happier about the decision is to have you support me in it."

  "Wow, that was a lot of information that you just shared. I'm not sure I got it all. But I did get that this guy is important to you and that you think he could make you happy. What I didn't hear you mention was whether he knows about the pregnancy?"

  "He does -- it took me a while to share that with him. But it does not affect his desire to want to get to know me better."

  "Catherine, you know I trust your judgment -- probably more than my own. You are one of the most responsible, sensible people I know. I don't understand it, but if this is what you want, go for it. I hope it works out for you. You deserve some happiness in your life."

  "Thank you, Michael, for understanding. I knew that you would. So enough about me. How are things with you -- with the company and with Marilyn?"

  "Everything is fine at the company. I know several board members were hoping that you would be joining Gregstone in the near future, but they'll accept the fact that this will not be the case right now. Today is not a good day to ask about Marilyn. She is upset with me because I didn't want to go to a movie tonight. Instead, I invited her here. The result was that she hung up rather abruptly, and it appears that we are doing nothing this evening."

  "Michael, please
don't be upset by what I am going to say next. But just as you worry about me, I am concerned about you, too. When I had dinner with you and Marilyn at the club, I did not get a good feeling about her. What I mean is, I did not see the same warmth and affection toward you that I see you expressing toward her. She also seems to resent me for whatever reason. Her feelings toward me are of no matter, but I want you to be sure she loves and cares about you and not just becoming Mrs. Michael Gregstone. We don't want another 'Doug' situation happening with you. Sadly, the wealth that we have inherited is a double-edged sword."

  "Thank you for sharing that with me, Catherine, and for your concern. It's only recently that I have sensed that there might be a problem with Marilyn. She seems more than a little concerned about the possibility of you moving back into the house with me. I guess she feels that might infringe on any future position she may have as my wife. Well, there is no need to worry about that right now, Catherine, I have no intention of asking Marilyn to marry me in the foreseeable future."

  "Well, that's a relief, Michael. She may be the right one; just be careful."

  "Well, keep in touch with me, Sis. Let me know how things go on Monday when you talk to Jack."

  "I will, love you, Michael."

  "Love you, too, Catherine."

  After they had hung up, Michael thought about what Catherine had said. He had noticed a change in Marilyn since they had been a couple for a while. She treated him differently now. At the start of their relationship, she would have never done what she did tonight -- short of hanging up on him because she hadn't gotten her way. Perhaps Catherine was right; maybe he needed to take a step back and look more closely at Marilyn's motives in the relationship.

  Chapter Forty-two



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