Beauty And The Alien Beast

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Beauty And The Alien Beast Page 5

by Zara Zenia

  “Just as I imagined, it fits perfectly,” Pakdor said as I walked out of my bathroom wearing the lavender dress he had brought for me.

  I had quickly learned that Pakdor was Prince Manzar’s most trusted servant. He maintained household affairs for him, such as coordinating social events here and when they were on their home planet. At the moment he was adjusting the dress I wore. He was highly effeminate and something told me he preferred the company of other male Trilyns, which I found comforting.

  “It is beautiful. I have never seen fabric like this,” I said looking at the magnificent, shiny, thin strapped dress that I wore and smoothing down the soft fabric over my hips. It reminded me of silk.

  “That is because it is from our home planet. Made from a vine plant that grows there. I had to shorten the length of course, but everything else fits perfectly.” He seemed very pleased with himself.

  I looked in the mirror over my shoulder at the low cut back that just barely reached above my ass. A very sexy dress indeed that fell all the way down to my feet, in a luxurious swirl of fabric that hugged my curves. The back of the top consisted simply of thin straps that crisscrossed on my upper back, leaving the rest of my back exposed. The bodice was fitted and hugged my torso in a pleasing way. A slit up the side of the gown would allow the delicate slippers I wore to peek out as I walked and were also made from the same fabric. They were very dainty and made my feet look petite.

  I was used to wearing combat boots and jeans. It’d been a long time since I’d wore a dress. I wore my hair down and Pakdor handed me a small bottle of a lovely fragrance.

  “Perfume?” I asked.

  “A fragrance for your hair. Put a touch in your hands, and rub them together. Then smooth it over your hair, down to the ends,” Pakdor instructed.

  I did as he said, noticing the bottle held more than fragrance, it was like a gel or cream that made my hair not only smell beautiful, but shine as well. I actually felt as if I was going on a proper date.

  “You look perfect, if I must say so myself. I did very well in choosing this color for you. With your auburn locks and tanned skin, the lavender makes you glow. Though, now that I’ve seen your gorgeous hazel eyes, I am also going to see to making some green clothing as well to make those beautiful eyes of yours stand out.” He smiled.

  I laughed. Pakdor was fun and I wished I could hang out with him and have a girl’s night playing dress up and eating treats. It would be much more fun than going to a dinner with a Trilyn Prince who had my nerves in a bundle. “Thank you, Pakdor. I appreciate all of this.” I gestured at my hair and the gown.

  “My dear, you are a princess to be. You deserve it.” Pakdor’s eyes sparkled as he smiled.

  There was a chime from the door.

  “That must be the guard, ready to take you to the dinner. Have an excellent time, Andromeda, I picked the foods myself,” Pakdor bragged.

  “I will, Pakdor, thank you for your help,” I said and walked toward the door.

  “Oh, and Andromeda?” Pakdor hesitated, placing his hand on my arm.

  “What is it, Pakdor?” My brows furrowed as I stared at him in alarm.

  He smiled gently. “Please, be kind to the prince, he does not really know your human ways, especially when it comes to the opposite sex. He can be a brute, but his heart is always in the right place.”

  “I will try,” I answered, my voice soft, so I only he would hear me.

  I opened the door and the guard stood silently. I walked out and followed him down the hall, all the way to the other end. I thought it was strange that we were moving away from the elevator, but it was then that I realized we were staying on the same floor. Where are we going?

  “The human Andromeda LaBelle,” the guard announced me and then pressed his back against the wall.

  I walked into the room and when my eyes adjusted to the lighting, I realized that I was in a very grand apartment. It was dark, except for the fire light from the blue flame of a massive fireplace on the wall. A grand table set-up that could seat six or more people, even the big Trilyns sat in front of the fire.

  The prince stood next to the table, silently looking at me.

  I was impressed with his appearance.

  His copper strands were pulled back into a low ponytail, tied with a white ribbon. He wore different attire than I had seen him wear before. Tonight, he’d donned a long sleeved, white, very formal shirt. The dress pants seemed to be less military like, and were of a solid color.

  “You look beautiful, Andromeda.”

  “Thank you, Manzar. And please, call me Andi. It is what my friends call me.”

  “All right, Andi, please have a seat.” He gestured to the chair he’d pulled out.

  I sat and he helped me move closer to the table.

  “You are dismissed,” he said, looking to the guard.

  The guard saluted him with his fist to his heart then closed the door and left.

  “Where are we? Is this a dining hall?” I asked, looking around.

  “It is a dining room, but you are in my chambers. These are my apartments,” Manzar explained.

  I was stunned. I hadn’t been expecting to be on the same floor as the prince. “I see.” It only made me more nervous to know I had been sleeping just down the hall from him. That meant if the need arose in him, he could come into my bedroom in the middle of the night and demand I perform my wifely duties. My face flushed pink as I thought of this.

  “Please, drink with me.” He nodded to the corner of the room.

  “Yes, of course,” I said, breaking out of my daze of picturing him coming into my bed in the middle of the night.

  I looked at my glass, but it was empty.

  Suddenly, several servants appeared. They said nothing, but they went about their work, pouring a glass of libation into the crystal glass in front of me. I recognized it as Tion, a wine like drink of the Trilyn. It was my father’s favorite. I thought it tasted delicious, but it was very strong. There was also a glass of water next to it, so I was grateful for that, as I didn’t need to get drunk.

  Manzar lifted his glass. “To getting to know each other.”

  I smiled and tapped my glass to his and then took a sip, as he did to.

  When I set my glass down, a silent servant began to serve a delicious smelling soup.

  “This smells amazing, Prince Manzar, what is it?”

  “Please, just call me Manzar. This is a flower soup, from the Hyier flower on Trilynia.” He nodded to the servant dismissing them.

  We began to eat our soup, which was very good. I noticed that he was watching me, eagerly as I ate.

  “It is delicious, I like it very much.” I gave him a smile.

  “I am glad that you approve. There will be much for you to sample and learn about my home planet.” He smiled.

  I suddenly realized I was feeling nervous. As though I was on a first date, and I guessed in a sense I was. This was like meeting a partner in an arranged marriage for the first time. I had no idea what say.

  We sat there in silence, sipping our soup. It sounded really silly and felt so incredibly awkward. I looked up at him from time to time, to find him looking at me, but then he would quickly look away.

  The silent servant appeared again to serve the second course. It looked like a salad of sorts with various greens from plants I had never seen before. “Are these also from your planet?” I asked.

  “Indeed they are,” he replied, looking proud of the display as if he’d picked the greens himself.

  “But they are so fresh. How do you keep them fresh after the long journey? You have been here for so long, how is that possible?”

  “We have a small greenhouse near the kitchen here on the ship as well as the sacred garden which is quite large. They both grow some of the plants we have at home. It is a very secure place, not everyone is allowed in there. Those soldiers who need some home reminders must make an appointment to go into the sacred garden. We Trilyns respect nature on our planet, we
do not kill it needlessly. Creating a sacred garden here is how we keep some of the comforts from home on the ship.”

  I did notice that he was taking a stab at the human race by saying that we kill nature on Earth. I wanted to defend my people, humans, as I normally did, but as far as this went, I knew that he was right. So, I let it slide.

  “That is very interesting indeed. That must be a very exciting thing to see.” My eyes opened wide in the excitement of being able to see Trilyn living plants. I had only seen photos of them.

  “Yes. Something that you will learn in time. There is much for you to learn since you will be a princess on Trilynia, and it will be good for you to have knowledge when we return there.”

  My heart fell to my stomach. “Return? To Trilyn? I do not understand.”

  “Yes, of course. In time, we will return home. I do not expect to stay on this planet forever. I am a ruler of an entire continent. The continent of Lirian. I am needed there. Once my progress is done here on Earth, which thanks to you, is now very near – then I will be making plans to return. You as my wife will come along with me.”

  “But—this is my home. I didn’t know agreeing to be your wife would mean I would have to leave Earth,” I said growing angry… and scared.

  “Of course it does. That would be something I would demand of my wife. Demand her to be at my side no matter where in the universe I went, including to my home on Trilynia.”

  “You cannot demand that of me. You cannot demand anything of me. That isn’t how a marriage works!”

  “Yes, that is exactly how a marriage works. You should be happy since you will be sharing my wealth, power, my home, and my lands. You will be safe from the terrorists there, as will your father. There is no safer place from them than my home planet.”

  “It is difficult for me to be happy with someone who is always demanding things of me and barking orders at me. I’m not one of your lieutenants, Manzar!”

  “What do you mean by that? Telling you my expectations of a wife are not the same as demanding orders!” he argued.

  “Yes it is! It is exactly the same!” I stood up from my chair, enraged. “I don’t know why I expected that getting to know you might change the way I see you. But it doesn’t! You are a monster!” I moved toward the door, and opened it. I ran down the hall, padding along in my delicate satin slippers. I kept trying to hold back tears. I was destined to endure a lifetime of this, arguing with that beast. Someone who could never understand kindness, compassion, or simply having a meal without being demanding and barking orders.

  I opened the door to my room and ran in, closing the door behind me. I threw myself on my bed, and cried into my pillow.

  “I don’t want to leave Earth! This is my home.” Having to be his wife on this ship was one thing, at least I was still in my home city, as I could go out and about to see places. I could see the nature outside of my window. But leaving to a different planet millions of light-years away, that was another story altogether. I couldn’t do that and be his wife, I would be miserable. I would be an empty shell.

  I stood up to grab a tissue to wipe my tears. It was then I noticed a box on the table that wasn’t there before. I opened it. There was a note written in human English.

  You mentioned wanting to read. Here is a tablet so that you can access the news and online books — Pakdor.

  “Oh, my God. Thank you!” I said to myself turning on the tablet. This wasn’t a Trilyn gadget. This was a human one, a tablet for going online to the internet.

  I had mentioned to Pakdor how I didn’t like not knowing what was happening out in the world. That I needed an outlet to read and see the news, or just read books stored on the archives. He must have had these stored away, perhaps for other humans. He was such a kind Trilyn, why couldn't the prince be more like him?

  I quickly went to my favorite news site. There was information about the attacks that Manzar had told me about with his dignitary and the one that he had engaged in.

  I read the report. It felt so good to read the news. I scrolled down to the forum section, where people left comments. Then I saw one that nearly made my heart drop to my stomach.

  A. L. Are you well? Are you being held captive? Is he hurting you? — S. J. M.

  I knew exactly who it was from. Sergeant Jake Marsh. We used to leave notes for each other in the comment section when we thought it was too dangerous to have direct communication.

  I didn't know then that he was involved in Humanity First, of course, and that was why he recommended communicating in this way. This news magazine was one that we had often used to communicate. The messages would always start with our initials, and end in the same way. He must have found out that I was on Prince Manzar’s ship. Of course, Jake would think I was being held captive. Perhaps he thought I was involved in the skirmish on the street and was taken captive then.

  For the first time, I was genuinely undecided as to how to respond, even though I knew I should not respond at all. Jake was dangerous, trying to kill my father. But at this moment all I could think about was that I didn’t want to leave Earth. I would do anything to stay on my home planet, even contacting Sergeant Jake Marsh, of the Humanity First Movement. If anyone would come after the prince to save me, it would be them. They were reckless and stupid enough to do such a thing.

  Chapter 8


  It had been two days since the dinner with Andi. The anger that festered inside of me over that dinner had plagued me. That night, I didn’t sleep. It wasn’t just the argument that haunted me, but the way she looked in that Trilyn dress. Did she know that I could see her hard nipples through that fabric?

  Did she know and allowed it on purpose to drive me mad with lust? The way the dress trailed down her back, showing so much of her skin made my cock hard the entire time we sat at dinner. Pakdor had done a good job of choosing a dress for her, but then I couldn’t concentrate at all.

  However, once she denied the notion that we would be returning to Trilynia eventually, my blood ran cold. Was she insane? Did she not know that we brothers were on this planet only to find mates and show the humans in our region the space-fold technology and that would be it? She claimed to know about the Trilyns and be a source of information for humans about us, but she must not have realized that we would be returning as fast as possible to our own planet.

  This was just like a human. They thought we wanted to stay on Earth to take over and drain their resources, but that was all wrong. We wanted to return home above all else. I loved my planet fiercely. It was home.

  It was then that I understood her fear. I was also asked to leave my planet to go to another and I didn’t like it one bit. Now I was asking her to make the same sacrifice. She too, loved her planet fiercely. She had already stood up to me once when I insulted her people.

  But I had been too busy to deal with her, I had doubts that she would consent to marry me, as long as I agreed to her regulations. I planned on getting around to them in time, but the responsibilities of being a prince came first.

  “What news do you have for me, Governor?” I asked as I stood in front of the communications screen in my communications room. I had scheduled a follow-up call with him, regarding the incidence a few days before.

  “We are gathering intel on the Humanity First group. We have some promising leads, but nothing solid.” Governor Edwards looked frustrated.

  I couldn’t care less about his feelings. “Of course, you don’t. I want to be kept updated on this. Keep me informed of your findings as you find them. I want to know the humans who are involved in this. They can't hide forever.”

  “We are doing all that we can. I will send a report to you,” Governor Edwards asserted.

  “Good, that is a start. Goodbye, Governor.”

  Ending the communication, I stood up. I looked out the glass window. It was an hour before the sun would be setting. I knew what I had to do. I had planned to do it the day before, but the day got away from me with my respo
nsibilities. Plus, I wanted to give Andromeda some space, to calm down.

  But now, was the time.

  I walked out of the communications room and down the hall to the elevator, to my residence hall.

  Once I arrived on the correct floor, I made a quick stop by my room to grab the cloak I had made for her, and then strode down the hall to Andromeda’s room. I pressed the signal button outside her door.

  A few moments later, she answered. She crossed her arms over her chest. “Yes? Can I help you?”

  “I was going to take a walk outside along the main road to watch the sunset. They are quite beautiful here on Earth. I thought that you might want to join me.”

  “Outside? I can go outside with you?”

  “Yes, we will be with my guard. You should be quite safe. I also brought this for you just in case,” I said handing her the hooded cloak.

  “Yes, I would love to go outside. Simply to feel the sun on my skin,” she accepted, grabbing the cloak and stepping out into the hallway with me.

  She draped it over her shoulders and tied it around her neck as she followed me to the elevator. It pleased me to make her happy with such a simple thing. I didn’t know that getting a bit of fresh air and sun was important to her. I would have to remember that for later, as there was another surprise that she might enjoy.

  When I got to the main entrance of my ship, five guards followed behind us. I turned to look at them. “Follow, but give us some space. I want three guards in front, and two in back,” I ordered.

  They spread out around us, putting several feet between us as they covered us from the front and from the back.

  I looked at Andi. “Here, let me help you.” I grabbed the hooded part of the cloak and placed it on top of her head, covering her auburn hair while she looked up at me with her beautiful green eyes. I felt that familiar stir again. Why did I stand so close to her?


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