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Hero of the InBetween

Page 9

by Erin Snihur

  Gideon snorts and laughs, “Won’t happen if you keep screwing up.”

  Ezekiel rolls his eyes, “If you really wish to pursue this woman, you need to be calm and stop being overprotective about the little things. Try explaining your reasoning instead of ordering.”

  Dina pipes up in agreement, “Though sometimes a little fight can be fun in a relationship.” Her face turns red as her eyes grow wistful and all three of us guys groan as our minds follow her drifting thoughts.

  Gideon spews out his drink he’d been swallowing as Dina shrieks when a bit of the liquor gets on her dress, “I don’t need to be thinking about you and Satan bumping uglies thank you very much.”

  Dina quickly shoots Gideon a glare before turning to me, “Maybe you should think about being more supportive about the whole Elara’s a child of an Archangel thing. Especially if she wants to be trained to control her abilities. She could be the only way for us to find the sword and even bring down Tarnins followers.”

  I groan and lean forward putting my head in my hands, “Did I totally screw this up?”

  Ezekiel mutters, “Remember that time you and Gideon destroyed that island in the Pacific?” As I nodded, Ezekiel sends me one of his rare grins, “This is worse. You’ve got a lot of damage control to fix.”



  I can’t focus. Pascal has me sitting facing him with my legs crossed in a meditative pose. My eyes are closed. Though every now and again through the deep breathing, I peek out of them to gaze at Lucifer who is sitting on a bench a few feet away, flipping through his old book.

  Pascal murmurs, distracting me and I turn my eyes to him, “You’re not focusing, Elara.”

  Sighing in frustration, I drop my head into my hands, “I’m sorry. I’m just having a hard time grasping this whole concept.”

  Turning to Lucifer, I ask, “How am I the child of an Archangel?”

  Lucifer grins, but doesn’t look up, “Well the same principle applies for angels and humans. When an angel man gets excited about a woman, he puts his…”

  I interrupt with a noise of disgust and put a hand up, “I know how it happened; but I mean, were my parents lying to me this whole time?”

  Lucifer merely grunts out a reply as he sets the book aside on the bench and gazes down at me, “At the time of your conception, only a handful of Archangels were present on the Earth.”

  I cock my head to the side, “How would you know that?”

  He shoots me an incredulous look before smirking, “While my brothers and sisters believe they come and go from Earth without my knowledge, they could not be more wrong. However, I cannot be certain which Archangel was the cause of your conception.”

  Pascal hesitates in asking his question, seeming skeptical, “Which Archangels were present on Earth?”

  “Michael, Jophiel and Azrael were all present on Earth at the time of your conception. I believe your mother engaged in relations with one of my brothers and her mind was altered to forget the experience. Then she was compelled to go to the rally where your father and mother met. Jophiel would have used her abilities to form the seedlings of love between them,” Lucifer stares at me, completely ignoring Pascal as he answers Pascal’s question.

  Swallowing, I try to calm my breathing the way Pascal had showed me earlier, “So either Michael or Azrael could be my father?”

  Lucifer snorts bitterly, “Probably Azrael. Michael would not stoop so low as to consort with a mortal. He is the perfect child in our father’s eyes.”

  I murmur Azrael’s name, trying to recall anything I might have learned about the Archangel, “I know nothing about Azrael. What is he like?”

  Lucifer pauses and Pascal takes that moment to speak up, “He is often referred to as the angel of destruction. Much like the Greek god, Ares, the god of war.”

  I shake and gaze down at my hands as I squeeze them tightly into fists to keep them from vibrating, “Destruction. War. Is that to be my destiny? Tarnin was right, I am going to destroy everything!”

  Pascal takes my hand in his, “No. Elara, cease these thoughts. We will not allow that to happen. Darius will protect you.”

  My head pounds as I push back the thoughts of destroying everything and everyone I’ve ever loved. I groan as I hang my head in my hands as I mutter, “He must hate me.”

  Lucifer, with teasing in his voice, says softly, “I think it would be impossible for him to hate you. He broke my doors down to rescue you from me.”

  I sigh and look to Pascal, “Shouldn’t we approach the Archangels about all of this? Darius said they were the ones who tasked you all with the mission to find and retrieve the Flaming Sword.”

  Lucifer shakes his head and answers for the blind angel, “That would be a stupid move to make. It is forbidden for Archangels to procreate. You would be put down before you had a chance to blink in their presence.”

  I suck in a harsh breath of air as Lucifer’s once teasing face morphs into one of a serious nature.

  “Has this happened before?” I ask and immediately regret it.

  Lucifer’s face is now one of heartbreak and regret as his voice rasps out an answer, “Yes. Once. The child and mother were immediately terminated. The Archangel responsible was stripped of his wings and power. He became mortal and died shortly thereafter. The child was only a few days old.”

  Silence filled the small garden of the palace. Lucifer’s realm is peaceful. He had called it Avalon. His version of heaven he claimed. The peacefulness of this garden gave me the courage to try again. I slow my breathing and close my eyes once more.

  “Help me learn to control it, Pascal,” I demand as I face the direction he had been sitting in.

  “Let us begin again. Take slow, deep, methodical breaths. Once you have slowed your heart to an acceptable rate, we will delve into your mind,” Pascal’s voice is hypnotic. My nose twitches as I ever so slowly breathe in and out. My mind rushes to memories of my mother meditating in our living room. She always said mediating helped to center her thoughts.

  Lucifer croons softly from his seat a few feet away, “Once you’ve gained access to your innermost thoughts you should see a door. Open it. Only you can do that.”

  I scrunch up my face as my breathing and heart rate slow. My ears tingle and my fingers burn slightly. I’m itching to open my eyes. Somehow, I keep them closed as I watch through the darkness as a white light appears in the distance.

  “There’s a white light,” I say softly, not even sure if anyone hears me. My ears feel full, like when I’m on an airplane and all around me I hear the rushing of water and waves.

  A voice within tells me to move toward the light and as I do. The light grows bigger, shining all around me. The light scares the darkness away until nothing remains but an iron door. I feel myself lurch forward toward it. There is this pull that is so strong that I grasp the doors knob tightly in my hand. I hadn’t felt something this powerful since the day I’d pulled the Flaming Sword from the stone.

  The doorknob is cold and strong as I pull on it. It doesn’t budge and as I try to twist the knob, it remains still. The white light that slowly scared the darkness away is fading. I find my breath catching in my throat as I try to breath normally. My heart is racing. Something’s coming. I feel like I’m being chased. No, hunted. I need to open the door.

  A deep voice calls out to me and in my panic the burning in my fingertips intensifies and I push with all my might to open the door. It budges slightly. I know what I have to do, as the burning intensifies up my fingers into the palms of my hand. Pushing with all my might, I force the burning in my palms to force the door open. With the door open enough, I slide through into the white light, away from the darkness.

  Finally, able to breathe normally, I scan my surroundings. The entire area around me is white. I don’t feel hunted any longer by the darkness. I feel calm and at peace.

  “Hello? Pascal?” I call out. No one answers and I instantly felt on edge.

  How do I
get out of here?

  As I ask myself this, I spin around due to the cold feeling creeping across my neck. A raspy chuckle sounds behind the door I’d closed and shadows slowly creep in through the edges of the doorframe. I take a step back as the shadows swirl around and around until they form into the small one-armed form of Renna.

  I gasp and clench my fists, inwardly swearing at the sight of the woman I’d trusted in the InBetween, only to have her stab me the back. The sight of her scarred, ruined arm still stuns me. She is so tiny and pixy like that the sight of her scars have me on edge. Her smile is as cruel as I remember.

  “Renna,” I spat as I stare at her for the first time in a long time. I keep my eyes open, not willing to be tricked by her again. I need something to help me, anything. My fingers are no longer tingling or burning.

  Damn it. Where are these amazing powers everyone was talking about when I need them?

  “Hello, Elara,” Renna croons, her good hand instinctively resting at her waist. Though no weapons appear visible, I know she is not to be trusted.

  “How are you here?” I ask, wary as my gaze moves around, but still keeping her in my peripheral.

  Renna merely chuckles, “You were stabbed with the same blade Tarnin cut my arm off with. We have a connection, you and I. I knew it was only a matter of time before you reached out to unlock your abilities and try to find the sword. I’m surprised Darius and his little friends trusted you to unlock your abilities by yourself.”

  “My quarrel is not with them. It is with those that seek to do harm against Earth,” I snap back and Renna’s eyes blaze with fury.

  “Earth is merely the consolation prize,” Renna smiles evilly as she continues, “Don’t worry, Elara, we’re coming for you. It’s only a matter of time before they cast you aside.”

  With that, Renna’s shadowy form melts away and I am once again alone. I shiver and stare all about. There is nothing here. Squeezing my eyes tightly, I cry out the only name I feel safe calling.


  “Elara!” A voice cries out all around me and I feel like I am falling. The hard ground jolts me awake. I gasp as I stare all around me.

  Pascal and Lucifer stand back, far from me. I feel the tips of my fingers burning and my head is pounding. Blinking to clear my mind and my eyes, I slowly rise. My eyes widen and I gasp at the intricate design burned into the tiled ground beneath me.

  An angel rune. Not just any angel rune, but the rune. The one that indicated where the Flaming Sword was held cursed and where the gates to the afterlife and Earth had been in the InBetween. Trembling to stand, I stare down at the burned mark in the ground before turning back to Lucifer and Pascal who both stare at me open mouthed.

  It is Pascal who speaks first, hesitantly as he raises his hands in a peaceful gesture, “Perhaps it is time to rest.”

  I nod, feeling myself growing weaker. As they lead me away, I can’t stop myself from staring back over my shoulder at the burned rune. Inwardly, I feel the call to come closer, but I shrug it off.

  I need rest.



  After so many centuries of being alone in the InBetween, I find myself becoming overwhelmed with having my friends so close so soon. I grit my teeth and make my excuses as I force myself onto the balcony. Breathing in the night air, I scan the perimeter. No one resides here other than Lucifer. This is his palace. His home.

  It makes me long for the InBetween’s peacefulness in some messed up way. Was I actually craving to be cursed once more? To be alone? No, but the need to be alone with Elara is rising. My skin crawls at the reminder of our fight.

  Muttering to myself, I shake my head, “Why did I do that?”

  “Probably for the same reason she did,” Pascal’s soothing voice breaks through the silence and I glance over my shoulder to see my blind friend slip quietly through the doors and onto the balcony.

  I turn away and sense his presence draw closer. Turning my head, I notice him standing beside me, looking the same way he’d always looked. Even after all these years, I can always depend on Pascal to remain the same. His unseeing eyes seem to drift over the view of the palace and its gardens. I wonder what he truly sees or if he sees darkness? I never asked him that in all of the centuries we had been friends and family

  I breathe a sigh of defeat and turn away from the beautiful view to lean against the balcony railing.

  “I was the one to ruin things, not her,” I say, completely defeated.

  Pascal nods, “I agree that you said some unwise things, but so did she. I think your romance with Elara was heightened because of her need to escape the InBetween and your need to keep her with you. Now that you are both free of the InBetween and its curse, you are trying to establish what you had in the past. It cannot be established here in the real world. You have both changed since that time.”

  I scoff, “She will not listen to reason.”

  Pascal shakes his head, “She is listening, but all she hears is you trying to tell her how to live her life. For the last six months, she has been free of you. She will bristle at such dominance. If you wish for your relationship to succeed, it cannot be this way. You must learn compromise my friend.”

  I smile and turn my eyes on Pascal, “Where have you learned such things, my friend?”

  Pascal grins, “You were gone a long time. We have all changed.”

  I nod and my eyes shift to the windows that open up into the chambers I just left. The others are still there, drinking and discussing their situation. I hate the feeling of unease they get in my presence. Damn that curse.

  “I have not changed,” I point out.

  Pascal snorts and smothers his own laugh, a laugh that is so rare, “You have changed the most, my friend. Ambriel’s betrayal and the curse have made you distrustful of your family. That is why you settle an argument with Ezekiel with your fists instead of your words and why you grow angry at Gideon for his burly nature.”

  Pascal sighs, “The others are uncomfortable with your changes as well. They do not realize the extent the curse had on you. You must help them to understand your position. Only then will they truly begin to see.”

  Clenching my fists, I hang my head, “They will pity me. I do not wish to be seen as weak in their eyes.”

  Pascal hums and turns away from me, as he begins to walk to the doors, “We are imperfect, Darius. It is the way of the Almighty. We are your family and will accept your imperfections like we do for the rest.”

  Taking one last glance at the view, I sigh and stand, stretching myself to full height, “Where is Elara?”

  “Resting in chambers Lucifer has prepared for her. One level down.” With his last few words, Pascal enters the chambers again and joins the others. I watch as Gideon slaps Pascal on the back and offers him a drink, to which Pascal refuses as he seats himself near Dina.

  I scan each of their faces searching for the changes and imperfections Pascal was referring to. I accept them. I love them. They are my family. I would die for them. Steeling my resolve, I extend my senses to the rooms below this one and feel my heart thud to life as I sense the soft thud of Elara’s heart. She is sleeping.

  Turning back to the view overlooking the balcony, I make out in the distance a garden. An idea forms in my head as I slowly smile.

  I will make things right again, Elara.



  Something is tickling me. I wiggle my nose and catch myself from sneezing as I slowly rise from the soft bed. Lucifer and Pascal brought me to this room the previous night to get some sleep. I don’t think I made it a few minutes after changing into a nightgown before passing out. Gazing down at the pillow next to me, I catch sight of what woke me.

  My heart blooms and warmth spreads throughout me as I gently pick up the freshly plucked lavender flower bouquet. Glancing around, I notice I’m still alone and wonder where Darius has disappeared to. My chest aches as I recall the hurtful things, we flung at each other last night.

  Deciding to go find Darius and apologize, I stand and fling open the armoire Lucifer has set aside for me. He claimed everything in the armoire would fit, but I have my doubts. As I am scanning the clothing, I let out a shriek of delight at the sight of my bag hanging on one of the lower hooks attached to the armoire door.

  Pulling it off the hook, I begin pulling everything out and organizing it on the bed. My eyes drift to the beautiful lavender blooms that I gently placed on the bedside table and smile.

  “I can do this.”

  Freshly showered and clothed, I begin scouring the palace for Darius and the others. The smell of food brings me to the empty dining hall and I jump in fright as Dina emerges from the kitchen covered in flour from head to toe, looking angry. Lucifer quickly follows on her heels, covered in the same flour, pouting.

  The King of Hell pouts, cute.

  “I don’t see why you need to do these things when I can just as easily snap my fingers and…” Lucifer’s voice trails off at the sight of my standing there witnessing their argument.

  I shyly wave my hand, “Sorry to interrupt. Have you seen, Darius?”

  Dina gazes at me with a forced smile. I can tell it is forced from the strain in her eyes. I’d been feeling her anger over Lucifer’s attentions to me since we arrived.

  “He’s in the training circle with Gideon. One floor down you’ll see the open courtyard. Brunch will be served soon though, if you want to tell them,” Dina cheerly states and instinctively brushes away a loose, blonde curl.


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