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Surprise Daddies (#1-4 Box Set)

Page 21

by London James

  “Neither do I. Like I said, I’m biding my time at the moment,” he says. “And until then, I’m taking my time to get my head clear, and get it right – and to keep it that way. I’m trying to enjoy this little life I’ve built for myself out here. Being out here amongst nature – it’s something that’s always appealed to me. Waking up every day and walking out there among all the trees – it’s breathtaking. It fills me with a life-affirming energy I’ve become addicted to. I’m living in paradise. How can you go wrong with that?”

  “What about Jenny?” I ask, trying to tread carefully. “I mean, what about that whole suburban dream?”

  He shrugs. “It took me a while, but I finally allowed myself to move past it. I’m always going to love her, but she’s a part of my past,” he says. “I’ve had to leave her there. For a long while though, I believed the part of me capable of actually feeling for somebody died with her.”


  “I think that maybe I was wrong about that.”

  His eyes bore into mine and pin me to the sofa. And when he speaks, I feel my heart drop straight into my stomach as a powerful wave of emotional heat rolls in over me.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  She’s in the shower when I place a call to Walt. I press the phone to my ear and pace around my office. He picks it up on the second ring.

  “What’s up, kid?” he asks, his voice tight. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, everything’s fine. Just calling to get an update from you,” I say.

  He lets out a long breath. “It’s an absolute cluster fuck here,” he says. “We know Zavala’s got a mole inside. We just can’t figure out who it is.”

  “No suspects?”

  “None at the moment.”

  “Christ,” I mutter.

  “Yeah, tell me about it,” he grumbles. “We’ve had the goddamn Attorney General down here climbing up our asses. Not only is this mole going to get our wits killed, he’s compromised hundreds of other cases. We could see a hell of a lot of convictions overturned because of tainted evidence.”

  I run a hand through my hair and stare out the windows of my office to the forest beyond. The sky is filled with dark clouds, and I see flashes of lightning flare in the clouds.

  “This is just going from bad to worse,” I say.

  “No shit,” he replies. “How is Isla?”

  Amazing in bed is the first thought that goes through my mind, but I bite it back. It’s probably not information Walt should be made privy to. Not only did I cross the line with a witness, there’s a small part of me wondering if I’m taking advantage of her. She’s got no memory of her past and is pretty impressionable as a result.

  Oh, she’s strong and tough as hell. It’s one of the things I like most about her. But, the fact of the matter is that she’s also dependent upon me for everything – all of the information about her life, who she is – all of it. And I worry that I may have stepped out of bounds by sleeping with her. I worry that I took advantage of her in a slightly weakened state.

  There’s no question in my mind that I feel something for her. Something profound. I feel something I haven’t felt since Jenny died. That much is absolutely true. But, there’s some part of my mind, after seeing the doubt in her eyes today, that wonders if I led her down a path she wasn’t ready to go down. And those questions in my mind have me feeling like shit.

  “She’s good,” I tell him. “Bits and pieces of her memory are coming back. Slowly.”

  “That’s good. That’s real good.”

  “Listen, I have her cell phone,” I say. “I was going to give it back to her –”

  “No, don’t do that,” Walt interrupts.

  “Why not?”

  “It’s possible Zavala has somebody watching that number electronically,” he says. “That son of a bitch is savvy. And if she makes a call with it, it could lead him right to your door.”

  “Good point,” I sigh, kicking myself for not thinking of that.

  “Not to mention the fact that she can’t call her old friends,” he points out. “You know that. Once we pulled her out, she has to stay out.”

  “I know, but I had a thought that hearing a friendly voice might help jar some of her memories loose.”

  “Too much risk, too little reward,” he replies. “Sorry, kid.”

  “Yeah, I figured as much,” I say. “So, no idea how long you’re going to be trapped out there, huh?”

  “None,” he confirms. “I’m just glad you’re watching out for her, Baker. Makes me feel better about the whole fucked up situation.”

  “I’d feel better about it if Zavala’s guys weren’t buzzing around town.”

  “Just keep your head down, kid,” he advises, “You armed?”

  I laugh. “What do you think?”

  “I think you’re probably better armed than a small country.”

  “Probably a couple of mid-sized ones too.”

  “Good, then you’re in good shape,” he says. “Just keep out of sight, and don’t draw attention to yourself. I know Hernan has that blood curse on you or whatever the fuck he calls it.”

  “Oath. Blood oath,” I correct. “And yeah, how could I forget that?”

  “Okay kid, stay safe out there,” he says. “And keep her safe.”

  “Roger that.”

  I disconnect the call and slip my phone into my pocket. Heading out of my office, I make my way down to the living room. Isla is sitting on the couch with a book in one hand, Stabler laying down beside her with his head in her lap.

  “I’m pretty sure my dog likes you better than he likes me,” I chuckle.

  “Can you blame him?” she asks, giving me a flirty little grin.

  “No, actually I can’t.”

  Thunder claps so loud it rattles the windows, making the both of us jump a bit. Stabler raises his head, a look of mild concern on his face. A moment later, lightning flares, making the rapidly darkening world outside as bright as it is at noon. A moment later, the sky opens up, and the rain comes crashing down.

  “Sounds like the world is ending out there,” she remarks.

  “Seems like a good night to stay in.”

  “Oh, did you have plans for us tonight?” she asks.

  I shrug. “I thought I’d take you out on the town tonight,” I jest. “Take you out to Grizzly Ridge’s finest five-star restaurant, then dancing at the local jazz club, and we’d finish the evening off with a carriage ride through the park.”

  She laughs and throws a balled-up napkin at me. “I somehow think you’re thinking of a different place entirely. I think the closest this town comes to having a restaurant with any stars is Carl’s Jr.”

  “Come on now, there are some good restaurants in town,” I say, giving her a roguish grin.

  “Sure, if you like country-fried everything.”

  I laugh. “Still, since the world is ending outside, how about a movie?”

  She sits up and smiles. “Do you happen to have popcorn and hot cocoa in this place?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do.”

  “Then, it’s a date.”

  We both look at each other for a long moment, the chemistry flowing between us almost palpable. Finally, she clears her throat as her cheeks flare with color and looks away.

  “Tell you what, I’ll go get that stuff ready and you pick the movie,” I offer.


  I give her a smile then head into the kitchen where I set about making our popcorn and cocoa. Stabler pads in and sits down in the middle of the floor, looking up at me expectantly.

  “What?” I ask him.

  He chuffs at me, then very pointedly looks at the treat jar. This dog is too smart for my own good, I swear.

  “Don’t worry, buddy,” I assure him. “I’m not going to leave you hanging.”

  As if that satisfies him, Stabler gets up and jogs back to the living room to stand watch over Isla until I get there, apparently. That dog is to
o much. I load everything onto a tray and haul it all out to the living room where I’m glad to see Isla already has a movie cued up and ready to go. Stabler looks over at the tray from his spot on his loveseat as if to confirm that I did in fact, not leave him hanging. I didn’t.

  “What are we watching?” I ask.

  “I don’t know why, but I kinda had an urge to watch this Star Wars movie.”

  I chuckle. “Ahhh, so you were a nerd in your past life.”

  She sticks her tongue out at me. “Probably,” she says. “But this is the first one that spoke to me, so I have to assume I’ve seen it.”

  “Well, I haven’t, so it’ll be as new for me as it will for you.”

  “One of the benefits of amnesia,” she replies.


  Stabler is watching me closely, so I toss him one of his treats. He snags it out of mid-air and happily crunches away on it. I hand one of the mugs of cocoa to Isla and take hold of my own. She brings it up to her nose and inhales deeply.

  “This smells wonderful,” she breathes. “It smells so rich. This isn’t the out of the packet, just add water stuff, is it?”

  “Bite your tongue,” I say. “What do we look like around here, savages?”

  She laughs and blows on her mug to cool it. I toss Stabler another treat and punch the play button on the remote. Picking up the bowl of popcorn, I set it in my lap and sit back on the couch, settling in and getting comfortable. I’ve never seen any of the Star Wars movies, so I have no idea who these people are or what’s going on really. But I watch Isla out of the corner of my eye, and I see the light of recognition flaring in her eyes. As the movie plays, she seems to be remembering it. Maybe a few more bricks in that wall of amnesia are starting to crumble.

  “Did you enjoy it?” I ask when the movie is over.

  She nods. “Totally. And it felt really familiar to me.”

  “I guess it looks like you really were a nerd in a past life.”

  She laughs and slaps my arm playfully. “Did you like it?”

  I shrug. “Honestly, I’ve never seen any of the Star Wars movies, so I –”

  Her eyes grow wide, and her mouth falls open. “Are you serious? None of them? What kind of a heathen are you?”

  I laugh. “For a girl who doesn’t know whether she’s actually seen them or not before, you sure do talk a lot of shit.”

  She laughs and tosses some of the popcorn into her mouth, munching away on it. “I’m sure I’ve seen them,” she says. “It just felt too familiar for me to not have seen them.”

  “And that’s a possibility.”

  Outside, the lightning continues to flash, and the thunder keeps rumbling. The storm hasn’t relented a bit and seems no less apocalyptic than it did when we started the movie.

  “Might as well watch another one,” I say. “Before we get washed away or have to build an Ark.”

  I reach over to take Isla’s mug from her, but she takes my hand instead. We share a long, lingering look, and then I lean forward, pressing my mouth to hers. Our kiss lingers and grows in passion and intensity.

  Any and all thoughts about crossing a line went straight out of my head and out the window.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  His tongue slips into my mouth, nearly stealing my breath away. I lean into him, reveling in the feel of his hard body pressed to mine. Some small piece of my mind is telling me to stop this train before it gets rolling. It tells me that nothing good can come of it. There are literally a thousand different reasons I should stop this right now.

  My heart and the lower parts of my anatomy are having none of it though.

  I press myself against him, relishing the feel of his body against mine. I hear the click-clack of Stabler’s nails as he abandons ship and retreats to another room. If I had any sense in my head, I’d do the same. Clearly, I don’t, as I press my mouth against Baker’s harder, swirling my tongue around his with a real passion burning within me.

  His big, strong hands are rough on my body as he slides my shirt up. He kneads and cups my breasts through my bra as the heat between my thighs grows. He pulls me into a sitting position and lifts the shirt off my body, carelessly tossing it to the side. I quickly dispose of my bra, tossing it in the general direction of my shirt.

  “On your feet,” I order, my voice husky and low.

  He gives me a cockeyed grin but does as I tell him to do. My hands are at his belt immediately, and I fumble with it for a moment before finally getting it undone. He’s looking at me with a hunger in his eyes that gets me even wetter than I already am. Never taking my eyes from his and matching his look of absolute desire, I rub his stiff cock through his jeans. I grip it and stroke it, pleased to hear the soft moan pass his lips.

  I unzip his jeans and pull them down to his ankles, taking his boxers down with it. Baker’s stiff cock springs free, and I get my first actual look at it. I bite my bottom lip as I stare at his long, thick prick, feeling a flutter in my belly – and between my thighs.

  Leaning forward, I run my tongue around the head of his cock, teasing the sensitive underside. He draws in a sharp breath as I take him into my mouth. I move my head up and down his stiff cock, swirling my tongue all around. Gripping the base of his dick with my hand, I squeeze him tight. He grows impossibly hard in my hand and mouth as I start to suck and stroke him.

  “Fuck,” he mutters, his eyes never leaving mine.

  I tighten my grip, as well as my lips, and start moving my hand and mouth up and down on his cock faster. Baker seems unable to control himself and starts to pump his hips, forcing his dick deeper into my mouth. I pull back a bit, so I don’t choke, and he seems to understand. My gaze returning to his, I start to work on him again, my mouth and hand moving in unison. His ragged breathing and low moans start a fire within me. I feel myself growing wetter as I anticipate feeling him inside of me.

  Baker’s body tenses, and he groans loudly. He takes a step back, pulling his cock out of my mouth, and gives me that crooked little grin.

  “I’m not ready to be done with you yet, baby,” he says, his voice low and rumbling.

  Baker reaches down and picks me up with no effort at all, drawing a squeal and a giggle from me. I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me back toward the bedroom, our kisses growing hotter and more passionate with each and every step.

  He tosses me on the bed and is on me before I can even move. His body pins me to the mattress, and I moan as he kisses my neck. I shudder as he runs the tip of his tongue down my chest, sucking on my breasts, and touches me through my yoga pants. With his fingertips, he traces the outline of my most sensitive parts through the fabric.

  He gives me a salacious grin as he slides down my body, slipping his hands beneath the waistband of my pants, and pulling them down in one smooth motion. And just like that, I lay naked before him, feeling completely exposed, yet highly aroused.

  Baker doesn’t hesitate before plunging his face between my thighs. His tongue laps at my juices, and he sucks on my clit. I moan and writhe beneath him as he buries his tongue so deep inside of me. I look down and see an expression of absolute rapture upon his face as he licks and sucks on me.

  My eyes open wide, and my mouth falls open, a strangled sound bursting from my throat as he drives his fingers into me. With his mouth on my clit and his fingers pumping in and out of the warm, wet center of me, my body erupts. Electric bursts of sensation flare within me and my body shakes from head to toe.

  “God Baker, yes,” I cry out. “God yes.”

  He keeps sucking on my clit, swirling it around in his mouth, as he moves his fingers inside of me, plunging them into the farthest depths. The pressure builds in my belly, and with several more pumps of his fingers, pleasure cascades down over me. I call out his name as I shake, my breathing is ragged, and my heart his racing. My orgasm grips me hard and when it passes, leaves me feeling utterly spent. Yet, when I look into his eyes, that flame of desire reignites insid
e of me.

  Baker looks up at me, my juices glistening in his beard and it is probably the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. He slips his fingers out of me and licks them clean as I watch. I let out a small whimper, desperate to have this man inside of me.

  “I need you,” I whisper. “I need to feel you in me, Baker. Right now.”

  Without a word, he stands up and retreats to the bathroom; his absence only stoking the fires burning bright within me. He comes back a moment later, sliding a condom down his thick, glorious cock. I scoot back on the bed, and then he is on top of me. I wrap my legs around his waist, arching my back, desperate to feel the length of him in my dripping wet pussy.

  Baker kisses me, and I lick my juices from his lips, relishing my own sweet taste on him. With one powerful thrust of his hips, Baker is sheathed inside of me. He braces himself on his arms and looks down at me, that light of desire burning bright in his eyes. He thrusts his cock even deeper in me, burying himself right up to the hilt within me.

  My eyes roll into the back of my head, and I cry out feeling the way he fills me up so completely. Baker stretches me open, delivering a small pinch of pain with the avalanche of pleasure that seems to heighten the sensations coursing through my body. We stay like that for a long moment, letting our bodies adjust to being joined, but mostly because it feels so good.

  “You feel so good, Isla,” he moans.

  “Yes, you do,” I gasp.

  I grip his shoulders, digging my nails into his flesh as he starts to move, as he starts to pump his cock into me. I bite my bottom lip and press my head hard into the bed, my entire body awash in pleasure. Baker picks up his rhythm, starts to move faster within me. With each pump of his hips, he hits that spot deep inside of me that sets off a bomb of ecstasy every damn time.

  I clench my internal muscles around him, which makes him draw in a sharp breath. He moans loudly, but pumps his hips hard, driving himself deep into me. I cry out and dig my nails into his shoulders hard enough to leave marks. Baker gives me that grin as if he enjoys that small prick of pain blended with the pleasure.


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