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Maximum Velocity

Page 4

by Kelsey Elise Sparrow

  I keep referring to it as an office but it’s not. It’s a studio. Z’s Studio for the Arts has officially opened. Trev and I opened it together. Max is a silent funder. My father is one of the others. I don’t know if Trevor knows that part. My father shocked me when he stopped by my house and handed me a check. That I never would’ve expected from him.

  I say this because my parents have made it more than abundantly clear how they feel about Trevor. His biggest fans they are not. I love them because they are the reason I exist but some things happen whether they are on board with it or not. My life is my own. When I was coming up, I never would’ve believed the man I fell for, the one whom I want to start a life with looks like him.

  As I continue to walk through the house, I’d entered from the back and this massive home has a hell of a lot of rooms along with hella square footage. The back entrance has one of those

  “I know this man did not have me come across town to his place and his ass isn’t even here. I’m going to kill him dead if that’s what he did.” I mumble and grumble as I make my way through Trevor’s home.

  I’ve been here a couple times. Each time makes me wonder how it’s possible that the man who lives in such opulent decadence is the same almost fully tattooed man from the wrong side of the tracks who just so happened to knock me up. Even that is a contradiction to the splendor I feel when I’m in his space.

  It’s the perfect place for a family of four or five. It’s a bit much for a single man who was sworn to bachelor-hood. That’s what I’ve been told a few times over. He didn’t want to be the one tied down to anyone. I now know why. Life can’t be easy when you are tied to one of the world’s most infamous criminals. It also doesn’t help when that same person tries to undermine all of your relationships to the point of threatening them with impending death.

  My skin is tougher than most and I don’t scare that easily. My life and the future of my family depends upon it. Besides, the man is worth it. Not that I’d openly admit that to him. I have to keep him on his toes somehow.

  Speaking of.

  “Trev, I’m going to scream bloody murder in a second if you don’t show your face. I’ve got a biliion things I could be doing right now.”

  I walk into the main living room of this four-bedroom, five bathroom house of his and the lights suddenly turn on. That’s weird. That wasn’t a feature the last time I was here. The lighting is dimmer than normal. Suddenly music begins to fill the space. I recognize the song. It’s one of my new favorites by Tank. It’s an instant mood changer for me.

  Did I mention that to Trevor and don’t recall?

  The song plays and I have an instant smile on my face.

  “I hope that smile remains and I become one of those things you ‘do’ tonight,” Trev says as he appears in barely nothing at all.

  My mouth nearly drops open at the sight of him and all of those sexy muscles I haven’t seen in forever. I haven’t felt sexy in forever. I have no such issue right now. The rush of hormones that moves through me has my skin flushing. My center heats and my palms begin to sweat. Discreetly, I try to wipe my palms on my skirt.

  Chapter ??

  Georgia maybe, Kentucky – Some stupid ass hideout


  4 months pregnant

  “Whatever you were giving her wasn’t what she needed. I guarantee ‘tattoo guy’ in there wasn’t laying it down the way she needed. I’m going to give her a taste of the good stuff, so she knows what’s good for her. She’ll be begging me for it afterwards.”

  He palms my breasts with his massive hands and tries to slide his hands between my legs. I try to scream but the band around my throat tightens. I fight his wandering hands until I’m tossed inside something. My hands are bound in front of me before darkness surrounds me.

  “Hey Trav Man, you’re not ...”

  “Don’t you worry about it. Your debt is paid, and all that soft shit can go with you as you make your exit. You don’t get women like Zoie Watson without a stiff upper hand.”

  The way he says my name with such reverence makes my stomach twist. Trav must’ve been the idiot who’d been in the shop with Devin when he’d decided to try to lay claim to me. Knowing that bastard, Devin, he probably sold me to pay whatever debt he owes. It makes me want to find a way for a rabid dog to have a good chance at his gonads.

  I am pissed. Who does he think he is? Does he really think I’m some form of commodity? What was the price?

  As if there’s an amount that would be acceptable for me to be sold as some sex slave. All of these questions float through my mind for all of ten seconds then I silently chastise myself for doing something so stupid.

  “Oooooh, when I get out of this I’m going to kick his ass. My combat boot may need to take a trip to happyville and go to town,” I say to myself and want to scream at how weak my voice actually sounds.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket and I want to kick my own ass for not remembering I had the damn thing with me. I contort my body so that I can reach my back pocket. By sheer luck the geniuses who decided to snatch me grabbed a bag with fabric that was thin enough for me to see my damn screen. The text is from Max. She is probably giving me shit about tonight. I hit a button I hope means I’m calling her. The fabric is thin but not thin enough for me to clearly read messages. I can’t see the damn icons on the thing.

  “Hello? I didn’t mean for you to call me. I ...”

  I shush her then quickly begin to talk before she loses her mind about me shushing her. We’re cut from the same cloth, one in the same, so I know her well enough to know she was ready to give me an earful since I would’ve done the same thing to her.

  “Max girl, that idiot, Devin, is using me as payment to take care of his debt. I don’t know what the fuck he has me in exactly but I’m expected to have sex with that shithead, Travis,” I tell her in one breath.

  I’m speaking as fast as I can in a voice, that is just above a stage whisper. I know that I’m in the trunk of some vehicle. Hell, it may be my own with the two I’ve been abducted by. Between the two of them, they have one functional working brain. The car that I’m in is new. It still has the new car smell to it which definitely rules mine out. I’ve had my car for a couple years now. It smells like lavender and vanilla. Suddenly, I lurch forward and almost slam into a spiky thing. The car was suddenly stopped, and I begin to have a panic attack. The spiky thing connects with my shoulder and I have to remind myself not to scream because it flippin’ hurt like hell.

  “Please hurry I don’t know how long before he attacks me.”

  Saying the words, “snatched me” causes the truth of my situation to hit home and I begin to cry. A fierce growl comes through the phone and I startle.

  “I’m coming, Baby. I’ll find you.”

  The determined, pissed off voice of my Trevor is the one who reassures me. I have no time to respond because I can hear him outside the car. Quickly ending the call, I don’t even let Trevor know that I heard him. I don’t want to be caught. Turning my phone to silent, I put the thing in my sock. For some reason, I feel breast, butt, or crotch scream “find me now.” The sock position, I believe, may give me some wiggle room and a possible chance at another call later. That is, if I’m not immediately found.

  I determine in that moment I’m going to fight as much as I possibly can until the crew arrives. I know they will find me. Hearing Trevor’s voice has me fighting back sobs I didn’t realize I’d built up. I quickly understand why the unexpected response begins to be released. Tonight, was supposed to be Trevor’s special night with me. All of this was going to be given to him. Now, some fuck-faced bastard was going to destroy our night or at least try.

  “I’m going to fight until I can fight no longer. He’s not going to have a willing victim when he tries what I know he wants with me this day.”

  I’m bound and determined to keep this man away from me. I know it isn’t going to be easy. Let’s face it, I’m a woman and he’s a man twice my size in
height and mass. It doesn’t mean I’m going to lay down and allow him to have me. I’ve never been a pushover and I’m not going to start today.

  The trunk–should’ve known that’s where I was—of the car pops open and I use my legs to slam into the chest of the person who reaches for me. I hop out of the back of the trunk and begin to run. I can see open road ahead of me but not much else. I’m just hoping someone sees me. The tie the damn bag is done up with some plastic binding that I can’t seem to work off. That was smart of the dumb asses. Sucks for me.

  “Bitch!” I hear howled a little too closely behind me and run faster.

  “When I catch you, I’m going to ... teach you a lesson.”

  That makes me run even harder. I’m so grateful for my morning runs with Trevor I could cry right now. Pregnant or not, I promised myself I would stay in shape. All too soon something connects with the back of my head and I’m falling. Fuck, for a big guy he caught my ass rather quickly.

  Before I hit the ground, I swear I hear.

  “I’m sorry, Zoie. Can’t have you messing this up for me.”

  Devin, that fucker, caught me.

  I lose consciousness then.

  Chapter ??

  Atlanta, Georgia – Inked to the Max


  4 months pregnant

  I’m in the middle of outlining the artwork of my client’s “Love” tattoo when Max gets a phone call. I’ve never been one to tune in to other people’s conversations, especially when I’m in the midst of my art. There’s something in Max’s tone that let’s me know she’s on the phone with my girl. I get excited then my stomach plummets when I see my pregnant boss and friend begin to move away from her station.

  Maxine doesn’t move from her station—even in her pregnant state—unless being dragged away for a restroom break but never for a phone call. Deck does the dragging thing very well. I’m apologizing to the young redhead in my chair in the next second and in Max’s space by the time she reaches the kitchen. When I take a gander at the expression on her face, I know I’m going to have to break my promise to my mother. Moms is going to have to deal with me getting in trouble just once more. I don’t give a shit, I can hear fear in my girl’s voice from where I’m standing.

  Tearing the phone out of Max’s shaking hand, I listen to the tail end of what Zoie is saying.


  I internally scream. It takes me a moment to remember the phone in my hand isn’t my own. It’s my boss. I need to calm the fuck down and not lose my shit until I have the fuckers who did this in my line of sight. She needs me.

  “I’m coming, baby. I’ll find you.”

  I hang up the phone and gesture to Charise. She can see in my face exactly what I need. We’ve known each other the longest out of all of the workers here so she can read me better than most. Most, accept Zoie. Zoie would already be in the chair handling my client. I’m at my locker in the next few seconds. When I hear one slide into the chamber of a glock, I don’t need to turn around to know that Ollie is behind me. We’ve spent enough time at the ranges together to know what each of us carries.

  “Deck’s calling Ballistic’s guy to activate the tracker. He also said Andy’s going to ...”

  Tires screech outside the building and I hear a sharp whistle.

  “Deck,” we both state at the same time.

  I grab my own gun and knife along with an extra magazine before following Ollie out. Max’s eyes are watering. She and Zoie are like sisters. Zoie is godmother to her daughter. No words need to be exchanged. Everyone knows I’m going to do what’s necessary to get my girl back. Time was, Max and Charise would be heading out the door with us. Deck and Jared would skin their hides if they even attempted to load the weapons both have at their stations.

  Hey, you don’t have the shop we have and bring in the cash we bring in without protection. We also don’t have time for bullshit. Most of us grew up on the streets and know all about the ignorant assholes who think they have a right to an area because it’s in their “territory.” All who live or work within three square miles in any direction know that every member of our staff carries or has access to a weapon. I used to be in the Army. Fucking IED shredding my leg pulled me out of there in a hurry. Still didn’t stop me from carrying or busting my ass to get my life back.

  Sniper – Jag; short for jaguar; quick on my feet

  I’ve pistol whipped a few guys for getting handsy with my co-workers. Inked to the Max is a family operated place. Fuck with family, deal with family. That’s what this shit is about. Zoie is mine. She’s been mine for years. We had to get through a lot of shit to get to the point of where we are. Some dickhead thinking he has the right to what’s mine isn’t going to happen. She’s my future, my one and only. Firing off a text, I climb into the back of the Expedition.

  Zo’s Man: Breaking my promise, Old Girl. My Zoie’s been messed with.

  Ma: Get the bastard and bring your girl home, Kid. Dinner Sunday.

  Absolutely fucking love that woman. I note the fact that there’s a period not a question mark at the end of her response and smile. I snort. Moms knows I’ll be there with my Zoie in tow if I have anything to say about it. Nothing’s keeping us from our life together. Not even this bastard, Devin. I focus on my Zo; the beauty that she is.

  Zoie’s eyes are light brown

  Trev’s eyes are green

  Masters of Arts of Psychology

  Distressing moments w/family cause Zo to become inarticulate

  Zoie calls Max, Toots

  Sweets is Max’s name for Zo

  Ilona’s kids:

  Lydia, Sloane, and Sawyer is her hubby

  Deck is 31, Bliss is 26, and Zo is 28

  Bliss has reddish brown hair, creamy brown skin, freckles

  Ellis calls Andrew “Boy Wonder”

  Andrew is Zander’s little brother

  Zoie’s room in the “children’s wing”

  Chapter ??

  Danville, Kentucky - Truck Station


  4 months pregnant

  “What are you doing? Is this really how you want to get me back? I mean, really? Best case scenario here ... how do you see this playing out? This insane plan of yours actually works. You win me. Then what? Is that really how you want to have me back in your life? Put me and my unborn child in harm’s way? Subject me to a life and situation that endangers me? is that truly how you want things to be for me? do you believe the person willing to do such a thing to a pregnant woman would be the most appealing man on the planet? Say all of this does work out just the way you want it to work. Would you truly be happy?”

  Devin’s dumb ass pauses for a beat then nods his head.

  “Yes I would. I’d be ecstatic.”

  Rolling my eyes, I have nothing to offer him but sarcasm and disdain.

  “I hear the words coming from your mouth, but I feel this sexy body is telling me something different.”

  My body physically, violently reacts to the craptastic one’s statements.

  “Look at her. She’s into what you’re saying.”

  The incredulous look I toss his way is missed because he’s too busy being validated by the first idiot.

  “That’s absolutely pathetic.”

  “What? What did you say, little girl,” the older of the two stated while producing spittle that lands on my bare skin.

  Great! Now I’m diseased. They’re going to have to amputate my damn arm.

  I release a low snort as I decide how I’m going to respond to these two numb-nuts.

  “I said the two of you were pathetic if either of you thought my reaction was in any way sexual and expressed possible interest, Old Man.”

  “Yeah, that’s right. I’ll be your old man. I like them feisty. Those make for the most fun and tend to keep me interested.”

  “The only way you can keep your dick hard is if you have a woman or possibly man—I feel like it depends on which way your dick swings that week-—is fighting you?
Does he do it for you? Do you get to complete while he’s inside of you?”

  My question is to the first guy and I see a sign of confusion. There is a question of how I knew that was what was going down between the two of them. In the next moment, I see the confusion change to anger. He’s pissed that someone else knows what’s going on between the two of them.

  Settling back on the wall, I see a little something else. The other guy is embarrassed because he was trying to put on this act and it failed.

  “What gave us away?” the younger of the two asks.

  “Aid, what are you doing, man?” the older guy looks as if he’s pleading for the truth not to come out. “I don’t know what you’re doing, but you need to stop right now.”

  The latter part of that statement is directed at me. He’s not ready for his secret to be known. Having been around Sam for the better part of three years, I can recognize the signs of denial of one’s sexual preference.

  “No one knows that you like both sexes, do they?” I ask the older guy.

  Aid silently responds by shaking his head. The older guy notices my glance to the left of him and gets up in the guy’s face.

  “What are you doing? We’re not supposed to be befriending her. We’re supposed to be trying to get information out of her.”

  “That may be your goal, but I’m not cut from that cloth. I’m in love with you and I’m tired of hiding it from everyone. I get that you get hard for me and for women. I accept that. I’m just tired of being in the closet with all of your other toys.”

  The older man has the younger guy by a few pounds as well as inches in height. In a move I didn’t expect as his response, he backs the guy up into the corner and pins him against the wall. His forearm is against Aide’s throat and pressing on it.


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