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Beauty And The Alien Beast

Page 25

by Zara Zenia

  Slowly, the ship rose higher and higher, the blue sky giving way to the blackness.

  “What is the report?” I asked.

  “We’re clear for a slow ride, toward deep space. Then we’ll jump into hyperspeed at your command, my Prince,” Lieutenant Danja replied.

  “Good. Let's take it slow. It’s been a while since this ship has flown. I want to warm her up before having her jump into hyperspeed. Stay at cruise speed for several hours,” I commanded.

  “Yes, my Prince, as you command.”

  I checked all the gauges myself, making sure that the ship was in good shape. I didn't doubt our technology, but it had been sitting near the swamp on Earth for a long time. That would make anyone cautious with any amount of machinery.

  After an hour at cruise speed, I moved back to the seats where Andromeda sat near her father. “Are you enjoying the flight and the view?” I asked him.

  “Absolutely,” James replied. “Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to be able to be here in space, heading toward Trilynia, which I know will please me greatly. Thank you for allowing me to come, Manzar.”

  “I wouldn't have it any other way. We’re family after all,” I responded.

  “Yes, we are,” James replied.

  I leaned down and gave Andromeda a kiss. But just as my lips touched hers, the ship jolted, and I almost landed on top of her. I put my hands on the chair to stop myself, grateful that I did so. My body was quite heavy, and in her pregnant state, I didn’t want to cause any damage, especially since we were about to embark on a voyage through deep space.

  I stood up immediately, and moved to the flight deck in the front.

  “Manzar, what is it?” Andromeda was calling after me, but there was no time to answer her.

  I knew what that jolt had come from. I wouldn't be a skilled deep space commander if I didn’t recognize it. “What was it?” I asked, staying calm. “Were we fired upon?” I kept my voice down, not wanting to scare Andromeda.

  “Yes, my Prince, there is a fleet of starships behind us,” Lieutenant Danja reported quietly. “They appeared on radar just after we passed the Earth moon.”

  “It's the Humanity First fleet, it has to be. They have a headquarters in space. I just didn't think they would be stupid enough to fire upon us after we’d defeated them in battle. I suppose this is possibly out of spite. Arm the cannons, and face them. Release our starfighters,” I ordered.

  The flight deck became frantic with movement, but my crew carried out my orders.

  “Manzar, what is it? Are we being fired on?” Andromeda was out of her seat and at my side.

  “Yes, and you shouldn’t be out of your seat. It’s too dangerous. Andromeda, the ship could be hit at any time and jolt you to the floor. Come with me so I can get you safe,” I said with worry. I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her toward her father. “James, come with us now.”

  James unbuckled his seatbelt and followed us.

  I quickly moved down the hall, but not too far. I opened a door to a small room with padded walls. There were seats in here with seatbelts. It was the safest place I could think to put them nearest the flight deck. I helped Andromeda into her seat and buckled her seatbelt.

  James sat beside her and buckled his seatbelt as well.

  “Please, Andromeda, stay in here, I need you safe. You’re too stubborn for your own good. Think of our child, please?”

  She nodded, but didn’t look very happy with me.

  I kissed her cheek and left the room closing and locking the door in the hopes it would keep her inside and safe. “How many?” I shouted as I returned to the flight deck.

  “Twenty fighter ships, closing in behind us,” Lieutenant Danja said. “They’re not in range yet, what we’re feeling is the aftershock of the shots they are firing that aren’t hitting us. They’ll be in range in three minutes.”

  “Fire the cannons at them, fire at will,” I commanded.

  “Firing at will,” one of my crew responded.

  Our cannons jolted the ship as they fired. They were long-range cannons, completely unbeatable and more advanced than anything Earth had to offer.

  “Prince, the Starfleet is ready to launch. Awaiting your command,” Lieutenant Danja reported from his own command station.

  I stared at the radar. Our cannon's hit the first line of the Humanity First fleet and they looked as if they were dispersing.

  “Hold our fleet,” I said as I watched them. “We might not need to launch them. Get ready to jump into hyperspeed in sixty seconds, start the count now,” I ordered.

  “Preparing hyperspeed!”

  I didn’t want to jump into hyperspeed so quickly after leaving Earth, but I knew my ship could do it. If we didn’t do it now, I would have to launch the Starfleet and then I wouldn’t be able to jump into hyperspeed until after the battle was over. This was the best way to do it. I calculated the time as I watched the Humanity First fleet reform and turn back toward us. We had maybe two minutes before the Humanity First ships were in firing range of us. In thirty seconds, we would make the jump and that would keep them from hitting us, and we’d escape.

  “Prince, are you sure that you don’t want to launch our Starfleet? Our ship needs defense if the Humanity First ships are able to close in and fly past our cannons.” Lieutenant Danja seemed frantic.

  I understood his worry, though I had my own plan. “No. We’ll lose them in hyperspeed.” It was a risky move, but I knew it was the right one.

  “The Humanity First ships are closing in!”

  “How close are we to jump into hyperspeed?” I asked, but my crew hesitated. “Answer!”

  “Fifteen seconds!”

  “They’re closing in!” Lieutenant Danja reported. “They will be in range in thirty, twenty nine…”

  Chapter 46


  My hands gripped the arms of the chair. I couldn’t believe that he’d locked me in this room. I needed to be out there at his side. I knew he wanted to protect me and our child, but if we were going to die, then I wanted to die in his arms.

  I was beyond angry and terrified. It would be just like an ending for me, to have such happiness and then lose it all before it was complete. To have escaped the Humanity First terrorist organization on Earth, only to have them hunt us down in space. They wanted us dead. I knew that Leader Gogin was behind this attack. He had to be. He wasn’t on the battlefield that day in New-New Orleans. No, he’d been safely tucked away on the mothership headquarters. Now, he was making a last stand. He wanted to prove to the people of Earth, that humans could defeat the Trilyn. Even though Gogin was getting what he wanted, for Manzar to leave Earth. He still wasn’t satisfied. He wanted him dead.

  This filled me with anger. Why couldn’t he just let us leave in peace?

  I looked over to my father at my side. He was holding onto the arm rest as well. I realized that I needed to comfort him, and not only think of my own needs. “It’s all right, Father. We’ll get through this. Manzar is a very skilled Commander. No one knows battle in space like the Trilyn do. Humans aren’t half the match for their technology. You know this.”

  “I know you’re right. Still, every jolt of the ship is quite frightening, isn’t it?” He held his hand out to me.

  I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “We’ve been through a lot together, Father. It seems that Humanity First will hunt us down… even in space. We’ll get through this and never hear from them again. We must have hope.”

  “You’re right. And I do have hope. They’ve tried and failed to get to us both numerous times and failed. We’ve escaped them before and we’ll escape them again.” He gave me a weak smile.

  I wished that I could hug him, but Manzar was right, I couldn’t risk falling. It was too risky for our child. So, I just squeezed his hand tighter.

  “What do you think its like, Andi?” he asked, changing the subject.

  “What is what like, Father?” I asked him.

  “Trilynia. What do
you think it’s like there?”

  “Oh, I think it’s beautiful. Lirian is the continent that Manzar rules and it’s wonderful. He tells me the sky is blue and purple with rolling hills of blue and orange grasses dot the landscape. It’s like Earth, but in spectacular colors.”

  “Then I hope we shall see it.” He nodded.

  “We will, Father. We will,” I assured him.

  The ship jolted violently and I knew, if I’d been standing, I would’ve fallen over. Suddenly, it got very quiet. We didn't hear the gunfire in the distance or explosions any longer. It was eerily quiet, and that worried me just as much.

  “Andromeda…” my father said.

  “It's all right,” I replied trying to reassure him, but knew that I was reassuring myself as well. I desperately wanted to know what was happening. But I was locked in, and my husband knew me well. If I’d thought the door wasn't locked, I would’ve already been out the door, trying to find answers. I also knew if there were another violent jolt, it would have knock me over and put our child in danger.

  Suddenly, the door opened and Manzar stood there.

  “Manzar, I was so worried. Is the fighting still happening? Tell me what’s going on,” I pleaded.

  “We’re safe. We jumped into hyperspeed, leaving our attackers in the dust. We’re far from them, they can’t follow us, and they don’t have the technology to jump to hyperspeed.”

  “I’m so relieved,” I said smiling at him.

  Manzar unbuckled my belt and pulled me to my feet.

  I used my small fist and punched his strong chest.

  “Hey now,” he commented grabbing my fingers.

  “How dare you lock me in here! Don't ever do that again,” I demanded.

  “I’ll do what I must to keep you safe, Andromeda. After watching you run across that battlefield, I know that you have the heart of a soldier, and I need to make sure that soldier doesn’t put you in danger. That’s my responsibility as your husband and a father to our children.”

  “Maybe. Just this once, I’ll forgive you for being overprotective,” I said. I didn’t want to admit that he was right. Not so early in our marriage anyway.

  My husband gave me a huge grin.

  “Are you all right, sir?” Manzar asked looking at my father.

  “Oh, yes, I’m fine. Hyperspeed you say?” he asked, curious.

  I laughed. It was just like my father to be in danger one moment, and then to suddenly switch into intellectual curiosity.

  “Yes.” Manzar chuckled. “Come and see for yourself.” He gave him a big smile.

  I hugged Manzar tightly. Then we followed my father out onto the flight deck. Hyperspeed was a marvel to look at. Rays of light passed us quickly. Faster than we could actually see. It was nothing but a blur of light, but it was beautiful.

  “This is wonderful,” my father murmured staring out of the glass with the excitement of a child.

  I was happy to watch him. Now, we truly were safe.

  Manzar gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Duty calls,” he said with a sigh. He stepped away from me and went to work checking the controls, making sure that no damage was caused in the space battle.

  I looked around at the flight deck. These were now my people, aliens called the Trilyn. They were under the command of my husband, as well as myself. And soon, my child would become their leader. This was my new family, and we were in route to my new home. I couldn’t wait to arrive. Happiness filled me to the brim. I’d never thought I would be one to marry a Trilyn. I’d never even considered it, ever since they landed on Earth…Now, not only was I married to one, but I was a Trilyn Princess.



  We arrived. The ship came out of hyperspeed, as soon as it entered the Trilyn solar system. I was amazed by its beauty. Planets with rings of blue and violet around them in a dusty sprinkling of what looked like glitter.

  “Which one is it? Which one is our home?” I asked Manzar as we stood on the flight deck.

  “It’s that one. The blue one.” He pointed at a large planet in the distance.

  “It looks so much like Earth, only… different. The rings around it are beautiful. Look at that, are those moons?” I asked. My mouth was wide open as I stared at the stunning spectacle before me.

  “Yes. We have three of them, each of them beautiful in their own individual way. What do you think so far?” he asked.

  “What do I think? It’s spectacular, beyond anything I could have imagined. I don’t know how anyone couldn’t find this gorgeous.”

  “Yes, but you’re no ordinary human. You’re my wife and the Princess of Lirian, your personal opinion matters greatly to me.” He smiled at me.

  “In that case. I’m more than pleased. I’m honored to call this magnificent place my home, Manzar. I can’t wait to see it when we arrive.”

  Manzar smiled again, a sparkle appeared in his orange eyes. The beast seemed to be calmer ever since we left Earth. This was his true self. I realized that being on Earth and being away from his home had put him on guard. That was the reason for his temper and stress. I didn’t blame him. Earth had made it very hard for the Trilyn to exist alongside them. Now I could see that he was almost glowing with happiness. It made me feel such joy seeing him happy.

  “My Prince, we will be entering the atmosphere in half an hour,” Lieutenant Danja alerted him.

  “Excellent. Maintain a steady course and radio to the Palace headquarters that we’ve arrived. I want my living quarters prepared and ready for my arrival with my new wife.”

  “Yes, my Prince, sending the message now,” he responded.

  Manzar put his arms around me, standing behind me with his hands placed on my stomach. I could tell he was proud to be coming home with offspring, and a wife who was a match to create more children. I realized just how important all of this was… my presence. I was symbolizing the future of the Trilyn race. It would now continue to exist because of the love between Manzar and I, and that was no small feat.

  I looked over at my father who was practically pressed against the glass, watching everything in wonderment. I enjoyed this sight too.

  Minutes later, the black of space turned into the blue and purple of the sky of Trilynia. I was astounded by the beauty of the place. It was a lush planet with many natural resources. There were tall trees on rolling hills. Each area that we flew over was its own ecosystem, just like on Earth.

  “Pilot, do a flyover of the region, let’s show my wife and her father the area.”

  “Yes, my Prince.”

  The ship flew lower.

  I was taking in the amazing sights. There were mountains, hills, grasslands, lakes, rivers, and oceans, each in a spectacular color. This was my new home and it was beautiful, more than I could ever have expected.

  “Now… is there such a thing as taverns here in your city for drinking Tion?” my father asked.

  Manzar and I roared in laughter.

  My father was the same predictable man, and I appreciated that. I was glad that he would be able to enjoy his days in somewhat of a peaceful retirement. He could visit taverns and study Trilynia all that he wanted to. He could roam free and be safe and this gave me a sense of peace.

  “Yes there is, James. Why, just inside my palace grounds alone, there are ten Tion areas of great celebration and of course in the village as well.”

  “Good. Good. I have plenty of time to spare. Therefore, I may visit them all.” My father laughed.

  I laughed as well.

  “There it is. There is your new home,” Manzar said pointing at the glass.

  Just then, a large structure came into view.

  I felt stunned. A grand spatial palace, it looked to be ten times the size of the palace ship, with rising towers and stone walls. I was speechless.

  “Well…?” he asked.

  “That’s your home?”

  “No, it’s our home. My loving wife, Andromeda.” He pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

; We were together.

  We were Trilyn.

  We were the human and her beast.

  Check out book 1 in the Trilyn Alien Fairy Tales series if you haven’t already, Alien Prince Charming here!

  Preview of Alien Prince Charming

  Chapter 1


  Click here to keep reading.

  I cleared my throat, pinched the bridge of my nose, and for the third time, inhaled deeply. The many eyes of my brothers were upon me. I braced myself as I prepared to upend their lives. You could hear a pin drop into the abyss of silence swirling through the room, but the quiet would soon come to a crashing and abrupt end.

  In any lifetime, there comes a point where one is called to measure up, to rise to the occasion and do what we must to become the person we were meant to be. I was about to ask that of my brothers, and more to the point, myself.

  “For the love of Trilynia, do you plan to explain sometime tonight why you’ve summoned us here, Gardax?” Rawklix asked, rolling his bright blue eyes.

  The rest of my brothers grumbled their own muted impatience. Rawklix, the youngest at 18, was still callow enough to give voice to his impudent complaints.

  “Mind your place, little one,” warned Manzar, squaring his jaw and leveling Rawklix with an icy stare that begged to be challenged.

  Rawklix lifted one side of his mouth into a smirk. “Always such a foul mood, Manzar! You need to take a trip to my islands. If you’d tasted the pleasures of paradise, you might not be so content to sit around scratching your balls. Regardless, I have better things to be doing, and they involve naked women, so if you don’t mind hurrying this little reunion along, I’d be quite grateful.” He drummed his long fingers on the table as if his patience were wearing thin and he were warning us of an impending repercussion to that fact.


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