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Page 21

by Grace Kagni

  They hung up and Alessia went to have a warm bath to relax her tense muscles. The stress of another woman tensed all her muscles and she felt relief when she sunk into the hot scented water. She'd lit candles to give the bathroom a relaxing atmosphere and as she closed her eyes, she dozed off from exhaustion.

  * * * * * *

  Alessia awoke with a start when she realized her body had gone cold from the water. She fell asleep in the cold water and it chilled her to the bone so she drained the water and turned on the hot water to warm up again.

  After climbing out of the tub, she wrapped herself in her plush bathrobe and went to the kitchen to make a warm tea. Moments later she was sitting on her sofa, sipping her tea while she watched the news being broadcast.

  The reporters were in front of the hospital and they announced there was about to be an interview with an intimate friend of the Minister. She waited to see who was being interviewed and after the headlines were read, the television went back to the reporter at the hospital for the live interview. After giving a short introduction to where they were and the update on H.E. Alessandro Medici-Visconti's condition, the reporter walked over to the side to interview one of the Minister's closest friends. Alessia's eyes couldn't stop staring at the screen - it was Emilia!

  She told the reporters that she was back in the Minister's life and that they'd had a daughter. She also said that the Minister was thrilled to be a father and that he loved his daughter very much, showing a picture of the most adorable little girl Alessia had ever seen. As she watched, a tear ran down her cheek knowing that she couldn't step in the way of that child. The little girl looked exactly like Alessandro and the more she looked at the face on the screen, the more she realized she could never give him his own child. That was something that no money in the world could ever fix and it was something she needed to come to terms with. It would be for the best if she stepped back as a friend at this point.

  With a heavy heart, she got up and went to get dressed. No matter what happened, she would stay by his side to help him recover enough to go home and deal with a family that was being forced upon him. She was sure he would understand it was for the best. So slipping on a pair of jeans, running shoes and a sweater, she took her bag and headed out the door to confront whatever scene she would find waiting for her at the hospital.

  The bus ride took longer than expected due to an accident but she made it on time before visiting hours started and as she walked down the corridor to the sterile room to change into the hospital garments, she could already hear Valentina and Emilia arguing.

  "Shh, hey everyone can hear you - especially Alessandro!" Alessia said as she walked in to find both women at each other's throats. She stepped between the two to try to break up the catfight and was caught off guard as Emilia clawed her with her nails, scratching the surface of her skin on her cheek.

  "You bitch! Get out of my way," Emilia shouted.

  "I will not - now stop it! You're not going anywhere if you continue like this so back off or I will call the guards!" Alessia shouted back as anger pushed her to defend herself. She held out her fists to hit Emilia if she tried to attack again but as Emilia put her hands down, Alessia did too.

  Alessia finally got a good look at this woman and realized what a beauty she was. She was tall and slender in her tight jeans. She wore a short grey designer top with a shear shirt on top giving her the elegance of a top model. The high stiletto heels made her tower over Alessia but that didn't intimidate her since the anger she felt inside gave her the courage to stand up to the woman.

  Valentina's eyes glared at Alessia and she pulled her back into the corridor to have a word.

  "Are you mad? There's no way that woman is going in to see Alessandro. Are you going to help me to keep her away or am I on my own?" she hissed.

  "Calm down. She won't go away until she sees him and if we let her have 5 minutes with him it may be enough to send her off. He knows she's here and he knows what its about - he heard everything yesterday so let's not pretend he doesn't know. We'll be there with her to make sure she doesn't do or say anything to upset him."

  "I don't like this at all and I'm telling you that we should kick her out before she gets her claws on him. She's a liar and will do or say anything to crawl back into his life."

  "Well then, let's let fate handle things then. If they weren't meant to be together then only time will tell. All we can do is stay by his side and make sure she doesn't hurt him," Alessia said while she looked into Valentina's cold eyes.

  "Why are you doing this? Don't you care about him enough to fight for him?"

  "I love him more than anything in the world but it wouldn't be fair to tie him to a promise he made to me before he knew he had a daughter out there waiting for his love. That little girl deserves a chance to have her father come home in the evening to read her a story and put her to bed. I'm not going to take that away from either of them." Alessia felt her heart breaking for Alessandro and for the little girl. She knew it was the right thing to do.

  She walked back into the room to put on the sterile garments with Valentina at her heels. Emilia had already dressed and was inside with Alessandro so they quickly put on the necessary garments and walked into Alessandro's room.

  They found Emilia kissing his face insistently, whispering that she was back and that she'd take care of him. His eyes were closed but Alessia wasn't so sure that he was asleep. She had the impression that he didn't want to speak to her and he chose not to open his eyes. She hoped it didn't upset him more than she believed and while she waited in the corner of the room, Valentina watched Emilia like a hawk. When her five minutes were up, Valentina told her to leave and strangely enough, Emilia kissed him softly on the lips, told him she'd be back at the next visiting hour and left the room.

  Valentina followed Emilia out the room to make sure she left and while Alessia could hear them arguing, Alessandro opened his eyes and looked at Alessia with sorrow.

  "How many times do I need to tell you that she meant nothing to me. I don't want her in my life," he said softly.

  Alessia walked up to the bed and sat down in the chair. Then she took his hand and looked into his blue eyes. "You have a daughter with this woman and before you spoil your chance to give that child a healthy relationship with her father, you need to be nice to her mother - whether you like her or not. You have a daughter!" Alessia said as a tear escaped.

  "Amore, I may have a daughter but I found the love of my life and if you agree to it, we'll get to know my daughter together."

  "I saw a picture of the child and she has your eyes - your beautiful blue eyes. There is no question that she is your daughter."

  Alessandro stroked Alessia's hand trying to piece the events together and suddenly realized that he may really have a daughter.

  "Would it be so terrible for us to take care of my child, if she turns out being mine?" he whispered.

  "Alessandro, the child needs a mother and father. A chance at a normal family and I think that when you've recovered enough to go home, you should dedicate some time to your child and her mother to think about your future. She can give you what I can't."

  "Other children?"

  "Yes, other children. You know that I will never be able to give you a child and we only met a few months ago. You still have time to get to know the child's mother better - you may find that you like her enough to give the relationship a try."

  "I'd rather have a childless marriage than be in a marriage without love," he whispered as he stared into her eyes.

  She lowered her gaze to her lap a moment, not knowing what to say.

  "Look at me," he said.

  She lifted her eyes to look into his and saw the pain that was seeping through the blueness of his beautiful eyes. They'd lost their sparkle and that was when she realized that he would never give her up so it would be up to her to make the decision. She needed time to think.

  "I love you and no child will change that. Please give me time to ge
t better so that I can make things right. Will you give me time?" he pleaded.

  Alessia sighed. "Yes, of course I'll give you time to get better."

  Valentina walked in and their conversation suddenly stopped.

  "I saw the doctor just now and he said that you're getting better. He thinks you'll be able to go home by the end of the week. Isn't that great news?" Valentina said enthusiastically.

  "Yes, that's wonderful news," Alessia commented.

  "It sure is," Alessandro said as he continued to look at Alessia.

  "So we'll need to arrange for someone to assist you at home for the first few days until you regain your strength," Valentina said as she looked from Alessandro to Alessia and back to Alessandro.

  "Alessia, will you stay with me for a few days when I'm released from the hospital? As a friend?" he pleaded.

  "Of course, I can stay with you until you feel better but under one condition."

  "What's that?"

  "That you give some serious thought to what we just talked about," Alessia said while raising her eyebrows.

  "Ok," he said.

  "What would that be?" Valentina asked.

  "It's personal," Alessandro said to his sister while he kept his eyes on Alessia.

  Valentina raised her eyebrows, looked from Alessandro to Alessia and then back at Alessandro.

  * * * * * *

  The next few days passed quickly with Emilia visiting every time, trying to get more time with Alessandro during each visit. By the end of the week, Emilia stayed the entire time and took charge of the arrangements for Alessandro's release as if she were his wife.

  The morning of his release, Valentina couldn't take it anymore and told Alessandro to either do something or she would go back home if she wasn't needed. He looked at his sister with sorrowful eyes, not wanting to rock the boat for anyone and thanked her for her being there for him but that there was no need for her to stay longer since she had put her business on hold to be with him. He told her that Alessia and Emilia could help him with whatever he needed and kissed her gently on the cheek to assure her that he'd be fine.

  They exited the hospital together and after Alessandro said goodbye to his sister, he got into the car. Valentina could see Emilia getting into the car from the other side, without saying a word to her so she turned to Alessia.

  "Stay close to him and call me if it becomes too much for you - I'm only a phone call away," Valentina said as she hugged Alessia goodbye.

  "I will and don't worry. I'll watch her like a hawk," Alessia whispered into her ear. "I won't let her hurt him - I love him too much to allow it!"

  Alessia got into the back of the car, next to Alessandro and looked out the window as the car pulled away from the hospital.

  Emilia chatted the entire ride home, giving Alessia a splitting headache when the car drove through the gates of Alessandro's home. Alessandro stared out the window, not paying much attention to what Emilia was saying but Alessia could see that his patience was wearing thin. He didn't need the additional stress and so as soon as the car stopped by the front door, she felt his hand take hers. He leaned toward Alessia's ear and whispered, "I'm glad to be home."

  Emilia glared at Alessia, not happy with Alessandro's gesture but she couldn't say anything and so she watched as Alessia helped Alessandro out of the car and up the steps.

  He was still weak and as soon as they walked through the front door, Alessia turned to Emilia to tell her that she was going to help Alessandro up the stairs to his bedroom.

  "Oh, I can do that! You help the guards get the bags," Emilia said as she pulled Alessandro from the other side and was at the foot of the stairs by the time Alessia had a chance to say anything.

  Alessia gave Alessandro a sympathetic look telling him it was ok and so he let himself be led up to his bedroom by Emilia. Alessia turned to help the guards with the bags but they'd already taken care of it. They brought the bags up to the second floor and so Alessia followed the guards until she took her bag from them and went toward one of the guest rooms. She shut the door, feeling her nerves about to explode and walked over to the bed to sit down.

  She told herself to calm down - that she needed to give Emilia and Alessandro time alone to work things out. So after letting out a few long breaths, she decided to go downstairs to see if the housekeeper was home to arrange for lunch. The hospital had left a strict diet for Alessandro to follow and she could at least make sure that he stuck to the diet.

  As Alessia walked out of her room and down the hall to the stairs, she could hear Emilia and Alessandro talking. She stopped a moment on the landing to listen.

  "Amore, I'm here and I'll take care of you. There's no reason why the other girl needs to be here too," Emilia said.

  "Alessia is staying and I can get into bed without your help!" he growled.

  "Honey, you need to stay calm. I'm only here to help you get better."

  "Yeah, sure!" he said sarcastically.

  "Listen, I'm sorry about what happened in the past but the truth is that we have a beautiful daughter and all I want is for you to get better so we can be a family. Do you remember how we used to talk about the future?" she asked.

  Alessia noticed the bedroom door was opened a little and as she tilted her head to look inside, she could see while Emilia unbuttoned Alessandro's shirt, she ran her fingers over his chest. He moved her hands away but she brought them back to his pants to help him unzip and pull them off. That was when he growled at her. "Get out!"

  Alessia turned to go down the stairs before she was caught spying on them. She found the housekeeper in the kitchen preparing a vegetable soup for lunch and after discussing a few things with her, giving her the foods that Alessandro could eat as instructed by the doctor, she decided to go out to get some fresh air.

  As soon as she stepped outside, her phone chimed.

  Where are you? I need you! She's going to drive me mad!

  Alessia read the message and smiled thinking of Alessandro but then decided to go inside to rescue him from Emilia's claws.

  As she walked up the stairs, she bumped into Emilia who told her not to disturb Alessandro because he was resting and informed Alessia that she would speak to the housekeeper for lunch and future meals.

  "I've already spoken to her," Alessia said.

  Emilia's eyes went dark a moment. "You need to get one thing straight. I'm here to take care of Alessandro and I will make all the decisions about his care. Is that clear?"

  Alessia stood her ground and turned to face Emilia. "Maybe you're the one who doesn't understand. I'm here to make sure you don't hurt Alessandro in the process so be very careful because I'm watching you." Then Alessia turned to walk up the rest of the stairs to her room.

  Frustration burned through her veins and as she shut the door, she didn't know if she wanted to scream or cry. What had she gotten herself into?

  Her phone chimed again.

  Where are you? Please come - I need you!

  Alessia ran out the door thinking he wasn't feeling well. She rushed into his bedroom and saw him sitting up on his bed with his legs hanging off the side.

  "Are you feeling ill?" she asked.

  "I can't take her! Please tell her to leave!" his voice was pained with stress.

  Alessia took his hand in hers and stroked his arm. "I'm here with you and I won't let her do anything to you but you need to give it time. You need to give her a chance. She's fighting for her daughter's chance to have a normal family."

  "I don't trust her and I don't want her. She's not what she seems and I will not forget what she did to me," he said in a low voice.

  "What did she do to you?" she asked. It was an honest question, which she believed she had a right to know if he insisted on not giving Emilia another chance.

  "It is in the past and I really don't want to talk about it right now. I will tell you when I feel better. Right now, all I want is you to be near me," he said with his eyes pleading.

  "Alessandro. I agreed
to be here as a friend. I'm still confused about us and now that there is a child involved, I don't want to be the reason for you not to see your child," Alessia said.

  "Please don't do this!" he whispered. "I can't face life without you."

  "How can I not? There is a child involved and this child must come first in your life now because it would be the right thing to do," she said as her heart beat quickly, wanting to reach out to him and tell him that she wouldn't leave but she knew that if she did, she wouldn't have the courage to leave him when the time was right.

  She kissed him tenderly on the cheek and told him to rest before leaving the bedroom. She went back to her room to lie down, suddenly feeling a headache pinching the back of her head.

  Alessia must have fallen asleep at one point because she was suddenly awoken later with the sound of yelling. As she turned over, her head pounded with the sound of shouting coming from down the hall and so she got up to see what was happening. Nausea ran through her as she walked down the hall to where she heard the shouting but then realized it was coming from downstairs so she walked halfway down when she recognized Emilia's voice shouting. She was shouting at the housekeeper about food. Something about taking orders only from her and that she would be fired if she didn't follow her orders.

  Alessia walked the rest of the way down the stairs and to the kitchen to put a stop to the arguing.

  "Hey, will you keep your voice down? It can be heard upstairs and I'm not so sure that Alessandro would be pleased to hear you shouting at his staff the way you are now," Alessia said to Emilia.

  "Stay out of this. It doesn't concern you!" Emilia spat.

  "It most certainly does concern me. As long as we are both in this house, I will not tolerate your attitude toward the people that are here to help. Either you stop it or leave!" Alessia stared at Emilia.

  "How dare you! You have no right to talk to me like that and soon you'll be sent home along with this woman who is incapable of following my orders."

  "Listen up lady! If you don't stop this, I will put an end to it and make sure that you don't step back into this house again. Got it?" Alessia said as she turned to go back upstairs to her bedroom, feeling the nausea climbing quickly. As she left the kitchen she heard Emilia's fists bang down on the counter while she screamed loudly. Moments later, Emilia stormed past her on the stairs and went up to Alessandro's room, shutting the door behind her.


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