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Hot Target Cowboy

Page 15

by June Faver

  Colt turned toward the kitchen, puzzled when he realized he didn’t smell anything cooking. In fact, only one small light was turned on.

  He heard voices in the hallway coming from the bedroom wing. When he followed the sound, he found Leah with Gracie and Mark. She was fussing with Gracie’s hair, and Mark was cleaned up too.

  “What’s going on?” Colton asked.

  Mark turned to him eagerly. “Big Jim is taking all of us to dinner and then to the Eagles Hall. I’ve never been before.”

  Leah gazed up at him expectantly. “Didn’t your dad tell you? We’re all going out tonight.” She turned around. “Hurry up, Gran. We don’t want to be late.”

  “I’m a-comin’,” Fern called out.

  “Um, no. I guess I didn’t get the memo.”

  “Well, now you got it.” Big Jim came into the hallway. He wore a freshly starched Western shirt, and his Wranglers were pressed as well. “Come on. Get a move on.” He flashed a big grin. “I’ve got a date.”

  “I better wait for Misty,” Colton said.

  Big Jim hesitated just a second and then nodded. “Well, you two hustle it up. We’ll be at the steak house, and then we’re going to get a table at the Eagles. I’m planning on dancing with Celia Diaz tonight. She’s going to meet us for dinner.”

  Colton grinned. He was glad his father was seeing someone, even someone much younger. He didn’t want Big Jim to spend the rest of his life alone. “Have a good time. We’ll be there as soon as possible.”

  Fern Davis, Leah’s grandmother, bustled into the room, tucking a handkerchief into her handbag. “You’d best hurry up, young feller. I’m a-savin’ a dance for you.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll be right along.” He followed them to the doorway, watching as Big Jim herded Leah, her grandmother, and the younger two into his big truck.

  Colton heaved a sigh and stepped back through the door as the truck roared off. He was glad his father was taking an interest in Mark. The boy certainly needed to be appreciated. He just wished some of his father’s benevolence could spill over onto Misty.

  For that matter, he couldn’t understand why Beau held such a negative opinion of her.

  It wasn’t dark yet, but it was much later than Misty usually got home from the law office. Colton was just about to go look for her when Leah’s old clunker pulled into the driveway. He felt as if a tight band around his chest broke loose when he saw her bounce out of the car with a grin on her face. Sucking in a deep breath, he returned her grin. “About time you got home. I was going to send out a search party.”

  She flew into his arms, and he swung her around. He had never seen her so happy. “What’s going on?”

  “Oh, Colton. This has just been the best day ever.” She gave him a hug. “First off, I got paid, and when I went to the bank, a very nice lady helped me open my very own checking account. Then she straightened out the ranch account, and I have my own debit card and checks.” She gave a little squeal at the end of her sentence.

  “That sounds like a great day, all right.”

  “But right after work, I went to the grocery store and got food for Paco and Rosa. I took it by the ranch, and they were so happy.” Her eyes were shining, and she was talking rapidly. “I love them both so much. They’ve been like another set of parents to Mark and me.”

  He planted kisses on her upturned face, skimming her forehead and her nose and settling on her lips. “I’m glad you’re able to provide for them, but you know I would have sprung for groceries.”

  “Oh, Colton, I’m so happy. I feel as though things might actually turn out well.”

  “Of course they will.” He gave her another kiss. “Now, go toss on your jeans, ’cause we’re late.”

  She looked up at him, brows raised in question.

  “Everyone has gone into town. Dinner first and then the Eagles Hall. Are you up for that?” He stopped abruptly. “I don’t know if you feel okay about dancing so soon after losing your father and Joe…but we can come home after dinner…”

  “Everyone’s going?”

  “Your little brother is safely tucked under Big Jim’s wing. He’s really taken a liking to Mark.”

  She smiled, a little sadly, he thought. “That’s great.”

  He wanted to assure her Big Jim would love her when he got to know her, but he thought better of it. “If you’re up for it, hustle into your dancing boots, and let’s go.”

  Misty grinned. “That sounds like fun.” She headed down the hall, unbuttoning her shirt as she went.

  Colt’s libido surged into overdrive, and he followed her. “Let me help you with all those clothes.”

  She turned, laughing. “Why, Colton Garrett. I do think you have something on your mind.”

  “You bet I do.” He slipped the blouse from her shoulders and traced a line of kisses down her neck and bare shoulder.

  A look crossed her face that set fire to something in his chest. Without another word, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to his bedroom.

  He set her on her feet, but she clung to his neck, smiling so sweetly he had to feast on her lips not once but twice.

  Her hands roamed over his chest, tugging at the top snap on his shirt. The snaps opened all the way down to his belt buckle, but the rest of his shirt was firmly trapped inside his Wranglers.

  It pleased him that she wanted him out of his clothes. It’s not that easy to undress a working cowboy.

  He thought he would give her a little help, so he unbuckled his large belt buckle and stripped the belt from the loops on his Wranglers. Letting it fall to the floor, he moved her closer to the bed.

  “You’re making this easy for me.” Her voice had dropped to a lower register.

  Spreading his arms wide, he grinned. “Knock yourself out. I’m always easy for you.”

  A pretty blush of color stained her cheeks, but determinedly, she set about removing his shirt. She had to unsnap his cuffs and walk around him to slide the shirt off.

  He took the shirt from her and arranged it on the back of a chair to keep it from getting wrinkled. He considered that he would need to put it back on to save face with his father, whose sharp eyes would immediately pick up the fact that something had transpired if he showed up wearing a different shirt.

  When he turned, she had slipped out of her clothes, down to her bra and panties. He swallowed hard. “Well, all right.”

  “I—I just thought we better hurry…you know—if you want to meet up with your dad.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He slid the bootjack out from under his bed, eased out of his boots, and then slid off his Wranglers. “May I assist you to my bed and ravish you thoroughly?” He gestured toward his king-size bed.

  She giggled, covering her mouth with both hands. “Thoroughly?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he drawled. “That’s how I roll.” He swept her up into his arms and did a fancy turn that landed her on the bed and him beside her.

  They were both laughing, and then suddenly they weren’t. There erupted a tangle of arms and legs as they struggled to get closer to each other.

  Colton grazed his fingers over her warm skin, stirring a rage of desire in his core.

  Misty arched closer to him, pressing against his skin as though to meld the two of them together.

  He fingered the lacy material of her bra before slipping one strap down and pressing a kiss against her shoulder.

  A soft moan escaped Misty’s lips. “Oh, Colt…hurry.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he whispered. He quickly removed her bra and panties before divesting himself of his underwear.

  She inhaled sharply. “Let’s—let’s do this. I mean, I don’t want them to know.”

  “Well, let’s don’t tell them.” He rolled her onto her back and trailed kisses down her body, taking a detour to pay homage to her breasts. He circled her
nipples with his tongue, leaving each standing at attention and a grin on her face.

  Colton’s hand swept over her rib cage and down her flat stomach to cup her mound. Her legs spread apart, and he gently probed her wetness with his finger.

  She expelled a sharp breath, writhing in pleasure.

  He slipped on a condom. “Now we’re dressed for success.” Then he set about making sure she had no unfulfilled desires. When they were both satisfied, he reluctantly drew away. They lay together, damp and breathing hard.

  “I guess we better get dressed and meet the others.”

  She let out a snort of laughter. “Y’think?”

  He grinned, glad they’d had the house to themselves for a change. Now he wished he had his own place to share with her all the time.

  Chapter 11

  “Well, about damned time,” Big Jim muttered when he glanced out the plate-glass window and saw Colton’s truck pull up outside the steak house.

  Leah gave him a grin and whispered, “Give them a break. They’re in love. Can’t you see that?”

  He snorted and gave her a sideways glance. “Is that what it is? I thought maybe Colt just had the flu.”

  She smacked him on the arm. “Honestly! When did you get to be such an old curmudgeon?”

  “Me? I’m being a realist,” Big Jim protested.

  Colton went around to open the passenger door and lifted Misty down. He managed to give her a kiss on the way. She was a pretty girl, Big Jim admitted, and she was looking happier than she had at first.

  Leah gave him a knowing look. “I’m just glad you didn’t treat me like this when I was first getting to know Tyler. I might have turned tail and run back to Oklahoma.”

  He put his hand on her shoulder. “Nah. You’re made of sterner stuff. Besides, you brought my rebellious middle son back to me. I thought he was a lost cause for sure.”

  “My Tyler is the best man on earth. I love him so much it hurts.” She nodded toward the door Colton and Misty had just come through, arm in arm. “Now, stop being an old grouch, and leave those two alone. They both deserve some happiness.”

  Big Jim drew back in mock indignation. “That’s the second time you’ve called me ‘old’ tonight. I have a date with a lovely young woman, so I’ll thank you to keep that opinion to yourself.”

  Leah winked at him before turning to wave at the newcomers.

  Colt pulled out a chair for Misty at the other end of the table and seated himself beside her.

  There were greetings and good-natured teasing, but Big Jim noted that Beau seemed to be ignoring his brother as well as the woman who had Colt so enraptured. He wondered what was going on between his two sons. It wasn’t the first time they’d had a difference of opinion, and he was sure it wouldn’t be the last. Still, Big Jim kept an eye on both sons as they studiously ignored each other.

  The waitress placed menus in front of Colt and Misty and then brought out plates to those who had arrived earlier.

  Big Jim stood when he caught sight of Celia Diaz crossing the parking lot. His heart always took a leap when she made herself available. It was early days yet, but they weren’t in any hurry. Well, she didn’t seem to be, anyway. Their relationship was developing just fine.

  Celia breezed into the restaurant, spied the Garrett party, and gave a little wave. “Hello, everyone. Sorry I’m late. I had to meet with a parent after school.” She rolled her eyes but leaned close to Big Jim for a kiss on the cheek. “Occupational hazard.”

  Big Jim pulled out the chair beside him, the one he had been saving for her, and when she was seated, he leaned forward, inhaling the scent that seemed to be a part of her. “I’m glad you could make it,” he whispered close to her ear.

  She flashed a smile and picked up the menu. “Let me see…what do I want?”

  Big Jim chuckled. “I took the liberty of ordering for you.” He watched her wide-set eyes light up as she turned to stare at him.

  “You did? Well, what am I dining on tonight?”

  “Just a nice little steak, a baked potato, and a salad. Some kind of vegetable on the side. Is that okay?”

  A wide grin split her face. “Perfect.”

  Yes, it’s going to be a good night. He hailed the waitress and asked her to hustle up the food he had ordered for Celia. He didn’t want to start without her, though she insisted he do so. He cut a bite of his steak and offered it to her on his fork.

  Her perfect white teeth pulled the meat from the fork, and she released a soft moan. “Yes, you always know what I like.”

  When Big Jim looked up, he saw that Colton was staring at him, a little smile lifting the corners of his mouth. Colt reached for Misty’s hand and laced his fingers with hers.

  It suddenly occurred to Big Jim that Colton must feel about Misty the same way he felt about Celia.

  Big Jim released a huge sigh. He wanted his sons to be happy. Tyler had found his perfect woman. Big Jim glanced at Leah, who was taking part in an animated conversation with Gracie and Mark. As a father, he was proud Ty had brought such a wonderful female into his family. She was lovely and had a generous, giving spirit.

  Big Jim shifted his attention to the young woman who had captivated his oldest son’s attention. Misty gazed at Colton, apparently reflecting the same loving expression as when Leah looked at Tyler.

  Okay, I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt. Let’s just see how this plays out.

  * * *

  In the morning, Colton stretched, taking up his entire king-size bed.

  He had enjoyed a great evening at the Eagles Hall with Misty in his arms. He was pretty sure she’d had a good time too.

  Of course, she started out the evening feeling pretty good due to her first paycheck and getting to visit with the couple living on her ranch. She appeared to be more hopeful and positive. He thought the rest of her happiness might have had something to do with him.

  Making love to Misty was a luxury in that it didn’t happen nearly often enough to suit him. He hoped she felt the same way.

  It was Saturday, and Colt had a plan. He wanted to take a drive over to the Dalton ranch and talk to Paco. At least this man had some experience with the crops and the herd. Maybe he could get through the man’s resistance to find out what had been done in the past and make a plan for the future.

  He got out of bed, took a shower, and then headed for the kitchen. When he got there, he saw that Leah and Misty had beaten him to the table. He helped himself to a cup of coffee and checked out the breakfast fare.

  “Hello, sleepyhead,” Leah called. “Your dad and brother have already taken off. They got up early to take a drive to the county seat. They took Mark with them.”

  Colton gave himself a head smack. “I forgot. Dad wanted to take a look at some old deeds archived in the county records.”

  Leah chuckled. “Not to worry. I think they can handle it without you.”

  “Mark was all excited to be taking a trip with Big Jim,” Misty said. “You should have seen him. He thinks your dad hung the moon and the stars.”

  “I’ll bet.” Colton heaved a sigh and sat on the stool beside Misty. “On the other hand, I was hoping we could drive to your ranch today.”

  “I’d love that.” She turned to Leah. “Would you like to come with us?”

  Leah cocked her head to one side. “Sure. That would be great. I’d love to see your place.” Her smile faded. “But aren’t you in danger of losing the ranch?”

  Misty glanced at Colton and then turned her attention back to Leah. “Not anymore. I’ve entered into a partnership to save the ranch and hope to make it a thriving place again.”

  Colton tried not to react. He hadn’t wanted anyone else to be in on his actions before he had a chance to spring it on Big Jim…but it was too late now. He took a plate and scooped scrambled eggs and bacon onto it and snagged a couple slice
s of toast.

  “A partner?” Leah’s expression changed in a flash. She appeared to be concerned. “That sounds ominous. Is it someone you can work with? Someone you can trust?”

  Colton shrugged. “I sure as hell hope so.” He opened the jar of salsa and spooned some onto his eggs.

  Misty laughed and leaned her head against his shoulder. “I trust you.”

  “Wait a minute!” Leah’s gaze flicked back and forth between him and Misty. “The two of you are in a partnership?”

  “Yes,” Misty crowed. “Isn’t it wonderful? Colton saved our property, and he’s going to make it profitable for all of us.”

  Leah held out her hands, palm up. “How come this is the first I’ve heard of it?”

  Colton released the breath he’d been holding. “I haven’t told Dad either. I just didn’t want to hear any of his disapproval.”

  Misty turned to him, her brows drawn together. “Oh, Colt. I didn’t know he wouldn’t approve.”

  “You don’t know my dad. He disapproves of anything that isn’t his idea.”

  Leah leaned across the table to put her hand on top of Misty’s. “I can attest to that. My husband, Tyler, had a huge blowup with Big Jim over Ty’s singing career. It’s a miracle they came back together. Now, Big Jim’s proud of Ty’s accomplishments, but it took him a while to come around.”

  Colton nodded in agreement. “Bad times.”

  “Don’t worry, Colt.” Leah leaned toward them in a conspiratorial manner. “I won’t say a word.”

  “Thanks. I just want to get a plan in place before he has a chance to bash it.”

  Leah raised her glass of orange juice in a toast. “Sounds like a great idea.”

  He hurriedly finished his breakfast and set his plate in the sink. “Let’s take a drive, ladies.”

  He loaded Misty and Leah into his truck and drove to the Dalton ranch. The sun was shining, and the whole place seemed to look better, or perhaps it just seemed less forlorn. He drove around the property first, pointing out the herd, mostly Hereford, Charolais, and Black Angus.


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