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Beauty And The Alien Beast

Page 4

by Zara Zenia

  I got dressed hastily and pressed the intercom that led to the guards in charge of watching my father and me. “I wish to have a conversation with my father. Please take me to him immediately.”

  “Stand by while I await clearance,” was the only response.

  Pacing back and forth, I watched the birds out of my window, envious of their freedom. How I wished I were like one of those birds, my life would be free.

  A few minutes later, a guard announced through the intercom on the door, “Guard two-forty-six, here too escort you to your father, you are cleared to open the door.”

  I pressed the combinations of numbers that were given to me to unlock and open the door. I stepped out and the guard led me down the hall to an elevator. He scanned his wrist, unlocking the elevator. I hadn’t been given one of those. The only freedom I had was in my room and up and down the hallway. That was it. The elevator took us down three floors. I hated being so far away from my father.

  A few moments later, I walked into my father's apartment.

  “Andi! I have been so worried. Though I know, I shouldn’t be worried about you, considering the prince wants to take you as a wife. That means no harm will come to you,” he acknowledged as he gave me a big hug.

  The guard left us and walked out.

  “Yes, about that, Father—” I began to say.

  “Look at this!” He cut me off as he spun with his arms out, encouraging me to look around. “What do you think of these accommodations? Not too bad, don't you think? How are your rooms?” he asked in wonderment.

  It was a very nice apartment. It was half the size of the one that I was in, but it was very pleasant with a nice window view. There was a smaller kitchen and a hot meal on the table. My father had always been one for Trilyn food, even if it did give him indigestion. But he loved all things Trilyn, as though it was some sort of privilege. He sat down at the table and continued to eat.

  “My rooms are fair, just as yours. But we need to speak about this agreement. Of course, you know that I am not going to accept. So we need to come up with a plan to—”

  “You’re not?” The sound of the utensil hitting his plate echoed in the apartment. His expression showed pure shock.

  “No. I don’t want to be married to that beast! We will be fine. We just need to come up with a plan. Perhaps we should leave New-New Orleans, change our identities and—”

  “You would give up all of this? You could be a princess! You would never have to worry about anything ever again. With this prince, you are truly safe. Out there, we are a target. The Humanity First Movement isn’t only in this city, but it is also all across the nation. It is all across the world. They will find us. With my habits, they will find us quickly. We are in a desperate situation, Andromeda,” he argued.

  It was then when I realized just how right he was. Not because I didn't think that we couldn't change our identity and get lost in the masses, but because he couldn't. Even if we did change our identities and ended up somewhere safe, it wouldn't be long before my father was drunk in a bar spouting off about who he really was. Telling everyone how we ran away from the Humanity First Movement and bested them. I could see it all now, playing out in my head. I realized that I could be safe out there, but my father couldn't.

  I took a deep breath and sat down at the table, watching my father devour the food. He moaned loudly as he ate. I truly had no choice in the matter. If we left the ship and did get away from the city, we would be living a life of complete paranoia. I would have to watch my father's every move. But here on the ship, there was an entire guard to do that. He could have some peace and happiness and he wasn't getting any younger. The older he got, the harder this would become for me.

  I knew what I had to do.

  Chapter 6


  “You have a report for me, Commander? Tell me something good,” I said.

  “The drone that was following the H.F.T.M. army was shot down only a few blocks from the attack site. We were not able to pull video from it,” my commander reported.

  A low growl reverberated in my chest as I punched the wall. “Those infidels! We will catch them sooner or later. I want you to scout in the direction the drone was headed. Look for anything unusual.”

  “Yes, Prince.” He saluted and left.

  I paced back and forth in my office chambers. This was not my apartment, but it was where I did my official business, such as making battle plans, meeting with dignitaries, and such.

  I didn’t trust this Humanity First Movement. Not because they were after Trilyns, they wouldn’t be the first organized group to do it, but because something was different about this particular group… they were operating in secret. Most groups came out, openly to defy the Trilyns mixing with humans. They made their speeches in the town square and spouted their hate in a media circus. But this Humanity First group was very private. No one knew who was at the forefront of the group. Most who were involved were living double lives. They would go about their life and then go to secret meetings or do secret missions.

  Whoever the leader or leaders were, they were not interested in their own fame like the past leaders of so many groups. That was frightening in itself. That meant they were not after fame and notoriety, they were only after blood… Trilyn blood.

  I pulled up a large map on the screen of New-New Orleans. “Where are you hiding?”

  Every group had a headquarters. A place to have meetings and store weapons. They had to have one too. I studied the map hard. “If I were you, where would I hide?”

  The sewers were out of the question because the city flooded on a regular basis.

  Suddenly, a guard entered. “The female human is here to see you, Prince.”

  I was surprised by the news. I swiped the map off of the screen and turned it off. “Allow her to enter then leave us,” I said to him.”

  “Yes, your grace.” He gave me the salute and turned to walk out.

  I didn’t need more bad news and this human was a pain in my ass already. I clasped my hands behind my back, spreading my feet wide apart as though I was waiting for one of my commanders. In truth, it had been a long time since I had the company of a female who made me nervous. Yes, I had sampled the goods of many human females, but they hadn’t been something to fret over. This one though was a match. My match. And I had to be careful to not scare her away.

  “Andromeda, you wished to speak with me?” I asked as she entered. Every time I saw her, her beauty took my breath away, though I would not show any emotion to her. Emotion was a sign of weakness. However, I craved to run my fingers through her light auburn hair, kiss the lids of her hazel eyes, and run my tongue along her tanned skin. It seemed very soft indeed.

  “Yes, Prince Manzar, I have made my decision.”

  “You have?” I was shocked. There were still many hours left in the time that I had given her, and I thought I was going to have to fight it out of her. I assumed there would be more arguments to be made. “And what is your verdict, Andromeda?” I asked not knowing if I was ready to hear her answer. Indeed, I was liking the time I had in the last hours of not knowing, because at least then there was hope that she would say yes.

  “I have thought long and hard about your proposal and what it offers my father and me.”

  “Yes, go on,” I encouraged her, my heart hammering in my chest, though I did my best to keep my expression bland.

  “Well, I agree.” Andromeda’s voice was soft and low.

  I wasn’t sure I’d heard what she’d said. “I’m sorry, what was that?” I narrowed my eyes at her and gazed at her delectable lips.

  “I agree. I accept your proposal. I will become your wife in exchange for asylum for my father and myself forever, in exchange for our safety from danger.”

  I was shocked. I had nothing prepared to say. This was not what I had expected at all. It took me a minute to adjust. “You agree to be my wife? You agree to be my mate, and become a Trilyn Princess?”

do. But I do have some boundaries and regulations of my own.” She put her hands on her hips.

  I restrained a laugh. She was trying to be strong and create a presence for herself, but her tiny, delicate hands did nothing to show her strength. She was small and petite… someone I wanted to throw over my shoulder and have my way with. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and put one hand on my chin. I schooled my expression into a very serious look, as I cleared my throat. “Alright, continue, Andromeda.”

  “I will marry you as I said, but you don’t lay a hand on me until after our wedding, and not until I’m ready. I’m different from other human females you’ve met. I am not one of those women who throws herself at the Trilyn. This is different for me.”

  I looked at her thoughtfully. “I understand,” I said already knowing that she was indeed, very different. I had come across human females like those she’d spoken of, they did throw themselves at me, but there was no connection whatsoever. “What else?” I asked knowing there would be more.

  She stuck her chin in the air. “I require that until the ceremony, we spend some time together so that I may get to know you. I will not marry a stranger.”

  “Courting? You want us to court?”

  She rolled her eyes. “We don't exactly use that term anymore here on Earth, not since the Middle Ages. I believe we just refer to it as a dating now.”

  “Dating? What the hell is that?”

  Now she was the one restraining a laugh, biting her lower lip.

  I also wanted to bite that lip, gently, if I could. I felt a stirring in my trousers, what she was doing to me — this woman.

  “It simply means spending time together. Eating dinner together perhaps, taking walks, things like that for conversation so that we are not strangers.”

  “I understand,” I said.

  “Okay, then.”

  “Good, then it is an agreement. I agree with all of your rules and regulations.” I held my hand out to her, offering her a handshake as I knew most humans did this when forming agreements, as well as in greetings. Her small hand pressed against mine, delicate and soft. I smiled at her, and she smiled in return.

  Then she turned and walked out.

  I felt a large smile come across my face. It had been a long time since I had smiled in such a way. My heart felt warmed by this human female. Perhaps she was only thinking about her own safety and her father's, but I could not expect her to love me yet, she didn’t know me. I am from an alien race, and I don’t look as human as my brothers do. This thought worried me a bit.

  I paced back and forth in my office, wondering about things. I would need to find an appropriate wedding gift. It was tradition for the Trilyn to present their mate with a good and meaningful gift. But I didn’t know Andromeda at all. I walked to the communications panel and pressed on the intercom.

  “Send in Pakdor immediately,” I commanded.

  Pakdor was my servant and had been with me for many years. He took care of all things to do with coordinating my social events, such as the balls and meetings. He took care of my clothing, finding and purchasing gifts. This was his domain and I needed his help.

  “Yes, Your Grace, you have need of me?” Pakdor asked, walking in a few minutes later.

  “I do need your help, Pakdor. The human female, Andromeda, has agreed to become my wife, in time.”

  “That is excellent news, Your Grace. My congratulations to you.”

  “No need for that. I need your assistance. I will need to find an excellent wedding gift, and how do you get a human female a wedding gift? I don’t know anything about this human woman. She also expects me to spend time with her between now and the wedding, which we will also need to coordinate and agree on a date. There is much for you to plan. In the meantime, she wants to do something the humans call ‘dating.’ I don't know what that is, other than spending time together. I believe it is like courting. Any ideas?”

  “Yes, for a wedding gift, find out what interests her,” Pakdor suggested. “Find out what she has in her heart, and then we can go in that direction for a gift. There is time. For dating, ask her first to have a meal with you. A dinner. I can set one up for tonight if you like, Your Grace.”

  “Eating a meal together? I do that with my commanders, there is nothing passionate or courting about that,” I refuted with a frown.

  “It is if you do it right, Your Grace. I will set it up in your chambers, in front of a grand blue flame fire. With the lights out and only allowing the fire to illuminate the room. I will have the meal served in courses, first a small soup, followed by light plant fair, followed by a more substantial dish. With drinks and desserts to finish it off. Between each course, you converse, get to know her. Then, of course, there is the attire for the evening.”


  “Yes, you cannot wear what you wear now, Your Grace. You are dressed for battle, to command. You must dress as though you are going to attend a ball or a formal event, you’ll need to impress her with your style, Your Grace. She will also need to wear something appropriate. I will pull an appropriately formal Trilyn dress for her and have it tailored to fit her human form.” Pakdor took notes as he spoke, writing down details. “I will, of course, need to see her before I choose the gown.”

  “Yes, that is all good. Have her summoned for a meal. Tell her she must attend. It is what she wants after all,” I vacillated, feeling myself get flustered with all of this. I had no time for this courting nonsense. I should just be aggressive like my brothers and take her. She is a match. She wants something from me and therefore, she should give to me in return. None of this ridiculous business.

  “Your Grace, may I suggest you go to her door and invite her to dinner? Don’t force her. Be calm, it is merely an invitation. That is part of courting.”


  Pakdor cleared his throat. He seemed determined that I do as he suggested, because he continued his argument, “I believe, Your Grace, Andromeda would find it most endearing if you did so. I believe you agreed to court her, as you mentioned. If you wish to keep your word to her, it would go a long way to showing her you meant what you said. However, if you wish it, I could just have her summoned as you requested.”

  I growled a low snarl. I knew what he was doing. “Fine. I will do it myself. Now go and see to all of these arrangements and fast. I want the dinner to be a sample of our best foods from Trilynia.”

  “Yes, Your Grace, I will see to it right away.” He smiled and left the room.

  As if having to spend time on all of this wasn't enough, now I, a prince, had to go and ask the permission of the human female to see if she wanted to join me for dinner. It all seemed unnecessary.

  I walked back and forth. “You will come to dinner, or the agreement is off.” No, that's a stupid thing to say. I don’t want the agreement to be off. “Andromeda, your presence is required at a meal with me. To eat…” No, that sounds just as ridiculous. Why could I not come up with the words to ask this human female to join me for a meal?

  I decided it was ridiculous to practice. I left my office and made my way down the hall to the Blue Room. I straightened up tall and pushed my copper strands off my shoulders, making myself presentable. I pressed the signal button, indicating someone was at her door.

  A few moments later, she opened the door.

  I didn’t walk in. “You will eat with me.”

  Watching her face, I sighed. That came out all wrong.

  “What?” Andromeda crossed her arms and stared at me with narrowed eyes.

  “What I meant to say is… would you like to join me for dinner tonight, Andromeda? We will be sampling the best foods from Trilynia. If you are to be my princess, then you should learn these things. Will you join me?”

  She was quiet, dropping her arms to her sides as she looked at me. She hesitated for a moment.

  I worried she would say no.

  “I have nothing to wear. Only what I am wearing now,” she said, referring to the strappy yello
w top and jeans that she wore.

  I smiled. “I will send for a dress for you. I will have it delivered to you here if you will accept. My guard will come to you one hour after the sun sets. Is that agreeable?”

  Andromeda blinked her beautiful hazel eyes and her expression gentled. “Yes, I will join you for dinner. Thank you for asking me, Manzar, and not forcing me.” She smiled up at me.

  Her gratitude made my skin warm. Now…I understood. If I forced her, it was met with icy cold, but if I asked, then it was met with warmth. I understood, but this wouldn’t be an easy change for someone like me. All my life I had been able to give orders and have them executed immediately. I had never had to ask for anything or wait for an agreement. “I will see you then, Andromeda.” I nodded and then turned and walked away from her door.

  This would be a real struggle, not just in keeping a calm temper, but also in keeping my hands off of her. Every time I saw her, my blood stirred. I wondered if this had to do with being a genetic match. Did my body know? It only made me want her even more.

  Chapter 7


  I had been surprised by the invitation from the prince. He’d seemed rather awkward when he was at my door, just like a teenager asking a young girl to the school dance. I found it rather endearing, though very strange.

  I brushed my hair as I looked at myself in the mirror of the bathroom. “Andi, how did you get here? A Trilyn Princess? It is absurd,” I mumbled over and over to myself. This all felt like a dream, a very silly dream. If I woke up from it, I wouldn’t be surprised. I had, after all, spent my life researching Trilyn and all things Trilynia so it was deep in my subconscious. This meant that my mind could come up with this long dream where I was to marry a Trilyn prince.

  “You are ridiculous,” I said stroking the brush through my hair one last time and placing it on the glass counter. I studied myself, taking in the traditional Trilyn dress I wore and giving myself a nod, I opened the door and walked out.


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