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Beauty And The Alien Beast

Page 12

by Zara Zenia

  “Andromeda…” he whispered.

  The sound of my name in his deep voice made me feel more aroused than I already was.

  He pulled back from the kiss and looked at me with lust in his eyes that made me feel beautiful and desired. The cloak slipped off of me as he removed it with his large hand. I bit my lower lip. This was the start of him removing my clothing, and I was going to allow it to happen. I swallowed, anticipating his next move.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are, Andromeda? Of course you do,” he said as his hands moved up and down my waist until they grabbed the hem of my shirt.

  I felt the backs of his large fingers on my bare skin as he held that piece of fabric, preparing to lift the shirt higher and off of me. I was going to let him, of course. His eyes weren’t on my face, but on his own hands, touching the soft skin of my belly. I liked this. I liked him watching what he was doing to me. It was incredibly sexy and hot.

  Slowly, his hands moved, lifting the shirt higher and higher. The material came off completely as he lifted it over my head and exposed my bare breasts to him.

  “Mm,” he groaned as he looked at them.

  I felt vulnerable, but sexy as he did so. His hands moved on top of them, massaging them. My nipples were hard as he did so, enjoying the exhilarating touch. “Yes, that feels wonderful. Yes,” I moaned as I stood in front of him. This tall beast of a man towered over me by more than two and a half feet. It made me feel petite and delicate. He had me in his hands. I wanted more.

  What will he do next?

  “How does that feel? Am I too strong?” he asked as he continued to squeeze my breasts.

  “It is just right,” I said, but I could see the concern on his face that he might hurt me. I thought it was the sweetest thing that he was making an effort to restrain himself. It turned me on.

  Lowering himself to my chest, he allowed his long alien tongue to lick my nipple.

  “Oh yes,” I whispered.

  Around and around his tongue moved, licking me delicately as he groaned. From one breast to the other, he licked and kissed my skin. Wetness flooded between my thighs, making me wetter and wetter.

  “Andromeda, the perfection of your body is a magnificent sight,” he whispered as he lowered himself onto his knees.

  Now, I remembered what happened the last time he did this. It was ecstasy.

  He lifted up one foot then the other to pull off my boots. His hands pushed into the waistband of my pants as he slowly peeled them down my hips, exposing me. Groaning and moaning escaped his mouth as he did so, with his face inches from me. Being on his knees put him lower than me, but not by much. On his knees made him directly the same height as me in fact.

  I was completely naked now in front of him while he was fully clothed. It felt naughty and I liked it. I felt like a dirty girl being naked in front of an alien who was still fully clothed. He had all the power in this moment. I was all his and whatever he wanted to do to me… was his to do.

  He sucked in a sharp breath of air, as he looked me up and down. “Exquisite.” His strong hands pressed against the side of my body over my ribs, then slid all the way down, along my curves, down to my thighs and back up.

  Goosebumps erupted all over me with his touch, so gentle. Not what I was expecting from this beast, but I knew that he was restraining an even more primal beast, wanting to be rough and take me in the Trilyn manner. “Now you,” I said pulling at his top.

  A wide grin came across his face. He stood up and began the process of peeling off his clothing – boots, top, pants – until he stood naked in front of me.

  My eyes opened wide. I’d never seen a naked Trilyn before. My imagination had always wondered what was under those military style uniforms and now I knew. It was complete perfection.

  Strong eight-pack abs ran from hard pecks down to his belly button. Broad shoulders capped ripped biceps that led down to chiseled forearms and I knew that his strength was indeed great. His thick thighs surrounded a soft mound of coppery hair that matched the locks on his head, and a long thick cock protruded out from his body, hard and throbbing.

  I reached out and wrapped my hand around it. I moaned finally getting the satisfaction of touching it. He growled a low and deep growl that I could feel vibrating in his chest. My hand moved sliding up and down his stiff member.

  This was a moment for me. I felt dirty in a good way. Who was I in this moment? I was giving in to complete abandonment as I did things to this naked alien. I was a human female doing things of a sexual nature with another species. I never thought I would be doing this and the fact that it was somewhat wrong only made it feel so right.

  This beast was tall and intimidating in a sense. Even though I knew that he wouldn’t hurt me, it felt dangerous. He was royalty – a prince. He could have anyone and yet, he was having me.

  There was a fleeting thought as I looked at his raw power in front of me. What if he turns beast while inside of me and hurts me accidentally?

  That was a chance I was willing to take.

  Manzar picked me up, scooping me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me to the bed.

  Gently, he laid me down on top of it. “I want to be inside of you, Andromeda,” he whispered.

  “I want that too, Manzar.”

  His large heavy body climbed on top of mine. I ran my hands up and down the purple skin of his back. His coppery braids tickled my skin as he placed himself in position. My thighs opened wide allowing this beast of alien to align himself with me.

  Looking down, I watched as he grabbed his large cock in his hand and guided it. The tip of it rested against my moist center. I wanted it. Needed it.

  “Are you sure?” he asked one last time in a whisper as he looked down at me.


  With that answer, he pushed himself inside of me.

  “Oh! Oh! That feels so good,” I moaned as he entered me.

  The large girth of him pressed against the inside of me, igniting all my senses. He slowly slid in, inch by inch. I could tell that he was being careful as he did so. But I continued to encourage him. It felt glorious.

  “Andromeda…” he moaned as he moved deeper inside of me groaning.

  I pressed my fingers into his back. Now that he was deep inside of me, he slid back and forth, again and again. Having all of him in me felt like I was flying above the bed. This was ecstasy. “Faster, my Prince,” I whispered.

  He let out a low growl and moved faster. His cock slid in and out of me. The sounds of our skins slapping together filled the room.

  I was on the brink. “I’m going to come. I can’t hold back!”

  “Yes, Andromeda. Come on my cock,” he growled.

  With those words, I released. The pulsing sensations on my sweet center were pounding through me. “Oh! Oh!” I shouted and pushed my mouth against his hard chest. I lightly bit down which caused another growl to leave his mouth.

  “Fuck, you feel so wet. So good,” he said.

  I let my head fall on the bed. My whole body relaxed as I lay limp on the mattress and I became heavy with ecstasy and orgasm.

  Manzar moved faster inside of me, taking the reins of our love making. He pounded me harder, and then slow, and then harder again. His cock filled me and I was lost in this fog of desire. I didn’t know how much time passed. Twenty minutes? An hour?

  Finally, he was ready to release. I felt his back become tense.

  “Fuck that feels good,” he gritted out between clenched teeth. Then a loud growl mixed in with a roar escaped him that filled the entire room.

  It was intimidating and dangerous, but sexy. I liked it. Then I felt his hot sticky essence flow inside of me. He filled me with it.

  Now, I had really done it. I’d had sex with this sexy beast of an alien, and it was possible that we had just created life.

  Chapter 20


  When I woke up. Andromeda was in my arms. Her head was resting on my chest. She was absol
utely stunning, the most beautiful creature I’d ever laid eyes on. How had I become so lucky to find a human female that was my match, who looked the way she did, and challenged me? This human female was smart, strong, and feisty — my true match.

  But I never expected that having sex with her would turn out to be so incredible. She truly was a real match to me, we fit well together. Being inside of her was the best feeling I’d ever encountered. How had I gone so long without knowing this feeling?

  Andromeda made me feel more alive than I had ever been. I could still taste her in my mouth. I could still feel the warmth of her as I was inside of her.

  Something else happened too that I was not able to fully explain. When I was inside of her and released, a flood of colors felt like they blinded my mind’s eye. I’d heard of such things from other Trilyn’s who said it happened when you mated with your true match. They said it was nature’s way of alerting you that this match could be successful in producing offspring. But I’d never taken it seriously, now I knew it was true. Andromeda had rocked through my body unlike anything I had felt before when sleeping with a human female. This was new. I was entirely amazed by it. This tiny little human next to me had caused such great tremors of emotion and strength inside of me.

  She stirred in my arms, letting out a soft purring sound. “Hello...” she said in a sleepy voice. There was a soft smile on her face, but her eyes were still closed. Still deciding whether to wake up fully or stay in the dreamy sleep.

  I wanted her to stay asleep, because right now she wasn’t remembering all that was wrong, her father was still missing. Right now, she was in a state of joyful rest, and those thoughts hadn’t invaded her mind to remind her.

  I moved my hand down her bare back. Her skin felt so very soft. I was happy. This had to be the happiest I’d ever felt, the most content that I’d ever been. I didn't want anything to take it away from me—I wanted to remain at her side forever.

  Suddenly, the chamber doors opened with great force and boots stomped in.

  I sat up immediately.

  No one would dare enter her chambers without my permission. Since I was in the room with her, I hadn’t given my permission to anyone.

  What was the meaning of this?

  “Prince, I must ask you to step away from the human,” Lieutenant Danja said. He had five guards with him and all of them had blasters aimed at Andromeda.

  I got up out of bed, completely naked. Anger was not the proper word for what I was feeling. “Lieutenant, you better have good reason to stop me from breaking your neck right now! What the hell is this?” I growled.

  Andromeda gasped as she sat up in bed pulling the sheet up to her chin.

  “This is for your protection, sir,” Lieutenant Danja said.

  “Have you lost your mind, Lieutenant? Get out!”

  “The human cannot be trusted, Prince. In searching Humanity First, we have discovered that this human female was involved with Sergeant Jake Marsh, a battalion leader of Humanity First. They were lovers, probably still are.”

  My hands balled into a fist. I turned around to face her. Shock was on her face. “Is this true?”

  “No, yes. I mean it’s not what you think. Yes I know Jake, but…”

  “But what!” I roared.

  She retreated back on the bed, pulling the sheet tighter. Fear was in her eyes. But I didn’t care, rage was inside of me. I didn't know what made me angrier, that she was a spy, or that I had just been told that she had a lover. “Is he your lover?”

  “He WAS my lover, not…”

  “Shut up!” I shouted swinging my arm and knocking items off the table onto the floor with a crash.

  “Please, Manzar, allow me to explain. It’s not like that—” Her voice was shaking.

  But this is part of her act! She pretended to care for me to get on the inside.

  “No, you do not speak! You are nothing but a dirty spy! Were you going to kill me in my sleep?” I moved toward her and yanked her wrist pulling off the access wristband. “You’re a traitor.”

  I grabbed my trousers and pulled them on. I needed to leave her sight before I did something else. Picking up my shirt and boots, I made my way toward the door.

  Andromeda was crying uncontrollably in the corner of the bed while the guards still had their weapons aimed at her. Looking at her, I saw her differently. She was a temptress…a snake. She had slithered her way into my life and I had allowed it.

  “You are a snake! This is why your father left and why my guards are dead! You have taken me for a fool!” I growled.

  “No, no, that’s not it,” she sobbed.

  “I don’t want to hear it!” I bellowed. I turned to Lieutenant Danja. “Post a guard at her door at all times. Don’t believe a word this human says. She is now a criminal and a prisoner, do you understand me?”

  “Yes, Prince, it will be done.”

  Then I turned and stomped out, the guards and Lieutenant Danja followed.

  “Meet me in my office in five. I want to know everything that you found,” I said to Lieutenant Danja.

  “Yes, Prince, right away.”

  I turned toward my chambers. I only had my pants on, so I needed to get dressed and re-establish myself. But most of all I needed to be alone for at least ten minutes to process this. I opened the door to my chambers and walked in. I threw my boots and shirt on the floor, moving to the wall closet to put on fresh clothing. I couldn't dare wear what I had been wearing because it smelled like her. That snake.

  I knew that I was calling her that because I was angry. But my anger was hiding something else, a broken heart. I was a strong Trilyn Prince. I would never allow a human female to hurt me or distract me. Yet, that was exactly what was happening in this moment. She had gotten under my skin. This human female had tricked me. I was angry, but most of all I was hurting.

  How could this have been fake? She was faking it on her end the whole time. I thought it was real. I truly thought there was something developing between us. But I should have known that a beautiful human like her could never love a beast like me. Why had I not seen it before?

  There were signs leading up to it. Just the fact that they showed up asking for asylum, to stay in my palace ship, should have been a warning. I should have looked deeper into them, beneath the stuff on the surface. But because she turned out to be a match when she was scanned, I got distracted. After all these years, I had never found a true match, not like hers. There had been a few that were a twenty percent match, but that wasn't enough. Did she set that up too? Was she able to hack the scanner system? It was possible. Perhaps she wasn't a match at all?

  My brain started to process all of this. What if this was all a very long trick, set up by Humanity First. It would make sense that they would plant a spy among us. They knew that I was seeking a human female mate. So of course, they would send one as beautiful as she was, and send her with something implanted on her clothing to make the scanner report her at a high match rate. Now it was all so clear and I felt like a fool.

  “Damn you, Manzar. Anyone could see what was so obvious!” I paced back and forth in my room. My anger was building by the second.

  Bam! I punched the wall in my anger.

  This was all unbelievable and yet, it made so much sense. I had become blinded by the beauty of this human female. I had become distracted by possibly finding a mate.

  Suddenly, my panel alerted me that I was getting a call. I quickly pulled on my clothes and stood in front of the screen. I could see that it was from my brother, Gardax.

  I answered. “Brother, is this urgent? It’s not a good time,” I said trying to stay calm.

  “I am hearing things.” Gardax looked concerned.

  “What things?” I asked cautiously.

  “I’m hearing that you are having problems with a terrorist organization, Humanity First. You have two casualties on your side and they have some on their side. What did we say about not causing war with the humans?”

It’s more complicated than that, brother. The casualties on their side were caused by an ambush on my convoy to the governor's office. I will send you the official report and the governor has signed off on it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some matters to attend to.” I didn’t want to tell him that I had let in a spy of Humanity First not only into my palace, but also into my bed. He wouldn’t take that well.

  “And the casualties on your side? You lost two guards? What is that about, brother?”

  “It’s complicated. When I have a full report, I will let you know. We’re still looking into the incident.”

  “Should I send our brother Akrawn to you? It seems like you need help,” he threatened.

  “No! I don’t need his help. I don’t need your help. I have this under control,” I assured him.

  I knew that my brothers would not be kind to Andromeda, not if they found out she was a spy. I was still looking into the matter and this timing couldn’t be worse. I needed more time.

  “And so have you changed your mind about your thirty days? You still plan to leave Earth in a few days because you haven’t given finding a mate enough time?”

  “I am not leaving right now. Things have grown more complicated here than I first imagined. I don’t have answers for you, brother, nor can you demand them from me. Now, I must end this communication as I have urgent business to attend to. When I have the reports, I will send them to you. When I have made a decision on leaving Earth or not, I will send that to you. Good day.” I ended the communication.

  My brother only succeeded in making me angrier than I was before. I didn’t need this pressure from him when I was trying to figure things out with Andromeda. I needed to see the information that Lieutenant Danja had found for myself.

  I didn't need my brother threatening to send Akrawn to me in order to oversee my actions. It was possible he could still show up on my doorstep any day. That was just how they worked.


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