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The Hot Daddy Box Set

Page 67

by Lexi Wilson

  “You’re making me look bad, coming in less than five minutes like a teenager,” he complained as he pulled out. He settled onto the couch and pulled me into his lap.

  “I like that I still have that effect on you,” I teased him.

  “Being inside you is like coming home, Evie.”

  We snuggled in silence for several minutes, and as we did, it hit me that our daughter was only a matter of feet away and could walk out at any moment. His parents were in the house across the walkway and could have seen us if they were outside or walked in through the front door that we’d left open. All of a sudden, my feelings were again a jumbled mess, and I couldn't just blame it on the hormones. This was real, and I wasn’t sure I could handle it.

  I stood abruptly and stooped down to retrieve my panties and leggings, shrugging into them as quickly as I could manage.

  “What are you doing?” Brett asked as he sat up straighter on the couch. His dick was starting to go soft, but it was still impressive, and I thought about kneeling down between his legs and bringing him back to attention again. Then my head snapped me out of the thoughts with warning bells, and I was looking for my boots and trying to get them on as quickly as I could manage.

  “Evie,” Brett said. “Talk to me.” He stood and pulled his underwear on before grabbing my hand. “Hey,” he continued softly, pulling me to him and holding me. “It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay.”

  “I need to go, Brett.”

  “Why? That was really fantastic. Stay.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t. I'm still confused and I…I don’t want to confuse Hannah.”

  He nodded slowly. “If that’s what you want.”

  It was not what I wanted. At least, I didn’t think it was what I wanted, but I wasn’t sure. I just needed to be anywhere else but there with Brett. I couldn't think straight being so close to him.

  “I have to go. I’m sorry to have just shown up tonight.”

  “I'm not,” he told me, pulling me to him once more and kissing me with everything he had.

  I was dazed when he pulled away and touched my lips, not sure if any of it was even real anymore. “Good night, Brett.”

  “Sweet dreams, Evie. I know mine will be.”

  I drove home on autopilot, not even certain how I got there. All I could think about was Brett. His soft smiles, his loving looks, the words he spoke, the way it felt being so connected to him. Something had changed between us in the hour or so that had transpired and it scared the living daylights out of me. I didn’t know if I was strong enough to face my feelings head on the way Brett seemed to be able to do. I didn’t want things to get messed up between us again, not with us bringing another life into the world.

  I got myself ready for bed, but I couldn’t sleep as my mind raced. I tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable until finally I gave up and went downstairs. I curled up on the couch and closed my eyes, trying to will myself to sleep but being on the couch only made me start thinking about what we had done on Brett’s couch. My hand trailed down my chest as I caressed my breasts through my thin t-shirt and I groaned out loud, filling the room as I rolled my nipple between my fingers.

  I shoved my hand inside my sleep shorts and gasped at the wetness I found there. I touched myself, curling two fingers inside me as my eyes squeezed shut tightly, picturing Brett, imagining his fingers inside me, playing my body as only he could to reach the height of an orgasm. As I found my release, I screamed out Brett’s name, wishing he was there to kiss me and to hold me.

  It hit me as I laid there with tears glistening in the corners of my eyes. I was in love with my ex. Head over heels in love with this man, just as I’d always been. And the only reason it had all come down around us…was me.

  Chapter 35


  It had been a week since my encounter with Evie at my house. I hadn’t stopped thinking about it once. I wanted more, but I knew I had to give her time to see for herself what I saw for our future. We had only spoken briefly since then and every time I had seen her, a deep blush settled on her cheeks and I knew she was remembering every detail of that night as much as I was. I was ready to be back in our house with her, loving her and making her feel that good every night again.

  I had started teaching classes at the college that past Monday and was really enjoying it. Even though I was taking over at almost the end of the semester, there was still some knowledge I could impart on those kids. My passion for what I did took over the minute I got into the classroom, and by the end of that first class, I knew I had made an impression on more than one student.

  My first thought was how I couldn't wait to tell Evie about my day and that I hoped to see her at choir practice with Hannah that night. I was able to leave campus and make it to Hannah’s school right on time to pick her up, and we headed back to my house. While she worked on some school work, I went into my bedroom to change.

  I was sitting on my bed when I suddenly had the urge to look at my wedding ring. I stood and crossed the room, digging it out from a drawer of my dresser where I had hidden it away. I hadn’t been wearing the ring when I was captured; I had tucked it away in my things before we had headed out. I always did that while I was on assignment. I had never wanted to risk losing the ring or having it stolen so while I was working, I kept it safe in hotel rooms and luggage.

  When I found it, I sat at the end of the bed and stared at it for a moment before putting it on my finger. It still fit the same as it did the day we were married, and it brought back a lot of happy memories. I hadn’t worn it since before the whole ordeal in Syria and had put it up out of sight when I had first settled into the pool house and unpacked my things that had been collected from the military base and sent home with me.

  I wanted my life back with Evie and Hannah more than anything in the world. I wanted to be married to her, to come home to her, to make her feel as good. I wanted to be there for her and our family, for all of the good and the bad that came with that. I didn't have any idea where Evie’s head was at, but I hoped it was in the same state of mind as mine. I hoped that she wanted to put this all behind us and reconcile because it was the Christmas miracle I longed for.

  Plus, wearing my wedding ring had the added bonus of warding off the single moms at church to keep them from hitting on me. At least I hoped it had that effect.

  I finished getting ready and headed back to the living room to check on Hannah.

  “You ready to go, Hannah Banana?” I asked her.


  “Get your shoes on and your coat.”

  She jumped off the couch and raced around the small living room to get ready, and I laughed as I watched her. Her enthusiasm was catching, and we were both all smiles as we made the drive to the church. Once we were inside, Hannah rushed ahead to join her friends, and I took my usual spot towards the front. I saw Monica start towards me as I sat down, and I raised my left hand and waved. The lights reflected off the shiny silver band, and Monica stopped in her tracks when she saw it. I thought she was going to turn back and leave me alone, but then she started forward again.

  And that was the exact moment that Evie took the seat directly beside me.

  Monica came to a screeching halt, and her mouth fell open. Evie hadn’t noticed her. She was waving to Hannah and smiling at our daughter before turning her head towards me.

  “Hey. I hope this seat wasn’t taken.”

  “Nope,” I smiled, sliding my arm around the back of her chair.

  She smiled back and sat back. Monica frowned and spun on her heel, huffing off until she found Melissa. I could feel her glaring daggers in my direction, but I didn't care one bit as practice got started. Not with Evie sitting beside me where she belonged, our legs touching from her closeness.

  About halfway through practice, the kids rehearsed the song that Hannah had a little solo in. I couldn't help the feeling of pride watching my little girl, and I let out a little whoop when she finished and clapped my ha
nds. Evie leaned into me.

  “I don’t think you’re supposed to cheer in the middle of rehearsal,” she whispered.

  I shrugged. “Couldn’t help it. She’s doing such a good job.”

  “Yes, she is.”

  She shifted, and her belly grazed against my side. I smiled and looked down at her as she stared ahead. Her hands were folded in her lap, and I couldn't help but think about how good they would look with her wedding rings back where they belonged. I reached out and took her hand in mine, twisting our fingers together. She was on my left, so it was my left hand that held hers, and when she glanced down at our entwined hands, I heard her sharp intake of breath.

  I knew it meant she had seen my ring and the only confirmation I needed was when she reached with her other hand to touch it. I didn't say anything, and neither did she, but that was okay. I didn’t need words to know the truth.

  This woman was mine, and I was hers.

  When practice was over, Hannah made a beeline for us. Evie withdrew her hand from mine before she reached us. I picked up our daughter and settled her to one side and then grabbed Evie’s hand again in mine.

  “You hungry, Hannah Banana?”

  “Uh-huh,” she nodded.

  “What do you think about us going over to mommy’s and making her dinner?”

  “Yeah, ‘cause Mommy can't cook.”

  “I can cook,” Evie spoke up indignantly.

  “You boil water great,” I told her with a wink. “After that, it gets a little sketchy.”

  Hannah giggled. “Mommy always burns my toast, Daddy.”

  “I know, baby. She used to burn mine too.”

  “Now you’re ganging up on me? I see how it is,” Evie smiled. “And for the record, I cook eggs, pancakes, and spaghetti just fine.”

  “But not much else,” I grinned. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  In the parking lot, I let go of Evie’s hand only after we reached her car. I made sure she was in the car and buckled in before I loaded Hannah into my car and followed her out of the parking lot and back to our house.

  Evie took Hannah upstairs to get in some pajamas while I went into the kitchen to see what she had that I could make. In the cupboards I saw all the ingredients I needed to make faux pho and my mind was made up instantly.

  I started out by finding some flank steak in the freezer. After I got that in the microwave for a quick defrost, I found a couple wine glasses and a cup for Hannah. I filled Hannah’s glass with apple juice, and after some digging around in the fridge, I found some sparkling water to fill the wine glasses with.

  When Evie and Hannah joined me, I passed Evie the wine glass. “It’s sparkling water,” I told her when she looked at it suspiciously.

  “Thanks,” she replied.

  The microwave went off, and I pulled the beef out, setting it out on the stove top. I found a cutting board in the cupboard and pulled out a knife to begin slicing the steak. Evie sat at the table, sipping her water and watched me.

  “What are you making?” she asked.

  “Faux pho,” I answered.


  “Daddy, can I help?” Hannah asked as she pulled a stool over.

  “Of course, baby,” I told her. “You ready to get started?”

  “Yep,” she nodded.

  “Alright, let's do this.”

  Chapter 36


  I watched Brett and Hannah make our dinner from my perch at the kitchen table, sipping my sparkling water. It had been a sweet touch by Brett to pour it into a wine glass. This was something we used to do before things had starting going downhill between us. Brett cooking while I watched and drank wine. Cooking had never been my strong suit, so I had always been happy to let Brett have his way in the kitchen while I enjoyed some wine.

  The dish he was making was one he had made a number of times before, and it was one I loved. It also brought back a lot of good memories as well. What gave me all of the warm fuzzies though was just having Brett in our kitchen again. Watching him make memories with Hannah made me tear up a little, and I took a sip of water to keep myself from crying.

  “You need a refill?” Brett asked as I sat my glass down.

  “I’m good, thank you,” I replied.

  He nodded and went back to work with Hannah, finishing up the quick process for turning ramen noodles into a pho dish. It filled my heart with such joy having us all together, a feeling I never thought I’d feel again after everything that had happened between Brett and me. Even though it still scared me, it hit me that I wanted my old life back. I wanted this every day.

  I excused myself and hurried from the room, going upstairs to the bedroom. I opened the drawer of my bedside table and pulled out the velvet bag that held my wedding and engagement rings. Seeing Brett wearing his at choir practice had made the butterflies in my stomach start fluttering and watching him in the kitchen just then made me feel some sort of way.

  I placed the rings on the tip of my finger and pushed them down into place. The fit was a bit snugger than I remembered, but I was also pregnant, so that wasn't entirely surprising. What did surprise me was the overwhelming sense of happiness that settled over me. It made me smile, and I went back to the kitchen to rejoin Hannah and Brett.

  As I entered the room, Hannah was bringing silverware to the table. She sat down, and I slid back into my seat as Brett brought over two bowls, setting one in front of Hannah and one in front of me before going back and getting a bowl for himself. As he sat down, I saw him look at my hand and the smile that crossed his face.

  “Do you want to say grace?” I asked Hannah. She nodded and folded her hands together, and Brett grabbed my hand in his and squeezed.

  “Thank you for the day, thank you for the food, thank you for everything, amen.”

  “Amen,” Brett and I echoed with a shared smile.

  As we ate, Hannah talked about school and the upcoming children's choir performance. Her chattering left no room for any other conversation, but that was okay with me. After we all finished eating, I began to clear the table, but Brett stopped me and made me sit down. I watched him and Hannah clean up instead. When they were done, Hannah yawned.

  “Why don’t you go up to bed, sweetie?” Brett suggested. “I’ll come up and read to you in a minute.”

  Hannah nodded and came over to me, hugging me; she kissed my cheek. “Good night, mommy,” she said.

  I kissed her forehead. “Good night, baby.”

  “It doesn't seem right to drive her back to my place when she’s ready for bed now. I hope that’s okay,” Brett said.

  “Of course,” I replied.

  “I’ll get out of your hair after I put her to bed,” Brett told me as he wiped his hands on a dish towel.

  “You’re welcome to stay a little while.”

  “Okay then, maybe I will,” he smiled before he leaned down and pressed a kiss into my hair.

  While he was gone, I made myself a cup of tea and a second one for Brett just in case and took both of them to the living room. I sat down on the couch, tucking my feet under me and sipped from my mug.

  “She’s asleep,” Brett said when he entered the room several minutes later.

  I looked up at him and smiled. “I made you some tea if you’re interested.”

  “Thanks, Evie.”

  He sat down beside me, and I unfolded myself from my position to move to sit against his side, and he put his arm around my shoulders. We sat there in silence for a while, and I laid my head on his shoulder.



  “I was thinking that maybe we could ride together to church on Sunday, and have lunch after, as a family.”

  “I would really like that. Should I pick you up?”

  “That would be nice.”

  “I’ll be here at ten-thirty then.”


  “I taught my first day of classes this week.”


/>   “On Monday.”

  “Oh, my gosh, Brett, how exciting. How did it go?”

  “It was good. I was nervous walking in, but I settled into it really quickly.”


  “And I loved it, Evie. It was amazing. I got such a rush imparting the things I’ve learned.”

  “Better than the rush of being out in the field?”

  He grinned. “Yeah, better than that. Which honestly, I didn't think that was possible, but it was something else altogether.”

  “How many of them worship you already?”

  “A couple,” he chuckled. “It was kind of flattering, to be honest. I never thought I’d be teaching so I never thought I’d be in a position where I would be meeting young people who look up to me.”

  “I bet there a couple co-eds who worship you for reasons other than your work too.”

  “Would you be jealous if there were?”

  “I’ll never tell.”

  “You don’t have to; I already know the answer is yes.”

  “Oh yeah? How did you figure?”

  “Easy. I saw the look on your face when Monica and Melissa flirted with me, and you wanted to kill them. My wedding ring did wonders keeping them at bay tonight, so it should work great at school tomorrow too.”

  “I can’t believe mine still fit; every part of me feels fat these days.”

  “Not fat: pregnant,” he reminded me. “And gorgeous. Every inch of you is gorgeous, Evie.”

  I blushed. “Thank you.”

  “How would you feel about me coming over for dinner tomorrow? I can cook again.”

  “I would like that, and I think Hannah would too.”

  “Maybe I can come over and make dinner every night.”

  “Well you cook better than me, so that sounds like a good plan in my book, but mostly I like the sound of us being a family again.”

  “Yeah?” Brett asked sitting up. “Because that’s pretty important to me these days.”

  “Maybe we can do something together this weekend?”


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