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Cold & Deadly

Page 33

by Toni Anderson

  She shrieked, insanity ringing in the echoes. “You shouldn’t even say his name!”

  Looney-fucking-tune. “Peter Galveston? That name?”

  A flash of lavender appeared behind all the green, and he held his breath as two people pushed their way through the bushes towards him. Ava—alive, thank god—and behind her, Suzanna Bernier.

  The fact Ava was still breathing was a gut punch of relief. The gun pointed at her head was less positive, as was the way her left arm hung limply at her side, crimson blood soaking her pretty dress.

  The usual techniques for negotiation might not work here. There wasn’t the time needed to build the rapport that might eventually get Suzanna to stop killing the woman he’d stupidly gone and fallen in love with. And if Suzanna found out how much he cared for Ava, she’d kill her all the sooner.

  But even as his heart lurched in anger at the realization Suzanna had hurt Ava, his head told him to try. To slow it down. To diffuse the drama. To give time, time. To find out the ‘why’ behind her actions. Knowledge was power. The SWAT team were on the way and hopefully Alex Parker had taken Mallory to safety.

  “You loved him,” he said. “You must have been devastated when you lost him.”

  She made a sound like an animal being snared. “I didn’t lose him. You murdered him!” She shoved Ava ahead of her. Blood dripped from her hand. Too much blood.

  If he’d stood up to the director earlier this wouldn’t have happened.

  His mouth went dry when he realized that if they survived this and he wanted to win Ava’s heart he was going to have to open himself up, to prove himself to her over and over again. Ava’s faith was too fragile. She’d been tested too often. He was going to have to use every ounce of the skills he’d learned over the years to gain her trust and after that, her love. He just needed a chance.

  “How can I help you, Suzanna?” These were some of the most powerful words to use with someone in distress.

  “How about you beg like a dog for her life and then I’ll kill her anyway?” Suzanna jeered.

  Things didn’t always go by the book with psychopaths.

  “Her son died,” Ava said quietly.

  Suzanna jerked Ava’s head back with a fistful of hair. Ava grimaced in pain. “Shut up.”

  “Tell me about your son.” Open-ended questions got people talking but if it was a sensitive subject, and obviously the loss of a child was always a sensitive subject, it could backfire.

  Where the hell was SWAT?

  “What do you care about my son?” The words were choked and bitter.

  He tilted his head to one side and threw her an eyebrow flash, telling her to trust him with his body language. “You told me your son was with his father…” And then he realized this child was the skeleton they’d found buried with Galveston.

  “What was he like?”

  Suzanna’s throat moved as she swallowed. “He was smart and loved animals. He had dark hair like his father. My eyes.” She trailed off into memories.

  Dominic let the silence linger for as long as he dared. He didn’t want her remembering Ava. “What happened?”

  Suzanna looked downcast, but she kept a tight hold on Ava’s hair and the gun did not waver. “He was born with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. He died of a heart attack when he was eight while playing hide-and-seek with his friends.”

  “Losing a child must be incredibly painful. I am so very sorry for your loss.” The child’s death had been the trigger for the FBI murders.

  “Did Peter know about the baby?” he asked. Ava was watching him with bright eyes. Chin still tipped high in defiance despite the blood seeping from her hand. He wanted to send her a message, but Suzanna would see and react to it.

  “Yes. Of course, he knew. He was thrilled with the idea of becoming a father.”

  Dominic bet he was. Another innocent to assert control over. But in a negotiation, you had to pack away judgment and your own ego and concentrate on the prize. The prize this time was getting Suzanna to release Ava without further harm.

  “I’m sure he was a great kid.” Dominic stretched the tightness out of his neck. Sweat slid down the side of his face, and he wiped it on the sleeve of his jacket. He was negotiating for Ava’s life, and the stakes had never been higher. “So, after your son died you were suffering from so much grief you decided to go after the people you held responsible for killing the man you loved. You feel like you hate us all for shooting Peter. For stealing the father of your child. You blame us for being alone.”

  The pain in Suzanna’s silence was palpable. He let the moment drag out.

  “That’s right,” Suzanna said finally in a small voice.

  This was the breakthrough moment he needed, but usually there was a time gap while the psychology of that pronouncement went to work on the abductor’s psyche. The woman had murdered an unknown number of FBI agents including his mentor and had maimed an innocent bystander. Now Ava’s blood-soaked form stood before him, and he had to push concern for her out of his brain so he could do his job.

  If anything happened to Ava, life as he knew it would be over. He forced the newly discovered feelings of love aside. Let a cold and deadly calm settle over him.

  “You must have been hurt very badly when your son died, Suzanna. You suffered great pain. You exacted revenge upon the FBI because you felt the FBI was responsible for that pain. It’s over now. Time to stop suffering and let the world see what you did.”

  Suzanna’s lips drooped at the edges. “I had hoped to get away with it, but obviously I wasn’t quite clever enough.”

  He’d love to know exactly who she’d killed and how, but psychopaths often lied about their crimes. Plus, he didn’t want to remind her that if she gave up, she was going to spend the rest of her days in prison or on death row.

  He had only one objective. Getting Ava to safety.

  “You have been incredibly effective in your vengeance. We both know you’ve had several opportunities to kill me but didn’t. You made us look like fools. Don’t you want the world to know that?”

  Was he reaching her? Finding a hold in the madness? “Let Kanas go, and I will make sure you are treated with respect and compassion.” Even though it would hurt his soul.

  It was the wrong play.

  “I’m not in this for the glory, Sheridan. I’m in it to cause as much pain as possible, especially to you.” Her words had him bracing.

  Her finger tightened on the trigger, and he knew he had to take decisive action. Otherwise, Ava was dead.

  He came out from cover. Held his weapon in two hands pointed at the ground.

  “That woman had nothing to do with Peter’s death. She doesn’t even like me very much.” Maybe Ava’s technique of shocking the fuck out of people would be effective as a last resort. He hoped Ava didn’t believe the lies. “She was an easy fuck but you know how much I hate commitment. I dumped her the moment she got clingy and threatened my career.”

  “She’s in love with you, jackass!”

  Dominic froze, his gaze locking on Ava’s. Was it true? She sent him a sorry half smile. How the hell had Suzanna figured it out when he hadn’t? Then Ava mouthed the word. “Ready.”

  It took him a moment to read it for what it was. A signal.

  He gave her an almost imperceptible nod.

  Suzanna pushed Ava forward, and they started walking toward him, Ava stumbling unsteadily on her feet. “So, I’m going to put a bullet in her and you can watch her die…”

  Ava used the fingers of her uninjured hand to signal the countdown from “three.” She looked undaunted and unafraid.

  “And then, even if I don’t get to kill you…” Suzanna was going for suicide by cop.

  “Two.” Ava counted down silently, still moving toward him.

  “I’ll know that you’ll go to your grave knowing all these people died because of you…”

  “One.” Ava sagged in Suzanna’s arms, becoming dead weight that the other woman couldn’t hold.
  Dominic brought his weapon up and fired three shots straight into center mass of Suzanna Bernier. The woman dropped to her knees and then toppled over. Ava rolled over and snatched the gun out of Suzanna’s limp fingers.

  “Do you have your cuffs?” Ava shouted. She was on her knees holding the weapon on Suzanna’s inert body. Dominic could see Ava’s feet were bleeding and covered in dirt.

  He crossed over to her, bent down and checked the pulse in Suzanna’s neck. Shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. She’s dead.”

  He turned towards Ava. Took the gun from her hands and stuffed it into his jacket pocket. She stayed where she was, staring at the dead woman with wide, haunted eyes.

  He pulled off his bow tie and secured it tightly over the wound in Ava’s upper arm that was still bleeding.

  “We have to find Mallory,” she whispered. “She went into labor.”

  Dominic swept her up into his arms.

  “I can walk,” she protested.

  Ava deserved someone to take care of her for a change. To slay her dragons.

  “I’ve got you.” He kissed her forehead, and she sagged against him.

  “I know,” she said softly.

  His throat closed with emotion, and he almost stumbled with relief. She believed in him. She trusted him to be there for her, despite what had happened earlier with the director. She’d had faith in him that he’d come to help her.

  “Suzanna killed Van.”

  “I heard. You did the right thing calling me when you did.”

  Ava’s fingers tightened around his lapel. “She killed him as if a loser like that had the right to judge him.”

  “She didn’t. She was less than scum.”

  “She was involved in Galveston’s crimes. Was on maternity bed rest when you shot the bastard.”

  Dominic nodded. That made sense. Ava laid her face against his chest, and he felt her go lax.

  They reached the car.

  “Where’s Mallory?” she asked.

  Dominic nodded in the direction of the woods. “Parker said somewhere in there.”

  A rush of dread swept over him at the unholy silence. What if Mallory had been hurt or something had happened to the baby?

  * * *

  Mallory lay in the dirt looking up at the blue sky as a series of gunshots split the air. Sweat stuck her hair to her skin. Her body trembled with exertion. Had Ava been killed? Where was Suzanna? Mal heard a car stop. Thought she heard men’s voices but didn’t dare call attention to herself in case Suzanna had accomplices they didn’t know about.

  Had Suzanna left the area? Or was she roaming about like a rabid animal looking for revenge?

  Another contraction hit, stealing all her attention, making her bite down on the stick as breath was ripped from her body. Her back arched up off the ground, knees bent, legs wide. It was hard to think, let alone protect herself or her baby.

  A tiny whimper escaped, and she clamped down on it, terrified of giving herself away.

  Suddenly Alex was crouching beside her.

  She spat the stick out of her mouth and grabbed onto his hand.

  “You found us.” She started panting, pain tearing her apart.

  He smoothed her damp hair off her forehead and kissed her there. His eyes scanned the area. His SIG stayed in his hand.

  “Is she still loose?” Mallory whispered.

  “Those last shots sounded like a Glock. What weapon did she have?”

  Mallory laughed and wished desperately for some water. “A semi-automatic. I don’t know exactly. I avoided looking at it.”

  His eyes softened, and a smile played around his mouth. “Sheridan’s got this.”

  “What if Ava’s dead? It’ll be all my fault—” Another blast of agony bore down on her.

  She panted but Alex gained her attention and coaxed her to breathe the way she’d been coached.

  “Breathe through the pain, Mal.”

  Her nails bit into his flesh. He placed the weapon on the ground beside him.

  “As soon as this contraction is over, I’ll take a look at how dilated you are. Figure out how to get you to the car.”

  She shook her head. “This baby is coming, Alex. I’m not going to make it to the car.”

  Alarmed eyes met hers. “You can’t hold back a little? Slow it down?”

  “That’s not how it works! This baby is coming,” she hissed. “Now.”

  She lay back as Alex lifted her skirts and dragged her panties down her legs. “Don’t let Suzanna find us,” she pleaded in a whisper. “She wants to take our baby as her own.”

  “No one is taking our baby, Mal. You know that.”

  She did. But she was still terrified.

  Alex nudged her thighs wider apart. Her hand touched the grip of his SIG in reassurance. She didn’t pick it up. She wasn’t stupid. But it was within reach and if that bitch showed up Mal would put a bullet between her eyes, contraction or no contraction.

  “I can see the baby’s head.”

  Mal closed her eyes. Oh crap. All the planning and preparation they’d done and she was having the baby in a grass patch on the side of the road.

  “You have to push with the next contraction, Mal.” He looked up and met her gaze, his silver eyes filled with concern. “It’s time.”

  Fear overwhelmed her, and panic made her pulse skip. “I can’t do this.”

  He smiled. “You can do this.”

  She wanted to cuss and swear at him, but another contraction hit, and the instinctive urge to push took over.

  When it was finished, she gasped out a keening sound, rubbing her finger over the pattern on the SIG’s grip.

  The pain came again with barely a second of respite in between. She clenched every muscle in her body and pushed with all her strength.

  “Head’s out,” Alex said excitedly. “Next push will get the shoulders clear and it’ll be over, Mal. Our baby is nearly here and I’ve got you both.” His eyes met hers and flicked to the gun. “Trust me. Nothing will get past me to hurt either of you.”

  She withdrew her hand from the weapon as another contraction clenched her body. She squeezed and felt the baby leave her body in a rush. Alex caught him-or-her and placed the warm infant on her chest.

  Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness.

  A perfect, scrunched up little face peered up at her, absolutely unimpressed by the change in accommodation. The baby had a snub nose and a thatch of black hair on its head and huddled against Mallory’s chest.

  Alex dragged off his t-shirt and wrapped it around the newborn who made a mewling sound. Then Alex cut the gray umbilical cord with a pocketknife. “Sorry. It’s the best I can do.”

  Hopefully it didn’t matter. “Help me pull my dress up for some skin on skin bonding.”

  “My favorite kind,” he joked as he maneuvered damp tulle out of the way so the baby could lie on her breast.

  She was virtually naked, sitting on the grass in the woods, rough bark poking her shoulders as flies buzzed around. Her baby snuggled into the comfort of her body, and Mallory realized she’d done it. Given birth without the support of modern medicine. And although it had been rough, she’d managed. She was so glad Alex had been here to help.

  He kissed both their foreheads and picked up the SIG. “We have a perfect baby girl.” His voice cracked. “You are amazing, Mrs. Parker.”

  Joy shot through Mallory even as she worried about Ava and Dominic. “You’re pretty amazing yourself, Mr. Parker.”

  He shook his head. “Not even close, love. Not even close.”

  Then the baby started to cry.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  The sound of a baby squalling cut through the air, and a rush of relief raced up Dominic’s spine.

  “Thank god Suzanna is dead,” Ava spoke against his chest.

  “Why?” he asked, tightening his hold.

  “She was going to steal Mallory’s baby. Claimed the child was a gift from Galveston. Okay. You have to put me down now. We nee
d to go help her.”

  “I’m not putting you down or letting you go ever again, Ava Kanas.” Dominic strode across the road and into the woods still carrying her.


  “I quit the Bureau by the way. Of course, you ran out so fast I didn’t get to impress you with my dramatic exit.”

  “Don’t quit the job you love for me,” she said tiredly.

  There was blood all over his white shirt. Exactly like the day Calvin Mortimer had died.

  “It wasn’t for you.” He looked into her eyes. “It was for us.”

  She reached up with her good hand and touched his face. “I’m sorry I was such a terrible bodyguard.”

  “You thought I was mad with you, but I was trying to control my temper and not lash out.”

  “You better teach me your technique.”

  “I’ve had years of training as a negotiator, Ava, and I still had to work hard not to punch the guy in the face.”

  “Getting arrested wouldn’t have helped anyone.” She smiled but then her lips trembled and the smile fell off her face. “Suzanna planned this for a long time. She almost succeeded.”

  Dominic’s stomach churned. “I can’t believe I slept with her.”

  “You didn’t.”


  “She said you couldn’t get it up.”

  “Thank god.” He narrowed his eyes as realization struck. “The bitch drugged me. No wonder I couldn’t remember anything about that night. I felt like shit all year, and it was all part of her plan to make me suffer.”

  Ava’s head started to bob against his chest.

  Dominic spotted a bare-chested Parker up ahead holding his SIG.

  “Bernier is dead,” Dominic shouted.

  Dominic walked around a huge fallen tree and saw Mallory Rooney cradling a newborn against her chest, covered by what must have been Parker’s shirt.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” Mallory said firmly. “We’re fine. Is Ava?”

  Dominic looked down and realized she’d closed her eyes. He gave her a nudge, but she didn’t stir.

  “She’s been shot,” Mallory said.

  “I put a tourniquet on it.” But Mallory wasn’t pointing to her arm. He eased Ava away from him and realized there was a bullet wound on her hip, and she was bleeding steadily all over him.


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