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The Hot Daddy Box Set

Page 85

by Lexi Wilson

  Tears poured down her face. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “You’re staying, and we’re going to deal with this together.”

  “I can’t do this to you, Jaxon. It’s not fair. You deserve so much more than this. So much more. You’ve already done so much for me and it’s not fair for me to put you through this. I shouldn’t have stayed with you in the first place. I always knew it was a bad idea.”

  I raised my eyebrows at her. “A bad idea? I came home and found you almost unconscious on the floor in a pool of your own blood. If you weren’t staying with me, then there would’ve been nobody to save you. Don’t talk this way, Kaylee. I want to help you. So, let me. Now, you say that the only important thing to you right now is to keep your daughter safe. Is that right?”

  She sniffed then nodded. “Yes.”

  “Well, I agree with you. But running away is not going to help. I’m so glad you ran away from him the first time. Trust me, you did the right thing there. But you can’t keep running, otherwise you’re going to live your whole life in fear. You’re not leaving, Kaylee. I won’t let you,” I said. Truth be told, I wasn’t sure if I could live without her now that she was in my life. Something had happened between the two of us that I could not explain. I had never felt this way about anyone in my life. I wasn’t sure if she felt the same way as me. but I knew that I would spend the rest of my life trying to protect her from this monster.

  “Thank you. I’m so sorry, Jaxon. For everything. I’m also so very grateful. I want you to know that.”

  I nodded. “I do know that. I’m grateful for you too. You might not realize this right now, but you saved my life too.”

  “What are we going to do?” she asked.

  “I have no idea,” I said honestly. “But we’re going to figure something out. Right now, I want you to rest.”

  She nodded. “Okay. I can’t believe how tired I am. I just woke up.”

  “That’s good. That’s your body trying to recover. They say you recover the most during your rest period. So, sleep is crucial right now,” I said. Then I smiled. “I couldn’t sleep, so I stayed up looking things up on the computer.”

  “You’re amazing,” she said. “Will you get some sleep too? I want you to sleep as well.”

  I nodded. “I will. How about I take you to the bedroom? You can sleep there. I want to phone my mom and just make sure that she knows that you’re okay. I’ll check on Allie too. Then I’ll take a shower and join you in bed. I promise.”

  “Okay. Tell Allie I said hello and that I love her. Can you ask your mom to give her some extra ice cream? I’ll pay her back.”

  I chuckled. “I’ll tell her.”

  I picked her up and took her to the bedroom. The moment I tucked her in under the covers she fell asleep. I stood there for a while, just watching her. It was still quite hard to process everything that she had told me. I had been sleeping with a married woman all this time. In a way, it wasn’t good that she had been sleeping with me. I didn’t know she was still married, but she obviously knew. But I knew that she didn’t feel married to this Bill guy. She probably hadn’t ever really felt married to him. I knew that she didn’t go around sleeping with other guys. Her and I had a connection. We hadn’t planned for this to happen.

  I went downstairs and called my mother, who answered almost immediately. I told her that everything was fine and that Kaylee was just resting and getting better. My mother was still unconvinced about my decision not to call the cops, but she said that she would trust me.

  “If you don’t want to then there must be a good reason,” she said.

  “There is. I wasn’t so sure either, but now I understand why she doesn’t want them involved.”

  “So, she told you everything then?” my mother asked.

  “She did. Oh Mom, it’s all so awful. I’ll tell you all about it sometime, but it’s a bit much to tell you on the phone now. Anyway, right now, it’s not really my story to tell. The only thing I can say is that her past caught up to her, but I think she always knew that it would. You can’t run away from things. You have to face up to them, as horrible as they are. But she’s a good person Mom, that’s one thing I know for sure.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to tell me that,” my mother said. “I knew that from the moment I met Kaylee. But she’s okay? You’re okay? Are you sure we can’t do anything?”

  “She’s fine. I’m fine. Well, as fine as we can be for now. I’m going to get some rest too. I haven’t slept a wink since yesterday and I’m not going to be any help to her if I’m this tired. Mom, can you please keep Allie a little bit longer? We need to figure out what to do, and we need Kaylee’s bruises to heal a bit more.”

  “Of course. I’ll keep her as long as you need me to. Don’t worry, Allie is doing just fine. She’s having a great time. I’ll make up some excuse. But as soon as Kaylee can at least speak to her on the phone, let me know. I think that will help.”

  “Good idea,” I said. “Okay, I’ll call you as soon as we’ve both had some rest. I love you, Mom. Thank you so much for helping us out like this. It means the world to both of us.”

  “I love you too, Jaxon. You’re a good boy for doing this. She’s lucky to have you.”

  Chapter 28


  The pain in my ribs was like nothing I had ever felt before. I knew as I woke again that this time it was worse than ever before. I didn’t want Jaxon to know that, though. If he knew just how much pain I was going through he’d be sure to call the ambulance to come and get me. I probably needed to go to the hospital, but I couldn’t let that happen. I would just have to be strong and get through this. It maybe be painful, but I had always proved much stronger than I thought I could be. Jaxon was no longer lying next to me on the bed so I lay there for a while, just thinking about what I was going to do.

  Jaxon wanted me to stay, but I still wasn’t sure if I could do that to him. I needed him, and I hated the thought of being alone again. But Jaxon was such a good person and he didn’t deserve to have all of this going on in his life. I had just dumped a whole bunch of drama in his lap that he didn’t need. He was too good of a person to send me off though, but I still wondered if I shouldn’t perhaps just go anyway. Right now, the only person I had to think about was Allie. I had to figure out what was best for her. Would I be better off staying here with Jaxon, or would we be better off going on the run again? I wasn’t sure. Allie would be angry with me, that part I knew for sure. She loved it here. She loved Jaxon and his mother, and she absolutely adored little Toby. To pull her away from this would be devastating. But Bill knew where we were and I wasn’t sure I would ever feel completely at ease knowing that.

  Where was Jaxon? I suddenly felt an urge to see him. I also felt hungry again, which was a good sign. Once I saw him, I would make a decision about what to do. If I left would I tell him? Or would I go before he found out? I felt sick at the thought of leaving without saying goodbye, but it might be the only way I could do it. I tried to get out of bed but the pain was excruciating. It shot right through me and I cried out. Jaxon was there within seconds.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  I nodded. “I’m fine. I’m fine. I wanted to get out of bed. I think I need another painkiller.”

  He nodded. “You do. And food. That’s what I was getting you. I’ll go and get it. You stay here.”

  He had a strange look on his face and I wondered what was going through his mind. But right now, I was too distracted by the pain and too desperate to take my pill. I was relieved when he came back moments later with some toast, some coffee, and some pills. I took the pills first, wolfed down the toast, and then sighed. I took a few sips of the coffee and thanked him.

  “Better?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Almost. Thank you,” I said.

  He nodded but didn’t say anything, and for a while the two of just sat in silence. Something was going on, I was sure of it.

  “Jaxon, what’s going on? You
seem strange.”

  He sighed. “I found this under the door when I got up,” he said, and handed me an envelope.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Just open it,” he said solemnly.

  I stared at the envelope. I knew by the way he was acting that it was something bad, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what it was. All I knew was that I was scared to open it. My hands trembled as I finally opened it up. I gasped when I saw what was inside. They were photos. I stared at them and then dropped them. They tumbled to the floor and neither one of us bothered to pick them up. I’d been so worried about those photos. I knew that one day they would come back to haunt me.

  “I can explain,” I said to Jaxon. “I…”

  “What’s going on here?” he said to me. He seemed confused and hurt, and I could completely understand why.

  I sighed. “He made me do that. He made me pose like that. He made me do those things. I’m mortified right now. He told me that he would do something bad to Allie if I didn’t do those photos. I begged him not to, but he made me. I had no choice. You have to believe me.”

  “I believe you,” Jaxon said. and I knew then that he did.

  I sobbed. “I hate him. I hate that he is doing this to me. I told him not to ever show those photos to anyone. He said they were just for his collection. I knew he was lying. I knew I shouldn’t have let him take them. But I didn’t know what to do. Oh Jaxon, I didn’t know what to do. I was so scared he was going to do something to Allie. I was so scared. Why is he doing this to me? Why does he even have these photos? I don’t understand. Do you think he was trying to make you jealous or something?”

  “He left a note.”

  “What? What did it say? Do you have it” I asked.

  He nodded and handed it to me. I was so scared to read it. I tried to hold the paper but I was shaking too much and couldn’t keep anything steady enough to read. I looked helplessly at Jaxon and cried.

  “Can you read it to me?” I asked. “Please.”

  He took the paper from me and started to read. “Kaylee, I will release these photos if you go to the cops. If you think you can outsmart me, then you’re wrong. These photos are a lovely little reminder of the hold I have over you. Don’t ever think you can get away with this. She’s my daughter too and you are my wife. Remember that. I’m watching you, Kaylee. I’m watching. One move to the cops and these photos are out for the world to see.”

  I gulped. “He’s a monster. He’ll do it too,” I said. “He’ll do it.”

  I bent down and picked up the photos. I then tore them up into little pieces until it was impossible to tell that it was me in any of them. I knew that it was a pointless thing to do. I knew that he had plenty more copies of them. But the simple act of getting rid of them made me feel better.

  “I keep thinking that if I could go back in time I would never have posed for those photos, but I’m not sure if that’s even true. It was either that or have him do something to Allie. Who knows what he would’ve done. He might have hurt her. I have always allowed him to do whatever he wanted to me as long as he stayed away from our daughter. So, I would probably do it all over again. What does that make me, Jaxon? Does that make me a horrible person? Am I just as bad as him?”

  “You’re nothing like him, you hear me? You’re nothing like him. You are not a horrible person. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met. Everything you have done has been for the greater good of your daughter. Don’t ever forget that. He’s just trying to control you. He’s trying to be manipulative. But it won’t work. It won’t. We won’t let him get to us like this. We won’t let him win. We have to be strong and we have to stay together. We’re a team now, and there is no way that I’m giving up on you. I’m here through all of this. Okay?”

  I looked at Jaxon and sighed. I shook my head. “I don’t know. I just don’t know. I think that I have to go, Jaxon. I don’t want to, but I must. It’s best for all of us. What if he tries to do something to you? I couldn’t live with myself if he comes after you. How can I stay here? I’m his wife. I can’t live here with another man. I have to go. I have to make sure he has no idea where I am or where Allie is.”

  Jaxon took my hand and looked me in the eyes. Once again, I was reminded at how different his eyes were from Bill’s. Jaxon had the kindest eyes I had ever seen in my life. They reflected who he was inside.

  “Kaylee, you’re staying,” he said to me. “I am not letting you go out there. You have to stay. Not just for you, but for me. For Allie. You have to. Yes, he knows where you are and I know that is dangerous. But if you run, he will just find you again and this will happen all over again. We’re figure something out. I know we will. You have to trust me, and you have to stay with me.”

  “Jaxon, I just can’t do this to you. I can’t. I feel so bad. I feel…” I stopped, because I was crying too much to talk. I didn’t know how I felt anymore. I was overwhelmed by confusion and sadness for what was happening. Since I’d moved to this town I had finally understood happiness, but now it was being ripped away from me all over again.

  “I love you, Kaylee. You’re staying.”

  Jaxon’s eyes widened the moment the words were out of his mouth. Then, he leaned over and kissed me and walked out of the room. I sat there staring at the door, wondering what the hell had just happened. Had he really just told me that he loved me? Panic came over me. How could I do this to Jaxon? I loved him too. I knew the moment I heard the words out of his own mouth. I was in love with him.

  Chapter 29


  Had I really just told her that I was in love with her? Shit! That was not supposed to happen. Not right now. Not like this. Out of all the ways I had ever planned on telling her, this was not one of them. I had literally blurted it out and then walked out of the room. My phone rang and I answered it quickly, thinking it was going to be my mother. But this time it was Styles, calling just to say hello. I hadn’t been the greatest friend lately. but there’d been so much going on.

  “Uh, hey Styles. Give me a minute, I just want to go to my room.”

  I headed over to my room, knowing that it was the only place I could talk without Kaylee overhearing me. I closed the door, then made my way over to the bed and sat down.

  “Okay, sorry about that, I had to go where it was quiet.”

  “Quiet? Why? What’s going on?”

  “Nothing is going on. Kaylee is just sleeping, that’s all.”

  “Sleeping? This is a strange time to be sleeping. Is she unwell?” he asked.

  “Yeah, she’s not feeling great.”

  “Jaxon, what’s going on? You sound strange. Is everything okay?”

  I sighed. I needed to talk to him, but at the same time it felt like there was just so much that I couldn’t say. “Everything is fine. I…well, here’s the thing,” I said. “Hypothetically speaking, say there’s a woman who has run away from her husband.”

  “Kaylee?” he asked. “She’s married?”

  “No, I’m talking hypothetically here,” I said.

  “Oh, okay. Well, what about her then?” he asked. He obviously knew I was lying, but I was glad he was playing along. He could probably hear how panicked I sounded.

  “Well, say that woman ran away to protect herself and her daughter from a man who was constantly abusing her both physically and mentally. And say she ran away from him even though she was still married. Say she tried desperately to find a place that he would not discover her in.”

  “I’m with you,” he said. “Okay, so what is happening to this woman now? She’s in hiding?”

  “She is. But, what would happen if that man still found her and beat her up senselessly to the point where she was lying in a pool of her own blood.”

  Styles gasped. “Oh my God. Is Kaylee…”

  “Hypothetically,” I urged.

  “Of course. Of course. Hypothetically speaking, is the woman okay?” he asked.

  “The woman is fine, but she re
fuses to go and see anyone. The man has some photos that he forced her to pose for, and he is high in the church community. He put those photos under the door with a note saying that he would expose them if she went to the cops. He has one face for the public and one face for her. She doesn’t want to go to the cops in case they favor him and then give her daughter to this man. She’s so scared of that happening. Hypothetically speaking, what should a woman in this situation do?”

  “Oh hell, this is a terrible situation. I understand why she’s running away. It might have seemed like the only thing to do at the time, but running away doesn’t ever really solve anything in the long-term. She should still go to the cops. She needs to get a divorce, she needs to take this man in. She needs to make sure that he never does this to anyone else. She needs to tell the truth no matter how hard it may be.” The words he said echoed my own, but I wasn’t convinced that they were the right thing to do. If they favored Bill over Kaylee, then I would never forgive myself. And she would never forgive me.

  “But what about her daughter? What if she loses her?” I asked.

  Styles sighed. “I understand that. The problem is that she is now a woman who has taken her child away from her father, and he can use that against her. Especially if she’s the only person who knows what sort of a man he really is. If he has one face for the public, then it’s going to make it very difficult to prove. She needs to be careful about this. She needs to prove that he’s done the things to her that he has. Now is the time to go in and tell them what he’s done and why she ran away. She needs to do it now before it’s too late.”

  “Is there a chance that they will not believe her and give her child to him?”

  “There’s always that chance, unfortunately,” he said. “But she can’t run away forever.”

  “Yeah,” I said sadly. “That’s what I thought, too. Look, I better go. I’m sorry about all of this. I promise to be in touch with you soon. I know I haven’t been a great friend these days. It’s been busy.”


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