Collected Works of Martin Luther

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Collected Works of Martin Luther Page 900

by Martin Luther

  315. “Ein Brieff D. Mart. Luth. von seinem Buch der Winckelmessen.” Erl. ed., 31, p-391.

  316. “Der lxv. Psalm durch D.M.L. zu Dessaw … gepredigt.” Weim. ed., 37, p-451; Erl. ed., 39, p-177.

  317. “Biblia das ist die gantze Heilige Schrift.”

  318. “Convocatio concilii liberi christiani” (of doubtful authenticity). Erl. ed., 31, p-416; “Opp. lat. var.,” 7, p-372.

  319. “Præfatio in Antonii Corvini librum de Erasmi concordia.” “Opp. lat. var.,” 7, p-531.

  320. Preface to Urban Rhegius, “Widderlegung der Münsterischen newen … Bekentnus.” Erl. ed., 63, p-336.

  321. Preface to the “Newe Zeittung von Münster.” Erl. ed., 63, p-341.

  322. “Enarratio psalmi xc.” “Opp. lat exeg.,” 18, p-334.

  323. Exposition of Psalm ci. Erl. ed., 39, p-364.

  324. “Einfeltige Weise zu beten.” Erl. ed., 23, p-238.

  325. “Klagschrift der Vögel an D.M. Luther über seinem Diener Wolfgang Sieberger.” Erl. ed., 64, f.

  “Scholia in Esaiam,” cp. No. 221. Sermons on 1 Cor. xv., cp. No. 309. Further Sermons, Weim. ed., 37, p-672. Letters, Enders, 9, p — 10, ; Erl. ed., 55, p-81; 56, p-196.

  1535. Growth of the Schmalkalden League after the accession of Würtemberg. Death of Joachim I of Brandenburg (July 11). Joachim II his successor (†1571) a friend of Luther’s. Execution of Sir Thomas More. Vergerio’s interview with Luther (Nov. 7). Amended edition of Melanchthon’s Commonplace-Book. The ordination-oath introduced at Wittenberg. The Schmalkalden League is prolonged for ten years (Dec.). King Ferdinand to the Emperor on Germany’s downfall (Dec.).

  326. Sermon on Infant-Baptism. Weim. ed., 37, p-293; Erl. ed., 16, p-105; 19², p-167.

  327. “Etliche Spruche Doc. Martini Luther wider das Concilium Obstantiense (wolt sagen Constantiense).” Erl. ed., 31, p-411.

  328. (1535-1545). “Enarrationes in Genesim” (publ. 1544). “Opp. lat. exeg.,” 1-11.

  329. Prefaces to Anton Corvinus’s “Kurtze Ausslegung der Euangelien … der Episteln.” Erl. ed., 63, p-353.

  330. Letter to the preachers of Soest. Erl. ed., 65, p-102.

  331. (1535-1536). Sermons. Weim. ed., 41; Erl. ed., 19², p-242.

  332. Disputations, “de concilio Constantiensi” and for the promotion of Hier. Weller, and Nic. Medler. “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, p-410, 377-389; Drews, p-3, 9-32.

  333. Hymns: “Von Himel hoch”; “Sie ist mir lieb”; “All Ehr und Lob soll Gottes seyn.” Erl. ed., 56, p f., 350 f.

  “Comment, in epist. ad Galatas,” cp. No. 293. Sermons, cp. No. 331. Letters, Enders, 10, p-282; Erl. ed., 55, p-117; 56, p-198, xxxv. f.

  1536. Third war between Charles V and François I (lasting till 1538). The Turkish peril. Denmark converted to Protestantism (Aug.). The “Consilium de emendanda ecclesia” drafted by Cardinals Pole, Contarini, Sadoleto and Caraffa. A General Council is summoned (June 2) to meet at Mantua in 1537. Death of Erasmus (July 12). Luther makes advances to Henry VIII and admits the lawfulness of his divorce. Articles are drafted to the object of inducing the King of England to make common cause with the German Reformers. The Articles are thrown over by Henry. The Wittenberg Concord (May). Luther endeavours to win over Augsburg, Ulm and the Swiss. Bucer labours for a union. Synods held by the Swiss at Basle and Bern (Sept., Nov.). Memoranda of the Wittenberg theologians regarding the Council (Aug.). Bull for the bettering of the City of Rome and the Papal Court (Sept. 23). Calvin begins his work at Geneva.

  334. Disputations: “De iustificatione,” “De muliere peccatrice” and “Contra missam privatam” (Jan. 14, 21, 29). “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, p-394, 398-402, 413; Drews, p-66, 66, 69-89.

  335. Preface to Robert Barnes (Chaplain to Henry VIII), “De vitis pontificum.” “Opp. lat. var.,” 7, p-536.

  336. “Præfatio in tres epistolas Hussii.” “Opp. lat. var.,” 7, sq.

  337. “Der xxiii. Psalm Auff ein Abend uber Tisch nach dem Gratias ausgelegt.” Erl. ed., 39, p-122.

  338. Preface and Postscript to “Joan. Nannii Viterbensis, De monarchia Papæ.” “Opp. lat. var.,” 2, p-121.

  339. Disputations for the promotion of Jakob Schenk and Philip Moth. “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, p-419; Drews, p-109.

  340. “Artickel so da hetten sollen auffs Concilion zu Mantua,” etc. (publ. 1538). Erl. ed., 25, p-146; 25², p-205.

  341. Disputation “De homine.” “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, p-416; Drews, p-96.

  “Enarratio” on Joel, Amos, Obedias, cp. No. 160. Sermons. Weim. ed., 41, p-763; Erl. ed., 19², p-259. Letters, Enders, 10, — 11, ; Erl. ed., 55, p-167; 56, p-206, xxxvii. f.

  1537. Ferdinand’s defeat in Slavonia. Paul the Third’s Bull on the Turkish question (July 14). Bugenhagen helps in the conversion of Denmark to Protestantism. Luther’s so-called Schmalkalden Articles sent by him to the Elector (Jan. 3). The Schmalkalden Meeting (Feb.). Luther is taken ill and returns home. The Princes decide to have nothing to do with the Council. They accept the Augsburg Confession and the “Apologia.” The Schmalkaldeners call on the King of France for help (March 5). Melanchthon’s “De potestate papæ.” Luther returns sound to Wittenberg (March 14). Cordatus opposes Melanchthon. The cleavage between Luther and Melanchthon is carefully veiled. On Oct. 8 the Council is summoned to meet at Vicenza on May 1, 1538. Efforts of Bucer and others to promote a Protestant Council. Luther’s spiritual indisposition.

  342. Sermon on Mt. iv. 1 ff. Erl. ed., 17, p-34; 19², p-292.

  343. “Die drey Symbola oder Bekentniss des Glaubens Christi jnn der Kirchen einträchtiglich gebraucht.” Erl. ed., 23, p-281.

  344. (1537-1538). Exposition of John xiv.-xvi. (publ. 1538). Weim. ed., 46, p-112; Erl. ed., 49, p-391; 50, p-154.

  345. Disputations of Peter Palladius and Tilemann Schnabel. “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, p-397; Drews, p-160.

  346. Discourse at the promotion of Peter Palladius. “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, p-322.

  347. “Disputatio de cœna magna (i.e. de veste nuptiali).” “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, ; Drews, p-245.

  348. (1537-1539). Exposition of John i.-iv. (publ. 1565 and 1847). Weim. ed., 46, ff.; Erl. ed., 45, p-422; 46, p-378; 47, p-226.

  349. (1537-1539). Sermons on Mt. xviii. 24-xxiii. 23. Erl. ed., 44; 45, p-203.

  350. “Eines aus den hohen Artikeln des Bepstlichen Glaubens genant Donatio Constantini.” Erl. ed., 25, p-201; 25², p-232.

  351. “Bulla papæ Pauli” (publ. in “Zeitschr. für luth. Theol.,” 1876, ff.).

  352 Exposition of Ps. viii. (publ. 1572). Erl. ed., 39, p-60.

  353. Preface to “Ein alt Christlich Concilium … zu Gangra.” Erl. ed., 64, f.

  354. “Die Lügend von S. Johanne Chrysostomo an die Heiligen Veter inn dem vermeinten Concilio zu Mantua.” Erl. ed., 25, p-218; 25², p-249.

  355. Postscript to “Tres epistolæ I. Hussii.” “Opp. lat. var.,” 7, sq.

  356. “Præfatio in epistolas quasdam Hussii.” Erl. ed., 65, p-83; “Opp. lat. var.,” 7, p-540.

  357. First disputation against the Antinomians (Dec. 18). “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, p-427; Drews, p-333.

  358. Hymns “Erhalt uns Herr bey deinem Wort,” “Vater unser im Himelreich.” Erl. ed., 56, p, 351 f.

  359. “Conciunculæ cuidam amico præscriptæ.” “Opp. lat. var.,” 7, p-433.

  Further Sermons, Erl. ed., 19², p-466. Letters, Enders, 11, p-320; Erl. ed., 55, p-195; 56, p-208, xxxix. f.

  1538. The Truce of Nice between the Kaiser and François I (June 15). Luther in conflict with the Antinomianism of Agricola (1537-1540). His quarrels with Lemnius, Schenk and Joh. von Metzsch. His antagonism to Albert of Mayence. The assembly of the Protestants at Brunswick (April 8). The Schmalkaldeners enter into a league with Christian III of Denmark (April 9). They send missions to the Kings of France and England (Aug., Oct.). The strength of the League in Germany increases the danger of a religious war. The Kaiser (aided by his vice-chancellor Held) succeeds in inducing the Catholic princes to form the so-called Holy Alliance at Nuremberg
(June 10). Calvin is banished from Geneva.

  360. Revised edition of the “Unterricht,” cp. No. 229.

  361. “Ratschlag eins ausschus etlicher Cardinel,” etc. Erl. ed., 25, p-174; 25², p-278.

  362. “Præfatio in librum S. Hieronymi ad Evagrium de potestate papæ.” “Opp. lat. var.,” 7, p-544.

  363. “Brieff … wider die Sabbather.” Erl. ed., 31, p-449.

  364. “Der cx. Psalm Dixit Dominus gepredigt und ausgelegt.” Erl. ed., 40, p-192.

  365. First answer to the “Epigrammata” of Simon Lemnius. Erl. ed., 64, f.

  366. Second disputation against the Antinomians (Jan. 12). “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, p-430; Drews, p-418.

  367. Third disputation against the Antinomians (Sept. 13). “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, p-441; Drews, p-484.

  368. “Præfatio in Confessionem Bohemorum.” “Opp. lat. var.,” 7, p-551.

  369. “Wider den Bischoff zu Magdeburg Albrecht Cardinal.” Erl. ed., 32, p-59.

  370. Preface to Rhau’s “Symphoniæ.” “Opp. lat. var.,” 7, p-554.

  371. “Frau Musica,” to Joh. Walther’s “Lob und Preis der Himlischen Kunst Musica.” Erl. ed., 56, f.

  372. Sermons. Weim. ed., 46, p-537; Erl. ed., 20², 1, p-171.

  The Schmalkalden Articles, cp. No. 340. Æsop’s Fables, cp. No. 273. The Three Creeds, cp. No. 343. Exposition of Ps. li., cp. No. 300. Lecture on the Song of Songs, cp. No. 265. Sermons on John xiv.-xvi., cp. No. 344. Further Sermons, cp. Nos. 344, 348 f., 372. Letters, Enders, 11, p — 12, ; Erl. ed., 55, p-216; 56, p-220, xl.-xlv.

  1539. Death of Duke George (April 17). Apostasy of Joachim II. The Duchy of Saxony, the Electorate of Brandenburg, and Livonia become Protestant. Memorandum of Luther and Melanchthon to Elector Johann Frederick, in favour of armed resistance. The Frankfurt meeting of the Protestants (April 19); their decision not to appeal as yet to force and to promote a simple conference rather than a Council; a new mission dispatched to England (April 29). The Protestant Visitation of the Duchy of Saxony. Luther and his friends again at work (1539-1541) revising the German Bible. The Consistories established in the Saxon Electorate. The Hessian “Order of Church-Discipline.” In England, dissolution of the Monasteries. Luther’s disputation on the “Papal Werewolf” (May 9). He sanctions the Bigamy of Philip II (Nov. 10).

  373. “Wider die Antinomer.” Erl. ed., 32, p-14.

  374. “Von den Conciliis und Kirchen.” Erl. ed., 25, p-388; 25², p-448.

  375. Sermon at Leipzig on Jo. xiv. 23 ff. (publ. 1618). Erl. ed., 20², 1, p-253.

  376. Disputation on Mt. xix. 21 (Vade, vende, etc.). “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, p-449; Drews, p-584.

  377. Preface to Myconius’s “Wie man die einfeltigen … im Christenthumb unterrichten sol.” Erl. ed., 63, f.

  378. Preface to a work of Moibanus, on Ps. xxix. Erl. ed., 63, p-344.

  379. Preface to German version of Galeatius Capella’s “De bello Mediolanensi seu rebus in Italia gestis.” Erl. ed., 63, p-357.

  380. Disputation on “Verbum caro factum est” (Jo. i. 14). “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, p-461; Drews, p-531.

  381. Revision of the German Bible.

  382. “An die Pfarherrn wider den Wucher zu predigen.” Erl. ed., 23, p-338.

  383. Preface to the 1st part of his Collected German Works. Erl. ed., 63, p-406.

  384. Sermons. Erl. ed., 20², 1, p-264.

  “Wider den Bischoff,” cp. No. 369. Further Sermons, cp. Nos. 348 f., 384. Letters, Enders, 12, p-334; Erl. ed., 55, p-269; 56, p ff., xlvi.-l.

  1540. Death of Duke William IV of Bavaria. The Jesuits approved by the Pope (Sept. 27); Pierre Favre in Germany. Philip II of Hesse weds his second wife in Melanchthon’s presence (March 4). Luther at the Conference of Eisenach (July 10). Melanchthon’s “miraculous” cure at Weimar; the “Confessio variata.” Meeting at Schmalkalden (March); Catholic worship not to be tolerated. Persecution of Schwenckfeld by the Lutherans. Religious conferences at Hagenau (June) and Worms (Nov. 25-Jan.). Agricola goes to Berlin to the Elector of Brandenburg (Sept.). Morone the Papal Legate complains of the apathy of the German Bishops.

  385. Disputation “De divinitate et humanitate Christi” (Feb. 28). “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, p-466; Drews, p-610.

  386. Preface to Robert Barnes’s “Bekantnus des Glaubens … verdeudscht.” Erl. ed., 63, p-400.

  387. New edition of the Winter part of the Church-Postils.

  388. Disputation for the promotion of Joach. Mörlin. “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, sq.; Drews, p-636.

  “An die Pfarherrn,” cp. No. 382. On the “psalmi graduales,” cp. No. 306. Sermons, Erl. ed., 20², 1, p-512. Letters, Enders-Kawerau, 12, p-400; 13, p-240; Erl. ed., 55, p-293; 56, p-227.

  1541. The Turks secure their footing in Hungary. Naumburg given over to the Protestants; the Bishop-Elect, Julius von Pflug shut out from his See by the Saxon Elector (Jan.). The Archbishop of Cologne, Hermann von Wied is won over to Protestantism. Accession of Maurice of Saxony (†1553). Philip of Hesse comes to an understanding with Charles V. Jonas goes to Halle to convert it to Protestantism; Schenk at Leipzig. Death of Carlstadt (Dec. 24). Religious conferences of Worms (Jan.) and Ratisbon (April 27-May 22); Diet of Ratisbon and Ratisbon Interim. The Catholic spokesmen: Eck, Julius von Pflug and J. Gropper; the Protestant: Melanchthon, Bucer and Frederick Pistorius. Calvin in supreme power at Geneva (till 1564).

  389. “Wider Hans Worst.” Erl. ed., 26, p-75; 26², p-93.

  390. Preface to Ezechiel, explanation of the figure of the Temple. Erl. ed., 63, p-74.

  391. Exposition of Dan. xii. Erl. ed., 41, p-324.

  392. “Vermanunge zum Gebet wider den Türcken.” Erl. ed., 32, p-99.

  393. Preface to Urban Rhegius’s “Wider die gottlosen blutdurstigen Sauliten und Doegeten,” etc. Erl. ed., 63, p-368.

  394. Hymns: “Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam,” “Was furchstu, Feind Herodes, seer.” Erl. ed., 56, ff.

  Revised edition of the German Bible, cp. No. 385. “Enarratio in Ps. xc.,” cp. No. 322. Letters (Enders), Kawerau, 13, p-395; De Wette, 5, p-420; 6, p-294; Erl. ed., 55, p-343; 56, p-232.

  1542. Fourth War of Charles V with François I (lasting till 1544); Diet of Spires meets on Feb. 9 to vote supplies for the war against the Turks. The Elector and Duke of Saxony fall out over Wurzen (March); Luther’s mediation; his last will (Jan. 6). Amsdorf is “consecrated” Bishop of Naumburg (Jan. 20). A Bull dated May 22 summons the Council to assemble on Nov. 1 at Trent. The Schmalkaldeners are successful in their attack on the Duchy of Brunswick (July). Bucer goes to Bonn to the Elector Hermann von Wied (Dec.).

  395. Tract against Bigamy (publ. 1749). Erl. ed., 65, p-213.

  396. Disputation for the promotion of Joh. Macchabæus Scotus (Theses by Melanchthon). Drews, p-683.

  397. “Exempel einen rechten Christlichen Bischoff zu weihen.” Erl. ed., 26, p-107; 26², p-128.

  398. Disputation for the promotion of H. Schmedenstede. “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, p-455; Drews, p-698.

  399. “Von den Jüden und jren Lügen.” Erl. ed., 32, p-274.

  400. Preface to “Verlegung des Alcoran Bruder Richardi Prediger Ordens anno 1300.” Erl. ed., 65, p-205.

  401. Preface to “Barfuser Münche Eulenspiegel und Alcoran.” Erl. ed., 63, p-376.

  402. “Trost fur die Weibern welchen es ungerat gegangen ist mit Kinder geberen.” Erl. ed., 23, p-343.

  403. Preface to the Hymn Book. Erl. ed., 56, p-306.

  Comment. on Micheas, cp. No. 160. No sermons. Letters, De Wette, 5, p-525; 6, p-343; Erl. ed., 56, p-43, 232-238, li.-lvii.

  1543. Diet of Nuremberg (Feb.). The Protestants refuse to vote supplies for the Turkish War. The Emperor is victorious in his campaign against the Duke of Cleves though the latter is supported by the Elector of Saxony and by France (Aug., Sept.). The Bishop of Münster and Osnabrück connives at the introduction of Lutheranism into his diocese. Canisius the first German Jesuit (May 8). Death of Eck (Feb. 10). Schenk in Brandenburg; The Cologne Book of Reform drafted by Melanchtho
n and Bucer is severely handled by Luther.

  404. “Vom Schem Hamphoras.” Erl. ed., 32, p-358.

  405. “Von den Letzten Worten Dauids.” Erl. ed., 37, p-103.

  406. Disputation for the promotion of Joh. Marbach (Feb. 16). Drews, p-707.

  407. Disputation for the promotion of Fr. Bachofen and Hier. Noppus. “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, p-470; Drews, p-748.

  408. Disputation for the promotion of Erasmus Alber. “Opp. lat. var.,” 4, p-476; Drews, p-752.

  409. Lecture on Is. ix. (publ. 1546). “Opp. lat. exeg.,” 23, p-438.

  410. Hymns: “Von Himel kam der Engel Schar,” “Der du bist drey in Einigkeit.” Erl. ed., 56, p-558.

  New edition of the German Bible, cp. No. 381. Church-Postils, Summer part. Sermon, Erl. ed., 20², 1, p-523. Letters, De Wette, 5, p-614, 6, p-559; Erl. ed., 56, p-72, 238-242, lvii.-lxi.

  1544. Peace of Crespy between the Kaiser and France (Sept. 18). Diet at Spires (beginning in Feb.). Concessions to the Protestants. The Abschied of June 10 postpones the religious controversy to a later Diet and “A free Christian Council within the German Nation.” The Pope’s protest to the Kaiser (Aug. 24). Luther again at daggers drawn with the lawyers (on the question of secret espousals). The people of Cologne denounce their Archbishop to the Pope (Oct. 9). The theses of the Louvain theologians against Luther (Nov. 6). The Council is yet again summoned (Nov. 19, to meet on March 15, 1545) to avert the schism and the inroads of the Turks.

  411. Lecture on Is. liii. (publ. 1550). “Opp. lat. exeg.,” 23, p-536.

  412. Disputation for the promotion of Theod. Fabricius and Stanislaus Rapagelanus (Melanchthon’s Theses). Drews, p-781.

  413. “Kurtz Bekentnis vom heiligen Sacrament.” Erl. ed., 32, p-425.

  414. Sermon at the Dedication of the Castle-church at Torgau. Erl. ed., 17, p-262; 20², 2, p-243.


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