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The Sheikh's Surprise Twins (Qadir Sheikhs Book 1)

Page 4

by Leslie North

  Her boss wore a deep frown.

  “Coming along,” she answered. “But Mr. Berber, are you all right?”

  He shuffled into the office and dropped heavily into one of the chairs on the opposite side of Holly’s desk. Clifton was her father’s age, but today, with a slight hunch to his shoulders and a pale tint to his face, she saw her grandfather. “I thought I’d kicked it—whatever this is.” Clifton waved toward the front of his suit like it would offer her some clue. “I felt worse when I woke up this morning.”

  Holly felt concern bloom in her chest…along with another sensation, like a shift in the wind. “Do you need me to take over?”

  Clifton let out a tired laugh. “You cut to the chase, don’t you?”

  “It’s one of my best qualities.” She reached forward and turned off the computer screen. “Mr. Berber, I can handle this.”

  He grimaced. “I’m not going to leave you in Qadir by yourself. But…I need to step back. At least for today. You should plan to take the lead on everything until further notice.”

  “That’s no problem. I’ve got it under control. Why don’t you take a few days and rest? I can send you updates at the end of each day, if it would put your mind at ease.”

  Clifton rubbed a hand over his face. “Nothing detailed, Holly. I trust you.” He braced himself against the arms of the chair and stood up. “I’ll be at the hotel.”

  Holly stood up too, ready to help him to the door, but the way Clifton straightened his back made her think twice.

  “Rest well,” she called after him, but all she heard in reply was a heavy sigh.

  Holly sat back down, her heart in her throat. She put a hand to her neck and felt her own pulse race. Her fingers wouldn’t settle on the keyboard.

  This was it.

  This was the moment.

  She pulled open the bottom desk drawer and reached into her purse. It was late enough in the day in Qadir that her father would be awake—he always got up early. This kind of news—and emergencies, obviously—was why she’d gotten a short-term international plan on her phone.

  Her father answered on the first ring. “Is everything all right?”

  “Hi, Dad,” she said, hand to her chest. “I’m just calling with some news. Some great news. Well, half of it’s not great news, but that’s how life goes, isn’t it?” Her blood expanded in her veins, pounding with every heartbeat.

  “What is it?” Her father prompted, voice tinged with worry.

  “Well, the bad news is that Mr. Berber isn’t feeling well.”

  “Are you having to cut the trip short?”

  Of course he would worry about her first international business trip getting curtailed. “No, not at all.”

  “Oh.” There was a pause. Was that a sigh?

  “Did you…were you hoping I was going to come back early?” The excitement turned a corner, veering closer to nervousness.

  “It’s easier to visit when you’re here, but—no.” He cleared his throat. “Is he going to be all right?”

  “He should be fine,” Holly said. It was like stopping dead in the middle of a run. “The good news is, I’m taking the lead on this project.”

  “The entire Qadir project? Wow, Hol. Nice work.”

  Her chest warmed with pride. “I’ve been handling a lot of the details by myself. I threw a reception for the other developers and the royal family, and it went well.”

  “Yeah? Did you meet one of those princes?”

  She laughed. “Yes, I’ve shaken hands with all the princes.”

  “Any of them strike your fancy?”

  The question fell like a brick onto pavement. “What?”

  “I’ve seen pictures,” her father said. “I got the latest iPhone, and I finally learned how to use the thing. I wanted to know what kinds of people Berber Inc. is dealing with.”

  “Yeah?” Holly felt like she was standing on one of those detached docks that swayed with the water. “What did you find out?”

  “They’re all good looking, that’s for sure.”

  What was happening? She and her father had never been into discussing guys, boys, relationships…anything of the sort. Being successful at work was the ultimate goal, not settling down and getting married.

  “Yes,” she agreed, because it was true. All the princes were handsome. Only Malik made her feel flushed from the inside out. “They are.”

  “So…are you on their radar?”

  “The company is on the radar for sure. I’m working on our proposals for the properties now.”

  “Their personal radar?” Huh.

  “What are you saying?” Holly hissed into the phone, though there was nobody else in the office to overhear. One of the local temp agencies had assigned them a secretary, but she was out getting replacement ink for the printer. She felt watched nonetheless. Was this some kind of prank? “You were hoping to hear that I’m dating one of the sheikhs?”

  You are, a small voice in the back of her mind said.

  No—she’d done her best to steer it toward professional territory, but the sheikh hadn’t wanted that. Malik the man hadn’t wanted that.

  “I’m not getting any younger,” her dad pointed out. “I would like the chance to experience grandchildren one day.”

  Holly’s mouth fell open, and she closed it with a snap.

  “Are you still there?” On the other end of the line, she heard shuffling.

  “Yes. Are you busy? I can let you get back to it,” Holly said.

  “Reading the paper.” Her dad let out a long, slow breath. “Hoping to find something that’ll spice up my retirement.”

  She exhaled, leaning back in her seat. So that’s what this was about. Her father had always invested most of his time and energy into his business. Being a single man in retirement couldn’t be the most exciting thing in the world, after all that adrenaline for all those years. He’d moved to New York a year after she had, and they visited each other regularly, but apparently he was hungry for more.

  Someone knocked at the door, and she looked up to see the secretary standing there, a large, flat box in her hands.

  “I’ve got to get back to work, Dad.”

  “Isn’t it time for a dinner break there?” She could practically see him checking his watch. “Don’t overdo it. Leave time for socializing.”

  “Got it. Love you.”

  “Love you too, Holly.”

  She swallowed her uneasiness and put her phone on her desk.

  So her father wanted grandchildren. Marriage and babies had never been high on her agenda, but the vision that flashed into her mind now involved herself in a white dress…and Malik standing across from her.

  Which was crazy.

  “Ajda,” she said to the secretary. “What’s that?”

  The young woman smiled, her eyes alight. “It looks like a gift.” She came into the office and put the box carefully in the center of Holly’s desk. A small, creamy envelope was tucked into the black ribbon tying off the box.

  “Thank you,” said Holly, and Ajda went reluctantly out of the room.

  The box was a dusky rose color, and Holly stroked her fingers along the smooth surface. She could only think of one person in Qadir who would send this.

  She slipped the envelope from under the ribbon, opened the flap, and tugged out a small card.

  “Consider this an invitation to the opera tonight,” it read. “Outfit included. Will you join me this evening at seven? —Malik, the man”

  No matter what was in the box, she wasn’t going to open it here.

  Two hours later, Holly stood in front of the mirror, looking at a woman she’d never seen before.

  If things went similarly to Malik’s first dinner invite, a car would be coming for her shortly. Would Malik recognize her?

  The box had contained more than an “outfit.” It was a gown, a shimmering lacy fabric that felt weightless in her hands and fell over her curves like a black spill of water. The neckline did wonders for her
breasts, and even the lacy sleeves that stopped above her elbows somehow managed to look ethereal and lovely.

  But Malik hadn’t stopped there.

  The ensemble had come complete with a matching set of lingerie.

  She’d never felt naughtier in her life than when she’d slipped the panties over her hips and done up the clasp on the bra. Holly had never spent much time or energy on lingerie, but maybe she would change that. It felt good to put it on. Better than she’d ever imagined.

  And if this wasn’t a sign of Malik’s interest, she didn’t know what it was.

  Her heart hadn’t stopped racing since she opened the box. Nobody who was only looking for a business arrangement sent over a gown and lingerie in a gorgeous box. If dinner had been slightly ambiguous, this evening would be a date, clear and simple.

  The crown prince was attracted to her.

  It made her blush over and over again. She blushed as she applied her mascara, blushed as she swept lipstick over her lips, and blushed as she turned once more in front of the mirror.

  Now she had to make a decision, before she saw Malik and all rational thought flew out of her head. If she was wearing this, he’d be in Armani. Her mouth watered when she imagined it. There was no denying that she wanted to undo every one of his shirt’s buttons and slip it off his shoulders.

  Was she prepared to allow him to do the same?

  Was she prepared to let him pull down the zipper at the back of the dress—which she’d barely been able to zip by herself—and hold the fabric away from her as she stepped out? Was she prepared for him to reach behind her and undo the clasp of her bra, exposing her to him? Was she prepared to tumble into bed with the crown prince of Qadir after the opera?


  At her core, anticipation gathered. Holly was more than capable of keeping her personal and professional lives separate, and tonight, that’s what she wanted to do. Developer Holly could stay behind in the hotel room. Holly, the woman, was going to do exactly what she wanted when it came to Malik, the man.

  She gathered up her clutch purse, winked at herself in the mirror, and went to stand by the phone. The car would arrive any moment, Malik would take her hand, and the night would begin.

  Holly was more than ready.


  It wasn’t possible for Holly to look any more beautiful than she had in that white pantsuit the very first time Malik saw her. The way his heart had zigzagged in his chest, trying to free itself from the cage of his ribs, affirmed that.

  Right up until the moment she stepped out of the hotel in the dress he’d chosen for her.

  It had been the clear winner from a selection sent to him by one of the boutiques near the palace. Malik’s mother had frequented many of them while she was alive, and his father had kept the owners close in a regular rotation to provide his sons with the best in menswear. He’d known who to call when it came to gifting Holly something that would make his true intentions known. The black lace gown shot through with a kind of glittering thread reminded him instantly of the night sky over the capital city, and even more than that, it reminded him of walking beneath that sky with Holly.

  A smile lit up her face when she saw him standing next to the SUV, and Malik’s entire core went warm, then hot. What was he doing, waiting in this spot and not getting any closer to her? He fixed that with a few hurried steps across the sidewalk. Holly lifted a hand and tucked a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear. Backlit by the hotel, she looked like a fallen star.

  Malik reached for her hand without hesitation and brought her delicate knuckles to his lips.

  “Hello, Malik the man.” Her eyes lingered on his. “Thank you very much for the gown. It’s…” She raised her other hand, lifting her clutch purse away from the gown. “I never would have chosen it for myself.”

  “It was made for you.” He lowered her hand from his lips and led her across the sidewalk. “And the way you look in it…” Heat rose in his chest, tightening his throat and leaving him a little short of air. “I didn’t think you could be any more gorgeous. You proved me wrong.”

  Holly slid gracefully into the back of the SUV, color spreading over her cheeks. “May I admit something to you?”

  “Any time you’d like.”

  “I feel like a pretender.”

  “About the dress?”

  Holly drew her purse into her lap. “I’m simply not the kind of woman who has gifts from an handsome prince delivered to her office.” A sparkle shot through her eyes like a reflected firework. “And when I found this in the box…”

  “What happened then?” Every muscle tensed at the thought of her lifting the gown from the box…and then the matching set of lingerie. Malik could see her running her fingertips over that intimate fabric, her breath catching, her skin naked and creamy in the light of her room while she hesitated, waiting to slip the panties over her hips…

  Holly bit her lip. “I felt a bit naughty.”

  Malik braced a hand against the roof of the SUV and leaned into the door. He had to think of something…something cold. Ice cream. A bracing dive into the ocean. Snow on the peak of a mountain range. Anything to cool the fire raging through his veins. “I like the sound of that.”

  He looked at her for a long moment, eyes locked on hers. How would he ever sit next to her in the SUV and leave those lacy underthings woefully intact?

  Through the shreds of his self-control, that’s how.

  “Which—which opera are we going to see?” Holly murmured, and he had the distinct sensation that if he canceled the event right now and took her up to her hotel room, neither of them would be disappointed.

  But she was incandescent, so beautiful, and he had extended an invitation. A small part of him was desperate to have her on his arm, even if it was only in front of the other guests at the opera.

  “La Bohème,” he said, reaching to close her door.

  It wasn’t until he’d settled into the seat next to her and taken her hand in his that the fatal flaw in his logic came to him like a crack of thunder.

  What if she hadn’t put all those lacy underthings on in the first place?

  “That was wonderful.” Holly tucked her hand into Malik’s elbow on the way out of the opera house, her face flushed and pink. “I mean it. I didn’t think I was much of an opera person, but I could get used to that.” She laughed. “Not that I’m planning to get used to it, but…” Holly fanned her face with her hand. “I didn’t expect it to be that tragic and that romantic at the same time.”

  “I had no idea that watching another person watch the opera could be so…” Malik searched for the right word to describe how it felt to glance over at Holly and see her next to him, wide eyed and enthralled. Holly had almost been a different person when they lowered the lights. She was breathless, excited…with no one’s eyes on her but his, she’d seemed to let her guard down.

  “Laughable? I felt a little like a kid in there.” Holly chuckled, eyes still lit from within. “I don’t think I’ve ever worn anything like this—” She motioned to her gown. “To an event like that.”

  “I was going to say breathtaking.”

  Holly’s face went a deep crimson. “You’re a flirt, aren’t you, Malik?”

  “I can’t resist flirting with you. You make it easy.”

  She scoffed. “No, I don’t. I wear too many pantsuits and care too much about my career to be approachable like that.”

  “You look good in a pantsuit,” he countered. “And maybe men who find you unapproachable are too blinded by their own attitude.” His own words chafed against his skin. He had been one of those men the first time he’d met Holly.

  She pursed her lips, a smile in her eyes. “I almost chased you off, back at the oasis.”

  “That was only because you were busy thoroughly working yourself under my skin,” he admitted. “I couldn’t stop thinking of you, standing in the doorway to that tent. No socializing, just back to the oasis with your camera.”

  They sto
pped on the sidewalk and let the night breeze play over their skin. “You’re not so boring yourself,” said Holly. Her hand fit so easily in his. So easily. “In fact, I’d even go to dinner with you.”

  “You would?” He put a hand to his chest in faux surprise. “Luckily for you, I have a reservation.”

  He’d have driven her straight back to the hotel, with that open joy in her face and that dress covering her skin, but Malik did have a reservation. One of his friends owned one of the most sought-after places in the capital city. As the crown prince, he could eat wherever he wanted at pretty much any time, but he’d known Johan since the man had won a contest in Qadir for operating the best restaurant. The royal family had been invited to attend the award ceremony, they hit it off, and now Malik called ahead.

  And Johan, for his part, reserved the best table in the rooftop section for Malik. It had a sweeping view of the desert, and because it was open to the wind, the flames of the candles on every table twisted and danced. Malik watched Holly in that candlelight all through the meal as she tipped her head back and laughed, closed her eyes to savor every bite, and opened them again to watch him as he spoke to her.

  Something in his chest wound tighter and tighter with every moment.


  He wanted her.

  He wanted to know what she wore underneath her dress. He wanted to know how her skin looked as it was slowly exposed in the lowered lights of her hotel room. He wanted to know how her softness felt underneath his lips.

  Malik poured them both another glass of wine.

  The SUV idled by the curb opposite the restaurant’s awning. Holly’s laughter caught in its fabric and fell back down over them. She tugged him back when he reached for the door of the car. “How far is it?”

  “Back to your hotel?”


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