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Page 8

by Christoff Orr

  “Brother Ben,” Lance called out as he and Zeke emerged into the room.

  Brother Ben was talking to one of the radio operators when Lance and Zeke entered the room, so he didn’t turn right way to greet them. He finished up his conversation, made a few suggestions and sent the radio operator back on their way. He then turned and held out his hands, “Lance my boy. Did you get something to eat? Has your team eaten? Are they rested?”

  “Yes, yes and yes, I just have one thing to go over with you,” Lance started then turned and threw an open hand towards Zeke, “Well actually two things.”

  Brother Ben stood there, hands now resting on his hips as he looked at the two men. He had known Lance and Zeke since they were pre-teen boys. He had them both in his office more than once for one mischievous reason or another. He knew their expressions and body languages better then their own mothers did. “What’s going on boys?” He asked.

  Instantly Lance felt like he was twelve years old again, and stammered a bit to get the words out. “Well, sir, um, first off, my nephew, is it still good that he stays here till I get back?”

  “Of course, I’ll have him start in the kitchen, then see where to put him from there,” Brother Ben answered a bit cautiously, knowing that there was more to be said.

  “Good, good,” Lance answered back. Then quickly he turned towards Zeke as he shouted out, “Well Zeke here, um, I wanted, well he wanted to come with us. Out to get the Zion group.”

  Brother Ben crossed his arms and looked at the two men in front of him. He looked at Lance, then at Zeke, then back at Lance. “Well, from operations standpoint, I see no reason why he can’t go. We have more than enough men here to provide security in his absence. From a personal standpoint, I know I am not neither of your fathers, but I can’t help but voice a bit of concern.”

  “I’m fine sir,” Zeke quickly spoke up, throwing his declaration into the conversation. “Promise, on my mothers grave, I’m right in my mind and I’m ready. I need to get back out there. I want to help more.”

  Brother Ben thought about what Zeke had said. He knew that he couldn’t truly stop Zeke from going, nor did he really want to. But despite that, he still was a bit worried. After a few moments of internal contemplation, he finally answered, “Very well. Lance if you feel you need the extra gun out there, who am I to argue. That being said. We are starting to hear some strange chatter going on. So I want you to get out there, get those people and get back, as fast as you can. Understood?”

  “Yes sir,” Both Lance and Zeke responded in unison.

  “Very well. I was just in contact with Butch down there. They were able to get some extra supplies to help sustain them. They are heading our way. That all being said, we are no longer going with our original plan. Considering some of the chatter we’ve been hearing as of late, I don’t want to put too large of a team out there. So it will be only your group going. Move fast and move the light. Get them and get them back here.” Brother Ben started then paused as another radio operator called out towards him. He held up a single finger towards the operator then turned back to Lance and Zeke. “Lance, I want constant sit reps, understood?”

  “Yes sir,” Lance answered. Then he and Zeke turned and began to make their way back to gather the rest of the squad. Lance quickly stopped though and turned and asked, “Brother Ben, what kind of strange chatter?”

  Brother Ben turned back towards Lance and Zeke, “Not sure yet. As soon as we know, I’ll be sure to pass it along to you. Until then, just keep a quick pace and keep your head on a swivel out there.”

  “Yes sir,” Lance answered back before he followed Zeke back through the narrow passageways.

  Lance and Zeke quickly made their way back to the main hall, where they briefly separated. Zeke when on to his cot, to gather his supplies for the trip, while Lance made his way around to gather his men and seek out his nephew. He found his team fast enough, most were just catching some z’s in the great hall, it was his nephew that was proving a bit more difficult to locate. Finally, he came across someone who had seen him and informed Lance that his nephew had headed outside to use the head.

  Lance made his way back out through the main sally port and eventually out into the vast openness of the mountainside. Snow still laid undisturbed along the mountainside and majority of the trail. This time of year, visitors from other outpost was very rare, only those stationed to the Hive were around, during the snowing season. This reduced the need for vital fuel, it also reduced the visual impact of life upon the fresh snow. The crisp cool mountain air caught Lance by surprise. The chilled air wrapped its bony arms tight around him, stealing his breath. He was such in a hurry to find his nephew that, he didn’t think to grab a jacket before he left the warmth of the caves. Now as he stood there, scanning the trail that stretched down to the outhouses, he debated whether he should run back in and grab his coat or brave the figged temperature. Finally he accepted the fact that time was in short supply, he continued to put up with the cold and quickly rushed down the snow-covered trail to the outhouse.

  “Brendon, you in there?” Lance asked as he approached the stone-walled outhouse.

  “Yes, almost done,” Brendon’s voice replied from inside the stone structure.

  Lance stood there, alternating between rubbing his arms and blowing warm air into his cupped hands. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Brendon emerged from the little room. “Hey,” Lance said upon seeing his nephew.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Brendon asked as he shut the door behind him. He paused in his tracks and he continued to zip up his jacket.

  “We’re,” Lance started then stopped. He thought he heard something, but wasn’t sure what. It wasn’t something loud, but just something different. It was like when you're trying to sleep and you keep hearing some little annoying noise in the background of your thoughts. He waited for a second longer and didn’t hear anything so again tried to continue. “We’re getting ready to pack up and go, so…” Now this time he did hear it for sure, and it was getting closer. It was getting closer fast, really fast. Less then a heartbeat later Lance recognized that sound and instantly reacted. “GET DOWN!” Lance shouted as he pushed his nephew down on a small space between the old stonewalled outhouse and the nearby mountainside. He proceeded to jump within the same crack of space, landing nearly on top of his nephew.

  A second later, two Mikoyan MiG-35’s, knifed through the narrow canyon. They were traveling so fast, and so low, that they couldn’t be heard till they were right on top of Lance and Brendon. The subsonic wave that followed shook the nearby trees, releasing a downfall of snow that had just moments ago been resting upon the branches of the tree. The sounds of the mighty engines reverberated through the tight canyon.

  “What was that?” Brendon asked, as he laid there on the ground, Lance still partially covering him.

  Lance grunted as he got to his feet, then once standing he extended his hand down towards Brendon, “You okay?”

  Brendon reached up and grabbed on to Lance’s hand, as he pulled himself up, “Yeah, I’m okay.” He answered as he stood and brushed himself off.

  Lance looked skyward as if still questioning what he just saw. It took a moment, but once the realization of what just happened hit him, he quickly turned and hurried back to the mountain. “Come on, we have to hurry,” The words hurriedly thrown at Brendon, coming out more as a command than a request.

  “Why? What’s going on? Who was that?” Brendon asked as he started to follow Lance down the trail, heading back into the mountain.

  Lance didn’t turn around he only shouted back, “That? That was trouble, very, very big trouble.” He then took off at a near sprint to reach the outer doors of the entrance of the mountain. Upon reaching it, he swung it quickly open and was instantly greeted by two security staff. “I want every gun up and ready. Double the tower and spotters,” He barked out at the two men who were cramped sally port hallway.

  “Yes, sir!” The two men quickly shot back, a
s the made their way past Lance and headed out into the snow-covered mountainside.

  Once inside the mountain and back amongst its residents, there was an anxious rush to everyone's movements. Lance rushed towards the hall, as he searched for the rest of his team. He found them already getting their gear on. “Wheres Zeke?” He quickly asked.

  “Right behind you,” Zeke said as he rushed up to join Lance and the rest of the team members. Once Lance turned around Zeke asked, “Is it true? Russian plains just buzzed the mountain?”

  “Yeah, we saw it with our own eyes,” Lance answered back as he hooked a thumb towards Brendon. Lance then turned towards Brendon as he asked, “Do you know where the operations room is?” He waited till Brendon nodded yes, then continued, “Alright, head there, and tell Brother Ben that I took my team and we are heading to get the Zion group. I’ll be in radio contact as much as I can. You got that?”

  “Yes,” Brendon quickly nodded as he could feel the tension that something wasn’t right. What exactly he wasn’t sure, but he had never seen his uncle this worried.

  “Okay,” Lance answered back. He stood there a second longer then pulled Brendon in for a tight hug. “Listen to Brother Ben, and stay alert. I promise I’ll be back as fast as I can.” He let go and gave his nephew one more long look. A smile appeared as he realized how much his nephew had grown up. The smile still attached to his lips he said, “I love you.”

  Brendon held on tight, as he answered back, “I love you too.”

  Lance pulled back, gave one more look at this nephew, then turned and quickly lead his men out of the mountain. They made their way through the maze of caverns, till they reached the main door, where now four armed guards, instead of the normal two, stood ready. “Stay alert gentlemen,” Lance said as he stopped to shake each of their hands. He then made his way through the sally port and back outside.

  Everything appeared like it always did, calm, quiet and hidden. There was no trace, albeit the disturbed snow which once rested upon the branches of some of the taller trees. Otherwise, if Lance wasn’t out there himself when it happened, it would have been hard to believe in such a sight. As the group slowly started down the path, back to Broadway, they took each step with caution. They would not have been the only ones who would have seen the two Mig’s flyover. Considering their speed and their proximity to the hard deck, it couldn’t have been a bombing run or even a strafing, but most likely just an over exuberant show of force.

  This, Lance thought, was a good thing. For if it was only a show of force, then there's a good chance that things were still in their early stages of disruption. That there were most likely no troops on the ground and he and his team still had time. But will it be enough time, that was the question? They had a bit of a way to go, a day or two of hard-charging, and that is if Zion could do the same in their direction. Then the meeting of the two groups was only half of it. They would still need to turn and make their way back to the safety of the Hive.

  They made it down the hill in just over an hours time. They stopped momentarily at the water spouts, where fresh spring water could be collected, to fill their canteens and water bladders to their maximum before heading out. Plus there were two more rock walled bathrooms, which were built back when the National Park was first created. They were built in a way, that allowed continued use, without the worry of a city sewage line or a septic tank. But a refuse that processed the waste back into the environment. Thus it was always functional and needed no real maintenance to keep it running. The same was true of the natural spring which provided the uninterrupted flow of fresh drinking water. Though to the original engineer's credit, they did ensure that influx of fresh water, was safely protected from the outflow of wastewater.

  With everyone’s water containers topped off, and their bowels emptied, Lance spoke up, “Alright, everyone listens up. We were already in a rush to get this group and get them back here, but with the latest developments, we are going to have to push our selves even more. I checked with Brother Ben before, and he is not exactly sure what is going on, but that flyby I saw, does not bow well. So, its time to ruck up and shut up. Anyone has a desires to stay back instead, please speak up now.” Lance paused as he waited to see if there would be any response. Then after a moment, he finished. “Very good, look I know each of you and I trust each of you. I am going to need everything you have on this one. Keep your head on a swivel, situational awareness is a must on this. Till we are out of the valley, noise discipline is a necessity. I want a single line, ten feet between each one of you. I’ll take point.” He situated his pack a little bit, getting the straps of his pack to fit into their natural positions. Then his is very warn M4 in hand, he turned and proceeded to lead the team out of the valley and into the jaws of the enemy.

  7 Patch Over

  En Rout to Lake Tahoe

  The group had been on the move nearly non stop, taking only two to three-hour naps every so often, ever since they left the others on their way to the Pacific Coast. The other three were properly trained for this rugged and grueling push, but Jay was not. He was definitely feeling the effects of the lack of sleep and the extra exertion being put upon his body. When they left for this mission, he felt like his leg had recovered, though not fully, but he felt it was good enough to make the trip. Now, as it continued to throb with each step, he wasn’t so sure.

  He knew he couldn’t quit and he couldn’t turn back, so his only choice was to keep pushing forward. He figured the worse that would happen is that he would suffer permanent damage to his leg and possibly never be able to walk on it again. But then when he thought about what they were doing and the posable ramifications of such a union, between their forces and a fully equipped US nuclear submarine, the loss of his leg was a small price to pay. As he took another moment to catch his breath, he looked down where Trigger was waiting faithfully. Even without one of its legs, he still had a constant wag in his tail and was always happy to just be next to Jay. It was this little sign of love and devotion that help Jay to keep going.

  “You doing okay?” Ariella asked as she walked up to Jay and Trigger. She bent down to one knee to pet Trigger who was more than happy to cover he face with licks and over exuberant affection. She laughed some as Trigger continued to show his affection.

  Jay let out a little chuckle, the answered, “Yeah, doing okay.” He answered as he rubbed his throbbing leg. He tried to force a smile, but it came out more like a painful grimace. His leg felt like it had swollen three times in size, and with each step it felt like it was going to pop.

  Ariella looked up and say, Jay, then at his leg, “Just another hour or so and we’ll take a rest. Our goal is to meet up at Lake Tahoe by the end of tomorrow. As far as I can tell we are making good progress, so if you need a little extra rest today, that should be okay.”

  Jay thought for a moment, as he continued to rub his leg. He looked down at Trigger then over to Ariella. The last thing he wanted was to slow down the group or worse, be the reason they missed the rendezvous, but at the same time, he knew he needed some rest. Finally, he looked over to Ariella, and answered, “Okay, let's push a bit more, then when we get to a good spot I’ll rest up for a little bit. That way tomorrow I’ll be good and ready for the final push to the meeting.”

  Ariella stood up and smiled, “Sounds good. I’ll go tell the boss man. Let me know if anything changes and if you needed anything, okay?” She gave a motherly look towards Jay and tried to indicate her sincerity.

  Jay just nodded in agreement and watched as Ariella walked away and headed over to where the Commander and Conall were talking. He then glanced downward towards Trigger, who as always was eager and ready to go, “Okay boy, looks like it’s time to get back at it.” Jay then repositioned the pack on his back some, turned back in the direction they have been heading and took off at a slow but steady pace.

  The pack still felt as heavy as it did, when he and Reyna had left on their trip all that time ago, but now he was able to handle the w
eight of it better. All the little muscles in his back and shoulders, which screamed in pain the first bit of his initial trek, have grown over time, and increased in strength. Now the only real time he noticed the weight of it was whenever he removed the pack to rest, the sudden unloading of the extra weight sent a sudden feeling of relief through his body. In the same manner, whenever they started up again, there was a brief but very noticeable strain upon his muscles when his pack was initially replaced. Overall though, he was proud of himself for being able to handle all the new responsibility that has been placed at his feet. As he looked back, even he can see how far he has come since that fateful day when he had guard duty at the trucks.

  Trigger let out a low growl, nothing too threatening, more of a warning, letting someone know that he was watching. Jay looked down at Trigger then up to where he saw the Commander approaching. “Easy boy,” Jay said as he patted him to get the dogs attention. Jay then looked at the Commander, “Sorry, he still a little iffy with guys.”


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