Collected Works of Martin Luther

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Collected Works of Martin Luther Page 899

by Martin Luther

  202. “Widder den … Radschlag der gantzen Meintzischen Pfafferey.” Weim. ed., 19, p(260)-282; Erl. ed., 65, p-46.

  203. “Der Prophet Jona aussgelegt.” Weim. ed., 19, p(185)-251; Erl. ed., 41, p-414.

  204. “Sermon von dem Sacrament des Leibs und Bluts Christi widder die Schwarmgeister.” Weim. ed., 19, p(482)-523; Erl. ed., 29, p-359.

  205. Two Prefaces to the Swabian “Syngramma.” Weim. ed., 19, p(457)-461, 524(529)-530; Erl. ed., 65, p-185.

  206. “Antwort auff ettliche Fragen Closter Gelübd belangend.” Weim. ed., 19, p(287)-293; Erl. ed., 29, p-327.

  207. “Der Prophet Habacuc ausgelegt.” Weim. ed., 19, p(345)-435; Erl. ed., 42, p-108.

  208. “Das Tauffbuchlin verdeudscht auffs new zugericht.” Weim. ed., 19, p(537)-541; Erl. ed., 22, p-294.

  209. “Annotationes in Ecclesiasten” (publ. 1532). Weim. ed., 20, p(7)-203; “Opp. lat. exeg.,” 21, p-266.

  210. “Der 112. Psalm Davids … gepredigt.” Weim. ed., 19, p(297)-336; Erl. ed., 40, p-280.

  211. “Vier trostliche Psalmen.… An die Königyn zu Hungern ausgelegt.” Weim. ed., 19, p(552)-615; Erl. ed., 38, p-453.

  212. “Der Prophet Sacharja ausgelegt” (publ. 1528). Weim. ed., 23, p(485)-664; Erl. ed., 42, p-362.

  213. “Epistel aus dem Propheten Jeremia von Christus Reich” (publ. 1527). Weim. ed., 20, p-561; Erl. ed., 41, p-219.

  214. “Ob Kriegsleutte auch ynn seligen Stande seyn künden.” Weim. ed., 19, p(623)-662; Erl. ed., 22, p-290.

  “Deudsche Messe,” cp. No. 197. Two sermons on Acts xv., xvi., cp. No. 171. Sermon on Is. ix., cp. No. 199. Lecture on Osee, cp. No. 160. Instruction on Moses, Weim. ed., 16, p-394; Erl. ed., 33, p-21. Various memoranda, cp. No. 194. Summer part of the Church-Postils (Erl. ed., 8, 9, 11-14; 9², 11²-14²). Sermons, cp. Nos. 201, 204, 210, 213. Letters, Enders, 5, ff.; Erl. ed., 53, p-394.

  1527. Second war between Charles V and François I (lasting till 1529). Henry the Eighth’s plans for a divorce. Ferdinand I is crowned at Prague as King of Bohemia (Feb. 24). Sack of Rome (May 6-14). Peace between Charles V and Clement VII (Nov.). Gustavus Vasa takes Luther’s side. The Visitation of the Saxon Electorate (lasting till 1529) and introduction of the office of Superintendent. Emser’s translation of the New Testament (Dec.). Melanchthon in his “Commonplace Book” modifies his teaching on Predestination. Luther falls ill; beginning of his worst “struggles of conscience.” Commencement of the controversy with Zwingli, etc., on the Supper. Wittenberg is invaded by the Plague.

  215. “Das diese Wort Christi (Das ist mein Leib etce.) noch fest stehen widder die Schwermgeister.” Weim. ed., 23, p(64)-320; Erl. ed., 30, p-150.

  216. Translation of Isaias.

  217. “Auff des Königs zu Engelland Lesterschrift.” Weim. ed., 23, p(26)-37; Erl. ed., 30, p-14.

  218. Sermons on Leviticus and Numbers (publ. 1902). Weim. ed., 25, p(411)-522.

  219. Preface to “Commentarius in Apocalypsim ante centum annos editus.” Weim. ed., 26, p(123)-124; “Opp. lat. var.,” 7, p-508.

  220. Preface to “Die Weissagungẽ Johannis Lichtenberger.” Weim. ed., 23, p(7)-12; Erl. ed., 63, p-258.

  221. “In Esaiam scholia ex D.M.L. prælectionibus collecta” (publ. 1532-1534). Weim. ed., 25, p(87)-401; “Opp. lat. exeg.,” 22, p-296.

  222. “Ob man fur dem Sterben fliehen muge.” Weim. ed., 23, p(338)-386; Erl. ed., 22, p-341.

  223. Lecture on the 1st Epistle of John (publ. 1708 and 1799). Weim. ed., 20, p(599)-801.

  224. “Trostunge un die Christen zu Halle uber Er Georgen yhres Predigers Tod.” Weim. ed., 23, p(401)-434; Erl. ed., 22, p-316.

  225. “Octonarius David” (Ps. xix.). Weim. ed., 23, p(437)-442; Erl. ed., 41, p-115.

  226. “Von Er Lenhard Keiser ynn Beyern umb des Evangelii Willen verbrandt.” Weim. ed., 23, p(445)-476.

  227. “Ain feste Burg” (1528?). Erl. ed., 56, f., see above, vol. v., .

  228. Lecture on Titus and Philemon (publ. 1902). Weim. ed., 25, p(6)-78.

  Church-Postils, Summer part and conclusion, ed. Roth, cp. Erl. ed., 15, 16; 15². Sermon on Jer. xxiii. 5-8, cp. No. 213. Sermons on Genesis, cp. No. 133. Other Sermons, Weim. ed., 23, p(682)-757; Erl. ed., 17², p-322. Letters, Enders, 1, p-172; Erl. ed., 53, p-416; 56, p-176.

  1528. The Pack negotiations. Anabaptists are threatened with the death-penalty. Death of Albert Dürer (April 6) and Emser (Nov. 8). Cochlæus, Court-chaplain to Duke George. Cruciger and other friends come to Wittenberg. Letters of Hasenberg and von der Heyden. Bugenhagen’s work in Brunswick. Progress of the Visitation of the Saxon Electorate. The “catechetical sermons” at Wittenberg. Philip of Hesse’s breach of the peace and hostilities against Bamberg, Würzburg and Mayence. The Turks threaten new inroads.

  229. “Unterricht der Visitatorn an die Pharhern ym Kurfurstenthum zu Sachssen,” etc. Weim. ed., 26, p(195)-240; Erl. ed., 23, p-70.

  230. “Vom Abendmal Christi Bekentnis.” Weim. ed., 26, p(261)-509; Erl. ed., 30, p-373.

  231. “Ein Gesichte Bruder Clausen ynn Schweytz und seine Deutunge.” Weim. ed., 26, p(130)-136; Erl. ed., 63, p-268.

  232. Lecture on 1 Timothy (partly publ. 1797). Weim. ed., 26, p(4)-120.

  233. “Von der Widdertauffe an zween Pfarherrn.” Weim. ed., 26, p(144)-174; Erl. ed., 26, p-294; 26², p-321.

  234. “De digamia episcoporum propositiones.” Weim. ed., 26, p(517)-527; “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, p-373.

  235. New edition of the German Psalter; cp. No. 165, 289.

  236. Three series of sermons on the Catechism (publ. 1899). Weim. ed., 30, 1, p-122.

  237. “Vom Kriege widder die Türcken” (publ. 1529). Weim. ed. 30, 2, p(107)-148; Erl. ed., 31, p-80.

  238. “New-Zeittung von Leyptzig.” “Ein newe Fabel Esopi newlich verdeudscht gefunden.” Weim. ed., 26, p(539)-554; Erl. ed., 64, p-337.

  239. “Von beider Gestalt des Sacraments.” Weim. ed., 26, p(560)-618; Erl. ed., 30, p-426.

  240. Week-day sermons on John xvi.-xx. (in part publ. 1530, 1557). Weim. ed., 28, p(42)-502; Erl. ed., 50, p-441.

  241. Week-day sermons on Mt. xi.-xv. Weim. ed., 28, p(4)-30.

  242. “Nachwort zu der Durchleuchtigen hochgebornen F. Ursulen Hertzogin zu Mönsterberg. Christliche Ursach des verlassen Klosters zu Freyberg.” Weim. ed., 26, p(628)-633; Erl. ed., 65, p-169.

  Exposition of the Ten Commandments, Weim. ed., 16, p-528; Erl. ed., 36, p-144. Commentary on Zacharias, cp. No. 212. Other Sermons, Weim. ed., 27, 28, p-763. Letters, Enders, 6, -7, ; Erl. ed., 53, p-452; 54, p-60; 56, p-180, xix.

  1529. Peace of Barcelona (June 29). Peace of the Ladies (Cambrai, Aug. 5). Retreat of the Turks from Vienna (Oct. 14). Diet of Spires. “Protest” of the Lutheran Estates (April 19). They promise each other mutual support (April 22). Philip of Hesse and Melanchthon seek a union with the Zwinglians; the Marburg Conference (Oct. 1-4). Luther submits to the Upper German townships his so-called Schwabach Articles which are rejected by Strasburg and Ulm at the Schwabach Conference (Oct. 16). The same thing happens again at the Schmalkalden Conference (Nov. 29) and spoils all prospect of an arrangement with the South-Germans. Nuremberg alone stands true to the union.

  243. “Von heimlichẽ und gestolen Brieffen.” Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(25)-48; Erl. ed., 31, p-30.

  244. “Deudsch Catechismus.” Weim. ed., 30, 1, p-238; Erl. ed., 21, p-155.

  245. “Der Kleine Catechismus für die gemeine Pfarher und Prediger.” Weim. ed., 30, 1, p-425; Erl. ed., 21, p-25.

  246. “Ein Trawbüchlin für die einfeltigen Pfarherr.” Weim. ed., 30, 3, p(74)-80; Erl. ed., 23, p-213.

  247. “Teütsche Letaney” and “Latina Litania correcta.” Weim. ed., 30, 3, p(29)-42; Erl. ed., 56, p-366.

  248. Preface to the “Œconomia christiana” of Justus Menius. Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(60)-63; Erl. ed., 54, p-121; 63, p-282.

  249. Translation of the Book of Wisdom.

  250. Sermons on Deuteronomy (publ. 1564). Weim. ed., 28, p(509)-763; Erl. ed., 36, p-411.

  251. Prefac
e to Melanchthon’s Exposition of Colossians. Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(68)-69; “Opp. lat. var.,” 7, sq.

  252. Preface to Brentz’s Commentary on Ecclesiastes. Weim. ed., 26, p(621)-622; Erl. ed., 54, f.

  253. Preface to Venatorius’ “Ein kurtz Underricht den sterbenden Menschen.” Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(79)-80; Erl. ed., 63, p-287.

  254. The “Wittenberg Song-book” with new hymns and a preface.

  255. “Von Ehesachen” (publ. 1530). Weim. ed., 30, 3, p(205)-248; Erl. ed., 23, p-154.

  256. Marburg Conference and Articles. Weim. ed., 30, 3, p(110)-171; Erl. ed., 65, p-91.

  257. Articles of the Schwabach Convention. Weim. ed., 30, 3, p(86)-91.

  258. “Eine Heer-Predigt widder den Türcken.” Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(160)-197; Erl. ed., 31, p-121.

  259. Scholia to Ps. cxviii. (to Eobanus Hessus).

  Latin translation of the Bible, cp. No. 142. “Vom Kriege widder die Türcken,” cp. No. 237. Sermons, cp. No. 240 and Weim. ed., 29. Letters, Enders, 7, p-212; Erl. ed., 54, p-121; 56, p, xix.-xxvii.

  1530. Charles V is crowned Emperor at Bologna (Feb. 24). Death of Willibald Pirkheimer and of Luther’s father, Hans (Feb.). The “Confessio tetrapolitana” of Strasburg, Constance, Lindau and Memmingen (drawn up by Bucer and Capito). The Torgau Articles (March). Diet of Augsburg (June 20-Nov. 19). Luther at the Coburg (April 23-Oct. 4). At Torgau he begins to favour the use of armed resistance to the Emperor (Oct.). The “Confessio Augustana” (June 25), the “Confutatio” and Melanchthon’s “Apologia” (Sept.). Bucer at the Coburg (Sept. 25). The warlike league planned by the Protesting Estates at the Schmalkalden Assembly (Dec. 22). Spread of the innovations in Hungary.

  260. Preface to Spengler’s “Kurczer Auszuge aus den Bebstlichen Rechten.” Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(219); Erl. ed., 63, p-290.

  261. Preface to “Libellus de ritu et moribus Turcarum.” Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(205)-208; “Opp. lat. var.,” 7, p-519; Erl. ed., 65, p-254.

  262. New ed. of the New Testament.

  263. Translation of Daniel.

  264. Preface to “Der Widdertauffer Lere” of Justus Menius. Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(211)-214; Erl. ed., 63, p-296.

  265. Lecture on the Song of Songs (publ. 1538). “Opp. lat. exeg.,” 21, p-368.

  266. “Vermanũg an die geistlichen versamlet auff dem Reichstag zu Augsburg.” Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(268)-356; Erl. ed., 24, p-379; 24², p-407.

  267. (1530-1532). Translation of Jeremias, Ezechiel and the Lesser Prophets.

  268. “Das xxxviii. und xxxix. Capitel Hesechiel vom Gog.” Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(223)-236; Erl. ed., 41, p-231.

  269. Twenty-one Sermons (publ. 1702). Weim. ed., 32, p-298; Erl. ed., 17², p-472.

  270. “Auff das Schreien etlicher Papisten uber die siebentzehen Artickel.” Weim. ed., 30, 3, p(186)-197; Erl. ed., 24, p-329; 24², p-344.

  271. “Das schöne Confitemini” (Ps. cxviii.). Erl. ed., 41, p-19.

  272. Short exposition of the first 25 Psalms (publ. 1548, and, in full, 1559). Erl. ed., 38, p-275; “Opp. lat. exeg.,” 17.

  273. (1530?). German version of Æsop’s Fables. Erl. ed., 64, p-361.

  274. “Etliche tröstliche Vermanungen … Mit diesen Sprüchen hat sich der heilige Man … getröstet.” Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(700)-710; Erl. ed., 23, p-162.

  275. Reflections of the Holy Fathers, on how a Christian must bear his cross with patience. Erl. ed., 64, p-300.

  276. Glosses on the Decalogue. Weim. ed., 30, 2, (358).

  277. “Widderruff vom Fegefeur.” Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(367)-390; Erl. ed., 31, p-215.

  278. “Ettlich Artickelstück so M.L. erhalten wil, wider die gantze Satans Schüle uñ alle Pforten der Hellen.” Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(420)-427; “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, p-377; Erl. ed., 31, p-125.

  279. “Predigt das man Kinder zur Schulen halten solle.” Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(517)-588; Erl. ed., 20, p-45; 17², p-422.

  280. “Brieff an den Cardinal Ertzbisschoff zu Mentz.” Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(397)-412; Erl. ed., 54, p-168.

  281. “Der lxxxii. Psalm ausgelegt.” Erl. ed., 39, p-264.

  282. “Von den Schlüsseln.” Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(435)-507; 30, 3, p-588; Erl. ed., 31, p-184.

  283. “Der hundert und siebenzehende Psalm ausgelegt.” Erl. ed., 40, p-328.

  284. “Vermanung zum Sacrament des Leibs und Bluts unsers Herrn.” Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(595)-626; Erl. ed., 23, p-207.

  285. “Sendbrieff D.M.L. von Dolmetzscheñ.” Weim. ed., 30, 2, p(632)-646; Erl. ed., 65, p-123.

  286. “Der hundert und eilffte Psalm ausgelegt.” Erl. ed., 40, p-240.

  287. Week-day sermons on Mt. v.-vii. (publ. 1532). Weim. ed., 32, p-555; Erl. ed., 43, p-368.

  288. Sermons on John vi. 26-viii. 38 (publ. 1564). Weim. ed., 33; Erl. ed., 47, p-394; 48, p-410.

  “Von Ehesachen,” cp. No, 255. “Heer-Predigt widder den Türcken,” cp. No. 258. Sermons on John xvii., cp. No. 240. Letters, Enders, 7, — 8, ; Erl. ed., 54, p-209; 56, p-183, xxvii.-xxix.

  1531. Ferdinand becomes the German King (Jan. 5). League of Schmalkalden (Feb. 27). Bavaria takes the field against Ferdinand (24 Oct.). Archbishop Albert stays at Halle (till 1540). Melanchthon prepares for the press his “Confessio Aug.” and its “Apologia.” Luther suggests to Henry VIII that bigamy would be preferable to divorce (Sept. 3). England (1531-1545) is carried into schism by Henry VIII. Zwinglian iconoclastic riots in Swabia. Zwingli slain in Battle (Oct. 11) is succeeded by Bullinger. Luther’s revision of his translation of the Psalms; his memoranda on the means of stamping out the Anabaptist movement (end of Oct.).

  289. New edition of the Psalms, cp. Nos. 165, 235.

  290. “Auff das vermeint Keiserlich Edict ausgangen jm 1531 Jare.” Weim. ed., 30, 3, p(331)-388, 583; Erl. ed., 25, p-88; 25², p-88.

  291. “Warnunge an seine lieben Deudschen.” Weim. ed., 30, 3, p(276)-320, 392-399; Erl. ed., 25, p-50; 25², p-49; 65, f.

  292. “Widder den Meuchler zu Dresen gedrückt.” Weim. ed., 30, 3, p(446)-471; Erl. ed., 25, p-109; 25², p-128.

  293. “Commentarius (maior) in Epistolam ad Galatas” (publ. 1535). Weim. ed., 40, 1 (cap. i.-iv.); Irmischer, 1; 2; 3, p-120.

  294. “Exemplum theologiæ et doctrinæ papisticæ.” Weim. ed., 30, 3, p(496)-509; “Opp. lat. var.,” 7, p-43.

  295. Psalm cxlvii. (publ. 1532). Erl. ed., p-181.

  296. “Enarratio psalmi xlii.” “Opp. lat. exeg.,” 17, p-238.

  Sermons, Weim. ed., 34, 1, 2; Erl. ed., 18², p-135. Letters, Enders, 8, p-9, ; Erl. ed., 54, p-265; 56, .

  1532. The Turkish invasion of Hungary and Austria (June); Suleiman II does not venture to attack Vienna. Elector Johann dies and is succeeded by Johann Frederick (till 1547). Calvin stays for a while in Geneva. The Nuremberg proposals for a religious truce (June 23) are rejected by the Catholic Estates at Ratisbon (July 2). Melanchthon thinks of leaving Wittenberg.

  297. “Brieff von den Schleichern und Winckelpredigern.” Weim. ed., 30, 3, p(518)-527; Erl. ed., 31, p-226.

  298. “An den Durchleuchtigen Hochgebornen Fürsten und Herrn Herrn Albrechten Marggraffen zu Brandenburg.” Weim. ed., 30, 3, p(547)-553; Erl. ed., 54, p-289.

  299. “Enarratio psalmorum ii. et xlv.” (publ. 1533 and 1546). “Opp. lat. exeg.” 18, p-127, 129-264.

  300. “Enarratio psalmi li.” (publ. 1538). “Opp. lat. exeg.,” 19, p-154.

  301. Preface to Bugenhagen’s ed. of “Athanasii libri contra idolatriam.” Weim ed., 30, 3, p(530)-532; “Opp. lat. var.,” 7, p-525.

  302.”Summarien uber die Psalmen und Ursachen des Dolmetschens” (publ. 1533). Erl. ed., 37, p-339.

  303. Sermon on Charity (1 Jo. iv. 16-21; publ. 1533). Weim. ed., 36, p-477; Erl. ed., 19, p-412; 18², p-311.

  304. Translation of the Old-Testament “Apocrypha” (publ. 1533 f.).

  305. Sermon on the sum total of the Christian life (1 Tim. 1, 5 ff. publ. 1533). Weim. ed., 36, p-375; Erl. ed., 19, p-328; 18², p-304.

  306. (1532-1533). “Enarratio in psalmos graduales” (publ. 1540). “Opp. lat. exeg
.,” 19, p-289; 20, p-306.

  307. “Brieff an die zu Franckfort am Meyn.” Weim. ed., 30, 3, p(558)-571; Erl. ed., 26, p-313; 26², p-389.

  308. (1532-1534). Home-sermons (Home-postils, ed. Veit Dietrich, 1544; ed. Rörer, 1559). Weim. ed., 36, 37; Erl. ed., 1-6; 1²-3² (after Dietrich); 4²-6² (after Rörer).

  Exposition of Ps. cxlvii., cp. No. 295. Translation of the Prophets, cp. No. 267. Sermons on Mt. v.-vii., cp. No. 287. “In Esaiam prophetam scholia,” cp. No. 221. “Annotationes in Ecclesiasten,” cp. No. 209. Sermon on Numbers, vi. 22-27, cp. No. 218. Other Sermons, Weim. ed., 36; Erl. ed., 18², p-384. Letters, Enders, 9, p-258; Erl. ed., 54, p-348; 56, p f.-187.

  1533. Clement VII takes steps for the assembling of an Œcumenical Council (Jan.). The Schmalkaldeners refuse to hear of a Council (June). Henry VIII weds Anne Boleyn (Jan). Progress of Protestantism in the Duchy of Jülich-Cleves, in Anhalt-Köthen and Mecklenburg.

  309. Sermons on 1 Cor. xv. (publ. 1534). Weim. ed., 36, p-697; Erl. ed., 51, p-275.

  310. “Verantwortung der auffgelegten Auffrur.” Erl. ed., 31, p-269.

  311. “Die kleine Anwort auff H. Georgen nehestes Buch.” Weim. ed., 31, p-307.

  312. “Von der Winckelmesse und Pfaffen Weihe.” Erl. ed., 31, p-377.

  313. Preface to the “Rechẽschafft des Glaubens” (of the Bohemian Brethren). Erl. ed., 63, p-323.

  314. Preface to Balth. Rhaida’s reply to Wicel. Erl. ed., 63, p-319.

  “Summarien,” cp. No. 302. “Brieff,” etc., cp. No. 307. Exposition of Ps. xlv., c. Sermon on 1 John iv. 16-21, cp. No. 303. Sermon on 1 Tim. i. 5 ff., cp. No. 305. Translation of Sirach, cp. No. 304. Other Sermons, Weim. ed., 37, p-248; Erl. ed., 19², p-102. Letters, Enders, 9, p-370; Erl. ed., 55, p-35; 56, p-191, xxix.-xxxv.

  1534. Death of Clement VII (Sept. 25). Paul III (from Oct. 13, 1534-Nov. 10, 1549). Bull against Henry VIII (March 23). Act of Supremacy is passed by the English Parliament (Nov. 3). Ulrich of Würtemberg is reinstated by Philip of Hesse; his treaty with King Ferdinand signed at Baden (June 29). Reformation of Anhalt (March) of Würtemberg (May) of Augsburg (July) of Pomerania (Dec.). Carlstadt at Basle. Luther again attacks Erasmus, the latter’s “Purgatio adv. epistolam non sobriam Lutheri.” Death of Cardinal Cajetan (Aug. 9). Strasburg the centre of the Anabaptist movement. The Anabaptists’ orgies at Münster (Feb., 1534, to June 25, 1535). First edition of Calvin’s “Institutio.”


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