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Brandon (Members From Money Book 19)

Page 20

by Katie Dowe

  He teased her, touching her, pulling away, touching her again, his tongue dancing over her.

  Nicole’s hands fisted in the sheets as she begged, incoherently, for more. Finally, she felt his tongue slide between her wet pussy lips and he touched that swollen little nub of flesh so sensitive that she screamed at that first touch. Now he was relentless, his tongue stroking her so intimately, his lips nuzzling her.

  She felt his fingers sliding down, slipping inside her wet heat, deeper and deeper. She felt a second finger join, and he moved those fingers, sliding out of her before moving in again, in the same rhythm that his tongue followed.

  Nicole writhed under than gentle assault, everything else forgotten. She pressed her pussy closer to him, urging him on. She was so close. Everything was rising inside her, coiling and tensing, pulsing with a need for release that was so powerful she didn’t know if she could take it. But she wanted it.

  She cried out as, almost without warning, everything exploded, shattering inside herself with an intensity that seemed to go on forever. She screamed Max’s name, over and over again.

  Swiftly, he moved up her, and she could feel the heat from his throbbing hardness. She could feel how much he needed her. When he moved away long enough to get a condom and slide it on, she protested at the distance.

  She wrapped her legs around him and felt his hardness pressing against her wet, still trembling softness, and she moaned again.

  “Look at me,” demanded Max.

  “Look at me when I’m making love to you,” he told her, and with an effort, Nicole opened her eyes. She saw the depth of her need reflected in his blue eyes and she held him.

  “Make love to me, Max. I need you. I need you inside me. I need you to fill me, make me yours,” she told him, and she felt him pushing inside her, his head entering her and he was rocking against her.

  Her ankles were locked around him, pulling him deeper inside her. But he moved at his pace, rocking, entering her so slowly, drawing it out. Finally, he needed more, too. He thrust his hips, sheathing himself inside her velvet heat, pushing in all the way.

  Nicole pulled him to her and kissed him as her hips started moving with his in that demanding rhythm that would not be denied. He thrust harder, and faster, as she urged him on with words, her lips, her tongue, her body.

  She felt her pleasure building again as she felt his hard cock moving in and out of her, so thick and long that it filled her completely. She reached for it, poised on the crest of that wave of pleasure all over again, before tumbling over it in a wild, mad fall that was pure, exhilarating pleasure.

  “Nicole… I can’t…”

  Nicole was spent, but she held him, welcomed him, when finally, he let himself go and thrust wildly into her, joining her in that climax that left him as spent as it did her.

  Chapter 7

  Nicole opened her eyes slowly and looked at Max.

  He still looked damn good. Exhausted, but still delicious. She was amazed to feel herself want him, all over again.

  His eyes were closed, so she didn’t feel too odd about staring at him the way she was. But he opened his eyes and looked directly at her.

  “Hi,” he said.

  Not very imaginative, but she supposed his blood hadn’t returned all the way to his brain yet.

  “Hello to you, too.”

  Nicole grinned when she said that. Max looked a bit uncomfortable, and it was adorable.

  “I didn’t expect to see you here,” said Max.

  Nicole decided to have some fun with him.

  “Well, it is your bedroom. It would’ve been a bit odd if you’d expected to see me here.”

  Max gave her a look – she called it the look. It was a mixture of exasperation and amusement, and, yes, affection. Now, she could admit it.

  “I meant…”

  Nicole laughed.

  “I know what you meant. I didn’t plan it, either. It just seemed like the right thing to do. Is it all right?”

  It was Max’s turn to laugh.

  “Nicole, I’ve been hoping for this since the day I set my eyes on you, so yeah, I’d say it’s all right.”

  Nicole heard the brogue woven through his voice and shivered. She loved it when he let it come through. It was incredibly sexy.

  “Well, that’s all good then,” said Nicole, and cuddled herself up to his side again.

  “Yes, but I would like to know… I mean… Well, you know…”

  Nicole sighed. It looked like the conversation would have to be right then. She would’ve liked to have had the conversation a bit later, like after some excellent cuddle time, because despite the man’s wonderful muscle definition, he was a cuddler, too.

  “Well… I’m a single woman now. I knew you wanted me. I wanted you. I was feeling unsettled. I’ve been wishing I could find a way to make you feel better for a few days, now. It all seemed to click, and, well, here I am!”

  Max pulled away far enough to be able to look at her. She looked so beautiful. Her hair was in place despite how they had made love. But her face – her lips were swollen from kisses, and her eyes were dreamy. But that dreaminess was fading away slowly, to be replaced by practicality, making Max wish he hadn’t insisted on talking.

  “You’re single?”

  Nicole nodded, hoping he wouldn’t ask more questions. She did feel a bit bad about how she hadn’t waited longer. But in all honesty, it felt as if she’d been waiting for weeks, maybe months, to make it official and make it right. She was beginning to feel pretty proud of herself for having waited, at all.

  “I am.”

  Max considered asking her for details, and changed his mind. It didn’t matter, did it? She was there, with him. And if she was…

  “You’re not,” Max told her firmly.

  “What do you mean I’m not!”

  “You’re my girl, which makes you very much not single. And I’m a possessive and jealous man, as you’ll see.”

  Nicole grinned.

  “Fine,” she conceded.

  “But,” she went on, as something occurred to her, “we can’t let anybody know about this. I mean… Just imagine how it will be! Derek Anderson the Dinosaur already thinks I’m a piece of shit, pardon my French. The last thing I need is for him to think that he can ask me to sleep with clients!”

  Max’s eyes flashed blue fury, and Nicole couldn’t help the momentary satisfaction that gave her.

  “Nobody is going to ask you anything of the sort.”

  Nicole sighed.

  “Look, Max, I’m asking you, as a favor, to keep this on the down low, at least for now. I’ve worked very hard and kept my mouth shut when it was all but impossible for too long to let it all go now. I’m your girl, but we don’t need Anderson to know it, do we? We don’t need his validation.”

  Max looked at her in admiration.

  “They should have you writing all their campaigns. You’ve got a silver tongue.”

  Nicole laughed when she heard that.

  “That’ll be the day. Anyway, will you promise me that we can keep this from everybody at work? My career is important to me, Max. I know you’re rich, but I will go on paying for myself just as I have for this long. My independence is vital to me. I can’t give that up.”

  Max smiled, slowly. He understood that, at least. And, in truth, it was the first time a woman he’d slept with had told him, proudly, that she intended to pay for herself even if she was sleeping with him.

  “As you wish, my little firebrand,” he said, and Nicole let herself relax again, comfortable in his arms.

  “You’ve been working out,” she told him.

  Max laughed.

  “Just because I sell beer, I don’t have to have a belly to match.”

  Nicole grinned.

  “You’ve got nothing to worry about there. That reminds me, I really need to get a workout in tomorrow morning. Do you want me to leave now, or do you mind if I end up waking you up tomorrow morning?”

  Max shrugge

  “You could do either. Or you could do as I’d like you to and stay here overnight, use the facilities here. I’ve got a pretty good gym and an infinity pool.”

  Nicole sat up, her mouth open.

  “An infinity pool?” she squealed.

  “You didn’t know that? Ah, glad I am to know that you didn’t seduce me for my infinity pool.”

  Nicole’s brow wrinkled.

  “How can it be an infinity pool with no water body close by?”

  Max smiled lazily.

  “It extends into the blue skies, my lovely Nicole. Now why don’t you come over here and show me how much you love… the infinity pool.”

  Nicole’s lips curved in a saucy smile.

  “I could perhaps show you what I’d like even more than your heavenly infinity pool,” purred Nicole, more than happy to go along.

  Her hand moved over his torso, slowly, finding new things about him. A little mole at the side of his rib cage, the way his nipples grew hard when she brushed her fingers over them…

  “You make me feel more than I thought I could,” whispered Max.

  Nicole felt her body respond to his words.

  Everything was new. Now, she could take the time to explore him – his body and his responses.

  Nicole moved over him, unashamed in her nakedness. She felt her breasts slithering over his muscled body and trembled, just a bit.

  Their lips met in a soft, long, sweet, exploratory kiss. Now there was time to explore, time to feel, time to understand what made them feel the most.

  Max’s hands moved down her back, finding the little dimples right at the edge of her rounded curves, and pressed. She smiled as her tongue slipped between his lips, seeking his. She explored his mouth, determined to find any secrets he had hidden.

  Nicole kissed his nose, and moved to his ear, her tongue tracing the shape of it. She kissed him behind it, before slipping her tongue into his earlobe for a moment, making him gasp.

  She moved down his neck, tasting his strength as she kissed, licked and nibbled her way to his strong shoulders.

  Nicole smiled as she ran her hands over his shoulders, down his chest, again. Her fingers brushed teasingly over his nipples again, and her smile widened wickedly when she saw his eyes close. Curious, she bent her head to his nipple and licked it, before she gave it a testing nibble. He gasped, and she sucked his little nipple into her mouth.

  Intrigued, she did it again, and again, until she felt his manhood stirring back into defiant, insistent life, and pressing against her.

  Pleased, she moved down his chest, tasting, leaving little nips that she soothed with strokes of her soft lips and tongue.

  She kissed his belly and felt his body tremble. She loved knowing that she could make this strong man tremble, that she had all night to make him hers, too.

  But now, the heat of his erection seemed to call to her. It couldn’t be ignored. It needed her attention.

  She moved close to it, and saw, again, how big it was. She was surprised, even if she’d had it buried deep inside her wetness a little while ago.

  She pressed a kiss to the tip of his cock and felt it move. She licked the tip, and it was salty, with his juices. Smiling, she licked up and down his shaft, until he was grunting and groaning encouragingly. She parted her lips and took the tip of him into her mouth, wrapping her lips around his head and sucking softly.

  Her hands found his balls, fondling him gently as she sucked on his cock. She felt his hips move, and she moved down, inch by inch, taking him inside her mouth slowly.

  She let her tongue play around his head, finding the sensitive spots that made him squirm. She wanted to learn how to pleasure him so well that he would never stop needing her.

  She let his hips thrust, and moved with him, slowly, taking more and more of him inside her mouth, until she finally took it all. Her eyes moved to his face and saw that his mouth was open, in pleasure, and perhaps surprise.

  Nicole started moving her head up and down, her tongue sliding along the length of his shaft. She wrapped her hand around the base of his cock and squeezed gently as her mouth started moving faster, and faster.

  She felt his body tense, tighten, as if ready for release, and she stopped.

  “Nicole, please!” gasped Max, desperate for release.

  “Tell me how good that felt,” whispered Nicole.

  “That felt… Nicole, please, I want your mouth again, please,” begged Max, and a surge of power and pleasure rushed through her.

  “I’ll give you more than my mouth now,” she promised him.

  Reaching for his bedside drawer, she found a condom and ripped it open. She pinched the tip and held it at the tip of his cock. Slowly, sensually, she slid it onto him, her hand moving over his throbbing member as she unrolled it onto him.

  Max had never before felt that a condom could be so erotic.

  But it was nothing to how Nicole looked as she got up and swung a leg over to straddle him. She held his manhood, poised, as she rubbed her wet pussy along it. She moaned as she felt the tip of him brushing against her sensitive, swollen flesh.

  She needed him, as much as he needed her. Maybe even more.

  Slowly, she sank onto him, taking him inside her in small, rocking movements that pushed them both to the limit. Max’s eyes closed in pleasure, only to jolt open again to see that she was grinding on him, her hips moving in small, steady circles.

  She kept that up, torturously pleasurable, for what seemed like an age before she started riding him, her hips pumping like a piston, harder and harder, faster and faster.

  She braced her hands on his chest, and her eyes were on his as she rode him, reaching for that peak all over again.

  Max’s hands shifted between them to find her in all her wet glory. He found that sensitive spot that needed more, and he stroked her as she rode him, over and over again, until Nicole’s eyes became heated slits intent on nothing but pleasure.

  Her hands fisted in her short hair, as she threw her head back and rode him, seeking only her climax.

  She felt his hands on her hips as he thrust into her, matching and meeting her pace, and she cried out as she felt herself ride over that edge willingly, and take flight.

  Max held on, as if his life depended on it, and then gripped her hips tighter and moved her, harder, faster, until he finally thrust deep inside her and let himself go, too, and rode on that wave as if it would never end.


  Nicole had thought that she woke up early. But it looked like Max could more than match her. She only hoped that despite his size, she could beat him in the pool. That was a point of pride for her. She did like being good in the water, like a slippery little fish.

  “I don’t have a bathing suit,” she pointed out.

  Max grinned at her as he pulled on his workout clothes.

  “I don’t have gym clothes, either.”

  Max laughed now.

  “I can offer you that. I don’t have a sports bra, though. My boobs don’t need support. Naturally perky,” he told her, making her laugh.

  Nicole hadn’t known that she could laugh before coffee, not like that.

  “I guess I’ll have to make do,” she said.

  With a wicked gleam in her eyes, she went on, “Of course, I could go skinny dipping. I’ve always thought that it looks like such fun, and I’ve never done it.”

  Max paused. She knew he was imagining her, wet and naked.

  “Skinny dipping sounds like fun,” he decided, and without warning, grabbed her, throwing her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

  Nicole struggled halfheartedly, dissolving into laughter before she held her breath and let him jump into the pool with her.

  When she came up for air, she noticed something was definitely not right.

  “You’re not naked. That’s not fair,” she told him.

  “Well, guess you’d better fix that,” said Max, and the look in his eyes was a dare.

  She swam to
him, dived underwater and had his shorts off before he could even blink. When she came up again, his face was a picture of shock.

  Grinning in triumph, since he hadn’t had time to put on his T-shirt, she wrapped herself around him. Her mouth found his, and the kiss was one shared by lovers who were growing comfortable with each other. His lips and tongue moved over hers in ways that he had realized she loved. She moaned as she felt his hands cup her ass and pull her closer to him, molding her to him.

  She could feel her body beginning to respond to him already. Her breasts felt heavy, and her nipples were hard, even in the heated pool.

  She brushed her breasts against his chest as he kissed her neck, as if he could never have enough. She slithered a little farther down him, and felt his cock nestling against her, between her legs. That intimate contact made her gasp.

  She would never get used to it, she thought, as she rubbed herself against him, needing to feel him. She wanted him inside her. She wanted to take him, she wanted to be taken in that pool, looking at the sky that was just beginning to explode in colors.

  She moaned when his hands found her breasts and touched her. His fingers found her nipples and pulled, pinched lightly, as she rubbed herself against him, getting wetter by the second.

  She was ready to be taken. She needed him.

  There was a loud, insistent ringing that made her cry out, but not the way she’d wanted to.

  “What the hell?”

  Max came up for air, and his eyes changed. She knew that look.

  She let go of him and put a little distance between them.

  “I’m sorry, Nicole. That’s the emergency number. It’s connected to every room. It must be Noel. It’s been ringing more often… Well, since then.”

  Nicole knew what he was talking about, of course. There was only one ‘then’.

  “Of course,” said Nicole, and pushed away from him. She watched out of the side of her eyes as he boosted himself out of the pool and took the call.

  From what she could see, it wasn’t good news.

  It looked like it was going to take a while, so she got out, got a couple of towels, and took one to him. He took one from her with an absentminded smile, and gave her a lazy kiss on the cheek that made her feel a little better.


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