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Page 12

by Grace Kagni

  She was finally ready and after grabbing her coat and handbag, she went down the stairs to the table in the foyer to see what Alessandro's surprise was. On the table was a shiny black box with a red ribbon on it. She smiled as she saw the box and pulled off the ribbon before opening the box. A handwritten note and a key were inside the box, so she picked up the note and started to read.

  Tesoro, I was hoping we'd leave together this morning to give you this surprise but I had to leave or I'd be late for my first meeting. As you step outside the door, you will find your surprise in the garden.

  Love, Alessandro

  She read the message more than once and all her eyes saw was the word Love. He signed the note Love, Alessandro; he'd never done that before, so it caught her off guard and when she took the note and the key with her as she walked out the front door, she stood on the threshold gazing at the new car parked outside with a huge red ribbon wrapped around it. She grinned at the beautiful new black car that was waiting for her. She took out her phone and sent him a quick text message to thank him. He wrote back telling her to drive safely.

  She opened the car door with the remote and sat in the driver's seat. Taking a moment to look around at the car, she noticed it was fully equipped with voice activated GPS, a radio and plug in for her mobile phone. The interior was leather and as she sat on the luxurious seat, she grinned as she saw he'd left another note for her in the car. This note told her he'd left a remote to open the gate in the glove box.

  So she turned on the engine and pulled out of the garden slowly, making her way down the long path to the front gates. Pulling out the remote from the glove box, she pressed it while aiming at the gate and it miraculously opened. She moved the car forward, past the gates and realized she didn't know how to get to work. She wasn't familiar with the area so she turned on the GPS and voice commanded it to take her to her work. The GPS took 30 seconds to elaborate and instructed her to turn right onto the street. She smiled and followed the instructions, relaxing knowing that the car would take her where she needed to go. The rush hour traffic was terrible and she made a mental note to remember to leave earlier in the future or she would be caught up in the chaotic traffic, taking her 1 1/2 hours to get to work every day. She was parking the car in the allocated spot Alessandro had assigned for her when her mobile went off.

  "Pronto?" she said as she responded while she literally ran into the building.

  "Amore, where are you?" Alessandro asked.

  "It took me 90 minutes to get to work this morning in the car. I really need to leave the house earlier if I want to get to work on time," she said. "I'm getting into the elevator so I'll see you in five minutes."

  Finally walking into her office, she hung her coat in the wardrobe and placed her handbag in her desk drawer before going to Alessandro's office. She knocked and walked in but he wasn't there so she went back to her desk and turned on her computer to look at his calendar. He had back-to-back meetings the entire day, barely giving him 20 minutes to have lunch, so she decided she would arrange for lunch to be delivered. She went about responding to some emails and greeted some guests who came into the office asking for the Minister. She politely told them that he was busy all day at meetings but would leave a message that they'd passed by to see him. The names didn't appear on his list so there was no urgency to let him know they'd passed by.

  The desk downstairs called her notifying her that someone was delivering her lunch order, so she asked him kindly to let the person come up to her office so she could pay for the food. Alessandro wasn't back from his last meeting and she feared that he wouldn't have time to eat but she was still hopeful. She paid the man for the food and then went into Alessandro's office to lay the food out so all he had to do was eat when he arrived.

  She went back to her desk and waited but when she didn't see him arrive, she sent him a text message telling him she'd ordered some lunch for him if he had a few minutes before his next meeting. He responded to her message saying that he'd be back in his office in 10 minutes, giving him only 5 minutes to eat.

  When he finally walked into her office, he looked tired and worried. She got up and walked with him into his office, shutting the door for a little privacy. "Sit down and have a bite to eat before you faint!" she said.

  He smiled at her and sat down at the table next to her to eat what he could before going to his next meeting. After eating half of the food, he got up to go to the bathroom then came back to kiss Alessia on the top of her head, thanking her for the food before going to the next meeting. Alessia sat at the table alone and finished her food before throwing out the containers and returning to her desk.

  She didn't see Alessandro the entire afternoon and was about to send him a text message when her phone chimed. He sent a message telling her that his last meeting was taking much longer than planned and that she should go home. He'd be home as soon as possible. So, she put on her coat, grabbed her handbag and decided to stop off at the grocery shop on her way home to buy something to make for dinner. She noticed a shop not far from Alessandro's house and so she stopped to get what she needed.

  When she finally drove through the gates, she parked the car in the front near the house and pulled out the grocery bags. She opened the front door and walked in feeling exhausted. The day drained her and she was happy to be home. She left the grocery bags in the kitchen and went upstairs to change. After a quick shower, she put on a pair of jeans and an old comfy sweater before going back downstairs to start on dinner.

  She'd learned to cook the hard way since her mother died at a very young age and her father became ill with Alzheimer’s. She borrowed cookbooks from the public library and learned by practice makes perfect. Recently she'd been making simple but healthy meals that kept her going so it was a treat to cook for someone else. She got straight to work - chopping and dicing vegetables to make a pasta sauce and then veal rolls filled with vegetables and herbs. She also made roasted potatoes and had time to make a simple dessert. Everything was ready; the table was set, all she needed to do was boil the water for the pasta. It was 20:30 and Alessandro still wasn't home so she went to lie down on the sofa two minutes to rest her eyes. Moments later, she drifted off to sleep.

  When Alessandro came home it was past 21:30 and he immediately sensed the aroma coming from the kitchen so he went straight where his nose led him. He saw the pots and pans on the cooker and the table laid out beautifully but no Alessia. He went to lift a lid to smell what was inside and after the scent made his mouth water, he saw Alessia asleep on the sofa.

  Smiling at the sight before him, he walked over to her and as he crouched down, he gently stroked her cheek to wake her up. She opened her eyes and looked into his smiling face.

  "I'm sorry I'm so late. You've made us dinner! Give me 10 minutes to have a quick shower and we'll eat," he said as she sat up.

  "Ok, I'll turn on the water for the pasta in the meantime," she said.

  He kissed her on the nose and walked off. She got up to heat up the food and boil the water. She had dinner ready when he came back downstairs with his hair wet from the shower, wearing jeans and a sweater.

  "I'm starving!" he said as he pulled out a bottle of red wine while Alessia served the pasta. "It smells delicious!"

  "I don't doubt you're starving - all you had were a few bite of food at lunch. Do you have many days like today?" she asked.

  "I seem to be having more busy days like today. Actually, my entire week will be like today but I've made some plans for us on Friday night so bare with me this week and I promise as the weekend nears, we'll spend more time together," he said as he poured two glasses of wine.

  They had a relaxing dinner, unwinding from Alessandro's busy day and after having the delicious dessert Alessia prepared, they loaded up the dishwasher and went to sit in the library by the fireplace. Alessia liked the library and it had become an evening ritual for them, giving them a chance to unwind and cuddle while they chatted.

  "I have a few more tr
ips coming up and the next one will be in a couple of weeks to Milano. You don't need to come but I'll leave it up to you," he said as he twisted one of her strands in his finger.

  "Will your meeting be long?" she asked.

  "Our political party is meeting with the Secretary to decide on a way forward. We've noticed that our party is losing membership and if we hold elections next year, we want to make sure we're focusing on the right issues for the population. We've strayed from the important issues and in Parlament we're at each other's throats for power. It can't go on much longer like this so the Secretary has decided to hold a meeting to discuss a strategy," he said as he ran his fingers through her hair, watching as the flame bounced off her dark chestnut hair, giving it a hit of ginger.

  "It sounds important and it also sounds boring. How long are you supposed to be in Milano?" she asked.

  "I don't know just yet. We many not reach an agreement the first day and need to meet again," he said.

  "Well then, I think I'd prefer to stay in Rome unless you need me to come with you," she said as she ran her fingers through his dark hair.

  "No, you can stay here and rest up for when I return," he said as he lowered his lips to hers and took her breath away. His tongue was greedily pushing in her mouth, wanting more until he laid her back onto the carpet and started to undress her, slowly caressing the skin as his hands moved slowly taking off each layer until she was completely naked. Her skin gleamed in the firelight and she could see lust in his eyes as he tore off his sweater, sending it to the floor in a flurry. His hands and lips moved over her body feverishly until he stopped and commanded her to get on her knees. She took a moment to catch her breath and then she got up on her knees.

  "You're dripping," he said.

  "Yes Minister," she said.

  "Did I tell you to do that?" he asked.

  "No Minister."

  "What happens when you don't obey my commands?" he asked.

  "I'm punished," she whispered.

  "That's right and now you will lean over the armrest of the armchair while I spank you," he said.

  "Yes Minister," she said as she moved toward the armchair.

  "Did I give you permission to go to the armchair?" he asked with cold eyes.

  "No Minister," she said.

  "Now I need to punish you twice so go now to the armchair and wait for me," he said.

  "Yes Minister," she said. She moved her knees so she was kneeling beside the armchair but waited for instructions. He walked out and then came back a few moments later.

  "Lean over and receive your punishment," he said.

  "Yes Minister." She leaned over the armchair and placed her head on the cushion while her backside was up in the air. She could feel her wetness dripping down her legs as they dangled to the ground, her feet barely touching the ground.

  "Are you ready for the first punishment?" he asked.

  "Yes Minister."

  "Remember to stop me if it is too much," he whispered.

  "Yes Minister," she said as she waited for the slapping to start but when it didn't come, she wondered what was happening. Instead, he placed a metallic plug into her anal cavity and then turned it on. It was a vibrator! It quickly sent her toward the edge but she knew that she needed to control herself or he would punish her so she bit her bottom lip and waited for the second punishment to start.

  He lifted his hand and the first slap came down hard, sending the vibrator deeper into her cavity sending her nearly over the cliff. She bit her lip and tried to focus on her breathing as the second slap came down. Her ass was tingling and the vibrator made the sensation more intense. Then the third, fourth and fifth slaps came down sending her to her limit. She had tears in her eyes as she was about to come but held on more. The six to tenth slaps made her sink her teeth deep into her bottom lip, cutting into the skin. She was nearly delirious with pain at this point and she knew she couldn't hold on much longer.

  "Minister, please stop," she whispered but her whisper was so low and spoken when his eleventh slap came down that he didn't hear. Her entire body started to tremble and she became delirious from the energy that was flowing through her body. She was coming and couldn't control it any longer. She was gasping for air when Alessandro realized what was happening, he pulled out the vibrating plug and pulled her up. She was like a ragdoll at this point, so he picked her up in his arms and sat by the fire warming her body while she came back to reality.

  "Why didn't you tell me that you'd had enough before it was too late?" he asked as he stroked her body while her head was nestled against his neck.

  "Because I thought I could bear it and when I tried to tell you, you didn't hear me," she said as her throat was suddenly dry and soar.

  "Darling, I'm sorry. I need to remember to ask if you've had too much," he said as he kissed the top of her head.

  He pulled the blanket off the back of the sofa and wrapped her in it before carrying her upstairs to their bed. Placing her inside, he covered her and took off his jeans and slipped in beside her. Pulling her close from behind, he cuddled her while stroking her arms until she fell asleep. His heart ached knowing that he couldn't control himself with her but promised himself that he would be gentle with her in the future. He'd had enough of this domination and submission, it was clearly pushing Alessia past her limits and it hurt him to see her in pain as he'd done that evening.

  * * * * * *

  The next morning, he didn't have the heart to wake Alessia so he left a note by her bedside table and went to work. She slept through to late morning and when she realized the time, she jumped out of bed only to feel her entire body aching and a pain running down her right leg. She had to sit back down on the bed from the pain and realized it must have been from the previous evening's activities. She must have strained a nerve while she was on the armchair and only now noticed the pain. Trying to get up again, she slowly managed to get to the bathroom but then needed to get back into bed from the pain. When she lay back down, she saw Alessandro's note and looked at it. He told her to stay home today to rest and he apologized for last night.

  Just as she was putting the note back on the night table, her phone rang so as she picked it up, she saw Alessandro's name.

  "Amore, how are you feeling?" he asked.

  "My body aches and I have a pain running down my right leg. I can't stand up so I'm lying in bed right now," she said while she looked around at his bedroom.

  "Tesoro, I'm really sorry for what I did to you last night. I promise I'll be more careful in the future," he said feeling remorse.

  "It's ok. It'll pass in a day or so with a little rest."

  "Yes, but I should have known not to push you so far," he said.

  "I'll get better so don't worry about it, ok?" she said, trying to convince him that it wasn't worth worrying. They talked for a little while longer and then they hung up.

  Alessia spent the rest of the day in bed, sleeping on and off, trying to shake off the achiness she felt in her body. By the end of the day, her body felt worse than it did that morning and when Alessandro came home to find the house quiet and dark, he became worried and ran up the stairs to the bedroom where he found Alessia sleeping. The room was dark and when he went to turn on the bedside lamp, he noticed she looked really pale, so he went to touch her and realized that her skin was clammy. He tried to wake her but she wasn't moving and when he pulled back the covers, his heart pulsed at his throat when he saw a pool of blood on the bed. She was haemorrhaging and he didn't know how long she'd been in that state.

  Quickly picking up his mobile, he called an ambulance and then tried to wake her as he waited for the ambulance to arrive but her body was limp. He was barely able to feel a pulse but it was there and so he talked to her softly, telling her that an ambulance would be there shortly to bring her to the hospital. Twenty minutes later, the ambulance arrived and he watched as they tried to stop the haemorrhaging and after fifteen minutes she regained consciousness, her pulse stabilizing.

>   "Amore, I'm here with you. The medics are treating you to take you to the hospital now. Do you remember what happened?" he asked as he softly brushed her wet hair away from her face while he kissed her forehead.

  "I went to the bathroom and saw blood, thinking it was my monthly menstrual cycle but when I got back into bed, it wouldn't stop and I suddenly feel dizzy. I guess I passed out at one point," she whispered as she tried to lift her head to see what was going on but as soon as she did, she saw the blood on the bed and panicked.

  "Oh my God! I'm soaking in my own blood!" she said as she raised her hand to her head and started to cry. "Why am I haemorrhaging?"

  "You'll have a complete medical examination and tests when the doctor sees you in the hospital. The doctor will let you know the reason you lost so much blood today, Signorina," the ambulance medic said as they lifted her onto their gurney, covered her with a blanket and strapped her so she wouldn't slide off. Then the two attendants carried her down the stairs and out the door to the waiting ambulance.

  "Can I ride with her in the ambulance?" Alessandro asked.

  "That would be good so you can fill us in with any information that may help the doctor understand her condition," the ambulance medic said.

  Alessandro called his guards to tell them that he was taking Alessia by ambulance to the hospital and that they should meet him there. Then he watched as they carried Alessia onto the ambulance; packed up their bags and medical equipment before he was allowed inside. He climbed in and sat holding Alessia's hand, feeling the coldness of her skin in his big warm hand. He looked at her with a heavy heart thinking that he put her in this condition and if anything happened to her, he wouldn't be able to live with himself.

  The drive to the hospital was brief and his guards were waiting at the emergency. As soon as he stepped out of the ambulance, the medics came out and took Alessia inside the emergency ward where family couldn't enter, so he sat down with his two guards and waited in the busy waiting area for some news.

  Not being used to waiting, he walked up to the nurses' desk and asked if he could see someone to know how Alessia Ferrara was. He was told that he needed to wait like everyone else, that medical attention didn't work faster if the person was rich or important. She said she was sorry but that he would have to wait for the doctor to come out after they'd performed some tests.


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