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Hot Target Cowboy

Page 27

by June Faver

  “Who’s going to tell Leah that her old beater of a car is toast?” Beau mumbled from the back seat.

  Colt made a scoffing sound in his throat. “I’m pretty sure that would be me.”

  “She loved that old wreck.” Beau removed his hat and raked his fingers through his thick crop of hair.

  “Don’t rub it in. I don’t think the car is worth the repair bill.”

  Beau let out a derisive snort. “I would advise you not to tell her that.”

  When Colton pulled in through the horseshoe-shaped gate, he felt an easing of the tension in his gut. This was a safe haven. A place where his loved ones could hole up and lick their wounds. Although the only one with physical wounds was the woman beside him, his emotions were raw from the torment of his search. Not knowing if Misty was alive or dead had been agony.

  He pulled up to the house and put the truck in Park as quietly as possible. Beau and Big Jim climbed out and opened the door to the house, leaving it ajar for Colt to follow.

  Stepping out of the truck, Colt gently unfastened Misty’s seat belt and eased her into his arms. She stirred, settling her head on his shoulder as he carried her into the house.

  Beau closed and locked the front door behind them and headed toward his own room. It was very late—or very early, depending on how you were looking at it.

  Colton stepped into the guest room Misty had been using. His throat tightened when he saw that Leah had left the lamp turned on for them atop the bedside table and had folded the bedding down as well. Everything looked comfortable and inviting. He was extremely glad his middle brother had married such a gem.

  He placed Misty on the fresh sheets and gently slipped his arms out from under her. Arranging her head on the pillow, he then removed her shoes and tenderly slipped the outer hospital gown off. She looked pale and fragile. Her bruised cheek and the dark smudges beneath her eyes gave silent testimony to what she had been through. He started to arrange the cover over her but was surprised to find her large dark eyes regarding him steadily.

  “I hope you’re not planning to leave me in here all by myself.”

  “Well, I…I thought you needed to sleep.”

  “Nooo.” Her denial came out like a moan. “What I need is for the man who loves me to wrap his arms around me and never let me go. I can’t get the dark images of Eddie Simmons out of my head.” Her lower lip trembled. “Please, Colt. I—I need you.” She unsnapped the shoulders of the remaining hospital gown, letting it fall to bare her lovely bosom.

  The flame of desire licked his insides. “I don’t have to go.” Colton unbuttoned his shirt and closed the door. The house was quiet, and he was pretty sure everyone was either fast asleep or well on their way. He didn’t want to cause a problem, but he couldn’t leave her…not tonight. He arranged his shirt over the back of a chair and slipped off his boots. “I’d love to hold you in my arms, all night long, if you need me.”

  As quickly as humanly possible, he shed the rest of his clothing and turned off the lamp on the bedside table, so that the room was bathed in moonlight filtering through the lace curtains at the windows.

  Misty reached for him, and he lost no time in climbing onto the bed beside her. Her arms drew him closer as she arched against him. Her breasts grazed his chest, erasing any doubt as to what she wanted.

  “Are you sure you’re up for this?” he whispered against her ear. “You’ve been through a lot, and you have some injuries.”

  She chuckled deep in her throat. “Yes, I have, but I’m still alive. I can’t think of any better way to celebrate than to make love with you.”

  Colton eased her onto her back and pressed a kiss against her lips. “In that case, you should relax and let me show you how much I love you.”

  A grin spread across her face.

  “I’m going to devour you like a starving man at a banquet.”

  “Is that a threat?” She laughed and then winced in pain.

  “First, I’m going to snack on your soft lips.” He kissed her deeply, probing her mouth with his tongue. “And then I’ll have a little bite of your neck.” He kissed his way from her neck to her shoulder. He nuzzled his way to her breasts. “Oh, my favorite.”

  Misty giggled and squirmed as he licked and suckled each breast. He worked his way down her ribs to her navel, sticking his tongue in and wiggling it around.

  He had to quell his desire to crush her to him. “And now for the main course.” He trailed his tongue lower, and she spread her thighs. He heard a soft intake of breath as he lowered his mouth to take possession of her mound. All he wanted to do was please her and heal her wounds. He took his time, making sure to satisfy her needs. When he started to move away, she pulled him closer.

  “Don’t stop,” she said, her voice ragged with desire. “I want more.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He donned a condom and entered as gently as possible, but he needn’t have bothered because she wrapped both thighs around him and writhed hard against him. He held his weight off her but had no defense against her rage of passion. His thrusts were met with equal enthusiasm, sending them both into a deep abyss of ecstasy. When they lay tangled in each other’s limbs, spent and breathing hard, he reflected that they were perfect together.

  In a matter of seconds, she expelled a deep breath and fell asleep.

  He smiled in the dim moonlight. One satisfied customer. Job well done.

  He tried not to disturb Misty, but considering how deeply she slept, he doubted if a tornado could have disturbed her.

  He stretched across her and pulled the coverlet over both of them, not intending to wake her, but she turned toward him, and he gathered her in his arms. Yes, this was the way it was meant to be. The perfect way to end a hard day is to hold the one you love in your arms. To hear her soft intake of breath. To feel her hand against his bare chest. Yes, I’m here for you. I always will be.

  Chapter 19

  In the morning, Leah knocked gently on the door. “Misty, can I come in?” At the same time she asked, she pushed the door open. Oh my!

  Her oldest brother-in-law was curled up with Misty, cradling her in his arms.

  It wasn’t that Leah was shocked to have walked in on them together but that she didn’t want to disturb them. Certainly she and Tyler had shared many passionate nights before they were married, but this was different. With Misty’s bruised face nestled against Colton’s chest, it appeared to be a portrait of tender caring. She smiled and quietly set the tray down on the bedside table. Time enough for food when they were both rested.

  She stole carefully out of the room. Silently, she twisted the knob to close the door behind her.

  In the big, cheery kitchen, sunlight streamed through the bank of windows on the patio side. Just gazing out at the plants, fiercely blooming in huge ceramic pots arranged around the patio, was like looking at a page from a garden magazine. Really beautiful.

  She sucked in a deep breath and released it.

  Mark and Gracie were at the table, just finishing their breakfast of scrambled eggs, biscuits, and ham with red-eye gravy.

  “Something smells great.” Big Jim strode into the kitchen, fastening the buttons on the cuffs of his Western shirt as he walked.

  She gave him a grin. “Help yourself to coffee, and I’ll scramble up some fresh eggs just for you.”

  Big Jim went behind the kitchen counter and selected a mug from the cabinet, carrying it to the coffeepot. “Thanks a lot, Leah.”

  Beau came in next, and Leah broke more eggs into the skillet. “Scrambled eggs, coming right up.”

  Beau thanked her and grabbed a cup for himself. He held it out for Big Jim to fill. “Morning, Dad. Have you recovered from the loss of your truck?”

  Leah turned to gaze at Big Jim in surprise. “You lost your truck?”

  Big Jim emitted a less-than-polite snort. “My truck was murdered.

  Beau settled on a stool by the granite breakfast bar. “You can say that again. In fact, there were two vehicular murders last night, and the same guy was responsible for both.”

  Big Jim’s brows drew together as he glared at his youngest son.

  “Vehicular murders?” Leah frowned. “What does that mean? Two people were killed by a vehicle?”

  Beau was grinning now. “Nope. Two different vehicles were totaled last night by the same idiot.”

  Big Jim shook his head before casting another cool glare in Beau’s direction. “The creep ran smack into the side of my truck. Crushed in the driver’s side, bent the frame and axle. Not worth the repair bill. They never handle right after a wreck.”

  Beau gave Leah a knowing look. “I think my dad will be visiting the truck dealership today.”

  “Danged right.” Big Jim took a swig of his coffee.

  Leah slid two filled plates onto the countertop. “Another vehicle was totaled? That must have been the one this so-called ‘creep’ was driving.”

  “Um, yeah,” Big Jim said. “The creep’s truck makes three.”

  Leah looked from father to son. “I don’t understand. What other vehicle was totaled?”

  Carefully, Big Jim set his cup down. “Look, Leah, this Eddie Simmons sideswiped Misty when she was on the way home, and your car pretty much bought the farm.”

  Leah’s breath was sucked right out of her lungs. “My car?” she gasped.

  Beau paused, his fork full of scrambled eggs halfway to his mouth. “Do you have insurance on your old beater?”

  “My car?” Leah stared from man to man. “My car is gone?”

  “Aw, I know how you feel,” Big Jim said. “But was it insured?”

  “Only liability,” Leah replied. “I know it wasn’t worth much. It’s just that…Gracie and I made our escape from Oklahoma in that car. It brought us all the way here with our meager possessions.” To her consternation, a tear trickled down one cheek and fell onto her blouse.

  Big Jim reached out to pat her hand. “I think you and I need to go to Amarillo to look at something new for you to drive.”

  She heaved a sigh. “I have the use of Ty’s truck. I guess that’s all we need. I’m just being silly.” Swiping the tears away, she turned to find Gracie and Mark standing beside her. Each held their empty plate and eating utensils.

  “What’s wrong, Mommy?” Gracie asked, concern written on her face.

  “Somebody ran into our car last night,” she said. “It’s okay. Mommy was just a little sad, that’s all.” She took the plates and utensils, rinsing and stacking them in the sink, ready to be loaded into the dishwasher. “You two run along now. You have this beautiful Saturday to enjoy.” She smiled, watching them head out to the patio.

  Big Jim’s phone sounded, and he retrieved it from his shirt pocket. He glanced at the caller ID before accepting the call. “Hello, Sheriff.” He listened and then said, “Yes, we’re all here at the ranch. The hospital kept Levi Blair after they removed the bullet from his shoulder. Have you captured that asshole Eddie Simmons yet?”

  Beau scooped the last of his eggs into his mouth and reached for another biscuit to sop up the remains of the gravy on his plate.

  “Good to know,” Big Jim said into his phone. “Keep us informed, Sheriff. I want to know when you catch that sumbitch.” He rang off and slipped the phone back in his shirt pocket before tucking into his food again.

  “Well?” Beau cocked his head to one side. “Are you going to tell us, or do I have to ask what the sheriff had to say?”

  Big Jim flashed a mischievous grin. “Go ahead. Ask me.”

  “I’ll ask you,” Leah said. “What did the sheriff say?”

  Big Jim took his time scooping another bite into his mouth and carefully chewed before he answered. “The sheriff said that Misty’s ranch hand, Paco, was released from the hospital some time yesterday and is now in a rehab center to recuperate, so he’s made a turn for the better.”

  Leah leaned her elbows on the countertop. “That will make Misty’s day. I know she’s been so worried about him.”

  Beau continued to stare at Big Jim, a bemused expression on his face. “C’mon, Dad. You’re holding out on us.”

  Big Jim shrugged. “Well, the sheriff did happen to mention that Paco identified Eddie Simmons and his pal Stan Lynch as his attackers.”

  “Stan?” Beau heaved a sigh. “Damn! I just don’t know what kind of hold Eddie has over those guys.”

  Big Jim finished cleaning his plate. “And then Eddie shot Stan. That’s a helluva note.”

  Leah blew out a huff of air. “Okay, I’m over it. I don’t care if my car was totaled. I only care that Misty is back home and everyone I love is safe.”

  “Me too,” Big Jim said. “And just you make yourself comfortable with the fact that I am going to take you to Amarillo and buy you a brand-new car. Maybe a Jeep or a Hummer. Something big and strong to protect you.” He gave a nod as though that completely settled the matter.

  * * *

  When Colton opened his eyes, all the events of the previous evening came flooding back into his consciousness. He was stunned to see how dark the bruise on the side of Misty’s face had become.

  Releasing his breath carefully, he didn’t want to awaken her. Dark smudges beneath her eyes bespoke her exhaustion.

  A soft tap sounded at the door, and Leah poked her head in. She made a shushing gesture but motioned for him to get up.

  Carefully, he slipped his arm out from under Misty’s neck and sat up, clutching the coverlet to cover his nakedness. He glanced again at Leah. She was grinning from ear to ear and motioned for him to hurry before quietly closing the door.

  Obediently, Colton donned his Wranglers, pulled on his boots, and reached for his shirt. He needed a shower, and his shirt was desperately in need of a wash. He slipped it on but left it unbuttoned, the easier to strip off once he found out what had his sister-in-law so excited.

  Hearing raised voices in the kitchen, he rounded the corner, delighted to see his middle brother, Tyler, holding court. He stood with an arm around Leah while Beau and Big Jim clustered around him.

  “Whoa! Look who’s home,” Colt said. “The rambling man found his way back.” He opened his arms, and Ty grabbed him in a bear hug. The two exchanged a hearty round of back-thumping.

  “Good to be home,” Ty declared. “I missed everyone. Even you, Bubba.”

  Colton guffawed. “Don’t call me that.”

  They gravitated as a group to the table and took seats all around.

  “So, what have I missed?” Ty asked.

  Big Jim snorted. “We’ve been keeping busy since you went on tour, Son.”

  “Colton’s in love,” Beau announced in a singsong voice.

  Ty’s face split into a grin. “So Leah’s been telling me. Well, where is this amazing young woman who hog-tied my big brother?”

  “Let her sleep,” Colton said. “She’s been through a lot in the past twenty-four hours.”

  “Plenty of time.” Big Jim shook his head. “Plenty of time.”

  “Are you home for a while?” Colt asked.

  “Until the album comes out. Still need a few more songs.” He pulled Leah onto his lap. “I needed some inspiration. Besides, I’m hoping to move my bride into our own home in about a month, so I want to be on hand for the final construction.”

  “Oh, there’s plenty to do,” Leah assured him.

  Gracie burst into the kitchen, red-faced and out of breath.

  Ty stood up, still clutching Leah in one arm and holding out his other to Gracie. “There’s my girl!” Gracie threw herself at him, and he caught her. “What’s the matter, baby girl?”

  Leah wrapped both arms around her daughter and brushed her hair away from her face.

  Colt noticed Graci
e was whimpering, and tears streamed down her cheeks. He stood up. “Are you hurt?”

  “No-o-o,” she drew out, shaking her head vehemently. “There’s a man. He’s got Mark.”

  Colton’s stomach did a flip-flop. “What does he look like?” His gaze narrowed. “Is this man tall? Kind of red-faced and wiry?”

  Wide-eyed with fear, Gracie nodded. “He has a gun, and he’s talking funny.”

  Big Jim and Beau scrambled to their feet.

  “Damnation!” Big Jim thundered. “Eddie Simmons is here?” He pulled his phone out of his shirt pocket and hit redial, beginning a rapid conversation with the sheriff almost immediately.

  “He was in the stable. I went out to watch Mark take care of the horses.”

  Colt was already through the front door and headed toward the stables when he stopped cold.

  Eddie stood between Colton’s and Beau’s trucks. He had a gash across his forehead and another down his cheek. His shirt was covered in blood, and he had a shotgun aimed at Mark’s head. “Hey, Beau. Tell your big brother to slow down, or it’s gonna get a little messy around here.”

  Colt’s teeth gritted together. “What do you want, Eddie?” he demanded.

  Eddie laughed. “I want the keys to one of these Garrett trucks.” He nodded toward Tyler’s red extended-cab pickup. “Not that one. Too noticeable. Gimme the keys to this nice gray one.” He smacked his hand against Beau’s silver truck.

  “And then what?” Big Jim asked.

  Eddie nodded toward Mark. “Then me and Joe’s little brother are going to take a ride. I’ll let him go when I’m clear.”

  That thought chilled Colton to the bone. He had no intention of allowing Eddie to take Mark anywhere. Mark looked terrified, but his gaze was locked on Colton.

  “You can have mine,” Colton ground out. He dug his keys out of his pocket, jangling them to draw Eddie’s attention. “It’s filled with diesel and ready to go.”

  Eddie shifted his attention to Colton. “Look who it is! Big brother here to save the day.” He turned to Beau. “I think I want your truck, Beau. Why don’t you hand over the keys real nice-like, and we can get this over with.”


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