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Page 5

by Sherry Foster

  I do not expect you to produce him, I expect you to tell Kane to produce him. It was not a request in case you thought it was, it was an order. I do not like to be ignored, disregarded, or disobeyed. You may want to remember that. I can make your life very unpleasant. I have your dragon, have had her for the last two weeks by the way.

  Unease slithered down Darian’s spine at this announcement. That sounded much like a threat to him. Darian was thinking, and thinking hard. Somethings were just not adding up in his mind. When Tresimiaset had told him the story earlier he could feel the others, not just his Lyra, but all the Lyra’s. He should not be able to feel Krista and Kervin’s Lyras. He could feel they were hearing the same story he heard. The fact that this dragon had been able to let him feel the others in her story to him spoke of unheard of ability. He could not feel them anymore. He tried to call to Kane but he could not feel Kane mentally. It was like an emptiness where his Lyra should be and that feeling, or that lack of feeling had never been there before. It was frightening.

  Swallowing hard Darian called out to Kane, who he could see on the other side of the tail still holding him in place. Kane, who had been watching the dragon turned his attention to Darian.

  “Kane, she wants you to bring Malory here, to her.” Darian could not keep the disgust from his voice as he told Kane what the dragon had requested.

  Kane’s eyebrows shot upwards in surprise and he glanced to Sarian, then to Patro and finally back to the dragon in front of them.

  “Any idea why she wants Malory? She did not tell me she wanted Malory.” Eyes now narrowed in suspicion Kane continued, “She can speak to us, I know, she just told us a story.” Kane directed his attention back to Darian. The look of suspicion on his face clear. Kane obviously did not believe Darian.

  I did say I expect to be obeyed. You will repeat my instructions to retrieve Malory. Did I mention I have your dragon. I have Kane’s also. Tresimiaset’s mental voice sounded a bit peeved to Darian.

  “Uh, Kane, she is beginning to sound a bit upset. She did mention she has your dragon. Maybe you could, I don’t know, go get Malory. Maybe now!” Darian was beginning to be concerned about the fate of his dragon.

  At this announcement all three of the men on the other side of the tail jerked in surprise, shock on their faces. Looking past his Lyra he could see the others a bit further back. They did not seem to be moving closer but they were close enough to have heard what he just said and they too had expressions of shock upon their faces.

  Kane tried to speak but nothing came out, he tried again and finally managed, “We can’t leave, remember we tried to step away as soon as she,” pointing at Tresimiaset, “arrived. If I can’t leave I can not get Malory.”

  Tresimiaset snorted, which caused the four men gathered around her to jump.

  Tell your ice walker SHE has a name. Tresimiaset. He should learn to use it, I am going to be around for a long time. Tell him to go get Malory, NOW. Oh, and tell him to come back immediately. With Malory, without telling anyone what is going on here, without bringing anyone else back with him but Malory.

  Darian really wished he could be on the other side of the tail. He had a brief moment where he wondered why she did not tell Kane herself but for once his impulsiveness gave way to self preservation, or maybe it was fear for his bonded dragon. Either way he dutifully repeated what she had told him to Kane.

  For a moment Kane just stood there in silence, the entire meadow was silent. Then, squaring his shoulders Kane took a step and disappeared.

  Everyone gave a start of surprise. Dismay soon filled everyone’s face. Tresimiaset snorted again. As before it caused the three men to jump. Darian shuddered as once more that voice filled his mind.

  Why does everyone seem bent on leaving. We are just getting started. I sent your families home in case you are wondering. They left the supplies behind. They also left their memories of this event behind. They believe you are in a meeting. Send the others to get the supplies. Everyone will be hungry before we are done. Smart to bring food and supplies to spend the night. Almost like you knew you would be in a meeting that may run a few days long. Do not think it will become a habit to have your elders fetch and carry for you. In fact, you and yours should go with them to help. It is not the job of an elder to wait upon the young. At that announcement Tresimiaset lifted her tail out of the way and settled back to observe how Darian would handle this latest command.

  Looking at Tresimiaset first Darian then turned to the others. Kervin and Trista were oh so slowly moving closer.

  Swallowing the lump in his throat and hoping he did not look as afraid as he was he dutifully told the others, “Tresimiaset requests,” a quick glance back assured him she was not going to quibble of his use of the word request, yet. “She said she sent everyone home with no memory of being here. They left the supplies and we are to fetch them. Seems we are going to be here a day or so.”

  With one more glance at Tresimiaset Darian took off in the direction the Elites and family had gone just a short time ago. The others soon fell into step behind him and were just as surprised as he was when they came to the supplies neatly laid upon the ground with no sign of the family or Elites who had retreated this direction. Everyone was silent as they gathered the supplies and headed back toward the unusual dragon. Darian did not know if it was because they, like he, were trying to process what had happened and was still happening, or if it was because Tresimiaset was still in control of them. He was afraid to ask.

  Back with the bundles of food and camping supplies everyone laid them out on the ground near the tower but not too close. Uncertain what to do everyone just shuffled around taking turns staring at Tresimiaset and each other. Knowing she had their dragons had put a greater fear into them than they would have thought possible. They were afraid to even speak for fear she would hurt their beloved dragons.

  Soon Kane stepped back with Malory and things went more than a little sideways. Eyes wide in a combination of shock and surprise, the men and women in the meadow watched as Malory took one look at Darian, screamed and began to run. Darian, with a look of disgust on his face just shook his head. Kane, Patro and Sarian all just lowered their heads into their hands for a moment as if praying for strength.

  Where he was thought he was running to would be a mystery. What he thought he would accomplish by running would also be a mystery. If he had been looking where he was going he would have picked a different direction. Everyone in the meadow, including Darian winced when Malory, in his heedless flight, ran smack into Tresimiaset and landed on his back out of breath, looking up into her face.

  Malory promptly passed out.

  Darian, face still filled with disgust, looked down at Malory then looked at Kane. “I thought you broke him of running away.”

  Kane, taking a deep breath as people often needed to do when dealing with Darian muttered, “He isn’t a puppy one can train you know. If you would quit threatening to kill him it might be easier.”

  Before Darian could say anything Tresimiaset surprised everyone by declaring, This one belongs to me.

  As the twelve members of all three Lyras watched in shock Tresimiaset gently picked up Malory and approached the ceremony stones. Before they realized what Tresimiaset intended she had preformed what appeared to be the bonding ceremony. Darian watched with narrowed eyes as the dragon backed away from the stones, then gently lay Malory on the ground between her front legs. He could see Malory had regained consciousness and was staring at Tresimiaset with a look of utter awe upon his face. Much the same look he had seen on his Lyra the day they bonded with their dragons almost three thousand years ago. Much like the awe he felt with his dragon.

  Closing his eyes briefly, Darian tried to regain his calm and consider what this development could mean. A sorcerer bonded to a powerful dragon, there was no help for it, he was definitely going to have to kill Malory. No matter how much pain the death brought him. He could not let a sorcerer have that kind of power. This gatheri
ng at the tower had been such a bad idea. He turned to glare at Hered, he knew who to blame for this mess.

  Chapter 9

  Malory had been startled when Kane had shown up at the house. It was Kane’s house but Malory was certain Kane had said he would be gone until the next day. Malory became concerned when Kane had announced he needed Malory to go with him to the tower. The last time he had been at the tower the dragons had gotten his memories and disappeared. Of course Darian blamed him for the disappearance. No one had seen or heard from the dragons since that day.

  The debacle with Merriam, and then the dragons disappearing, had Darian more against sorcerers than Malory had believed possible. Malory had been afraid of Darian for most of his life but nothing to compare with the terror of the last two weeks. He was too afraid to ask Kane if Darian would be at the tower. After the last couple of times, when Kane had brought him to meetings with the scientists and sorcerers he knew Darian was just waiting for the chance to kill him. He no longer believed Darian’s claim that as the fire walker to the tapestry he could not kill one of his people without pain. Well, maybe he believed it, but he also believed Darian’s hatred had reached the point that Darian was willing to risk the pain to ensure Malory died. A slow painful death if he remembered the last thing Darian said to him, and he remembered.

  Try as he may Malory could not swallow the lump that had formed in his throat as soon as Kane told him he was needed at the tower. Kane looked worried, almost frightened. Anything that frightened Kane was not something Malory wanted to be around. Darian must have talked the others into killing him. That was the only explanation Malory had for the look on Kane’s face.

  Kane, mind on Tresimiaset, had not payed attention to Malory at all. If he had been he might would have been able to reassure him. Although considering Kane was frightened of the new dragon his assurance would have been a tad insincere. But Kane was considerate enough he would have tried. Unfortunately he had other things on his mind and those things were so grave he missed the look of terror on Malory’s face as he grabbed his arm and stepped back to the tower.

  The first thing Malory saw as he appeared in the meadow was Darian and Darian did not look happy. Malory’s terror became too much for his young mind to deal with and, with a scream, he took off running only to run into something and bounce back.

  Looking up at what he had hit Malory saw the most beautiful, terrifying sight he had ever seen. The fragile youth, unable to cope with the terror, did the only thing he could do. He fainted. His last thought was of Darian feeding him to a dragon.

  Moments later Malory came to, still laying on the ground. Staring up at the dragon above him he no longer felt terror, instead he felt safe. He felt as though he belonged for the first time in his young life. He could not explain it but the colorful dragon above him was his whole life. He felt as though he had known her forever. He felt whole, as though a part of him was missing that he had not known about was suddenly no longer missing. She was the most beautiful sight in the world and she was his. And he, well he was hers.

  He even knew her name, Tresimiaset. Malory was not even confused about how he knew so much about her because he had memories of her, of what she was. This link was incredible. He understood so much he had not known before. Things that would have taken him a lifetime to research were just there as though they had always been because of the link.

  Rising to his feet Malory could not resist reaching out to stroke her nose. It was like the softest velvet. And she was so colorful, all the colors of the portal. But that would make sense considering she was the portal maker, the planet walker, she and she alone could create portals from one world to another. Malory gave a small little laugh of delight. He understood so much now.

  The more memories he became aware of the more laughter bubbled up inside of him. It seems the link made him all but impossible to kill. Not even Darian could destroy him now. In fact, he had been difficult to kill since he had created the portal. The portal he created using a memory stone created from the blood of Tresimiaset. The stone he had cut his hand on when trying to pry it out of the corner of the closet where he had found it. Seemed when he had bleed on the stone it had created a partial link to Tresimiaset and brought her from her goddess induced slumber into a more natural one.

  The next memory was not so pleasant, it seemed Darian was a Chosen and also would be difficult to kill. At least, not by the watchers and it was the watchers job to kill the members of a Lyra if the fire walker went rogue. The watchers, and now Tresimiaset, were the only ones with the power to kill a fire walker. Well, they could be killed, just not easily. They had to be taken by surprise and since they could feel others they really could not be surprised.

  Neither he nor Darian would live forever, but it did appear they would both live much longer than either believed possible for one of their race. Which meant that the entire Lyra Darian was a part of was destined to live thousands of years beyond the normal life span. Oh wasn’t that going to suck, living thousands of years past the normal span, sharing a planet with Darian.

  Gazing in awe at Tresimiaset he told her, “It will be worth putting up with Darian to live those years with you.”

  He is a bit difficult, but then the Chosen are always difficult. I gave you the memories you need of me and what I am, what you are now and how this connection came to be, but you do not have all of the memories. You are still mortal and no mortal could contain all of my memories.

  “I know,” Malory assured her, “I understand so much now.”

  You may understand, but you do realize no one else understands anything that is going on? You will be my tongue to teach the others what must be done. I fear we have not much time to do all that must be done. Oh, and Darian, still wants to kill you. That is unacceptable. Tell him so. Now. The only plotting anyone will be doing is the plotting to get off this planet as quickly as possible.

  “Darian, Tresimiaset said quit plotting to kill me. She said it is unacceptable.” Malory turned to look at Darian as he finished speaking. He found all twelve members of the Lyras staring at him in disbelief, and in Darian’s case disgust. As one eleven heads swiveled to look at Darian and back to Malory then continued up to gaze at Tresimiaset before turning again to look at Darian. It was almost, thought Malory, as though they were all controlled by one string.

  In the meantime Darian had not moved even a little. The sneer of disgust on his face seemed to be etched in place, as though carved in stone. And still the other eleven Lyra stared, Darian to Malory to Tresimiaset. Like they were on some magical loop. No one spoke, the only movement the swiveling heads. Finally Tresimiaset snorted.

  I have Darian’s memories, I need the rest of them. Tell them to approach one at a time and use the stones as memory stones should be used. The will bleed upon them as is proper and I will have their past. This leadership disturbs me greatly and I can not fix what I do not understand.

  “But,” confusion in his voice Malory asked, “Why don’t you tell them? Those memories you shared, I see what you can…”

  Before he could continue Tresimiaset spoke once more in his mind, “People do not like to be controlled, no one likes to be controlled. If I control them, force them to approach the stones, force them to deliver a drop of blood to me, they will resent me more than they already do. I have controlled them enough today. I want their cooperation, they will feel more in control of the situation, they will feel like they are contributing to the solution if we let them contribute. If I force them I will have to continue forcing them through the entire process. I could speak to each of them, tell them what I want, but my voice in their head, when they can not reach their dragons causes them discomfort. They feel it is a control issue.

  “If you don’t have their memories how can you know how they feel?” Malory wished Tresimiaset had given him more memories now. He thought when he had awoken bonded to her, he had all he needed but, well she had told him he did not.

  I know how they feel because it is a
s it has always been. Feelings do not change though laws and governments and even the land may change, people still feel. Ariannia says everything happens as it must, when it must and we have to trust that to be true. She also knows me, she knows what I have found I will not let continue. So changing things, that must happen because I can have it no other way. The things I do, I do because I must, and since I feel it must happen then it is right that is does happen.

  “I do not think they will listen to me. I know the memories you shared with me make me feel older, wiser, and more capable, but they know I am young, too young for the responsibilities you are giving me.” Malory hesitated before continuing, “I do not feel up to what you are asking me to do. Give orders to the leaders of our race, Darian hates me, they will not listen to one so young.”

  They will listen because they must listen. Trust me and trust the bond we have. You are stronger than you think.

  “Tresimiaset has requested..” Before Malory could continue he again heard Tresimiaset in his mind.

  It was not a request, a request can be denied, it was instructions for saving the race. You may tell them the first step to saving the race starts with them sharing with me the memories they have.

  “My apologies Lyra, Tresimiaset said this is the first step in saving the race, not a request after all but rather step one. With the exception of Darian everyone is to approach the ceremony stones and share with her a drop of your blood. She needs your memories to find how best to help us.” Malory confidence was at an all time high as he relayed the information to the others.

  He knew he should be quaking in his shoes to be giving instructions to the Lyra but he wasn’t. He knew the bond with Tresimiaset was the reason and planned on having a long talk with her about how the link had changed him. He did not even feel like the same person anymore. He knew because of the bond he was the only person who could question her without qualm. He could question her motives, her decisions and her actions. He did not really understand it. Memories only gave him so much information and he did not know just how to interpret the information he now had. Standing between her front legs he felt he could take on the world. He wondered, briefly, if he would still feel that way when he was not around her or if he would go back to being the frighted youth of that morning.


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